p8 weekender february 15 1986 prices effective monday tuesday february 17th 18th 1966 we reserve the mqht to limit quantities to normal family requirements savings shown in this ad based on our current regular retails- we redeem all food store coupons business sense y early week sealtest 2 partly skimmed cottage cheese save 70 jane parker raisin pie spanish bar cak450 g sizo 1 29savc 60 save 160 sliced shamrock stampede pride of canada side bacon rryr7 i i 1 i x 500 g vac pac save 198kg90 lb burns store pack breakfast sausage 18 2 save 30 product of usa delicious in salad fresh spinach money should work for you what can you do with a dollar you can still do only three things with it spend loan or own if you spend it it is a mem ory but if you yant your dollar to grow you have two options if you loan your money you will receive rental payments called interest in return interest is good for the average person but it is when you own with your money that you become part of that group of people who have more money to spend later be cause they have made more money as they went along most people are satisifed with earning interest that may or may not keep up with inflation by the time they pay tax on their earn ings they are usually behind sav ings like guaranteed investment certificates term deposits and canada savings bonds are com mon but fail to grow enough to help you really get ahead you have a limited amount of time to make money if you wish to be successful with your money you must do something different there are many investment opportunities that have provided results that people think only the experts can get that is the key to an approach get in touch with the experts who make the choices that will give you a rate of return that will make your neighbors shake their heads in disbelief what would you think of some one who averaged 24 per cent on a year on his investments there are investments that have pro vided that rate of return for 10 yearst and now you can earn this money in the form of capital gains taxfree up to 500000 in your life time you can be the talk of your family and friends with these re turns on your investments or you can just have confident smile knowing that your money is work ing hard for you if you wish to be average in your earning power professionals cant help you the banks insur ance companies and trust com panies are there to help you to be average but if you wish to get these exceptional results go to professional investment council lors you are good at what you do be cause you know what you are doing often people who are ex pert in their field struggle with in vesting their money wealthy people have recognized this for years and have looked to financial experts to help them invest their inheritances or new money seek out professional invest ment counsellors who supervise and invest money it is possible for you to experience the same kind of financial growth to which the wealthy have been accus tomed by transferring your money from the bank or savings bonds into professionally managed in vestment funds you have freed your money to work for you rather than for the bank stouffvllie 8190 bayvlew avenue 399 main si w thornhlll now open 24 hours open iii 9 pm monday thru saturday mondays amsaturday 9 pm gonfused about which rrsp is right for you ask standard trust about a flexplan rrsp tax benefits today while you take advantage of a better rate tomorrow 0iglu now many financial institutions are advertising rrsps all offering pretty much the same rate of interest but thats todays rate what happens if interest rates go up after march l and your money is tied up at todays rate youve lost out on that extra interest not if you open a standard trust retirement savings account the flex- plan rrsp your money isnt locked in it earns current interest rates each day the same as any savings account then when interest rates go up you ran convert your flexplan rrsp into a standard trust gic rrsp investing your money for up to five years at a much higher rale of interest to make your money make the most for you at the best time so dont just automatically buy an rrsp where you do your banking shop around and make sure standard trust is on your shopping list and compare these other standard trust standard features no fees absolutely no administration acquisition or redemption fees apply by phone avoid lastminute lineups we do all the paperwork you just come in and sign instant tax receipt you get your tax receipt the same day you sign so you can file your return the same day standard trust member of canada dcpomi limirjncocorpnmion 39 main street n markham or call the rrsp hotline 2946865