tribune january 15 1986 b3 atom clippers take another prisoner stouffviile atom defenceman jason scott far right keeps a pickering village player off balance behind the stouffviile net during jan 3 home action the local clippers won the game 41 the stouffviile squad is two for two in tournament play it won the beams- ville tourney crown in late november and the smithville b division title last weekends kelly connelly bowlers keep bashin those pins mens bowling monday night mens bowling tally for jan 6 kent davidge 723 art grove 702 terry gregory 700 glen jackson 697 bill white 693 don barker 680 rob under bill 676 nick bangay 667 ladies bowling tuesday afternoon ladies scores for jan 7 dawna zeigler 206 ev patrick 213 de- bbie rennie 280 karen vanderhenne 214 brenda hackert 229 nancy keslick 245 marilynn lee 212 lois bartley 204 257 barb melhuish 217 evelyn mraz 238 lisa morgan 219 joan orser 208 thursday afternoon ladies tally for jan 9 debbie rennie 774 270 313 lois bartley 686212 225 249 andrea corner679 201 211 267 mildred ash 673 216 258 ma- rion crowder 672 280 230 barb melhuish 650 239 232 sheryl gilroy 279 joan parent 256 pam tribbling 251 brenda hackert 233 sadie greenshields 232 marg wagg 231 glenys yorke 230 betty jones 228 karen vanderhenne 200 202 bonnie gribbon 206 muriel iuingsworth 205 audrey gibson 205 pat beauchamp 202 legion ladies tally for jan 6 9 pm cathy holden 618 266 linda van leeuwen 614 232 201 anne gottschalk 246 215 ruth winterstein 242 sandy vallee 218 eunice flewell 213 jo yorke 207 janet senour 200 mixed bowling tuesday night mixed results for jan 7 bud feaver 687 240 247 200 elwood pattenden 656 265 245 lionel duperron 654 209 247 gayle evans 227 gay blun- don 237 warren foster 201 cheryl lee 200 marilyn carpenter208 larry grove 205 212 audrey pattenden 201 203 carol mcmann 218 sheila kerswill 213 mike peden 244 bruce grove 209 stoufpville hockey novice boyds 8 scarborough 2 boyds ryan king 6 jeremy lawson 2 scarborough paul gribbon andrew tymon petro canada 5 tree transplant 3 petro reece stanway 2 evan boyd terry gregory tim lidster tree- joshua beyak 2 adam foley hathaway 4 rme 4 hathaway bradley hackert 2 kevin morreau eric coates rme brent avery 3 michael underwood mcneil 4 schell lumber 2 mcneil joseph ireton 2 matthew foley tommy hammond schell steve wilcox chad dickinson atom cards hardware 5 canadian tire 3 cards kevin cargill 3 darryl mcmann 2 tire glen hathaway 2 mike maxwell firefighters 8 conun 5 fire marcus milos 3 ryan burkholder 2 ian wickstead jeremy wideman lincoln kerswill conlin danny bouchard 3 louie bungaro kevin gray giles chev olds 10 farmer jacks 2 giles joe nucci 3 stuart pegg 3 kevin nichols 2 tom smurthwaite kevin sutton farmer jason erikson matthew wall peewee byers 5 triple d 0 bycrs shayn fleming 2 tony berardi michael rozario jason hollin coop 4 cedar beach 3 coop kelly mcginty 2 gary mcgowan james forfar beach brent gould 2 scott given apache 3 legion 3 apache todd stover 2 ido berardi legion rob mcclurc rick hains- chwang shawn norton bantam fish chips 6 barry welding 2 chips craig johannessen 4 sean lewis shay lewis welding chris bur kholder pete hary- betz pools 6 custom 2 betz darren gornall 3 kirk arends 2 jay edwards custom dave ledlie 2 ballantrae lions 6 mtr 2 lions mike oconnor 3 kevin cryderman 2 jamie forfar mtr mike berardi guy cowan junior stonehouse travel 7 rental 4 travel steve yuille 3 paul gee2 steve barnett ron gibson rental craig corner alan napier chris tymon morgan winn commodore 9 rennie transport 5 commodore darren montgomery 4 martin wells 3 dave brown nelson wilson rennie warren mucci 2 todd rexgraham paul sinclair jay peden wednesday night mixed tally for jan 8 jack blasco 697 212 249 236 cheryl oldham 683 224 268 frank wilbur 657 239 239 bill petri 654 273 bonnie stainton 642 230 217 doreen boyd 636 219 252 bill menar 634 226 211 rae carruthers 213 200 bill cargill 272 di ane blasco 256 marilyn cargill 249 mer- ril elliott 229 elaine haylow 225 john white 223 karen faulkner 222 anna fretz 210 marg wagg 210 earl crowder 207 debbie forsvth 203 grant drewery 203 thursday night mixed bowling results for jan 9 triples randy huskisson 682 223 299 dave miller g45 239 225 phil oquinn 641 270 anne gottschalk 637 210 227 200 mary lane 624 240 jan van derhenne 609 217 223 lynda collett 222 gary st john 251 ei leen oquinn 258 m arg mclean 228 ron gottschalk 204 217 john tail 211 bren da hackert 200 brenda earle 205 203 gail luciano 211 bruce foster 225 midget squad defeats wailers the stouffviile credit union midgets defeated the mississauga wailers 53 during sunday night all- star action in stouffviile lorraine mcdowell scored a pair of goals with singles going to laurie taylor shawn morrison and jenni altilia stouffviile goalie dorothy tscheng prevented a wait er comeback with some good stops during scrimmages in the slot taylor made sensational rushes endtoend which threatened to bolster the stouffviile spread however when she passed the puck to the slot her wingers failed to put it home bantams bombed stouffvilles bantam rep squad was shut out 100 by a quick skating orangeville club on sunday although a few local bantams showed brief spurts of talent the team needs much work in the play- making and skating departments and more practices agreed stouff viile coach cam stewart tough workout stouffvilles intermediate rep goalie bonnie hollingsworth stood her ground when the midget boys squad shared some ice time with the girls later the same night hollingsworth stopped a barrage of slapshots off the sticks of the male players including a few dangerously high bullets sunday mens hockey sunday amateur hockey league tally for jan 12 betz remax realty 2 pools 2 i remax rich hughes stu st john pools bill anderson mike jones monte cristo 4 stouff electric 0 cristo ron martin eric scaife steve upton ron evans smurthwaite heating 4 village pools 1 heating paul stover 2 bill har- mon gerry cole pools dave tucker stouff travel 2 village landscaping 2 travel bill ormson dave wick stead village barry gyton brian harper mufflue toyotas athlete of the week canadian tire 4 farquar- son realty 1 tire glenn whitebread 2 angelo papajanis doug gonial realty- ron brooks buy1w8 or selling happy winners shawn judy yearwood accept congratulations from salesman randy deval on winning a tv 8 vcr home entertainment centre salesmanager don uoyd looks on they come from everywhere to meet the fun bunch of guys at markville steve thomas steve thomas a markham resi dent scored 2 goals and added 2 assists in the leafs 74 win over detroit monday night hwy 7 east ofmecowan home of the pbofesswkals