office help 515 secretaryreceptionist part time our small company is looking for a secretaryreceptionist 2 3 days per week good typing and shorthand skills must have pleasant telephone manner markhamfinch location 2993811 permanent part time work canadas largest instore demon stration company requires out going personable people to de monstrate and promote the sale of food products in major supermar kets regular part time employ ment at a competitive wage is available immediately must have use of a car call oenise macdonald at 4412349 medical help 525 medical secretary immediately 20 30 hours per week some experience preferred salary negotiable family doctors office 2943302 or 2947494 participation house rn part time evenings call 2940944 anne pahl domestic help available 541 attention are you in need of home care companionship or a drive to your appoint ments we can help please call 7572239 sales help 520 lingerie shop requires mature experienced sales persons to work parttime please call between 1 6 pm 4749103 telemarketing representative earn extra money from your own home excellent income potential bonus call 7677199 career training 560 career objective dental hospital secretary potentiats300perweekcalinowtojoincareer job workshop for information call 2881325 qailund mafo zserviges adtvision ol gaillind maintenarce limited caring for your home with personalized guaranteed maid service at affordable rates for information and bookings call 6837515 lost found 630 lost- large grey cat with white paws and belly last seen at warden and hwy 7 area 4753121 lost- cat black white and brown mate answers to guincy white and silver flea collar hwy 7 galsworthy area reward 2940639 in memoriam 665 st1ner angie- in loving memory of a dear friend who passed away oct 5 1981 we who loved you sadly miss you as it dawns another year in our lonely hours of thinking thoughts of you are ever near always remembered by bernie and luanne mcginty home improvements 704 handyman- house renovations and repairs licenced electrician call jim 6403120 p ainting aperhanging lastering no job too small 6402365 s srrimov rr 1 stouffvite daycare wanted 714 sitter required for teacher alternate days several benefirs including high wages mar- kham area 4714096 teacher requires sitter for 2 children time and pay negotiable oak lea circle please call evenings 2938577 trinidadian family needs livein babysitter immediately with references markham area 2949631 market basket 743 nursery schools daycare 7 1 2 daycare at its best unionville marklee daycare centres 18 months to 6 years 4774778 enriched daycare environment- loving ex- perienced mother will provide excellent care for 1 or 2 children 2vi years and older in my home unionville pubiic school area phone 4752965 loving day care my home hot lunches plan ned activities 24 months and up fincham and paramount 2947512 mother of 2 former nurse looking to daycare in my home infants to preschoolers 730 am- 530 pm mccowan7 area 4770821 nanny- unionville looking for excellent care for your child share our nanny available for january 1986 call 4973700 weekends and af ter 6 pm mon fri daycare wanted 714 uvein nanny required immediately in mar kham to care for boys ages 5 and 10 refer ences required 4959999 days or 2943088 after 5 pm mothers helper live at home with mother and four young children requires loving mothers helper to assist with childcare and light housejeeping 930 am- 530 pm week days 150 per week near hwy 7 and wood bine call t dobson 3612082 or 4741676 nanny liveout nonsmoker required nov 1st references 7 am- 730 pm weekdays raymervillebeck dr area 2948482 or 294- 8170 professional couple requires experienced nanny to live out commencing jan 1986 for vh year old girl and 10 month old boy references required 2944662 apples the mac is back at crawfords orchard 19th ave rr 1 unionville 8875742 open noon to dusk every day we pick for you classifieds conomistsun 2942200 the tribune 6402100 if its speed youre after the classifieds really move it real estate for sale stouffville 81 tindale road well built 3 bedroom brick bunga low on a corner lot 2 car garage air conditioned finished basement immediate possession for more details call graham dallas at wg dallas real estate broker 12632963 open house sal oct 585 13 pm swilr m experience competence f performance serving markham unionville stouffville uxbridge and s rrounding areas l3383355ss open house sun oct 6th 25 pm why not take a drive to enjoy the fall colors and visit this charming colonial executive honie 15 mms north of uxbridge take hwy 2 north to signs just north of black- water anne powell or david beare remax scugog limited rltr 640- 6755 or 8526143 cape cod iacre one of a kindl country kitchen separate dining room main floor master with adjoining study quali ty built bethesda area 17990f jenny powell 4775500 remax markville realty ltd rltr claremont s70000 114 storey2 car garage stream fruit trees on 2 acres pauline mancinl 6406755 remax scugog limited realtr 123900 in unionville a great house great features superb location 3 bdrms4 baths main am im and in rec rm with fireplace 4th bedrm in basement ready lo finish double car garage approx 1800 sq ft plus about 900 sq ft in basement area best value in town johanna parker 477- 5500 remax markville realty inc handyman special uxbridge in town 62900 77x165 lot on quiet street could be res tored to original beauty pauline mancini 6406755 remax scugog limited rltr a great puce to start unionville townhouse wilh 3 bdrms very large kitchen rec room with walk out to garden and access to large garage close to shopping schools and on transit route johanna parker 4775500 remax markville rrtv inc amusttoseei 3 bedrm home with 3 baths finished basement fireplace cedar deck fenced yard upgraded broadloom and central air the master has walkin closet and full ensuite johanna parker 4775500 re max markville rlty inc autumn tour of country homes located on estate lots in stouffville and uxbridge sponsored by the stouffville christian school october 1 7th 1 985 from 1 00 pm to 500 pm tickets 800 seniors 500 available at remax markville realty limited across from markville mall and remax executive office on main street in stouffville markhamunionville 4vvs500 remax markville realty ltd rltr stouffville 6404960 remax executive realty toe rltr uxbridge 6406755 8526143 remax scugog realty limited rltr weekender october 5 1985 p27 local youth arrested for four breakins a markham youth was arrested for four local breakins by police and faces three more charges re lating to separate incidents york regional police said fol lowing an investigation the youth was arrested for the series of breakins that took place between sept 3 and sept 16 he was taken into custody by police on sept 30 at 555 am at his residence brought to 28 divi sion and charged following a show cause hearing to set a trial date the youth was released on oct 1 further inves tigation by police found the youth to be suspect in three more break and enter incidents a warrant has been issued for the youths arrest markham breakins cash and jewelry were common items stolen in two separate breakins at markham homes last week york regional police said a princess st house in markham was broken into when a basement window was forced open on sept 28 between 8 am and 430 pm cash and jewelry valued at 1031 were taken during the breakin in another incident cash and jewelry valued at 3000 were taken during a breakin at an eli zabeth st house police said the incident occur red on oct 2 between 12 and4 pm when a northside door was forced open smoke shop broken into on sept 25 at 3 12 am village milk and variety was broken into by smashing the front window york regional police said goods were removed from the store the stolen merchandise is valued at 2500 flag vandal arrested in unionville york regional police arrested an 18yearold unionville man at the scene of a vandalism incident in unionville last saturday police said between 3 am and 440 am a man removed several flags belonging to the town of markham from their poles on un- ionvilles main st damaging the poles in the process he was arrested and charged with theft over 200 possession of stolen goods over 200 and mis- chief to public property he is scheduled to appear in court on oct 11 computers stolen from local library over 8000 in computer and video equipment was stolen from the markam public library dur ing a breakin last week york regional police said the breakin occurred between sept 29at7pmandsept30at9amh is unknown at this time how entry was gained into the building three computers and a video cassette recorder valued at 8587 were stolen