weekender october 5 1985 p21 iiuimiiiimmmiiiumilllllimulllllili carrier of the week greg parent is the economist and sun carrier of the week he has deli vered the paper for the past 34 years a big sports fans he especially likes hockey and soccer anyone interested in becoming a car rier for the eco nomist and sun or the stouffville tri bune please call 2948244 or 640- 2100 iiiimiiiiiiimlllllllllllillilllllllimilil markham jeweller to renovate store the front courtyard at barthau jewellers which is described in a report as a delightful offshoot and a gem will be no more if markham council approves an addition to the front of the building lloyd barthau appeared at a meeting of the planning commit tee last tuesday to propose re novations to his store at 76 and 78 main st in markham the store was once a bank with an attached home for the bank manager which was set back 18 feet from the property line for privacy but as a store the set back provides a place for garbage to collect and for delinquents to abuse out of sight of people on the street but the setback was described in glowing terms in a report from the planning department cans ave looks for volunteers the markham unionville com mittee of the save the children fund cansave is looking for people who care about under privileged children in the poor countries of the world cansave needs volunteers who will put their time and talents to work to help these children call 2940813 for more informa tion as one approaches the barth au courtyard from afar there is only a hint of a break in the linear space ahead interest is height ened by an anticipation of th unex pected around the corner the walls enclosing this courtyard are enlivened by the show windows beckoning one to more alluring prospects inside mr barthaus claim of strewn garbage and human and animal waste found each morning in front of his store was backed up by members of council al rayner councillor for ward 4 said every morning i can appreciate you have much clean ing up to do ward 5 councillor gord landon agreed the renovation will set the front of the store flush with the build ings on either side of it it will be an extension of the main floor only the proposal will have to be approved by council before re novations can get underway richard harvey prudential assurance disability life annuities group markham 2940427 toronto 4825818 your neighbour in the insurance business for markham regional council whats your concern phone 4772351 day or evening ronfemson dr michael g r0bbins is pleased to announce the relocation of his chiropractic office to markham chiropractic centre 369 main st n markham ont office hours by appointment telephone 4771444 2946000 home show features more than 450 different displays the first annual metro east home show continues today and tomorrow at the metro east trade centre hwy 401 and brock rd in pickering the show features over 450 dis plays offering ideas products and services for the home everything from landscaping and gardening to designs and furnishings celebrities workshops and con tests are also a part of the event ontario hydros filmore the talking furnace will be there as will canadian artists glen lo- ates james lumbard shirley deaville and janet mckernan theres a workshop on how to fireproof your children in formation on home improve ments winterizing and decorat ing your house and much more a long list of prizes are avail able to be won at the show guess the number of popcorn kernals in a container and win a vcr enter a draw and win prizes as varied as robot or a one hour flying lesson a weekend at the decrhurst inn a several markham area com- 500 scholarship a personal panies are exhibiting at the show belated bach bash the anniversary of the birth of johan sebastian bach was last spring but the thornhill united church choir didnt think the musician would mind if it held a belated birthday party the belated bach birthday bash will be held sunday oct 20 at 730 pm it will feature organ and chorale music with audience participation the program is being presented by the church choir under the direction of gordon fleming birthday cake tea and coffee will be served after the concert tickets are 10 for a family singles 5 and 2 for seniors or youths ages 10 to 18 for more information call 889- 2131 diabetic association to meet the regular meeting of the mar- the topic to be discussed is kham stouffville diabetic asso trends in diabet the associa- ciation will take place monday f- oct 7 at markham district high hon invites everyone to attend the school meeting which begins at 7 30 pm r guaranteed gm parts guaranteed price is your car ready for winter driving winterize now with our 20 point inspection includes check antifreeze check radiator check battery and connections check block heater if applicable check all lights check tires check exhaust system check wiper blades check windshield washers check fan and steering belts check and lubricate all door locks check and lubricate hood and trunk hinges check brakes check shock absorbers check seat belts check air filter check all fluid levels check mirrors and glass check under body components check fuel tank and cap us tov-