p10 weekender october 5 1985 daysold infants survived from p8 news from a hospital where close to 200 babies had perished a child who had spent more than half its life buried in the rubble was cut from its mothers arms the woman had been nursing the new born at the time of impact and the child had lived five days clasped to its mothers breast doctors and nurses were unco vered as well as patients all those alive complained of thirst when removed not of hunger one couple kept new born babies alive with all they had to give them urine children only days old sur vived later in the week another live infant was found attached to its dead mother by the umbilical cord the stories of miracles con tinued as the seemingly endless news of more deaths resulted from the destruction on thursday we drove to the airport past lines of people wait ing to fill pails with drinking wa ter they had not yet been allowed to go back to their modest homes still it seemed like a modest in convenience when compared to the suffering of many others somewhere over texas i felt re lieved to be returning with only good news to many friends in toronto awaiting word on their loved ones to one i could report that her grandmother had de cided to stay with relatives and had not been home when the quake struck her building is no more but she was safe for others there was welcome news that all were safe as for my own family i was relieved that i found them all safe but this feel ing was partially offset by the emotion welled up inside of me by what id seen in the previous days an afterthought poor mexico a debtridden na tion partially illiterate pollution blanketed in many urban areas with a system of corruption and graft so entrenched as in many third world nations it is a nation illprepared for natural disaster while there was no shortage of food medicine or blankets one key ingredient was missing money but everyone knew the money would not come no one in the world had confi dence in the money reaching the proper hands as usual the poor suffer the most one wonders whether mexico can rebound from its tragic state to provide for its millions of poor and displaced but the mexican people are resilient and have coped before mexico is also a land blessed with such natural beauty that it will always be one of the leading tourism nations on earth and tourism that great earner of fore ign currency is so badly needed in the rebuilding of the country tourism will return in fact the odds of another destructive quake hitting mexico city in the next 30 years are much less than a hurri cane hitting florida or a carib bean island every six months mexican resorts were virtually untouched by the quake and con tinue as the prime centres of tour ism in mexico perhaps therein lies the irony of all this tragedy name that building name this building and you could win 25 in our ville no later than thursday oct 10 at 930 am name that building contest bring entries to the last weeks winner was r sampson of markham economist and sun offices 9 heritage rd mar- sjoerd witteveen kham or the tribune office 54 main st w stouff- town to listen to public on proposed daycare operation reupholstering by toromark the mark of quality since 1950 markham district upholsterers since 1950 let our craftsmen completely rebum and recover your suite 5 year guarantee on workmanship you choose the fabric from our many samples 2 piece plain suite rebuilt and recovered only nylon or potypropolene in tweed or plaid for free home estimate call toromark furniture house ltd quality furniture reupholstering carpeting draperies sherwood plaza 4772055 2942581 hwy 7 just west hwy 48 markham loo free armcaps pickup delivery the planning committee of markham council will listen to the public on the issue of daycare op erations in townhouses a representative from licenced private daycare operators came to the meeting last tuesday to ask the town to permit home day care which allows five children per home including resident children under the age of six in townhouses the present bylaw prohibits this business although single family semidetachedand street townhouses are acceptable some councillors were con- joes barber shop announces two barbers to serve you lor our tues fri special haircuts pensioners 550 children 500 mens 650 varley village plaza 20 fred varley dr kennedy north of hwy 7 4772477 cerned that running this sort of operation in a townhome could re sult in serious traffic problems within the development but ward 5 councillor gord landon said he has placed his child in several small daycare op erations i dont think ive ever met another parent when picking up my child the working person is gone already and you can pull up into the driveway he said ward 7 councillor mike popo- vich suggested sending a notice to all the townhouse condominium corporations in markham to make them aware of the public meeting regional councillor bud bon ner suggested a scenario where four townhouses in a row offer pri vate daycare the existing bylaw says home daycare operations have to be at least 200 metres from each other is there going to be a 200- metre limit or should it be diffe rent in block townhouses mr bonner asked the committee will listen to the publics views on this matter at a public meeting tuesday nov 19 at 730 pm rvkw the kitchen door closes for the last time at 85 main st on saturday october 12th were slashing prices on the sale items next week at our old location lots and lots of half price items renovations are well underway at our new store see next saturdays weekender for the date of our grand opening after thanksgiving awwtnsr october sale jp 30 off lustre excellence satin lustre lightning stripe lily of the valley towels 30 of lustre corona mats lids the new 1986 colours are expected next week will be included in the october sale our schedule of classes in the cooking school is ready drop in for a copy or give us a call classes will start as soon as we move 85 main st n markham ont 2940676