auh ryan seeks reelection to separate school board separate school trustee terry ryan has announced he will run for reelection to represent markham on the york re gion roman catholic separate school board mr ryan 38 is running in the new area iii municipal wards 4 and 5 re- cent redistribution of the five town of markham seats on the separate school board has reduced markham villages representation from two trustees to one milliken mills will now have its own trustee rather than sharing one with un- ionville mr ryan was first elected to the school board in 1982 and has served on the boards education committee was elected vicechairman of the education committee in 1984 and chairman of the committee in 1985 it has been an honor to serve the catholic community for the last three years said mr ryan the challenge of the next term will be the implementa tion of bill 30 the act to expand the catholic school system to the secondary level i am looking forward to being able to continue to serve the community as its trustee during this period of growth and expansion mr ryan lives in markham with his wife anne and three children jennifer james and jillian he has been em ployed by ibm canada for 20 years premier opens recreation centre ontarios premier david peterson right cuts the rib bon to officially open phase 1 of whitchurchstouffvilles 23 million recreation centre other participants in the ceremony include york regional chairman eldred king left and greg sorbara mpp york north premier peter son called the event a magnificent occasion and praised the community for its support chris shanahan fear for their wells residents oppose rezoning by paula crovvell staff reporter residents of glenbourne park and dick son hill are opposing housing develop ments in their neighborhoods because they fear depletion and contamination of their water supply builders have applied for rezoning in both areas to permit more housing but re sidents fear for their wells currently the land in both areas is not serviced in dickson hill residents are opposed to construction of 12 houses that a rezoning bylaw will allow they say the ground isnt suitable for septic systems and anticipate problems in that regard one resident said the land slopes down from the new area to the established homes our well is 40feet deep i am certain were going to have problems with our well with the land coming straight down its surely going to affect our water he said scarpitti mp tony to assist roman frank scarpitti helps tony roman frank scarpitti of markham has been appointed constituency assistant by york north mp tony roman mr scarpitti 25 will assist mr ro man with his responsibilities in the rid ing on a parttime basis ill be keeping him in touch with things in the riding while hes in otta wa said mr scarpitti a graduate of markham district high school and seneca college mr scarpitti has been employed in the communications field at classicomm cable since 1982 and was appointed program directorof cable loin 1983 he will continue his duties at the cable company mr scarpittis job with classicomm has acquainted him with many of the responsibilities of the different levels of government he headed up the coverage for the 1982 municipal election the 1984 feder al election and this past years provin cial election im really looking forward to it its a great opportunity said mr scarpit ti i have a lot of respect for mr roman the lawyer for the developer said resi dents wells will be tested before and after the new homes are in place he assured residents that their water supply would not be affected because new wells would be dug much deeper the committee tried to reassure resi dents that if and when the subdivision is approved a letter of credit would be re quired from the builders the letter would be held for two years after the project is finished while established wells are tested for contamination a neighboring farmer was on hand to warn the committee that new residents might not appreciate living close to his farm he raises pigs and cattle and said the smell of manure and noise from a corn dryer might be offensive to future resi- dents regional councillor ron moran said prospective buyers should be made aware of thefarm adding that different people are affected by different levels of noise and smell the councillors also suggested that the ministry of agriculture and food be in formed of the situation so that the farmer will be protected from complaints of home buyers in the second rezoning proposal water supply was again the concern of residents developers have asked for therezoning of land off warden ave north of 16th ave to allow the construction of 36 homes where 23 were originally permitted residents of the glenbourne park area and owners of the york downs golf and country club are upset that the new com munity will create a shortage of water in the area if they could decide they would choose to leave the 41 j4 acres of woodland as it is but because zoning already permits develop ment they would prefer to see 23 houses over 36 one resident quoted a letter of a neighbor who described the woodland as an environ mentally sensitive area he listed a variety of birds and plantlife unique to the area hoping to convince the committee that the land should not be developed other reasons mentioned to deny the re zoning were noise pollution from increased traffic disturbance causedby extra street lights and further overcrowding of union- ville public school the committee decided to permit the re zoning defining the number of houses as up to a maximum of 36 subject to a report about the impact of more housing on the area call display advertising 2942200 or jenni hutt 2948244 1985 flyers delivered to aug 1 economist suntribune 5435900 metroland distributing 160453700 jackie rooney we deliver supplements saturday hillcrest mall kmart pascals