mm mm a14 tribune september 11 1985 itwbrks ws proven ife quick start last year weight watchers qutck start program helped millions of people lose millions of pounds taster than ever before this year the weight watchers improved quick start program made it easier by adding deltcious menu plans that helped make losing weight much simpler so ccme join the weight watchers improved quick stan program september 3rd through the 28th and save join weight watchers or s3 00 instead of tie regular 1900 on your first meeting and registration fee s7 00 weekly thereafter senior citizens and students jom for 450 instead of jheregutar 59 00 s4 00 weekly thercaiter l nnt nrabir ritfimtian tlaic kgnlni s20in eralng us fdr further information caiu 18002683915 weight watchers sk stouffviiie pentecostal church 0mainstbeeteastpasrobbevcraigpitrs6696 festival of light september 13 to 15 join us for a unique gospel celebration in a huge circus tent set up at the stouffville sales bam hwy 47 north special speaker is evangelist bob gal music by selah friday saturday at 715 pm and one night only m the nations singing their last canadian concert on sunday sept 15 at 6 pm in the big festival of light tent at the base of the stouffville water tower everyone is welcome centennial grad larry kavanagh son of mr and mrs glen kavanagh elm road stouffville graduated recently with a degree in business administration program analyst from centennial college larry has joined the staff of warren bitulithic limited toronto for youth a midweek youth club is being orga nized at springvale baptist church ken nedy and stouffville roads whitchurch- stouffville activities will commence wed sept 18 at 7 pm children three years through grade 8 are welcome the program will include games pup pets bible stories and memory awards outings and refreshments skymark electronics lowest prices ever 1 location only 3555 don mills rd skymark plaza slhf300 wireless remote cable ready 7 day6 event timer wireless remote i cable ready skymark electronics 3555 don mills rd 4996688 skymark pfeza 7355 bayview ave 7315173 everything in stock must go she had a ball dear editor it is with a little twinge of sadness that i write this letter another ball sea- son is over for us and our daughter many thanks to the executive and all those involved in the whitchurch- stouffville minor softball associa tion they have pro vided fun relaxa tion and another summer learning experience for marylynn she loves the sport and so do we marylynn has been a very fortun ate girl to have play ed ball under super coaches like bill mcknight john campbell brian norton larry pen ny bruce stapley and this year george mcgowan each of these men taught her the rules and shared with her the joys of winning but more important ly impressed upon her the values of being a good sport a supportive team mate and a re sponsible player our thanks to all of you as our daughter closed her eyes this night her last words were i hope i get mr mcgowan next year need i say more sincerely jean thomas rupert avenue stouffville mm h ctani requires surgery by evelyn milsted gormley a speedy recovery is wished for melvin baker following re cent surgery at yorkcounty hospit al newmarket sympathy of the community is ex tended to mrs lloyd grose and family in s the passing of a dear husband and father at wellesley hospit al toronto a num ber of gormley peo ple attended the funeral sunday at the missionary church in mount albert martha wideman attended the dedica tion service for her great- granddaughter sara marie volpe infant daughter of angelo and janet volpe sunday at wesley chapel free methodist church scarborough congratulations to the mens fastball team of gormley missionary church champions for the fifth season in the york region church league family night be gins at 7 pm sept 11 tonight at the gormley mission ary church with something of in terest for all ages gary and ardys winger and family of buffalo narrows saskatchewan are visiting with her pa rents mr and mrs clifford winger rri gormley on sunday morning at 11 am they will tell of their work with the north canada evangelical mis sion when they address the con gregation of heise hill church girls hockey the whitchurch- stouffville girls hockey association has set registration dates at latcham hall for sept16 79 pm and sept 21 9 amnoon the league starts sunday sept 21 touffuillc pentecostal church 460 main st stou ontario 6405696 sundaysch0o19s5au worship service 1100 am sunday evening rally 600 pm btbtestilortues 730 jh mccormack memorial church pastorrevwgawa 945 am sunday school balanced living 1100 am patience 700 pm excuses fri oct 11 thanksgiving supper viv un m- 48 ballanlrai nursery supervision and junior church provided stouffville baptist church a fellowship church 76 main st west sun sepm5 1985 950 am bible school 1100 am morning worship dr jr boyd of sudbury 650 pm evening ser vice dr j r boyd of sudbury wednesday 800 pm prayer and bible study for information call 6402651 springvale baptist church gormleystouffville rd at 6th cone kennedy rd rev robert flemming sun sept 15th 1985 945 am bible school 11 am morning worship 7 p m evening service all are welcome cc cc memorial christian church sun sept 15th 1985 pastor calvin stone mainstouffer 10 am sunday school 11 am worship ser vice wed 730 pm prayer meeting stouffville united church 34 church stn rev cecil w tiller minister sun sept 15th 1985 1100 am morning worship church school prog ram for all ages in cluding infant care all are welcome last chance sept 11 today is the deadline for entries in mar- kham fair persons re questing in formation should call the fair office at 6401576 markham fair dates arc oct 2 3 4 5 and 6 stjames presbyterian church rev herb gale 101 main ste 6103151 sunday sept15 1985 945 am sunday 1100 am worship school nursery supervision and junior church pro vided baker hill baptist church on hwy 48 2 mi north of hwy 47 pastor dana strove 950 am bible school 11 am morning worship wednesday 730 pm prayer bi ble study wideman mennonite- church hwy 48n of 17th ave phone 6401227 pastor james r shantz sun sept 15 1985 1000 am worship 5 1100 am sunday school 7 pm film 1 in counterfeit series the jesus of the cults all welcome the anglican parish of christ church 254 sunset blvd 6401461 sun sept15 1985 800 am 1000 am holy communion apnstoitr lutheran church 70 dickson hill rd dickson hill pastormatti valitalo 8314950 945 am sunday school 945 am finnish serv vice 1100 am english ser- vice everyone 5 welcome heise hill brethren in g christ church gormley ontario revmarlin kressler phone 8875489 sunday sept 15 christian education hour 1000 am worship hour 1100 am featuring gary ardys winger baptismal service 230 pm evening service 700 pm wednesday sept18 club program bible study 7 pm you are welcome at heise hill stmarks catholic church stouffville gj 6406665 it sunday mass schedule c saturday 5 pm sunday 1030 am n gormley x missionary fe church c sunday sept15 1985 950 am sunday school 11 am worship 730 pm worship morning evening bloomington h christian 1- gospel church rev cw sorlcy pastor bible society sunday rev robert nicolson guest speaker for the day a beautiful film will be shown in our evening service portraying the great work of the cana dian bible society services 945 11 am 7 pm come and enjoy the cool of our basement au ditorium and the warmth of our fellowship stouffville missionary church 159 main street east 6403911 pastorrcv james clublne v assocpastorsdouglas gray charles mashlnter sunday sept 15th 1985 930 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening service wednesday 700 pm family night pioneer girls csb adult youth friday 730 pm youth youre always welcome at the missionary church