weekender september 7nss5 p29 general help sos experienced executive secretary good shorthand essential mature person with ability to com pose letters and relate well to the staff and the public shouldice hospital 7750 bayview ave call mrs phillips 8891175 9 am 4 pm fulltime rnjrima required for green gables manor 6401386 floral designer part time fully experienced bunnys flowers stouffville 6402632 factory production workers required by light manufacturer bullock dr location openings available on 2 shifts 8 am 430 pm or 430 pm 1 am position open to fulltime parttime or student on temporary basis flexible hours possible telephone 2943815 green river clothier has full and part time sales positions available in our new markham location applicants must be mature sales experience is required for appointment please call 7876134 jewellery sales person required experienced for a richmond hill store call paula 7312855 the fitness store opening soon in markham requires store manager trainee full time salespeople staff applicants should be energetic aggressive fit ness oriented and willing to train at a downtown store salary commensurate with experience call for appointment 9255350 permanent part time work canadas largest instore demon stration company requires out going personable people to de monstrate and promote the sale of food products in major supermar kets regular part time employ ment at a competitive wage is available immediately must have use of a car call denise macdonald at 4412349 machine shop help wanted parttime duties to include cleaning material handling cut ting of materials drilling etc must have some machine shop experience days only hours to be arranged 4751659 maintenance person required to clean parking lot of local plaza only a few hours per week necesary 7940172 v town of markham hydro electric commission urgent experience licenced class a mechanic required to work until christmas must be able to start immediately please contact jacquie hare for appointment markham hydro 8100 warden avenue markham 4773810 ext 236 mainstreet dining lounge requires full time day dishwasher 10 am 5 pm mon fri call ian bell 4715670 mr submarine stouffville requires assistant manager also parttime help no experience neces sary will train apply in person 143 main st w stouffville opening soon experienced hairstylist required with or without clientel good wages plus commission downtown markham 2222566 ask for larry office manager bookkeeper 3rd or 4th cga or senior book keeper interested in working for a small subsidiary of a large us cor poration you will need to be the office mana ger in addition to the primary re sponsibility of preparing monthly financial statements for 3 divisions knowledge of or aptitude for ibm pc applications is essential good salary benefits and work environ ment location markham rd finch send resume to administration manager owens illinois canada inc 151 nashdene rd unit 15 scarborough ont m1v 2t3 old village spaghetti house requires full time experienced day waiterwaitress part time experienced cocktail waiterwaitress for the downstairs lounge apply in person 346 main st n markham parttime handyman required for drapery installation call joan 2942471 packaging help needed immediately in assembling and packag ing toiletry preparations 68 weeks from 715 am 345 pm in markham 550 per hour call bev 4756330 parts driver must have drivers licence mcarthurs in markham ltd 2945405 ask for rick person friday kennedyfinch area office requires experienced person for varied position selfstarter with good typing skills salary 200 week plus benefits reply to box 291 agincourt ont m1s3b9 position available in packaging division simple filing and packing jobs no experi ence necessary only a willingness to work hard 4hr apply in person 9 am 12 noon 55 torbay road unit 12 markham or call 4741424 production i workers mature individuals with a steady work re cord required to operate wire and cable production machinery must have factory experience must be willing to work steady afternoon 4 pm midnight or night mid night to 8 am shift good wages and benefits with a growing canadian company apply to cable tech co ltd 500 main st w stouffville ont 6404333 receptionisttypist part time required for busy markham real estate office approximately 20 hours per week mostly week ends real estate experience preferred but not essential please call sue meadows 2942533 showroom sales receptionist part time wanted for markham firm some experience re quired tood typing speed required 11 am 9 pm 4758181 peter the fisherman markville shopping centre food court permanent part time counter position available phone joan 4776082 recreation staff required for school aged children don mills markham locations 4442612 2945087 store manager for retail store in the town of markham the successful applicant will be trained in management of the store selling pet food and hardware moderately heavy lifting re quired hours include thurs fri even ings and saturdays with a weekday off wages start 2 230 per week with re view after 6 months plus benefit package previous applicants need not apply phone 2987768 9 am 5 pm shop person required for door company must be able to weld use cutting torches be generally handy g class driving license required john bayview area 8812255 shippers helper youth 18 20 must be able to run small machinery will train and help in shipping department 4938283 seasonal help fulltime for light packaging must be capable with machines suitable for homemakers apply white rose craft nursery sales ltd 4038 hwy 7 unionville ontario markhsm the town of markham the town of markham parks recreation requires parttime personnel commencing in september 1985 april 1986 at crosby and milliken community centres applications are now being accepted for 1 snack bar attendants 2 arena attendants if you are interested in either of the above positions please submit your application resume by monday september 9th to barb arbuckle co crosby community centre 210 main st unionville l3r 2g9 for more information please call barb or jacquie at 4771542 temporary help up to 4 months light assembly packing lighters markham area 4750278 nicole typistreceptionist small clean modern office 9430 steelecase woodbine area call mr charles emmett 4756984 toronto dominion bank warden masseyfield gate branch requires experience full time teller apply in person 4757598