economist suntribune septe1viber 4 1985 al c prices effective thru saturday september 7th 1995 dominion reserves the right to limit quantities to normal fsmiiy requirements savings shown in this ad based on dominion current regular retails we redeem atl food store coupons some illustrations in this ad are for design only and do ixm necessarily represent kern on sale 369 9 vac pac fresh 2 1 4 litre 9 m save 130 cotto super buy hett litre save 196 at dominion we sell only canadas finest quality meats excellent for braising cut from canadas finest grade a beef semiboneless 5bone regular cut lkg 373169 kg i lb fresh lean ground beef 4l mediurfi fresh great on lhe bbq ground beef blade chuck short rib or shoulder boneless roasts 41 cut from canadas finest grade a beef bonein cross rib roast 5kf2 cut from canadas finest grade a beef rib eye steaks 13s5 cut from canadas finest white veal yi veal scallopini 155j6 frozen new zealand spring short cut semiboneless 549ko249 ibl lamb legs 4tkl frozen new zealand spring loin lamb chops 6 swift premium wieners 149 swiftpferhirjm firebrand regular or all bee swift gourmet halves wieners t side premium sliced sugar plum lazy maple or premium swift bacon to frozen new zealand spring shoulder lamb chops 41 sugar plum hams 8s3 swift premiumi sweetpickled aixam 3fc cottage rolls 45t 159 229 wh i swift premium sliced bologna vc swift premium lazy maple regular or all beef 500 g vac pac i sausage available at most stores danish coffee rings carrot loaf cakes each 450 g size 189 1 available at most stores sockeye salmon fresh haddock fillets 00aa99 114 flf4 29 swift wax bologna fearmans cooked ham 49 lb iju 1100 g i el oz9 vi 100 g tba lb garden freslt mice canada no 1 product of ontario peaches p sszm canada no 1 product of usa redblack or seedless 918 fakg lb green grapes in tomato sauce with pork or in molasses heinz fancy assorted flavours beverages canada no 1 product of ontario super buy save 50 super buy super buy 10 fl oz tins 11 pkg of 72 i pkg of 4 envs heinz canned tomatoes condensed tomato heinz soup orange pekoe tetley tea bags chicken noodle soup liptons soup mix all purpose five roses flour white heinz vinegar 1 litre sue ismail 500 ml3 79 large 1 5 mres 99i medium mason jars robin hood celebration asst vir cake ml vac 25 iviiay70 pouch packs asst var mcl oatmeal chocolate chip duncan hines cookies vr save 60 28 fl 02 tin a buy 3save 47 super buy 385 ml tin nv save 80 save 50 buy 3save 118 175 g tubs super buy save 46 500 ml tub save 250 super buy 10 kg bag super buy 4 litre plst com q1 super 8uy carton i ol 12 super buy 99 super buy 199 carnation 2 partly skimmed evaporated milk twin or diet twin tub 1 lb imperial pf soft margarine h u swiss style assorted flavours gay lea yogourt refrigerated gay lea sour cream parchment wrapped chef master margarine imperial corned beef humpty oumpty asst var potato chips prego with mushrooms or plain spaghetti sauce froien concentrated red label lemonade tins 3159 super buy 149 save 50 129 save 34 219 super buy 4100 12 oi tin 200 g pkg 28 fl 02 i 4 litre plastic container reconstituted martins apple juice goldwhite or brownchampagne scottowels plus facial white yellow blue or champagne scotties tissue ann freeze prestone ii assorted varieties purrr cat food assorted varieties derby dog foods regular or deodorant maxi slim or new freedom maxi pads oti regular winterfresh or gel colgate toothpaste toddler 33 s daytime 48 s newborn 66 s huggies diapers cooy super buy 48 ii 02 jiiiin save 20 pkg of 2 rolls i save 40 box of 200 sheets u super buy buy 3save 77 6 02 tins v super buy 14 02 tin 100 ml lube save 100 349 save 110 119 save 1s0 999 canada no 1 product of ontario large size fresh green peppers canada no 1 product of ontario snow white fresh cauliflower each canada no 1 product ol usa vino ripe fresh jumbo fl cantaloupe each 1 product of ontario fresh broccoli bunch product ol ontario snow white fresh mushrooms product of california sunkist oranges bag of 18 ul owned t operated 8y ap food stores unionville 5221 hwy 7 east