aa8 tribune august 7 1985 qm iocfemttt touffville pcntccoto church 460 main st stou ontario 6405696 sunday sch0019 ail worship service 1100 am sunday evening rally 600 pm aibifstiioytues 730 ph frr 1 mccormack memorial church pastorrevwgawa 945 am sunday school balanced living h100 am the home h00 pm film the house divided 58 tiinutes f h 50th anniversary sunday school picnic 12 noon ubs aug 12 16 9- 1145 am ii vivian rtj 48 ballanlraa nursery supervision and junior church provided stouffville baptist church a fellowship church 76 main st west sun aug 11 1985 950 am bible school 1100 am morning worship pastor dwight kelso 650pm evening ser vice pastor dwight kelso wednesday 800 pm prayer and bible study for information call 6402651 memorial christian f church sun aug 11th 1985 pastor calvin stone mainstouffer 10 am sunday school 11 am worship ser vice wed 730 pm prayer meeting bloomington christian gospel church rev cw sorley 945 am sunday school il 00 am morning ser vice wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting the anglican parish of christ church 254 sunset blvd rev philip poole 6401461 sun aug 11 1985 800 am holy com munion 1000 am morning prayer a baker hill baptist church on hwy 48 2 mi north of hwy 47 vpastor dana struve 950 am bible school 11 am morning worship wednesday 730pm prayer bi ble study stmarks catholic church stouffville 6404665 sunday mass schedule saturday 5 pm sunday 1030 am apostolic lutheran church 70 dickson hill rd dickson hill paslormatti valitalo 8314950 945 am sundaj school 945 am finnish ser vice 11 00 am -englishser- vice everyone welcome springvale baptist church gormleystouffville rd at 6th cone kennedy rd rev robert flemming sun aug uth 1985 945 am bible school 11 am morning worship 7 pm evening service all are welcome stouffville united church 34 church stn rev cecil w tiller minister sun aug uth 1985 1000 am morning worship nursery available wideman m en nonite church hwy 48n of 17th ave phone 6401227 pastor james r shantz sun aug 11th 1985 1000 am worship hour 1100 am sunday school 7 pm- evening service all welcome heise hill brethren in christ church gormlcy ontario revmarlin kressler pflitpr phone 8875489 sun aug u 1985 christian education hour 1000 am worship service 1100 am- evening vesper ser vice 700 pm at the frank bennett residence wed aug 14 1985 bible study and prayer hour 745 pm a warm welcome awaits you at heise hill gormley missionary church sunday aug 11th 1985 950 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening ser vice stjames presbyterian church 101 main ste 6403151 sunday aug ii 1985 945 am sunday school 1000 am worship service nursery supervision and junior church pro vided stouffville missionary church 159 main street east 10391 1 pastor rev james clubine assocpastors douglas gray charles mashinter sunday aug uth 1985 945 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening worship wednesday 730 pm youth adult bible study prayer youre always welcome at the missionary church hilda enjoys yearround vacation in two trailers by jim thomas hilda woodcock is enjoying the best of both worlds this summershes staying at cedar beach trailer pari musselmans lake this winter like the birds shell fly south to st petersburg florida she has a host of close friends at both places mrs bob woodcock the former hilda leadbetter was born in staffordshire en gland daughter of mr and mrs charles leadbetter at the age of nine she accom panied her mother and uncle to canada aboard the empress of britain it was the luxury liners maiden voyage despite rough seas the waves were thirty feet high the trip took only seven days a speedy crossing back then lean still rememberthe sound of creak ing timbers hilda says hildas father had come over earlier and established a slaughterhouse business at ballantrae at age eighteen hilda was married and for a time lived with mr woodcocks pa rents at the corner of cone 6 whitchurch and the aurora sideroad bob worked for clayt baker in stouffvil le and later took over a garage at what was once billy todds carriage works where the bowling alley is now located in 1923 we wanted something of our own hilda explained bob and hilda purchased the hawkins overland car dealership at the corner of main and church streets in markham mr woodcock died in 1952 hilda refuses to reveal her age i tell everyone im 67 she says the truth might spoil my image and frighten away all my boyfriends while many years senior of sixtyseven hildas memory would put someone of fifty to shame she recalls four trains in and out of ballantrae daily the ballantrae post office was a busy place the postmaster changed depending on whether the govern ment was liberal or conservative she said her father and uncle john thought nothing of walking to aurora and taking the radial in to toronto she recalled mccormacks saw mill was operating at vivian and ratcliffs were still cutting some of the tallest pine in the country log ging teams were familiar sights on whitch urch roads at the same time as she and her husband moved to markham her parents traded their farm on the 7th concession mcco- wan road for a butcher shop on main street its been in the leadbetter name ever since she said hilda will be remembered by many for her skating skill only 20 years ago she skated the dutch waltz in the unionville carnival skating to me was just like walking she says hilda recalls how shed grab stuart campbells hand as he sped past her at top speed trouble was the end oftherink would come up too soon she laughed she was a member of the markham lawn bowling club for 30 years the late bob mcdonald was often her partner in one competition they won a silver tea ser vice she said for several years she taught an in- termediate girls sunday school class at st andrews united church they were lovely young ladies she said she also served as cashier at the roxy theatre i remember shows like national velvet and snow white the people were lined up for a block the names of markham natives are as real to hilda today as sixty years ago in- cludingaj woods harry mason fred spring frank nighswander frank lat ter charlie todd vi beierl jm winkler and gordon patterson following the death of her husband hil da maintained ownership of the markham building then in 1955 she decided to see the world for two months she toured eng- centennial grad michael davis son of douglas and ona davis rr 3 stouftvillc is a recent graduate from centennial college majoring in radio and tele vision broadcasting michael is em ployed in the research department of green and dewar producers of the lome greene show new wilder ness town of whrrchurchstouffvlue 1985 pinal taxes 1st instalment due august 23rd 1985 2nd instalment duo october 18th 1985 final tax bills havo now been mailed rate payers who havo not received their bills should make immediate application to the municipal tax department tho penalty charged for non payment ol 1 985 taxes is one and onequarter 1 percent im posed on tho first day of default and on tho first day of each month thereafter failure to receive a tax bill does not eliminate tho responsibility for payment of taxes nor tho penal ty charges tor late payment office hours monday to friday 830 am to 430 pm 6401900 8952423 19 civic ave stouffville ontario box 419 loh 1l0 ee blackburn amct treasurer tax collector land and parts of europe including a stop over in staffordshire nothing had changed she said did she enjoy the trip she was asked worth every nickle she replied pin pointing switzerland as her favorite country from markham she moved to a prop erty on the 7th concession of whitchurch commonly known as seldom seen later she sold the house there and purchased a trailer in st petersburg florida howev er she didnt want to remain there year- round i didnt know what to do shingle a fencecorner or crawl into a culvert she said with a wry smile she did neither but instead bought a trailer at cedar beach park for 6500 im happy she says i have a lovely park next door i can walk down to the lake im in an area i know and with people i love now she spends the summers at cedar beach and the winters in st peters burg everything seems to have fallen into place ive had a wonderful life but shes not through living yet this area has been wonderful i was drawn back like a magnate here they know you and love you hilda knows the same kind of love in st petersburg there she plays shuffleboard and rides about on her threewheeled bicy cle to her hearts content hilda credits her long life to heredity and a positive attitude some people are old at sixty and some people are young at ninety i have everything the good lord gave me accept a few teeth she jokes hilda is proud of her familyone son cliff in markham one daughter dot at cobo- conk eleven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren- although still full of vim and vigor hilda admits i cant last forever but why worry she says i have a grandson whos an undertaker i have a plot in elmwood cemetery theres a nice stone there with my name carved on it i belong to the rebekah lodge wholl arrange a memorial service and i have six grandsons wholl serve as pallbearers so why should i worry hilda woodcock isnt worried that possibly more than anything is the secret of her longevity ive had a wonderful life she i ive done what i wanted to do and i intend to keep right on going to the end of thf road hilda woodcock formerly of ballan- petersburg florida hilda keeps her trae stouffville and markham enjoys age a secret if i told it might spoil my the best of both worlds she spends her image she says and id lose all my summers at cedar beach trailer park boyfriends musselmans lake and her winters at st jim thomas new stouffville residents come from far and near by brenda little stouffville with more and more homes already cpmpleted or under con struction stouffvilles population is in creasing at a rapid rate many of these new residences are occupied by families from as far distant as ottawa recently the tribune contacted folks living on aspen crescent in the new fair- gate heights subdivision to find out why theymoved and if they like it here richard and kim marshman and daugh ter tara 6 came here from scarborough they are originally from stouffville and decided it was time to return home it didnt feel right anywhere else ex plains kim joe and ida naccarato also from scar borough decided to make stouffville their new home because they enjoy the peaceful countryatmosphere here stouffvilles a beautiful place says joe its a nice quiet town and the people are very friendly rick and jan evans and daughters sarah 3 and ashleigh 17 months of scar borough are now residing in stouffville be cause the houses are more reasonably priced jan also likes being close to the country yet not too far from the city the evans family describe stouffville as very pleasant we enjoy living here says jan even before we bought the house the people wel comed us the price of homes in fairgate heights also attracted bill and leslie brown of downsview to stouffville the price was right saj bruce like most new residents ihe browns are enjoying the quiet of their surround ings bruce and eileen whitebread of west hill have come to stouffville to retire we wanted a bungalow instead of our big house explains eileen not many constructioncompanies build bungalows today although they came mainly because of the housing situation the whilebrcads love it in stouffville roman and martha haluszka came to stouffville from ottawa they moved be cause roman decided to accept the posi tion of administrator at green gables man or bloomington i really like it here says martha i like being out of town yet close enough to the main facilities many residents on aspen crescent are not newcomers they are local people who editors mail pleads for horse dear mr thomas my name is melissa stoddart i live on the vandorf road in whitchurch- stouffville when my parents sold our home near agincourt and moved to the country they really did it for my brother and i we both wanted horses and while im the only one to get one yet theyre quite expensive we hope to purchase another soon this is the best thing to ever happen to me my horse gigi and i arc insepcrable were together every chance i get after school and on weekends i just want the councillors to know id surely die if anything took gigi away from me i think gigi would die too were that close we have neighbors nearby but theres been no problem at least none that i know of i try my best to keep everything neat and clean its a lot of work but worth it i hope the town will think of people like my brother and i before they do anything that will take away our horses sincerely melissa stoddart vandorf road whitchurchslouflvillc have decided for various reasons to buy a new home larry and carrie rogalski and children meggan 4 and jonathan 2 had been renting a house in stouffville several years they decided the time had come to buy they like their new location very much its great says carrie we already know many of our neighbors thehazell family darnel marion au- dra and stewart moved from one end of stouffville to the other we liked the homes explains audra 13 edgar and dorothy swanton came to stouffville from ballantrae because they wanted a smaller house this was one of the few places with brand new bungalows explains dorothy we also like the town and the people very much dorothys only complaint is directed to ward the builders she misses4hegrejen grass and would like some as soon as possible neighborly notes rate schedule a notice is posted in the committee room of the whitchurchstouffville municipal office that reads rate schedule answers 100 answers that require- thought200 correct answers 4 00 dumb looksare still free commented mayor tom wood not too many need worry ab out the four dollar fee hes innocent the july 17 issue of the tribune carried a story concerning fifteen gravel truck drivers charged with conspiracy to commit fraud attemp- ted fraud and obstructing police two of the truckers had addresses on north street stouffville and one at cone 8 whitchurchstouffville don hill has a complaint since his is the only visible truck on north street many people may conclude he is one of the persons charged this is not so in fact as far as i know mr hill wasnt even hauling to the site where the alleged offenses took place i re gret any embarrassment this news story may have caused himv- garages for sale a gormlcy resident called last week to say six out of ten home owners in the area- where she lives had garage sales july 27 perhaps theyll still have time to build new ones before winter keeping in touch cellular phones are becoming in creasingly popular many firms are installing them in company cars so their sales people are always in touch with head office marvin and keith betzof betz pools ltd stouffville have acquired cellular sets and according to reports are pleased with results in addition their cars are also equipped with twoway radios only in tennis brenda little the tribunes per sonable and pretty summer student will be married next fall following graduation from a threeyear course in journalism at ryerson polytechuical institute brenda met her fiance on the tennis courts isnt there a term in that game called love i enquired yes replied brenda it means zero horses dont pull having been born and raised on a farm i thought i knew everything there was to know about country life howeverhardly a week goes by that someone doesnt trip me up on niraf roots that ive long since forgotten for example last week i commented in the tribune about a horse pull popular at so many country airs youre wrong called in a rural reader horses dont pull they draw and push but never pull i stand cor- rectedagain unsightly site walter pinner sunset boulevard stouffville has a legitimate com- plaint when he looks out his back window all he sees are weeds weeds and more wcedsthc unsightly site extends close to 40 rods south from the rear of his property theyre not your usual dandelions and ragweed but golden rod and sow thistle real tall stuff either the propertyowner should get in there with an old- fashioned scythe and clean up the mess or the town should do it for him her and charge it to the taxes way to cool off those of us including myself not fortunate enough to own a summer cottage or even get away for the long holiday weekend had our own way of cooling off that proved extremely practicalave just drove out to chas richards sons farm equipment dealership main street wcststouff- ville and gazed at the sign advertis ing tractormounted snowblowers for sale combined effort don anderson of 9 stuart street stouffville is at it again raising money through pledges for the terry fox marathon of hope don 73 and the most likeable gentleman youll ever meet is already making the rounds signing up supporters last year he raised 2700 this year hes working along side fred robbins elm road stouffville theyll walk run together although dons not promising to match freds pace however with freds help and yours hes hoping to raise more money wouldnt it be great if every one could acquire a little of dons en- thusiasm wed top every town in