p4 weekender july 27 1985 weekender war game fad must be ended the simulated war game the cur rent rage that seems to be gaining popu larity in canada is turning out to be very dangerous game indeed ask peter rozzini of markham who could lose an eye because of a mishap last sunday it seems the plastic pellets that are used can still cause damage especial ly if fired at close range in this case peter thought the game was over and had taken off his protective goggles and then was hit accidentally in the eye j doctors dont know yet whether he will ever see out of that eye again currently the provincial government is investigat ing safety at the war games locations that seem to be springing up quickly in rural areas throughout ontario the current fad is disturbing in sever al respects firstly it condones aggres sive macho behavior much like the current movie rambo and secondly it appears to be dangerous for the partici pants leaving the way open for freak accidents such as the one involving pe ter rozzini in our opinion they should be banned immediately until the current investiga tion is completed before more people are badly injured in games that are not the harmless fun their promoters make them out to be wh ww umpps speakin out do you think policemen and firemen should have the right to strike asked at markham shopping centre and in front of the whitchurchstouffville public library weekender letters robert sneek markham student i think they have a respon- siblity to society to protect them i dont think they should have the right to strike robert wiebe unionville salesman no because theyre needed but they should be able to work something out with some kind of agreement muriel mayer stouffville housewife its a matter of personal integri ty they should be content with an average sal ary if they arent getting it then yes they should be able to strike rosalyn insley stouffville homcmaker if the situa tion is such that they feel they need to then yes but i would hope the central ser vices can be maintained proabortionists not godless reader says dear sir certain members of this community have concluded that personal and public support of the prolife movement is a prerequisite for having faith in god at least one of the more vocal leaders of that local movement has made that claim the members of the board of direc tors of the markhamstouffville hospital who have no desire to swear allegiance to the tenets of the prolife movement have been labelled by father gignac as being godless fortunately other perspectives around the issue of abortion are held within the church universal whether these differences are legitimately recog nized depends on ones understanding of authority in the church by plummeting the depths of scrip ture the various traditions of the church universal and the reflections drawn from human experience it is possible to find a wide variance in positions taken by christians on a number of issues abortion included to specify that a particular stance on an issue is binding under all circumst ances and sorts the faithful from the god less is to deny the diversity to be disco vered in the unique collection of indi viduals and peoples drawn together by almighty god to limit who is a member of the family of god by our stances on issues is to arbitrarily limit almighty god and gods tender lovefor every member of humankind the church is a family uniquely con stituted by god like any healthy fami ly we have have different perspectives among ourselves let us recognize that these differences exist as gifts from god calling other members of the family godless only brings ugliness pain and death the rev david r franks priestincharge grace anglican church jconomistsun thethbune weekender bruce annan publisher 9 heritage rd markham l3p1m3 2942200 4959440 6402100 6492292 published every saturday by metroland printing publishing and distributing at 9 heritage rd markham ontario l3p 1m3 tel 2942200 second class mail registration number 1247 the weekender is one of the metroland group of suburban newspapers which includes the acton free press ajaxpickering news advertiser the aurora 8annor brampton guardian the burlington post the burlington weekendpost the etobicoko advertiserguardian thogeorgetown independent the markham economist and sun the milton champion the mississauga news the newmarket era tho willowdale mirror oakvillo beaver oakvillo friday beaver oshawawhitby this week oshawawhitby this weekend the richmond hill liberal thomhill liberal tho scarborough mirror tho stouffvillo tribuno and vaughan liberal metroland printing publishing and distributing is a division of harlequin enterprises ltd national sales representative metroland corporato sales 4931300 don bernard jim thomas editors editorial department news editordon atana- soff reporters grog coates paula crowell chris sha- nahan sports editorfrancis king photographysjoerd wittoveen pat pappas advertising manager advertising department retail 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