stouffville quality still on j- 15veuers- main st 24 mam st stouffvlle 6404646 serving wmtchurchstouffvitle uxbridge area vol 98 no 10 a metrolancornhiunity newspaper wednesday july 17 3985 countrye flyme make a smart moveust ij3 with the coumtrye folke b 6495090 64o5090j 36 pages 50 cents stouffville girl lauded as hero in rescue of sixyearold boy drowning victim revived by teen swim instructor seventeenyearold shaunna sanders left obrien aveniie stouffville is a hero to the family of a sixyearold downsview boy shaunna responded to cries for help and rescued christopher mathews from lake simcoe she then revived him with mouthtomouth resuscitation with shaunna is susan lewis head instructor for the twp of georgina summer swim program at sibbalds point park jim thomas ing police following arrests july 10 it is alleged the ac cused were carrying weigh bills overstating their loads deliveries were being made to cdc contracting limited wellington street au- rora vaaisi two of the truckers are from north street- stouffville another is 1 cone 8 whitchy istouffvilie lot severance denied town councillor says plan stinks stouffville our official plan stinks such was councillor ron robbs reaction to rejection of a property severance on 16 yz acres at lot 16 cone 4 whitchurchstouffville the site owned by ralph brown and doug hutch inson fronts on the vandorf road and don mills road mr hutchinson wanted to build a second house there no objections were re- ceived councillor fran sains- bury said approval of the application wouldnt con form with the towns rural area policy three other similar requests have been turned down she said and another is before the ontar io municipal board councillor robb reacted strongly we fall all over ourselves whena subdivid- er comes in yet local peo ple whove lived here for years cant sever a small piece of land for their fami lies its a crime our offi cial plan stinks theres no place for people to raise farmers praise veterinarians markham farm resi dents from four municipali ties two regions and even beyond expressed their appreciation friday for- the services of veterina rians drs denis and terry oconnor at a gathering in the general exhibits build ing of markham fair more than 600 well- wishers attended far in ex cess of tickets available the event was organized by harvey brown rr 2 mar kham and grant carson rr 2 claremont it was 27 years ago that denis and terry oconnor established their veterinary practice in stouffville dur ing this period they have heads force york region depu ty police chief donald hill ock willbe promoted to the position of york region chief of police following the retirement of bruce crawford the commission appoint ment was announced july 11 chief crawford advised the board of his plans to re tire jan 31 1986 hillock 44 began his career in 1960 as a cadet in the town of aurora he be came a constable in 1961 in 1964 he joined the whitchurch township police department and was placed in charge of the cri minal investigation branch a year later although he assumed added responsibilities fol lowing promotions to cor poral patrol sergeant and sergeant he retained his criminal investigation duties when the york regional police force was estab lished in 1971 hillock was appointed detective in charge of criminal inves tigations at 19 division he was promoted to in spector in charge of support services for the entire force in 1973 and advanced to staff inspector in 1975 mr hillock became depu ty police chief in january 1980 im very pleased the board has honored me with the appointment he said being a police officer in york region for 25 years and knowing the members of the force and the people in the region is an asset he added i have no immedi ate plans for change served livestock and pet- owners over a wide area in addition they have assisted in many worthwhile com munity projects chairman harvey brown said includ ing the east york agricultu- ral society markham fair and the markham stouffville hospital the guests of honor were presented with two framed paintings they will also re ceive two schooldesigned clocks crafted by ivan grove 18th avenue mar kham their wives ursula and colleen received bou quets of red roses terry and colleen have seven children karen kevin chris mary angela margaret michael and teresa denis and ursula have five children brian maureen cathy eileenand monica terry saidit seemed only fitting they should be thank ing the people instead of the people thanking them you have helped us achieve many goals he described the evening as one of the most important in my life denis said the confidence displayed by patrons over the years was appreciation enough you shouldnt have done it he concluded but im glad you did their families so they end up in toronto or scarbor ough councillor jim sanders said policies with regard to the official plan must be followed if you dont like it the plan then change it mayor tom wood said family relationships and longevity of residence arent criteria for rejection or approval there may be weaknes ses in our official plan agreed councillor sains- bury but you dont change it for individuals councillor robb said later the applicant had appeared before planning advisory committee and was en couraged to come back the process he said is costly i feel like jesse james like i just held these people up for 1300 i didnt be come a politician to be a crook by jim thomas stouffville a downsview boy is alive and well today thanks to the heroics of a 17yearold stouffville girl employed as a summer instructor with the township of georgina swim program shaunna sanders daugh ter of jim and lovanna san ders obrien avenue re vived the sixyearold with mouthtomouth resuscita tion after responding to cries for assistance from the victims cousin my cousin has died he drowned shaunna heard the sevenyearold call out tim mctague was still hold ing onto his cousins foot in about four feet of water when shaunna reached the scene employing knowledge gained through extensive red cross training shaun na began respiration treat ment while another girl ran to summon an ambulance his face was blue and bloated he was limp he looked dead shaunna said she commenced mouthtomouth resuscita tion while in the water and continued the same proce dure on shore he began coughing then screaming i said thank god hes alive the boy later identified as christ opher mathews was admit ted to york county hospital at newmarket susan lewis head swim instructor praised shaunna for her quick response in an emergency situation she acted quickly there was no hesitation she said neither boy was a partici- pant in the swim program they were playing together in the water some distance away i wanted to hug him shaunna told the tribune when the lad began brea thing on his own i asked him to squeeze my hand and he did what a relief she said it marked the first time in shaunnas memory that emergency procedures had been employed every thing went smoothly she said shaunna said both she and susan were also concerned for the wellbeing of the boys mother expecting a baby in about a month she was extremely distraught the girls said modest concerning her own heroics shaunna com mended the older boy for staying with his companion until help arrived she also praised ambulance operj ators and an attending physician for responding sf quickly later the same day shaunna called the hospital to enquire concerning little mathews condition she was told he was doing fine but would be kept in ove night jim sanders shaunnas father described the trauv ing course his daughter hatt attended as rigorous now we know why he said an instructor he ex- plained trains for the possf ble but hopes it never hap pens on this occasion if all came together town fireman stbuffville firefighter bill brown is accustomed to hide awakenings lie kefeps his beep er close to his feed 7 sunday morning however it was n afrnr gf another kind it was a crash the sound of crunching metal and shattering glass capt brown arrived out on main street in time to note the licence number of a car that later left the i scene he called police and the driver believed from oshawa was apprehended although the police report wasnt complete at press time its believed- the motorist struck a parked truck then slammed into a hydro pole one witness said the driver lost control of his vehi cle during a physical encounter with his girlfriend another said hed been drinking employees of the stouffville hydro commission were on the scene from 4 am to 6 pm power to the area was restored in about six hours aspen residents walk on road stouffville at re sidents request council will roll up the sidewalks on aspen crescent the decision followed an appeal by homeowners thursday supported by several letters only one speaker favored the project councillors margot mar shall and jim rae express ed surprise mrs marshall said the safety factor was being disregarded and rae claimed sidewalk deletion from the plan would force residents to walk on the road councillors fran sains- bury and jim sanders asked that the wishes of the major ity be respected mrs sains- pury claimed the town would be creating a- maintenance and repair monster sanders made reference to stuart and booth streets in the thicketwood subdivi sion where no sidewalks ex ist he called it a parklike setting with lawns extendi ing to the curbs j it was agreed that funds originally allocated for side walks on aspen crescent be placed in a reserve sidewalk fund and further that all de velopers identify clearly where sidewalks are to be located and that these be in dicated on all future subdi vision plans more than 600 people attended a gathering friday to mkrkham terry and denis were presented with framed and terry paintings with handcarved schoolroom clocks to comcr honor stouffville area veterinarians drs denis oconnor chief organizers of the event were grant carson deft rr 2 claremont and harvey brown right rr 2 later jim thomai i t