b4 economist suntribune june 12 1985 j dedicated to customer satisfaction in 85 e prices effective thru saturday june 15th 195 dominion reserves the right to limit quantities to normal family requirements savings shown in this ad based on dominion current regular retails sirioin tip rump or inside cut round boneless beef roasts fresh great on the bbq medium ground beef 3l point centrecuv 637kg28 ibjjjaj jg v v ii r ra brisket beef sw2 cut from canadas finest grade a beef outside cut eye removed boneless round roast sweet pickled centre cuts 483kg219 lb new zealand frozen shoulder lamb chops 41 cut from canadas finest white w veal chops mm available at most stores decorated fathers day cakes each danish coffee rings each 279 back bacon 39199 m lb sweet pickled sliced back bacon r27039 v kg lb regular beef or bbq maple leaf wjeners v maple leaf frozen great on the bbq 189 beef burgers 750 g pkq 399 maple leaf hams regular maple or thick sliced tip maple leaf bacon vata available at most stores previously frozen pacific salmon steaks fresh sole fillets 6 046429 fkg u lb country kitchen 83 179 mnpla ioal golden fry skinless pure pork beef or maple sausage vl 229 fresh great on the bbq chicken wings 2 fresh with backs attached chicken teg quarters grade a eviscerated turkeys 100 off your turkey with coupon butterballs fffcmsvwmwitthis coupon 5 key with coupon 473169 vfkg i lb 19 lb i 1 00 off i with the total purchase of a grade a eviscerated i fresh butteftall tiirkey limit one coupon per turkey vaud until june 15th 1985 y plu25 garden fmh produce mary miles cooked salami bittner country fare roast beef m 199 trtfioog i lb cwpnooo o ib prod of ontario delicious in salads fresh mushrooms 4 prod of usa large sweet rod cutters ripe watermelon c 1 white or yellow bathroom y kdeisey tissue 4rplpkg cremede la creme assorted varieties ece cream tomato sffwz save 60 super buy heinz ketchup save 50 prod of ontario delicious in salads ss romaine lettuce oacriy super buy pkgof 60 orange pekoe red rose tea bags cat food asst var incl salmon miss mew dinners fabric softener fleecy liquid pink or white camay bar soap 170 g tins 5 litre plsl jug caesar cocktail kreamy sliced white bread homeprlde hamburger or hot dog rolls rlchmollo raisin bread rlchmello dinner rolls 229 399 399 169 149 chunk light in oil or water star kist tuna prepared frenchs mustard luncheon meat maple leaf kamorklik regular garlic onion or with meat tenderizor heinz barbecue 65 oz tin 500 g jar 369 g vacpac 3 litre plst jug 12 oz tin 16floz btl 1 er 129 500 g cont 1 litre jar 675 g loaf pkgof 12 450 g loaf 12 907 g pkg 28lloz tin sauce ready cut or long spaghetti creamette pasta plain meat or mushrom ragu spaghetti sauce julia grated parmesan cheese regular or mint aqua fresh toothpaste regular or conditioning formula shampoo i 1491 250 g cont 100 ml tub 1 269 119 premium melitta coffee pure vegetable primo oil creamed no 1 grade billy bee honey crinkle or straight cut frozen superman french fries low acid or high pulp frozen concentrated minute maid orange juice 12 assorted colours facial kleenex tissue singles or thins process cheese schneiders slices s 3 3 159 1kg bag 149 box of 200 2 canada no 1 prod of usa vine ripe fresh cantaloupes canada no 1 prod of usa onthecob 6 199 prod of ontario fresh leaf 9 qq lettuce 2js prod of mexico canada no 1 green grapes nkjkoib litfv prod of usa fresh qq broccoli each eski canadc no 1 prod of ontario seedless cucumbers canada no 1 prod of usa fresh cauliflower 99 1 iwith this coupon save 100 0omnion owned operated by ap food stores instant reg bm or decaffeinated 6 oz shoulders plst ml rr unionville ho 399 j5221 hwy 7 east rumwic0mnwuountlljunt1tvtsss