a4 tribune may 29 1985 editors mail snubbed dear editor last week while driving on hwy 404 i observed a damsel in distress she had pulled her car off on the shoulder and appeared to be looking all around the vehicle as though something was wrong ordinarily i never offer assist ance but since i was in no particu lar hurry and the motorist was a woman i decided to stop i had walked only a few feet in her direction when she lit into me with words i never expected to hear from a lady in short what she said was i dont need any help from you her response made me feel as small as a peanut i turned and drove off im wondering if other male driv ers have had similar experiences for me once is enough ill never take the good samaritan approach again regardless of circumst ances sincerely bernard bernie hamilton rr 2 claremont restraint dear mr thomas is the hiring of a chief adminis trative officer in whitchurch- stouffville the penalty we must pay for progress it would seem so im not opposed to growth the town must grow our council should temper justice with mercy however and have mercy on our pocketbooks with a small industrial base the municipality must watch its spend ing closely acquiring a 45000-a- year office manager is not in my opinion a sign of fiscal restraint sincerely katherine lalonde rupert avenue stouffville get off get off im a manager not a fighter the tribune james thomas editor established 1888 bruce annan pat pappas publisher advertising manager editorial dept chris shanahan brian kirlik display advertising dept lois wideman real estate classified advertising joan marshman distribution doreen deacon national sales representative metroland corporate sales 4931300 published every wednesday by metroland printing puwshing distributing at 54 mam st stoulfvihe ont tel 6402100 single copies 50 subscnptions si 700 per year in canada 4750 elsewhere member of canada community newspapers association ontario weekly newspaper association ontario press council and l suburban newspaper of america second class mail registration number 0396 the stouffville tribune is one of the metroland group of suburban newspapers which includes the acton free r d fl ajaxpiekenng news advertiser the aurora banner brampton guardian the burlington post the burlington weekend post the etobicoke advertiserguardian the georgetown independent the milton champion the misstssauga news the newmarket era the willowdale mirror oakville beaver oakvillo f ver ostowawhtby this week oshawawmtby this weekend the richmond hill liberal thor- nnill liberal the scarborough mirror the markham economist and sun and woodbridge liberal metroland printing publishing and distributing is a division of harlequin enterprises ltd 6402100 6492292 roaming around j spelling not important by jim thomas- editorials education in spotlight a dingdong election battle for board of education you better believe it daphne goldman elm road stouffvil le has given notice shell contest the lone whitchurchstouffville seat nov 12 the present officeholder is harry bowes the goldman decision should come as no surprise shes long been interested in education at the grass roots level however since ratepayer interest usually bypasses the board that spends 65 percent of our money we were con centrating on wouldbe candidates for council not any more the pendulum by virtue of the goldman announce ment has swung in the other direction and its about time daphne goldmans a fighter a fighter for quality education while most pa rents seem content to sit on their hands she stands up and shouts sometimes irritating the people shes shouting at regardless she makes herself heard although the wife of a school teacher mrs goldman is by no means married to need own garbage site despite the fact garbage has been the source of major problems in whitch- urchstouffvillethis municipality needs its own refuse site for whitchurch- stouffville residents only the cost of transporting waste to ma ple the proposal as of august 1 is econo mically unthinkable we cant afford it even under the present arrangement the price has gone skyhigh and the con tract is effective only to the end of july were not suggesting the spademan charge is out of line garbage trucks dont come cheap mr spademan knows his expenses better than we hes also aware of the cost factor related to travelling from whitchurchstouffville to maple road miles plus time equals dollars thousands of dollars while the hwy 48 landfill site was an abomination to our town due to uncon trolled dumping back in the 60s and 70s wc cant belief there isnt a safe disposal place somewhere in the munici pality council wc believe should be open to offers and at least investigate whatever recommendations are placed before it the profession dedication is what she respects and expects nothing less one of the things that bothers her greatly is the fact more and more pa rents are choosing private schools for their children over public schools some things obviously wrong with the system she says she wants these wrongs cor rected and shes promised to do what she can if elected to correct them but the bureaucracy of education is a far cry from the grass roots goldman admits this she stresses however that whitchurchstouffville must come first all else is secondary and this is the way it has to be otherwise shes only one small voice crying in the wilderness we appreciate the goldman announcement at this time it indi cates thoughtful consideration rather than a snap decision it indicates a per sonal desire to get involved where it counts we trust it will spark interest among a crosssection of the electorate interest thats been lacking all too long ordinarily im nota quitter and i have no patience with people whd are quitters onlyhurt- themselves their absence is seldom more often accepted with relief four weeks ago i fell into the category of a quitter i walked out of a meeting in disgust and strange as it may seem im not sorry in fact im still seething seething at what i heard and observed i couldnt believe my eyes and ears it was a public meeting at orchard park school in stouffville i was looking forward to it with great anticipation for two reasons first as a parent i was anticipating uptodate information on the direction the educational system is taking with respect to english and that oldfashioned subject called grammar second i was looking forward to a news story after all- most moms and dads should be interested in language and learning the subject of the seminar the guest speaker was a consultant with the york region board of educa tion this lady was quite obviously learned at least she gave me that impression- middleaged immaculate fluent a real ly gungho kind of gal this should be a real learning experience i said to my self what a disappointment most of what she said went right over my head i hon estly didnt know what she was talking about but this i accepted after all she was speaking in terms of the 80s my association with reading writing and arithmetic goes back to the 30s times have surely changed i kept telling my self when it came to the question and answer period one father obviously just as confused as i wondered why his daughter an aplus student in all sub jects had so much trouble with spelling he stated quite honestly that if her en glish mark was based solely on the abil ity to spell she would fail the speaker had no explanation sug gesting that hers was a particular prob lem deserving study and research the reply started an itch in the seat of my pants that worsened as the evening wore on by the time she was close to a conclusion the agony was unbearable i thought i should leave before i infected the entire crowd bejieve me dear frustrated father your daughters inability to spell isnt rare its common and the predica ment that has parents everywhere wringing their hands in disbelief will worsen if schools follow this learned ladys advice dont attach too much significance to the spelling of a word she recom mended its the meaning that counts she advised in so many words that if a child concentrates on the correctness of his spelling it will cramp his style and hell lose the desire to experiment with new words for fear of making mistakes thats like a mother encouraging her baby to walk when he hasnt yet learned to crawl unfortunately when he falls and fractures his skull the correct approach is taken too late i give you examples of the point i feel the learned lady was trying to make in these two sentences which in your opin ion is best thanks for the good meal mom ill need nothing more until night or im extremly apreciative of the bontiful re- passt mother ill recquire nothing addi- tonal until evning because im from whats commonly referred to as the old school i choose the former ive seen too much of the latter not just in grades 6 7 and 8 but in grades 11 12 and 13 what do you think many parents attending the meeting appeared to agree with the speaker at least they were nodding their heads i didnt and i left even before the discus sion concluded was i wrong is spelling archaic is word discovery of prime importance id like to know and so undoubtedly would many moms and dads just as frustrated as i slams party solidarity dear editor i wish to make comment concerning the success of greg sorbara liberal and the defeat of bill hodgson con servative in the may 2 provincial elec tion i agree with your summation mr hodgson indeed defeated himself he elected to hang on to office one term too long however with respect to whitchurch- stouffville the wound went deeper than that his handling of the landfill site problem was terribly inept and brought the true bill hodgson to the surface not only did he not understand the seriousness of the situation but he elected not to come to grips with the problem for fear of embarrassing his government this is the thing i find so irritating about provincial and federal politics- party solidarity because of this desire to walk the party line constituents arc sacrificed thank god for elections where the ordinary person whos con tinually ignored can make his mark on a ballot whitchurchstouffville spoke its mind may 2 i hope mr hodgsons successor and other candidates to follow were listening elizabeth carter vandorf road receive chief scout awards ten stouffville boys received chief scout awards may 15 at a parent and son banquet in stouffville united church honored for outstanding achievement in scouting were left to rightdavid endcrwick ron mcconncil chris walters ron ormson ken richards andrew green stewart richards chris simons and john walters absent from the photo is darren mccool the boys also received engraved scout rings and stirling silver lapel pins containing the town crest pre sented by mayor tom wood