re2 economist suntribune february 20 1985 computer diagnosis accurate yta told eight doctors from the stan ford medical school were re cently forced to swallow their pride when a computer- generated diagnosis of 10 meningitis cases was rated more acceptable than any of the doctors thats what dr george lu- er a professor of computer science at the university of few mexico recently told 180 members of the york technol- gy association in a recent seminar about a new phase of omputer technology called rtificial intelligence the seminar was the first in ytas spotlight on technology series currently being used by the japanese to develop compu ters artificial intelligence mathematically analyzes data and weights assumptions to reach a conclusion to illustrate the practical uses of these knowledgebased systems dr luger used two programs mycin and pros pector the mycin program was deemed more accurate than the eight stanford doctors by eight infectious disease ex perts from around the united states prospector is being used in resource exploration to evalu ate data from soil analyses and land studies to pinpoint natural resource deposits like oil and natural gas under development for 20 years artificial intelligence will eventually be applied to business and military applica tions jtock sxssxxxxxtttttttatxsxxxxxssxssxxx locksmiths we service and sell abloy high security pickproof locks repaired changed installed fast mobile service workshop including master grandmaster key systems for industry commerce institutions apts clinic 2940660 hwy 7 sherwood plaza near iga 6532199 137 vaughan road toronto ontario est since 1968 standard trust opens standard trust on markhams main street offi cially opened its new offices recently with a rib bon cutting ceremony doing the honors are susan gustaffson brian omalley president standard trust york north mp tony roman lachlan cattanagh alen mcnicholl standard trust branch manager and barb andrews sjoerd witteveen the people pleasers awarded givfs triple crownaward for sales service and excellence sales service- leasing gfl parts hwy 7 e of mccowan markham 2941440 new spaghetti house opens in markham galaxy computer solutions 09841 business analysis and custom computer systems design software evaluation programming staff orientation and training maintenance and support we match what is available in todays technology and what is best for your business providing an objective view between you and the vendor we design and customize your computer system in a modular fashion so that future modifications or additions will not interfere with the original structure a good computer systemx can prove itself by x increasing revenue avoiding costs opening in two weeks the old village spaghetti house at 346 main st will offer din ers eurothentic italian cook- ing says owner vera polio the 38seat restaurant will be liscenced and mrs polio says her husband lorenzo has a few secrets up his sleeve as far as recipes go featuring a fullrange of italian dishes the res taurant will also offer home made hamburgers french fries onion rings and veal and sausage sandwiches a takeout service is also offered opening a restaurant is something the polios have always wanted to do according to mrs polio the time was right and so was the location the restaurant will open at 11 am for lunch and close at 1 am help fight kidney disease giw to trie kklnty foundation of canada task force tonj look at jobs j and education h h the ontario liberal task force on school and work will be conducting il third hearing on tuesday february from 130945 pm at the thomhill com- munity centre i the task force was set up to investigate the problem of youth unemployment and- the apparent failure of the educational ys- tem to prepare our young people for chanj- ing job markets i representatives from the community from business and labor to education and manufacturing are invited to make sub missions to the task force their viqws concerns and personal success stories will serve to help the task force formulate a workable schooltowork policy task force cochairman mpp sean conway renfrew north will be joined by- ron maheu liberal candidate for york centre to hear submissions mr- maheu who wants to ensure a secure future forlohr children was instrumental in bringing te task force to the riding schools are not training our students for the specific jobs in the marketplace to- day says mr maheu there has to be much more emphasis on skills training ce levant to the work force rather than relyijig on the traditional 20 year old curriculum presently in effect he says mr maheu feels the conservative gcty- ernment has not adequately addressed this issue he says at a time when changesln ontarios education system and imple mentation of youth employment projects should be top priority the government continues to underfund educationaltrail ing institutions and cancels job creation programs jj government and business have jo share the responsibility for job creation and job training says mr maheu grea ter cooperation between business govern ment and educators combined with in creased funding for new educational prog rams will certainly reduce soaring yputh unemployment and give ontarios ygung people the best opportunity to succeed in the workplace he says mr maheu says the people who make submissions to the task force will prpvjde insight into the schooltowork problem- and will assist the task force in finding solutions the task force looks forward to heading a variety of submissions from all sectors for more information about making sub missions contact ms carol beckirian policy analyst queens park tel 965- 3976 t business guide termed regional reference tool lioseuptolopounds in as little as 2 weeks you wont feel hungry you will feel a new con fidence a new control nodrugscrashdieisor special foods lo buy call for your first free consultation today diet center ifip lite years ahead 4714500 tremont house upstairs 129 main st n markham ont 19w oki cmltr iftc- the first comprehensive listing of york region indus tries has now been com pleted the york region indust rial reference guide con taining information on more than 1800 industries or in dustrialrelated firms is ex pected to be a valuable busi ness tool for those in york region the 128page direc tory offers a line of com munication to buyers and sellers suppliers and con sumers services and clients for companies and indi viduals outside york the directory provides an over view of the regions indust rial sector and is expected to attract more companies to yorks corporate neighbor hood regional chairman eldred king in his introduc tion termed the guide a useful comprehensive and timely publication that will both inform the rest of ontario about york region and help us sell ourselves to ourselves in addition to the directory listings the reference guide til t includes editorial materials outlining the economie velopment prospects for each of yorks nine munfck palities as well as statistical information on the regfoij i and the municipalises mr king congratulated the directorys publisher fred gerard of alrioma communications for an out- standing cooperative efffirt between private enterjjrjfse and government the chair man noted the directory was produced at no cost to the re gion but with the region re taining full editorial control copies of the directorkre being distributed to alljjuv dustries listed yorks iftne municipalities federal pro vincial and local trade and development offices mem bers of federal and provin cial governments canadas top 100 industries ajid targeted industrial develop ment prospects direct sales of the direc tory are being handledlby alcoma communications of markham individualsor companies wishing to obtain copies may contact alcoma at 416 4741895 improving service galaxy computer solutions c1984 a professional systems analyst will help you to decide whether to automate or not what to automate what modifications may be necessary to an existing system for further information call galaxy computer solutions c19841 14161 6406841 serving all of ontario ifiistimt family trust corpooation did you know that 703 of adults in the markhamstouff ville area read the economisttribune com pared to only 23 who read the toronto sun now you know source kubas and associates study marcrj 1984 details on request i secured by guaranteed investment certificates 1 1 5 year term rates available for other terms on request for your convenience extended hours mon feb 25th to thurs feb 28 9 am 8 pm 2941372 ext 272 or 273 unionville community fellowship friday march 1st at 745 pm crosblc arena 210 main street unlonvlllc special speaker paul henderson xhi hockey slnr tcom canada 1072 also presenting illtt harblngcra in concert uqm rrrtrtmnls tickers ssoomch n to obtain tickets please call or 4 mrs jako thiossn 4773881 3 or mr j mrs jim morrison 4774167 4 ll