wm x- j- v mpi general help 505 dairy queen dairy queen counter help day staff for lunch hours part time evenings weekends flexible hours salary based on experience skills with regular salary reviews apply in person week days only 2430 pm hwy 7 markham road markham part time help wanted inserting newspapers day and night work calls taken thursday only between 1000 am and 1130 am steelesvictoria park area 4931300 ext 238 ask for nina factory help required by automotive parts re- builders keele and langstaff area will train apply in person 96 planchet road rnsrnas experienced nurses aides h0memakers work the day and shifts of your choice for interview call c0mcare- 9293364 toronto north york mississauga richmond hill brampton attention homemakers mornings only 930 am 130 pm we will train people with a clear and confident voice to do telephone interviews on behalf of a major department store promoting their services no experience necessary training is provided location don millseglinton call mrs mitchell 4411673 agreement administration clerk applications are now being received for the above position in the legal department duties prepares drafts and final copies of site plan control and subdivision agree ments prepares and circulates amend ments for previously executed agree ments responds to inquiries with re- ij jspect to agreements both internally and externally assists the legal and admit n ronistration departments as required qualifications communication general know ledge at a high school graduate level in commercial or equivalent word processing and experience in a legal office an asset a few years experience in this or a similar position salary 17570 to 19115 per annum 1984 salary please apply on or before feb 19 1985 to personnel department 8911 woodbine ave markham ontario l3r 1a1 4777000 aquatics coordinator applications are now being received for the above position in the parks and recreation de partment duties provides general administration and su pervision for the aquatics unit to include management of indoor aquatic facility communicates liaises with various asso ciations clubs government agencies general public and staff qualifications communication general know ledge at a high school graduate level specific training through a community college program in recreational leadershipfacilities management or equivalent minimum 2 years full time ex perience must hold current certi fication in the following red cross instructor royal life sav ing society instructorexaminer national lifeguard service award and cardio pulmonary resuscitation salary 23070 to 25125 per annum 1984 salary i please apply on or before feb 19 1985 to personnel department mmkham 8911 woodbine ave markham ontario l3r1a1 4777000 jgmarlin yv travel travel counsellor parttime experience with reservac and global accounting an asset markham place don mills and steeles 8818590 full time experienced hairstylist required excellent wage apply in person to 131 a main sl n or phone 47m24s bm motors 8150 woodbine avenue requires experienced full part time gas attendants experienced tow truck driver apply in person 9 am 5 pjn clerical typist required for small sales office for filing typing and telephone duties good command of english essential call 4990222 victoria parksteeles area counter help wanted honey 8ee donut midnight shift 2940955 disc jockey mature responsible person wanted part time own transportation necessary will train call af ter 6 pm 6405769 economistsun the economist sun has an opening in the dis tribution department for a district representa tive ideal for student approx 610 hours a week in the evening and alternating sundays car is necessary for an interview please call jenni hutt 2948244 fconomistsun the economist sun has an opening in the dis tribution department for a route verifier the position involves a lot of contact with the public by phone evening work for more information please contact jenni hutt 2948244 bconomistsuii the economist sun is looking for a reliable person with a van to distribute papersfflyers and some mail delivery on wednesdays for more information please contact jenni hurt 2948244 factory help sprayer and general labourer required for small fastgrowing company call for interview 4770709 harveys full time kitchen help apply between 3 5 pm any day 270 wellington st w corner of mccowan hwy 7 dgw electronics corp immediate openings for assembly workers apply in person 85 spy court hwy 7 woodbine parts department major distributor in wardensteeles area requires a person to handle order desk and counter sales experience with lawn and snow equipment is an asset call dave wellard 4750988 turf care products ltd part time cashier pro hardware 76 wellington st w hwy 7 ask for jackie 2942443 part time day person for sample inspection of printed material some wrapping and packing involved lesliehwy 7 area must have car 7316052 data entry woodbine and steeles small consumer goods company requires fast and accurate terminal operator duties include order processing and inventory maintenance good telephone manners a must v 4756330 ext 24 part time evenings monday to friday 5 10 pm duties include answering phones for arena-hall- fitness centre and pool some clerical and record keeping must type minimum 55 wpm apply in person 9 am 5 pm monday to friday markham centennial centre 8600 mccowan rd north of markville plaza waiterswaitresses experienced at bar tending and serving 2949039 bm restaurant waitresses required full time 310 pjn monday friday experience in food and cocktails call angelo 4750666 8152 woodbine avenue markham ontario parkview home for the aged requires a life enrichment services su pervisor applicants should enjoy interacting with older persons and have experience and training in giv ing leadership in socialrecreational program ming ie handicrafts indoor and outdoor re creational activities interested applicant would be responsible for supervising and coordinating volunteer ser vices supervising production of a bimonthly newspaper work with home auxiliary executive provide leadership in community activities preference will be given to persons with a degree in occupational therapy please call 640191 1 or apply at 481 rupert ave nue stouffville ontario contact mr jm nighswander foran appoint ment country i club cleaners j 1 wwwp grand opening country club cleaners raymerville drive at mccowan garment pressers seamstress counter personnel apply in person only thurs feb 14 2 430 fri feb 1591 part time position available for retail investigation nights and weekends must be 21 years of age bondable apply in person on february 14th 15th to woolco mccowan rd hwy 7 markville shopping centre hair stylist experienced with clientel for a new salon in markham 4715730 staff required lor recreation program for 612 years olds 730830 am andor 1130 am- 115 pm andor 330 6 pm please contact 4442612 anytime or 2945087 between 330 6 pm i lubrication attendant full time valid drivers licence a general knowledge of cars must be reliable and self motivated cashier part time for self serve gas bar interested and qualified applicants may apply in person to shell rapid lube 98 wellington st markham retween 10am 4pm to mr paul biasucci travelways school transit requires parttime school bus driver approximate hours 730 9 am and 3 430 pm 5 days per week call 2945104 office help 515 bookkeeper for accounts receivable to trial balance using one rite system small office steeles midland only fully experienced need apply for further informa tion call mrs london 2917106 clerk typist required for busy credit office 12 years business experience preferred call mr clifford 4759600 experienced legal secretary required for markham office reply to box 4031 economist sun 9 heritage rd markham ont l3p 1m3 clerk typist required for company handling insurance claims applicant should have 60 wpm typ ing organizational skills and pleasant phone manner 60 nugget avenue unit 6 scarborough sheppard mccowan for interview call mrs linton 2934157 senior stenographer we require an experienced person for a busy sales office should have accurate typing for quotes price lists general correspondence and previous experience on personal computer or word processor telephone contact experience is essential some technical background and dicta experience would be an asset if interested apply to personnel office emerson electric canada ltd markham ontario 2949340 svvttchboardtvpist pari time position available 4hr day for bright neat operator own transportation ne metro 47s0430 office help economist suntribune february 13 195jb9 35 secretary mitsubishi electric is a leader in the electronics industry and because of rapid growth in our numerical controls division we are seeking a career minded secretary for our markham office ideal candidate will provide full secretarial administrative support for the nc region al service department duties will include typing customer service filing inventory control record keeping plus more must type about 55 wpm and have pleasant telephone personality we offer an excellent starting salary and complete be nefits package send letter or resume to mitsubishi electric sales america nc divjnational headquarters 799 north bierman circle ml prospect illinois 60056 attn r schulenburg ar clerk 14 15 k east end firm is looking for a promotable accounting clerk must have accounting background and have excellent math skills first or second year riacga would be a definite asset excellent command of the english language good organizational skills and polished in presentation a must excellent company benefits car an asset hunt call linda 4928502 rtrsarmlj secretaryperson friday parttime importing company requires an experi enced individual with knowledge of office procedures and good office skills duties to include typing telephone filing customer contact some shorthand helpful but not necessary and other office related duties steeles victoria park 4753737 fil armour real estate inc member broker real estate secretaryreceptionist for busy markham office previous real estate experience an asset but not essen tial hours 9 am 5 pm please call cindi heneke 2942533 for interview clerks we require coding clerks with good observation skills to work 372 hours per week beginning march 1 for a 6 week period 160 mcnab street markham ontario l3r 4b8 4758048 receptionist typist white rose crafts and nursery sales limited require full time office help with typing filing good telephone manner and an apptitude for fi gures for our warehouse in unionville and scarborough apply in person 4038 7 hwy unionville ontario temporary office trainees a large manufacturer in markham has temporary openings in general office and typing fortrainees the training will be for 812 weeks the objective of the program is to provide work experience for young people who have left the educational system but have not found suitable work qualifications have been out of school for 3 months or more and are not returning have not found work in a career of their choice are not presently employed have own transportation training assignments typing and general office clerical work data entry 2 years high school typing required salary if eligible will receive youth training allowance to applytelephone mrs short 2944000 federal pioneer ltd 160 bullock drive markham typist typist required in small company initial respon sibility in word processing also general office duties 40 wpm good language skills warden and steeles call 4757171 receptionist clerk good telephone manner typing and clerical ex perience required full time position until august starting salary 225rweek apply by application or deliver resume to 41 steelcase rd w markham sales hefp 520 fafwwlv trust corporation s give me an hour of your time let me tell you how you can succeed in real estate no other profession offers the independence and financial opportunities of real estate and theres no better place to begin than with the profession als at family trust corp our ongoing training and professional market ing plan make the difference call now betty webber manager markham 2941372 our kind of selling is always in fashion were canadas leading lingerie and leisurewear fashion company with a complete range ol styled designed and manufactured in canada especially lor canadian women with emphasis on quality style and allowability we sell only through sales representatives at in- home parties lor women work your own hours earn impressive commissions and have lun at the same time for more information on an exciting and profitable op- porlunily call collect 41 6 6329090 macher1eltdest1975 irene hill ltd j as a progressive ladies fashion chain we are currently seeking ex- perienced mature part time sales consultants for our stores in mark ham marketplace don mills andj steeles and in don mills shopf ping centre don mills and law rence if you are capable of making cusi tomer service a number one prioh ity please apply in person to irene hill markham marketplace or call tina norton 8811902 t specialty chemical sales we offer an opportunity to participateina business with high repeat sales and profits we need a selfstarter with ambition and perseverance if you have some direct sales and first clos- ing experience call us as at 4986015 or 4756084 10 am 4 pm weekdays sales manager must have previous experience in direct sales and sales management for markham based subsidiary of major national cor- poration preferred person over 50 years of age i please send written application to box 4032 economist sun 9 heritage road markham ont l3p 1m3 1 in fashion fun successful home party co in childrens fashions expanding to your area sales i reps required for details contact pollytogs pobox 56 i burlington ont l7r 3x8 or call 4163361507 collect computer forms be your own boss are you a computer lu forms salesperson sj would you like to double your income phone richard dusk 4979777 dynasty computer supplies sales marketing repsf 24000 plus v needed immediately canadian marketing and management consultants requires 6 marketing reps for markhamrichmond hill area sales experience helpful but not essential j as full training provided if you are looking for a challenging sales position with future j management opportunities then you are 1 the person we are looking for we offer very competitive compensation package car a must for interview call 4772866 ext 403 sales required immediately several persons to market designer fragrances through direct sales no investment 3050 commission and override 1 training provided inquiries 7317628