c6 economist suntribune november 21 19m c general help 505 sales help parttime fulltime cashiers produce experience preferred garden valley fruit market 1 raymerville dr markham 2948668 part time gas bar attendant required tmmediatefy apply in person to petro canada hvy48 and hwy7 receptionisttypist an excellent opportunity for advancement as a recent graduate your typing and dictaphone skills are excellent you want to get ahead and are willing to work long and hard to quickly gain responsibilities we are a small expanding international company that is prepared to reward your sincerity salary range to start is 14000 plus ohip send a short resume to vital automotive systems inc 3000 steeles ave east suite 205 markham ontario l3r4t9 required person for junior position to assist with general duties in a small office and warehouse the work would consist of shipping and receiving also general office work and copy typing therefore reasonable typing skills are required we are situated in markham forinter- view please phone 4772173 start your own franchise business investment and insurance seminar mutual life of canada is offering you the oppor tunity to be your own boss by starting your own business attend at no cost or obligation our seminar which is designed to acquaint you with the career opportuni ties in this expanding profession for information and registration call richmond hill agency 8844677 data base clerk this is a good opportunity for an enthusias tic and well organized person to take on a challenging position in a major market re search firm the successful applicant will have com munity college computer science educa tion good communication skills and some exposure in a computer oriental environ ment we offer a good starting salary with excel lent benefits and flexible work hours ac nielsen co of canada ltd 160 mcn3bb st markham ont l3r 4b8 4758048 part time help required for telephone work filter queen 37 main st unit 206 markham call 2344334 hairdresser full time or parttime unionville 4773689 typistreceptionist junior position needed for busy company lo cated in the markham area must have good typ ing and spelling skills call 4756432 petrocanada car wash attendantsalesperson full time position apply manager s petro canada 4780 hwy 7 mafkhamunioriville 4772003 cparkway inn required immediately front office clerk part time maids houseman full part time cooks dishwashers full time waitresses waiters apply in person 600 hwy 7 east richmond hill part time receptionist wanted for weekend work in busy real estate office call 2983113 parkview has an employment opportunity for 1 person under the ontario youth corp prog ram conditions are a unemployed for 3 months or more b between the ages of 16 and 24 selection by parkview will be on the basis of apti tude and suitable skillsexperience for employ ment on the nursing staff applications should be made on parkviews forms and will be received until november 30 1984 phone 6401911 parkview home 481 rupert ave stouffville paid volunteers wanted to participate in heart drug blood level study male nonsmokers 21 35 years old in good health human rights exemption no 398 if chosen must be able to stay at mar kham study centre for 8 consecutive days meals and excellent remuneration in cluded for information call 2949944 9 am 4 pm experienced receptionisttypist for real estate office warden steeles area call raffaela 4751441 part time salesperson two to three years experience in retail industry required salary and commission apply in per son to manager peoples jewellers markville shopping centre 5000 hwy 7 junior secretaries we have immediate openings exclusively in the east end scarborough willowdale and mar kham areas for a variety of positions if you have good communication secretary reception wp or data entry skills and want to work close to home we can keep you busy on interesting tem porary assignments while we search for the right permanent position for you graduates and those of you returning to the work force are welcome hunt call debbie 4928502 fehsovwel etc soon to open in thornhill requires full and parttime staff for the following positions cooks hostess prep cooks server dishwashers bartender please apply in person to kelseys restaurant 7355 bayview avenue just north of steeles dental assistant required for busy scarborough practice cert 2934452 accounts payable clerk required preferably with experience in construc tion industry steeleswoodbine area please call pat duberry 4777930 baskinrobbins wanted full time cake decorator to start im mediately experience not required will train apply in person at 8525 mccowan rd between 11 am 5 pm cleaning person required on regular basis long term possibility references required call 4757075 cook wanted mature responsible cook needed at participation house experience preferred call 2940944 counter help honey bee donuts part full time call 2944955 and ask for mary clerktypist junior victoria park steeles accurate typing and good telephone manner duties include invoice typing and filing will be trained on order desk must read write and speak english call for appointment 4752102 dutch maids work for the best permanent full time position cleaning houses and apartments excelelnt training program provided regular pay increases bonuses and inventives cars supplied 2240770 4770162 full part time experienced full and part time cashiers required for christmas also part time receiver days only apply in per son to w h smith markville shopping centre cashier cashier for selfserve station from 11 pjn to 7 am apply esso station comer hwy7 48 markham hairstyustexper1enced preferably with clientele for new exclusive salon in markham call 2861302 ask for linda security guards full parttime 6367000 insurance secretary ribo licence required 2949444 skilled help hairdresser vince ninos interviewing for new cutting room 2943232 temporary office trainees a large manufacturer in markham has temporary openings in general office and typing for trainees the training will be for 812 weeks the objective of the program is to provide work experience for young people who have left the educational system but have not found suitable work qualifications have been out of school for 3 months or more and are not returning have not found work in a career of their choice are not presently employed have own transportation training assignments typing and general office clerical work data entry 2 years high school typing required electrical drafting 2 years high school drafting required salary if eligible will receive youth training allowance to applytelephone mrs short 2944000 federal pioneer ltd 160 bullock drive markham office help 515 bookkeeper parttime required by light high tech manufacturing com pany woodbinesteeles area willing to train on a computerized system if necessary for appointment call 4757075 markham office requires fulltime clerkreceptionist to assume general office duties some experience helpful call janet 4756058 secretary for betz pools 6401424 general office experience necessary ap plicants must have shorthand word pro cessing experience and courteous tele phone manners applications now being accepted 575 main st w stouffville senior order desk clerk an international manufacturer of watches and clocks has an opening in its markham office for a senior order desk clerk requirements are 2 years online experience ibm terminal 5251 ability to delegate work and establish priority good communication skills and a pleasant telephone manner flexibility and willingness to work overtime please forward resume and salary requirements to sales administrator tmx canada inc 635 hood road markham ont l3r 4n6 telephone calls will not be accepted 520 coming events sales people wanted a program that can help you lose weight improve your health increase your energy level and do better financially for a free ride to a product information meeting this saturday or for product in formation call j brandt 4711878 now herbalife 15- medical help 525 rn for oral surgeons office parttime 9217733 after 6 prn 510 nurse aides homemakers requited immediately lor day shifts full and partt1me experience necessary please call comcare 9293364 torontonorth yorkrichmond hillmississauga brampton restaurantshotels 530 nags head north requires experienced cocktail waiters and waitresses bus persons apply in person from 5 11 pm 7270 woodbine ave 2 blocks north of steeles the grove restaurant requires a hostesshost for full time permanent position great personality is a must apply in person 1020 denison st markham 2 blocks north of steeles 1 block west of warden domestic help available 541 excellent cleaning lady available in the markham area call 2949796 twolady experienced cleaning team at your service references available reasonable rates call 6401839 career training 560 tv and radio nlb is now interviewing new people for news commer cials talk shows dj and sports tv and radio announcer training part or full time dial 9643616 employment wanted 565 bobcat 3000 per hour backhoe and truck work clean your barn dig for fence post holes and swimming pools etc top soil sand gravel for sale 6404561 or 8527311 tenders 609 tender construction of a parks maintenance building sealed tender clearly marked as to contents will be received by the town clerk at 891 1 woodbine ave markham up to and including tuesday november 27 at 10 am tender forms and specifications may be obtained from the purchasing dept at 8911 woodbine ave markham lowest orany tender orany part of anytendernot necessarily accepted 8911 woodbine ave markham ontario l3r 1a1 4777000 prequalification daytoday maintenance for the following trades general contracting electricians plumbing the york regional housing authority invites proposals for the prequalification of contractors for daytoday maintenance for the above trades in various projects located in newmar ket aurora richmond hill vaughan stouffville and georgina on the basis of rates set by york regional housing authority for a period effective january 2 1985 to decem ber 31 1985 contractors will be required to provide service to respond to a telephone call from the york region al housing authority within 48 hours details and specifications along with the necessary submis sion forms may be obtained from york regional housing authority ste 201 509 yonge street south aurora ontario l4g 1m1 telephone no 7271354 or 8321618 submissions shall be received no later than december 14 1984 at 1100 am legal notices 610 notice to creditors and others in the estate of victoria jean mcleod also known as jean rickettes deceased all persons having claims against the estate of victoria jean mdeod late of 39 walker- ton drive markham ontario who died on or about the 28th day of april 1984 are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of novem ber 1984 after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose daim he shall not then have notice dated at toronto this 18th day of october 1984 myrtle mdeod binks alexander george mdeod and marilyn march executors by their solicitcr herein aiken capp 14th floor colonia tower 2 st clair avenue east toronto ontario m4t2r1 attention lauranee j rosen esq coming events 615 christmas craft sale sat nov 24th 10 am 4 pm 18 crafters plus baking tea room door prizes stouffville christian school 2 miles east of stouffville youre invited to crafty anns christmas craft sale at 137 church street markham 2943487 0- p friday november 23rd 10 am to 4 pm come aid bring a mend l christmas craft sale friday nov 23rd 10am to 8pm at 391 boyer st stouffville everyone welcome i the next meeting of the markhanvunfonville newcomc ers alumni club will be on november 26th at the boar- droom of participation house at 830 pm -i- announcements 61c- medchem toronto ultra sound ltd wish to announce the opening of their pre mises 142 main st w stouffville l0h 1l0 6402242 258 main st n markham l3p 1y7 mount joy medical centre 2942828 for the practice of diagnostic ultra sound by appointment personals 620 abortion alternatives free pregnancy testing con- fident1al call 2945748 anyone witnessing a personal injury accident on friday nov 2 1984 at 1130 pm on hwy 7 west of kennedy rd please contact paul mercer 4992700 y canadian cancer society for information call president- 2941601 6404279 4774021 patient ser vices 2946575 6405672 4772106 in memoriams- 2941853 6402461 4771626 cancermount 6402702 4773266 z t have you had your in colors done yet find out what colors suit you best based on your- skin type hair eyes etc 30 each for a group of 4 people a novel idea for a xmas gift call 4752929 i edward r cryderman of 105 winlane dr apt 101 box t 1522 stouffville will no longer be responsible for anyj debts incurred in myname without my written consent as of november 14 1984 parent support line for help with youth drug in- volvement 2256601 markham alcohol drug education parents against drugs lose weight easily proven clinical results at the acupuncture clinic cuts cravings tension diet to day call us now 4714526 music 111 disc jockey motion srvice music for all occasions steve pollard 4714558 nils bridgeman denture therapy clinics 30 wellington st e hwy 7 ne side of hwy 48 markham ontario tel 2946155 5330 yonge st south of finch willowdale ont tel 2265712 lllllllllbiisiiijy ikidriri z commercial s jctstv seeking new kids 41 3 for jtv beginners direction m m parents call m 9649610 j iiiiaiiiiiiiii business personals 621 actors for tv tv sound stage is now interviewing new people for spe- dal tv studio training to act in tv series tv commercials movies parttjmo all ages for your studio call dial 9643393 free 120 page carter guide shows howto train it horns tor 205 toppaying full and pan lime jobs grinton uuti- lute 267a adelaide sl west toronto call 416 9773929 lodayl births ms degroot sina and honk are happy to announce tho arrival of jacob nicholas nov 9 1934 a brother for larah proud grandparents ara do degroot nymebon holland and jacob and pie vanderpyl ter aar holland nigh brad and marilyn neo pearson ara happy to announce the safe arrival of their second child amanda jessie mae 9 lbs 5 oz born november 3rd 1984 at york county hospital newmarket a baby sister for jason proud grandparonts aro mr mrs walter pearson and mr norman nigh proud greatgrandparents are mrs lulu niddery and m- mrs joseph fodder special thanks to dr guest wells stevon and janet taylor aro happy to announco the birth of their first child brian thomas aenweighing6lbssoiontuesdaynov61934mst josephs general hospital in elliot lake brian is the first grandchild for allin and lonora wells and tho second grandchild for croft tayfor and 8etty taylor