royal show its royal agri cultural winter fair time the show dating back to 1922 opens nov 8 tomorrow and extends through nov 17 the loca tion is the coliseum exhibition place toronto the royal re garded as canadas show window of agriculture will feature more than 13000 entries in 23 divisions as well as 14 classes of field crops prize money will total 300000 special attrac tions will include the heavy draught horse show de scribed as north americas largest as part of ontar ios bicentennial celebrations sever al farm families who continue to work the land first settled by their ancestors more than 200 years ago will be present nov 12 the grand finale for the centennial celebrations of hol- stein canada will be held along with sheepshearing competitions the royal is the ultimate in terms of livestock and crops- the top show in north america says general mana ger andy stewart if youre a winner here it means you have the best in the business tribune november 7 1984 a15 honors for 13 beavers proceeds to hospital cedarbrae golf and coun try club is the location of a dis play of fall and winter fashions and luncheon thurs day tomorrow nov 8 at 12 noon the womens committee of markham is sponsoring the event with proceeds going to the markhamstouff ville hos pital fund apparel will be featured from union mills country casuals and old firehali sports unionville tickets 18 are available by calling 2949220 or 4714114 investiture ceremony held at latcham hall an investiture was held thursday evening at latch am hall for thirteen new members of the 3rd stouffville beaver pack the boys with their beaver mascot are shown here they are front row left to rightsteven lummiss stephen kalinovich michael szucs kevin koornneef mark kaspick trevor fogal bowen satchell rear row left to rightandrew kaspick chris gillespie robert paisley chris mackenzie brendon burnett and jason thompson the key leader of the 3rd stouffville beaver pack is gil gould ss general nutrition centers rice war most items in this ad- t0 uu o lower c um if youre not buying your vitamins at gncare you paying too much garlic caps nana emufr j49 coupon expires i 100- 3 1200 mg potent lecithin f alfalfa rcatos 995 coupon coupon tmbb oilcak i kg 199 f49 j icoittn coupon expires 250 coupon coupon beta vitamin b12 j carotene kc- s4qo 1 ce1 1 121 44 ijdmjei ii 2144 j save 250 j coupo txwwes liai j coupon stays lysine i ret 499 ixpitts 11 21 coowd 75 mg potassium i00 epie112i4 coupon 250 mg ginseng s 99 zinc coupon nri a 10000 beg cm coupon l-trypto- phane 99 kmes1i2i44 s149 i 100 1 expires 121 coupon cmciuw 30jc bone meal reo 049 kss at 110 eipiies ltjt4 kelp saves150 l 1 ooufcn cxpes ji j iron m u29 i la l reg 149 s2t9 i expires 1124 i exftltes 11 it i kioettptlom of coupons umitcd to one of ach kind flr family healthy foods 4 cosmetics money saving coupons treat farmers fair the banks should play a bigger part in handling the financial affairs of the rural community the president of the ontario federation of agriculture harry pelis- sero said at the canadian bankers asso- ciation agricultural credit conference in ottawa i bgljeve the new era of agricultural credit will demand more and better advice from your branches your credit officers and your agricultural extension staff pelissero said he suggested several ways bankers could help farmers reduce their debt load you can offer time still the scarcest com modityyou can help make the transition from the dated equityfinancing method to the pragmaticscience of cash flows zwhe lejtrwergwkedtp treat iar- mers laswelland as famy other jbredi- torstf iybuiask for a waiver6f rights against equity to secure a loan then you should offer something in return like a bet ter rate or a more favourable repayment schedule pelissero said he said bankers should work with far mers to investigate cooperative own ership of machinery and should consider encouraging some farmers to rent addi tional land instead of buying it the ofas two major thrusts to stabilize the farm economy are agribonds and mar ket risk insurance stabilization pelissero said that if the banks joined the ofa in lobbying the government for agribonds we would be as certain of success as you could ever be in politics agribonds are an investment vehicle that offer low interest rates in return for tax concessions the provincial govern ment has indicated its support for the agri- bond concept market risk insurance or stabilization dffl you know that 80 of adults in the markham stouffville area rate their commun ity paper the economisttribune as important to them now you know source kubas and associates study march 1984 details on re quest would take care of the income side of the farmers financial problems pelissero said he said the ofas market risk insur ance plan would stabilize farm income without leading to overproduction like in the us and without hampering the laws of supply and demand like in europe farmers and both the federal and pro vincial governments would pay into a mar ket risk insurance plan when the market price for a certain commodity drops below a predetermined level farmers would get a payout pelissero challeged the banking institu tions to work cooperatively with the farming community towards workable solutions that means new approaches and new partnerships partnerships that include creditor and olieirtjatmerand banker super saturday 1 day only november 10th 1984 doors open at 830 forsavingsand values up to 50 off your local sears retailstores sears your moneys wotffiand more almonds 149 ms value- with aftsjm purchas or i j 00 jr rlth ihli coupon coupon expires nift crackers bran 99149 expires iijtt j exps 11214 expires n21e4 expires 11214 dinner yogurt hjm coupon expires ii i4 33 f rtsh g80und peanut butter si 9 9 coupon exphjestiai94 jmmfey cracked wheal jbulguri tuna a 79 ii 210 i expires tl- i reg coupon exp1bes i 4m 21w california dates f 99 reg t323 coupon expires gml nutrition caned sce locations ma b temporarily out of stock if so rajnchccks wj- be gladly issued markville shopping centre it does matter where you learn to fly t ihsulafo- comractoi association i he insulation people ltd announces home show winners 1st prize 1000 worth of insula tion caulking and weather stripping package winner kc mcdonald rr 1 markham 2nd prize 2 sets of spring load door weather strip winners b wal ker buttonville h fygenraam un ionville b grayer willow beach j purchase downsview s lipson willowdale 3rd prize 1 set of spring load door weather strip winners t durmell- ing kirg city s manns toronto g hefferman aurora t ferguson markham k spratt aurora l puyo scarboro w shendelman willow- dale j fish stouffville j torres markham t birznieks agincourt we sincerely thank all people who entered our draw take a 20 discovery flight with us and see the difference for yourself youll get a preflight briefing an actual flying experience at the controls of a modern cessna airplane and a postflight review all for just 2000 markham airport hwy 48 5 km north of the village of markham 6406431 pure honey at real value most people know how to save most people know quality but if you can save and you have quality then youve got value save up to 35 for top quality honey country fresh just extracted liquid honey 70 don park unit 10 markham 4757644 reupholstering by t0r0mark the mark of quality since 1950 markham district upholsterers since 1950 let our craftsmen completely rebuild and recover your suite 5 year guarantee on workmanship you choose the fabric rom our many samples 2 piece plain suite rebuilt and recovered only ysoaoo nylon or polypropolene in tweed or plaid 499 free armcaps pickup dasvery for free home estimate cah 2942581 toromark furniture house ltd quality furniture reupholstering carpeting oraperies sherwood plaza 4772055 2942581 hwy 7 just wist hwy 4 mvwmm monthly paymonta at no intaoit i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i larkfield apiaries m producerpacker i 8 jeremy drive unionville j honey house sales item 250 g jar 8 oz 500 g jar 1 lb 1 oz 1kjar- 2 lb 34 oz 2 k pail 4 lb 7 oz 3 k pail 6 lb 10 oz suggest retail honey house you save up to 35 220 80 610 405 205 m120 730 390 m085 585 ask about our honey bear reusable servers special i ea honey is good and good for you baked goods taste better and stay fresher longer ask the athletes it provides instant energy jl- i i i i i i i i i i i saturdays i only 9 am- 4 pm i