a4 tribune october 24 1984 editors mail disgrace dear mr thomas i disagree strongly with your stand on a midterm election to fill the office of town mayor our council can spend our tax dollars fast enough without throw ing 17000 out the window on a vote to fill a position thats really only a chairmans post when one realizes that less than 40 per cent of the residents vote in an election every three years one can visualize the turnout for a wa tereddown election with only two positions at stake mayor and ward 2 who needs it not the taxpayers of whitchurchstouffville as far as im concerned the council term could be extended to five years in stead of three while democracy must be served the whole election process municipally is a waste of time effort and money sincerely katherine penny rr 3 newmarket proud dear mr thomas im sure i speak for many when i tell you how much i appreciated your roaming around column con cerning the visit by the african chil dren to stouffville oct 13 although neither my son nor my daughter was involved as a host or hostess the parents of the young people who were must indeed be proud this was a learning experience for both groups that theyll never forget i think theres a verse in the bible that reads a little child will lead them i feel theres a lesson here that could be put into practice by many adults sincerely beatrice russell north street stouffville the tribune established 1888 james thomas bruce annan pat pappas jenni hutt editor publisher advertising manager distribution manager editorial dept jim holt chris shanahan display advertising dept terri bernhadt real estate classified advertising joan marshman distribution doreen deacon national sales representative metroland corporate sales 4931300 published every wednesday by metroland printing publishing distributing at 54 main st stouffville ont tel 6402100 single copes subscriptions s1650 per year in canada 4500 elsewhere member of canadian community newspapers association ontario weekly newspaper association ontario press coun cil and suburban newspaper 6 americasecond class maitregtstration number 0895 the stouffville tribune is one of the metroland group of suburban newspapers which includes the acton free press ajaxpeckenng natos advertiser the aurora banner brampton guardian the burlington post the burlington weekend post the etobicoke advertiserguardian the georgetown independent the milton champion the mrssissauga news the newmarket era the willowdale mirror oakville beaver oakville friday beaver oshawawhitby this week oshawawhitby this weekend the richmond hill liberal thor- nhill liberal the scarborough mirror the markham economist and sun and woodbridge liberal metroland printing publishing and distributing is a division of harlequin enterprises ltd 6402100 6492292 roaming around a welcomed guest by jim thomasj editorials town must decide two arenas or one if construction proceeds according to schedule phase 1 of whitchurch- stouffvilles new 25 million recreation complex will be completed by mid- march thats less than six months away theres much work to be done by work were not thinking in terms of cement and mortar but rather organiza tional work to have a program in readi ness when the facilitys finished we pose the following questions is council planning to hire a rec centre manager if so who when and for how much is the rec centre arena to operate all year round if so what programs are planned for this spring and summer what does the future hold for the pre sent arena is it to be retained de molished or put on ice until council learns if its required if the town operates two arenas will it require two arena managers and double the staff if so at what cost can the town afford to operate two arenas can it afford not to while the new facility will be lovely to look at in practical terms it will offer no more than what we now have because of this members of council and the re creation department will want to give the demolition issue a long hard look before moving in this direction our town is growing so also is in terest in recreation we predict the new arena will be booked to capacity before its officially opened we hope it is we also hope theres accommodation else where for the spillover thats sure to occur but most of all we hope council insists on yearround operation of our new facility not september through march as is the case at the present time remember when your parents invited the school teacher home for supper perhaps this wasnt a common prac tice in town but in the country it was a real important event it happened at least once a year each family took a turn i remember my mother writing out the invitation specifying the date and time i also recall spreading the word the teachers coming to our place id say to every kid i met since our place was situated at the extreme south end of the section the visit constituted a twomile walk this trek while commonplace to us must have been something of an ordeal for our guest for teachers in those days seldom drove ars they couldnt afford cars my mother an expert mealmaker re gardless of occasions always went one better on this particular night in addi tion to food fit for a king shed put out her best china her best knives her best forks and best spoons even spread a white tablecloth yes siree it was spe cial it was much the same when the minis ter came to tea however most times he dropped in unannounced and only stayed a short while in the presence of both the teacher and the pastor we kids were al ways on our best behavior is1 on saturday evening we relived a iiawof this experience like turning back the clock forty years our minister was our guest without exaggeration ive never seen our house so excited not because the visit was special but because the visitor is extra special ive never met a man let alone a minister quite like herb gale hes a recent arrival at st james presbyterian church herb is everything our congregation was looking for in a pastor continuously increasing attendance is proof of this further hes personable understand ing energetic talented enthusiastic and compassionate he appears equally at home with children teenagers mar ried couples and seniors as one member put it simply hes heavensent while all these things have made him an instant favorite there is one problem hes a native of the south charlotte north carolina to be exact his most common expression is yall yall are invited to the manse for so cial time following service yall come out to the potluck supper friday night yall should support the fall bazaar this saturday and so on its become his personal trademark when we smile he laughs for he knows its different not in charlottee but in stouffville however we wouldnt change the expression or his accent for the world it sets him apart but what are the likes and dislikes of a north carolina minister when it comes to food this was the problem facing my wife she wanted him to feel at home i wasnt much help suggesting things like southern fried chicken hamburgers and hotdogs she instead settled on basic staples such as pork chops scallop potatoes turnip jellied salad apple pie and ice cream i as usual was wrong she as usual was right yes to be sure it was a night of yalls- yall pass the potatoes yall pass the pork chops and yall pass the apple pie an evening we enjoyed to the full wall hope to get together again real soon this guest an appreciated reflec tion of southern hospitality cant come to tea often enough window on wildlife transistors by art briggsjudei policy is paying off were a fortunate people we live in close proximity to yet conveniently separated from the ratrace of the city if we dont appreciate this fact others do house presales and home resales are brisk agents for revenue prop erties limited westf ield estates were beseiged by enquiries on the weekend six estate sites were sold before the pro ject officially opened agents for green park deer park estates say much the same and the demand for homes in fairgate heights is obvious by sold signs everywhere we like what we see not only the speed with which lots are being snapped up but with the type of homes being built theyre a credit to council planners and contractors alike may this sound policy continue to be our town trademark truly a wonderland whether or not youre a fan of cana das wonderland a review of the 1984 season presents some fascinating facts for example the thirtyone rides featuring four rollercoasters attracted 20394000 people the rollercoasters alone thrilled more than six million with the dragon fyrc the favorite the five live stage shows included a cast of 200 talented performers from ontario and quebec and the diving team plummeted more than 2000 times from the 60foot level of wonder mountain and hows this for a shopping list in a period of just over four months visitors consumed 120000 pizzas two million soft drinks 150000 pounds of cheese 20000 heads of lettuce 95800 pints of strawber ries 156000 metric tonnes of french fries and 35000 litres of ice cream a total of 31 million meals were served fiftyeight thousand flowers shrubs and trees were planted thoughout the park last spring wonderland its a project thats liv ing up to its name and only a thirty- minute drive from whitchurch- stouffville wc should be so lucky the day had been a scorcher that car ried on into the dark hours arrivng home from a late meeting i parked the car and instead of going right into the house strolled under the arbour behind the garage as i paused there taking in the tranquility and slight cooling of the late hour a menacing voice broke the silence hold it right there put your hands on your head and turn around slowly just as i was beginning to com ply in a somewhat shaky manner another voice pierced the stillness we got him this time chief then there was a loud scream followed by the words tune in next week to the thrilling adven tures of boston blackie ace detective i disgustedly headed for the back door with the commercials words try zam- buck for heat rash ringing in my ears since my neighbor earl wideman put the radio in his cherry tree to keep out the ravaging robins and forgot to turn it off i have discovered this marconi magic works well on other forms of thre atening wildlife too in fact just a month orso ago at a remote parking place south of algonquin park vacationers were having their stops all pulled out by the resident porcupine population you see these pricklycoated munchcrs were cutting into the campers holiday time by nipping the brake liners of their parked cars however a transistor radio placed under the threatened autos curbed the porkics of their fluid drive this season in our regular rotation planting wc found that our sweet corn was no longer afforded the protection of the electric fencing so rather than re route the jolting wires to keep out the rampaging raccoons wc simply ran an extension cord out to a radio in the corn patch placing it on a low wire stand and covering it with a pail kept the rain and dew off and since coons are mostly noc turnal foraagers we pulled the plug in the daytime so far we havent lost a cob and were not sure whether that can be attributed to the talk shows coming out of wbze boston or the french lan guage programs that come in loud and clear from rural quebec under certain weather conditions lately our large growing turkey gob blers have been getting a premature chop from foxes coyotes and whatever when the casualty list numbered six over 15pound birds in broad daylight something had to be done sitting in the barn loft with a highpowered persuader was not only time consuming but none productive it was time to fight fur with fear a transistor radio was placed in a bluebird house on the line fence behind the barn and the gardenbased radio was moved to the base of the ridge of course these radios are going full blast so at times our fields sound like a hot- rodders convention but it seems to be working now if the predators dont get wise we might even hook up a few more radios its even possible that another year some loud speakers will be set up so we can broadcast just the types of sounds we want amplified im thinking of obtaining some tapes of the old gang busters radio programs or the sound track from the battle of the bulge i must remember though to turn it off during the hunting season i wouldnt want the neighbors to think theyve been caught in the feuding crossfire of the martins and the coys editors mail a waste of money dear editor a lots been written concerning the need for an election in whitch urchstouffville to fill the position of mayor i believe this would have been wrong for a wrong reason there wouldnt be enough interest to war rant the expense im not saying this is the right attitude but in my opinion its the way it is the ones who were promoting the need for an election your newspap er included are close to the politic al scene however the majority of people arc not most dont even know the ward theyre in or the name of their ward representative as i said at the outset apathy is a wrong reason for not having an election but one must be a little bit practical when it comes to spending fifteen to twenty thousand dollars sincerely doris mclntyre rr 1 cedar valley i a m