wmmmm wmmmaam mm a4 tribune sept 19 1984 editors mail election dear mr thomas our very competent mayor hasnt even been elected to the chairmanship of york region and theres already speculation as to who will succeed him before present members of coun cil and others knock themselves out vieing for the position lets wait and see what happens sept 20 to morrow when the issue comes to a vote even if mayor king is successful which i hope he is his successor should be elected rather than appointed theres still twelve months to run before the next muni cipal election far too long a period to be saddled with a lameduck rep resentative at the head of council who isnt the choice of the people sincerely paul kinsman rr 1 cedar valley a hero dear mr thomas canadians are continually look ing for a super hero a miracle worker who with one sweep of his magic wand will improve their lots in life they didnt find it in pierre trudeau despite the fact history will show he was one of the most able prime ministers this country has ever had they wont find it in brian mul- roney either although present in dications are he has the makings of a capable leader government at the federal level is so far removed from the grass roots of society it loses touch with reality not so our provincial au thority here in ontario at least premier bill davis has made poli tics a very personal thing people feel close to whats going on i hope mr mulroney can engender the same kind of confidence if he cant hell be turfed out of office like his predecessor sincerely arnold cooke rr 4 stouffviue i recognized j i him the minute i i i saw him j news itemplan music mania anniversary reunion this fall the tribu ne established 1888 james thomas bruce annan patpappas editor publisher advertising manager editorial deptrjim holt chris shanahan display advertising dept terri bernhardt real estate classified advertising joan marshman circulation manager doreen deacon national sales representative metroland corporate sales 4931300 published every wednesday by metroland printing publishing distributing at 54 mam st stouffviue ont tel 6402100 single copies 40 subscriptions 1650 tier year in canada 54500 elsewhere member of canadian community newspapers association ontario weekly newspaper association ontario press coun cil and suburban newspaper of america second class mail registration number 0896 the stouffviue tribune is one of the metroland group of suburban newspapers which includes the acton free press ajaxpickering news advertiser the aurora banner brampton guardian the burlington post the burlington weekend post the etobicoke advertiserguardian the georgetown independent the milton champion the mississauga news the newmarket era the willowdale mirror oakvillo beaver oakville friday beaver oshawaavhitby this week oshawaavhitby this weekend the richmond hill liberal thor- nhill liberal the scarborough mirror the markham economist and sun and woodbridge liberal metroland printing publishing and distributing is a division of harlequin enterprises ltd 6402100 6492292 roaming around keep the memory alive 5 by jim thomas editorials i promoted closer ties pope john pauls visit to toronto and markham victoria square was looked on by many as an event with deep mean ing only to catholics initially this may have been so however before his holiness had even set foot on ontario soil it was an event for all canadians media coverage of the papal tour made it so both protestants and catholics were quickly caught up in the spiritual and the historical importance of the event like lukearm ball fans during a world series we were swept off our feet by the excitement of it all however excluding the pageantry now past is the feeling of closeness that is the aftermath of this tour barriers that appeared insurmountable before now seem insignificant almost trivial and this is good for it was pope john paul himself who called for closer unity between the faiths a welcome relief from the bias and bigotry thats so deepseated among many of us still and whitchurchstouffville is not im mune weve come a long way thats sure but weve still a long way to go led hopefully by the ministerial association this should be our goal in the weeks and months ahead pope john paul has opened the door lets welcome the sincerity of his invitation and go that ex tra mile the third annual whitchurch- stouffviue terry fox run is set for this sunday sept 23 between the hours of 1 and 4 pm proceeds that last year totalled in ex cess of 6000 exceeded most ontario towns our size participation however was pathetic we can do better this is the feeling of run organizers dixie sellers barbara schell and beulah king rather than 40 partici pants they suggest 400 would be appropriate at least it would make their efforts seem more worthwhile four years ago when the marathon of hope was first introduced our town was caught napping communities around us like uxbridge and newmarket took up the torch while whitchurchstouffville sat on the sidelines i criticized our inac tion i also criticized myself and vowed it wouldnt happen again and it hasnt not because of anything ive done but be cause dixie barbara and beulah came on the scene and started the ball rolling its undoubtedly mystifying to them why whitchurchstouffville isnt gung- ho concerning this event particularly the young people for whom terry fox meant so much mystified also is 73- yearold don anderson of 92 stuart street stouffviue hes currently ter rys biggest booster and strongest advo cate that the run should continue three years ago this stouffviue senior citizen raised one hundred dollars last year he increased this amount to 445 to date this year hes collected in ex cess of 2500 and still going strong terry fox remains an inspiration to all of us don says it was a courageous feat while heroes come and go don be lieves terrys a national hero without equal whose memory will live on in the hearts and minds of all canadians his spirit must never die he says dons doing his part to keep it alive don was never a prolific athlete in his teens but he was always active and so he is today jogging up to 2 vz miles every morning while the event sunday isnt a race don enjoys running more than walking i ran halfway last year approximate ly three miles he recalled harry schell passed me but i caught him on orchard park boulevard he remem bers they along with mayor eldred king travelled the remaining distance to latcham hall together don claims it hasnt been difficult rais ing twentyfive hundred dollars folks have beervery generous he says in a single night he filled two pledge sheets first he called on business places then contacted friends and neighbors mrs andersons his copartner not on the run but in tabulating returns shes my bookkeeper he says while proud even surprised with his accomplishment selfpraise is the last thing on his mind im in it for whatever contribution i can make to the cause he points out don and ruth anderson moved to stuart street from maxim crescent scarborough four years ago we left a wonderful neighborhood but selected one just as good he said in an inter view friday scarboroughs loss was surely stouff- villes gain witness to an historic event new mayor by election well all be a little wiser thursday tomorrow as to the political future of town mayor eldred king the election of a successor to york re gional chairman now mp anthony roman takes place at 10 am mayor kings a candidate presuming he wins this sets the stage for all kinds of jockeying at the local municipal level as wouldbe appointees vie for the chief magistrates chair we want no part of this monkey busi ness there are still fourteen months re maining in councils threeyear term too long we say for someone selected from within to assume a leadership role let the people decide while its true one of the present six ward representatives may indeed be the right man or woman for the job we dont know and neither does the electo rate but wed have an opportunity to find out if each was required to set out hisher platform in advance on the other hand whos to say there isnt a better man or woman waiting in the wings that person also deserves a chance a chance heshe wont have if council goes the appointment route realistically were not talking four teen months but three years and four teen months for unless the successful candidate bobbles the ball between now and october 85 heshe will carry on another full term thats how important the choosing of a successor becomes let the people decide fingerprinting project it would seem sad even tragic that in this day and age theres a necessity to fingerprint children yet sad or tragic as it may be this is the way it is perhaps its a program that should have been started long ago this child identification project insti tuted by an organization called child find and supported by the police de partment comes to whitchurch- stouffville saturday it will be held at the public library from 10 am to 2 pm the age range is 18 years and under babies will be footprintcd purpose of the program is to speed up the process of parents and police look ing for missing children cases run aways abductions etc occur regular ly perhaps not in whitchurch- stouffville but certainly in toronto the idea is to build up a national registry across the country the cost is minimal only 100 per child many parents here will consider it un necessary even abhorrent the crime of abduction is abhorrent also wc hope it never happens but should it police have something positive on which to work by christine koserski while the sun slowly set on the downsview mass in north york ab out 10000 hardy souls shivered in victoria square and waited when pope john paul ii finally arrived many were disappointed he was there to bless a cathdcral and thats exactly what he did zip ping in and out in an almost businesslike fashion those who were hoping to feel the charisma and presence of the man which has been so much talked ab out throughout his tour barely caught a glimpse of him he spoke in slovakian which was fine for the thousands of slovakians at the site but others had to settle for the few english words the pope spoke at the end of his speech it was bitter cold the pope ar rived at 730 pm and there had been people waiting at the gate since 10 oclock that morning after warning people not to bring lawn chairs although some man aged to get in organizers sold spe cial papal visit chairs which were simply carboard boxes they were a joke after an hour on wet grass the boxes soaked through and mushed to the ground under the weight of a sitting person some people flattened them out and stood on them to keep their feet dry we were told before the event that these paper chairs would be avail able for 5 however they were being sold for 3 a bargain did anyone really think people would stay sitting once the pope ar rived they didnt most stood up and rushed to the front hopping over the ropes used to corral people into sections im afraid to think what would have happened if the 50000 people organizers had ex pected actually showed up a special platform had been built in front of the cathedral steps for the pope to speak from however he declined and stood in the back near the cathedral entrance the platform obstructed the view of many people when he didnt come forward they were disappointed if only he had said even a few words from there so we could see him muttered one person the plainclothes rcmp officers were scary in their efficiency one grimfaced fellow stood in front of us- stern and unsmiling his eyes never stopped roving back and forth over the crowd his back never turned from the activities on stage at least it didnt rain the grass was wet and many parts were mud dy but the day was brilliantly sunny setting off the many beautiful col orful costumes of the slavic groups and performers but as the sun dropped it grew colder and colder after the coffee catering trucks ran out of coffee there was a run on hot chocolate and tea one fellow was heard to say to another outside a johnnyonthe spot ive never waited four vihours for anyone but with john paul ips arrival in a limousine headed by what seemed hundreds of police motorcycles people forgot the cold the wet feet and the long wait they smiled cheered and hugged each other the slovaks were ecstatic his voice was strong and warm- sounding but he sounded- tired as indeed he must have been after a day at huronia in midland and the downsview mass and then after the blessing of the cathedral the pope still had to attend a banquet at the toronto convention centre after the long wait he seemed to be gone in a flash people lining the road to see his departure called out slow down slow down i was down the road by the time he got into his limousine but obser- vers tell me that although his aides tried to hurry him into the car he managed to shake a few hands be fore getting in then everyone left at once and mass confusion ensued as thousands of people reached the in- tersecton of major mackenzie dr and woodbine ave to find there were no buses to take them back to their cars if there had been any more peo ple it could have been a dangerous situation as the crowd rushed into each other in a panic and grumbled where are the buses when the buses arrived they parked a distance away from the intersection and there was no way to tell what their destinations were so we like many others walked down to each of the three groups of buses before we found the right ones despite the confusion and the de lay once the buses arrived the pa tient and stoic drivers managed to clear the area out quickly within 45 minutes in fact people on the buses were tired and relieved to be warm and mov ing happy they had at least seen the pope most said it was well worth the long cold wait as one fellow put it now ill be able to tell my grandchildren i froze my butt off to catch a glimpse of the pope ft emm em i