stouffvilles diamond centre ewellefts 6404646 24 main w stouffville 2s448w 76mainnm3rtham serving whitchurchstouffviue uxbridge area flyers printed delivered one stop service quantities of 2000 and up call the experts in stouffville ux bridge and area the tribune 6402100 6492292 vol 97 no 14 a metroland community newspaper wednesday august 15 1984 3qpages 40 cents irritated by ratepayer abuse councillors rap closed minds stouffville the punching bags are punching back some members of coun cil wearied by incessant hammerings at public meetings are unloading a few verbal jabs of their own and following up their re marks with recommenda tions fran sainsbury for one feels the situation has de teriorated to a point where written submissions only can be considered this however would require a change in the planning act the problem reached a head aug 7 when a contin gent of ratepayers from the bloomington area attended a hearing in latcham hall and severely chastized council for considering additional residential de velopment in that com munity they didnt come to learn they came to fight councillor sainsbury said she says each of the con cerns raised by the resi dents can be answered but they dont want to listen mrs sainsbury said hos tile attitudes are becoming more and more apparent everywhere i go someone tries to back me into a cor ner and beat me over the head with a stick the ward 4 member a bloomington area resident 17 years says she welcomes new residents to the com- fran sainsbury munity theyre an asset she says she claims that without expansion hamlets like bloomington will stagnate and die councillor sainsbury sug gests the antidevelopment feeling isnt as strong as it may appear because those in favor are hesitant to speak she praised mayor eldred king the meetings chairman for his patience most were given more than one opportunity to speak he the mayor bent over backwards mrs sainsbury said the demand for repeat meet ings is placing a phenomen al financial drain on the municipality i just hope the next ones a little more civilized she concluded councillor wilf morley was equally disgusted i expected that kind of response but not that kind of behavior he said we dont have to tolerate that sort of nonsense he plans to visit the bloomington community and talk to some of the peo ple personally councillor morley said others in addition to pre sentday residents would like to enjoy a little coun try air by making the hamlets viable services can be improved he ex plained such communities he said are logical places for growth he suggested however that reaction would be the same regard less of where it was to go i was alarmed at the manner in which some pre sented themselves stated mayor king he said he wel comes free expression and thats what the meetings are meant to provide he noted however that subdi vision applicants are de serving of fair hearings also mayor king said he prom ised the bloomington rate payers a second meeting would be held but at press time no date had been set industrial park hearing planned stouffville a proposal has come before council requesting a change in zoning on 401 acres of land that if approved will permit light industrial uses on a portion of the site the property is located on the south side of hwy 47 across from farmer jacks gardens a public hearing on the application is set for tues sept 18 at 8 pm in the council chambers stouff ville eight industrial lots are proposed by ercrimar in vestments limited light industry zoning permits the following uses bank and financial institutions busi ness and professional offices hotels and motels studios medical offices private health and fitness clubs research and de velopment laboratories- manufacturingand ware housing data processing and storage and commer cial outlets associated with manufacturing warehous ing and wholesaling opera tions controlled outdoor stor age- will- also be permitted excluding lots 1 and 8 front ing on hwy 47 both written and oral pre sentations will be received additional information is available from town clerk pat muir during regular office hours town boy recalls ride of terror stouffville four teenyearold burke bridg- man still enjoys roller- coasters despite an un forgettable experience on the flyer at the cne it was back in 1981 that burke then eleven suf- early school stouffville stu dents attending stouffville dist secondary school are returning earlier than usual this year but not to stay theyre being called in a week prior to the start of the fall term to arrange for locker space pick up timet ables and other essentials previously reserved for opening day dates and times follow tuesday aug 28 from 10 flower show the stouffville horti cultural society is hold ing its annual fall flower show wed aug 22 and thurs aug 23 in the lower auditorium of stouffville united church viewing times are 7 to 9 pm wednesday 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 pm thursday this is the societys di amond anniversary there are 84 classes for adults and eight clas ses for children child classes are divided into two categories six to eleven years of age and twelve to sixteen years of age ibrmmb this event is one of the largest of its kind in york region the socie ty has 210 members am to 3 pm for grades 9 and 10 wednesday aug 29 from 10 am to 3 pm for grades 11 12 and 13 if the above daytime hours are inconvenient stu dents can call at the school on wednesday aug 29 be tween 7 and 9 pm the idea while new to sdss has been practised at some other secondary schools several years prin cipal john nikifork believes it makes for a smoother opening if some of the pre liminaries arc dispensed with at an earlier time fered a 70stitch gash across the face when the brakes on his coaster unit failed allowing it to crash into the car ahead burke was rushed by ambulance first to toronto western hospital and later the hospital for sick children where the damage was repaired like in a movie is the way burke recalls the near tragedy at the time he didnt really know how bad ly he was hurt i remem ber waking up in the ambu lance he said because passengers in the seat ahead obstructed his view he wasnt aware a collision was imminent his face struck the horizontal crossbar while memory of the ex perience is still fresh in his mind burkes love of roller- coasters hasnt diminished he plans to ride the jum bo jet at the ex again this year but not the flyer its too old he said hey mom look what i caught tenyearold bryan smith son of eldon and shirley smith main street west stouffville isnt fooling anyone even though hes an ardent fisherman the huge 1500 pound stainless steel salmon is on loan to the town for a month before being transported to campbellton new brunswick it took sculptor bill lishman of blacks tock four months to complete its value is placed at 50000 jim thomas stainless steel fish stouffville maple has its magic mountain and toronto its cn tower but neither can hold a candle to stouffville the towns current conversation piece is a fish a 1500 pound stainless steel fish looked on by experts as one of the finest works of art ever seen its creator bill lishman formerly of rr 2 claremont and now of blackstock was commis sioned by the town of campbellton new brunswick to complete the sculpture in honor of the resti- gouche salmon festival that takes place there every summer cost of the project was 50000 with a por tion of the funds raised by the campbellton rotary club while its stay in stouffville is only temporary four weeks the town is benefitting by its presence last weekend hundreds stopped for a closer look many snapped pictures posing their children beside it the sculpture took four months to complete mr lishman was assisted by andrea smith of scugog island and richard vanheuvelan of heyden when in place it will serve as an illuminated fountain the campbellton site isnt yet ready mr lishman explained it seemed like a good idea to put it where people could see it george schlukbier the towns chief librarian completed arrangements bill lishman is considered one canadas foremost sculptors several of his works are located at wonderland the salmon replica is the first hes constructed out of stainless steel the stouffville location you cant miss it is south of main street east of duffin creek church to be unique stouffville the congregation of christ church anglican sunset boulevard stouffville is watching the progress of a project that when com pleted will be unique to whitchurchstouffville the sanctuary shaped like a horseshoe will accommodate 250 people rev philip poole told the tribune other facilities will includeoffices for the rector and secretary a meeting room two washrooms and a sacristy the contract price is 380000 the present church build ing will be retained and used as an allpurpose hall and for daycare rev poole described member support as over whelming he said lack of sunday school space has been a problem and a main factor in the decision to pro ceed one class he said was meeting at the bottom of the basement stairs tion will be completely ac cessible to the handicapped a benefit senior citizens will appreciate mr poole said the sanctuary will be served by five aisles with choir space on both sides of the altar target date for comple- the 5700 square foot addi- tion is midoctober nurse aids victim with spade in hand rev philip poole of christ church anglican stouffville contem plates his next odd job as construction work goes on behind him target date for complet ing the 380000 project is midoctober jim thomas stouffville reta laushway wife of former town mayor ken laush way was rushed by ambu lance to york central hos pital richmond hill and then to sunnybrook hospit al toronto after a fall out side her park drive north home late monday after noon mrs laushway suffered a fractured skull necessitat ing a threehour operation monday night she was still unconscious tuesday mrs laushway was stand ing on a chair watering a hanging basket when she lost her balance its be lieved she struck her head on a cement step below bruce empringham a neighbor across the street was the first on the scene wife margaret called an ambulance and the fire de partment it was fortunate that cynthia puente of manitoba street a registered nurse on the staff of north york general hospital was driv ing by at the time she ren dered first aid and re mained with the victim until an ambulance arrived sodturning stouffville a sodturning ceremony marking the start of construction on phase i of whitchurchstouffviues new community recrea tion complex will be held tuesday aug 21 at 7 pm many dignitaries will attend including repre sentatives from town council the coordination committee york region board of education and the ministry of industry and tourism the public is invited with a reception to follow at the stouffville legion hall ninth line north to reach the site guestsshould travel north on edward street to the high school then west mayor eldred king said hes hopeful construction equipment will be on location monday