ourth section 29422006402100 wednesday june 6 1984 dan lebarr let buyer beware agent says editors note this is the first of a threepart series on pur chasing a new home while it is primarily designed for the firsttime buyer even experienced buyers should not discount the possibilities that they may overlook something part one is the pitfalls and what to look for in making a purchase by don atanasoff news editor the old saying let the buyer beware should be the byword for new home buyers according to a local real estate agent dan lebarr an agent with remax markville realty advises that prospective purchasers must take the time to check things out before finalizing a deal before taking the big plunge buyers should talk to the municipal planning de partment and verify what theyve been told by the buil der mr lebarr said in an in terview he recalled two recent cases in the town of mar- kham where the buyers took the word of the builders agent only to find out later everything wasnt quite the way it was described one described in last weeks economist and sun was about homeowners in the thornlea east subdivision in thornhill when residents asked what mtc stood for on the builders site plan they were told it meant metropoli tan toronto conservation au thority in reality mtc stands for ministry of transportation and communication thornlea east residents have now found out an hwy 404 interchange is to be built at 14th ave bringing a major thoroughfare into their quiet residential area another happened a few years ago in unionville when the agent told people buying expensive homes that rsd on area maps meant residential subdivision instead rsd meant re sidential semidetached only a concerted effort by the union ville rateypayers association and the town of markham changed the zoning and prevented the semidetached homes f com being builti v its incidents like the ones previously described that prompts mr lebarr to recommend to firsttime buyers that they ask for and receive more than just a site plan you have to see a map of the total area said mr lebarr you have to know what type of zoning is there where the schools are the parkland and public transportation are aside from checking out everything with the town including how much taxes are to be paid mr lebarr offered a list of dos donts and what to look for before signing an agreement of purchase do not sign a builders agreement of purchase and sales form it is not a standard form only use a toronto or ontario real estate board form dont sign anything until you take it to a lawyer thats what your paying him for dont go in and immediately decide to buy come back later or in a few days and look at the home again it may not be the same as your first impression compare resale market in the area you intend to buy go out and make sure the home you are buying is not overpriced and is a good investment when purchasing allow yourself some extra money to fur nish decorate and landscape be aware that some builders offer better financing rates but the cost of that financing has been tacked on to the asking price always make sure you receive a schedule a so that you know what is being put into the house you intend to purchase many times the model house you tour will be dressed up with many extras that will not be added to your home unless you pay for them look for quality in a home if you cant recognize it yourself take someone like your parents or a resale agent with you get in first when buying in a new subdivision you may have to pay a little more but you get a better choice of lots do the landscaping quickly when the subdivision is complete your home will be worth 10 to 15 per cent more than you paid for it be wary of a builder who says hell accept a conditional offer contingent upon you selling your previous home if the builder insists that he list it dont let anyone dictate terms to you and leave your options open use local real estate agents and local lawyers they know the situation in the area that your moving to dont let anybody talk you into anything you cant afford buy a home that wont put a strain on your pocketbook or your relationship with your family finally mr lebarr recommends patience when making that final decision business expanding schomberg worth taking a look at schomberg business association members think their town is such a great place to do business theyve taken to the road and are telling other people about it peter blundell chairman of the association and mem ber lenore acheson recently visited markham to knock on doors we decided to get aggressive and spread the word says mr blundell compared to markham and unionvil le the prices in schomberg are worth looking at a combination store and residence on main st schom berg can be bought for as little as 90000 with the average price being 120000 according to mr blundell that could cost you as much as a uartermillion in unionville he says and mr blundell points out schombergs main st has been declared a tourist area enabling merchants to open on sunday mr blundell who owns an antique store on main st schomberg and is former chairman of the york tourist region board says nothing like this has been done be fore were actually going out head hunting the two stopped by businesses at random in a shotgun approach through markham and unionville last week extolling the virtues of their town and encouraging mer chants to open up branches there we not real estate brokers explains mr blundell were just attempting to attract the right kind of mix in town and that means we have to spread the right kind of message the home of the week in the heart of green river on the east side of green river on hwy 7 stands a twostorey detached home on a large lot for sale at 117900 framed by mature ever greens and a white veran- dah one enters through the kitchen which has ninefoot ceilings and stainedglass windows the country kitchen has been mod ernized in this 1915 home and new cupboards put in decorated with pine boards and wainscotting there is also a new cushioned floor the for mer pantry has now be come a twopiece bathroom servicing the main floor there is an exit to the back yard from the kitchen the living and dining rooms have the original oak trim and cupboards for storage the front window has been fitted with interior storm windows to allow the sunlight to enter through the stained glass inset room has been newly reno vated and is decorated with cedar cupboards ceramic- tiled counter and bath area the property is zoned re sidentialcommercial and has a large driveway heat ing is provided by forced- air oil furnace and has a well a septic tank and a cistern well for an ample supply of soft water the house is listed by phi lip mihorean associates ltd the agent is hersh rosner who can be reached at 4771777