wednesday april 18 1984 sa5 worship thurs april 19 personal worship in the setting of the last supper from 7 to 10 p jn in the lemonville church evening service at 730 pm at christ church anglican mass of the lords supper at 730 pjn at st marks church passover feast at 730 pm at churchill baptist church good friday april 20 good frtoay service at 1030 am at heise hill brethren in christ church special singing message the two cups by pastor ken smith observ ance of holy communion good fmday morning service at 1030 am at stouffville united church special music and readings and meditations on the seven last words from the cross an easter cantata by the com bined choirs of goodwood epsom and utica united churches will be held at goodwood united church at 730 pm st marks church at 3 pm ven eration of the cross and holy com munion the anglican parish of christ church 10 am good friday liturg- y 1115 am way of the cross and 12 noon to 3 pm the watch good friday service at 1030 am at baker hill baptist church music by miss shannon clarke douglas clarke family stouffville missionary church vocal ensemble baker hill orchestra and chorus and mr peter dyck preaching good friday area services at wideman mennonite church at 1030 aim featuring the unity singers and communion service followed by a fel lowship dinner at 7 pm there will be a film called beyond a doubt good friday services at 11 am at st james presbyterian church spe cial music by choir and soloist esther powell mccormack memorial church presents a church walk through vivian forest with special speaker and fel lowship on good fridayat 1030 am worship service at 10 am at bal- lantrae church a reflection on the good friday events ecumenical service at trinity united church uxbridge at 1030 am draeoinmackay speaker rev michael locke will lead the service special music by the combined choirs of trinity united and st andrews- calmers breakfast and special ser viced melville united church at 830 am followed by communion service good friday service at 11 am at memorial christian church special music by soloist jackie short good friday service at 8 am at bloomington christian gospel church guest speaker mr mark middleton emmanuel international and music by mr bob mccord christian blind mis sion mr sam hamilton john wesley white evangelists easter sunday sunrise service at 630 am at heise hill brethren in christ church followed by breakfast served by the youth at 8 am worship service at 11 am at stouffville united church celebrating in words and music jesus resurrection easter cantata halleluiah what a saviour by the combined choirs of goodwood epsom and utica united churches at 11 am mass of the resurrection of our lord at 1030 am at st marks church the anglican parish of christ church holy communion at 8 am and a choral eucharist at930 and 1115 am worship service at 11 am at bak er hill baptist church with the baker hill orchestra and soloist jim shantz jim amy preaching a musical evening at stouffville missionary church at 7 pm presented by the choir entitled jesus is coming an easter cantata jesus lives forever at springvale baptist church at 7 pm early morning worship ser vice followed by breakfast and sunday school at 730 am at wideman menno nite church at 7 pm there will be a preaching service post resurrections appearances of jesus communion at st james presbyte rian church at 11 am special music by the choir with saxaphone solo by sue thomas and piano solo by pamela powell mcccormack memorial church fellowship over buns and cof fee at 915 am followed by sunday school resurrection at 11 am what difference does easter make at 7 pm followed by special music by the ladies ensemble services at 930 am in lemonville church followed by an easter brunch at 11 am in ballantrae church easter sunday services at 11 am and 630 pm at churchill baptist church with rev paul hope special service at 1115 am at melville united church special services at 945 am and 11 am and 7 pm at bloomington christian gospel church let u3 worship the resurrected christ an easter drama entitled the cross of the challenge will be pre sented at stouffville pentecostal church at 6 pm around town sacrament of baptism the congregation of stouffville united church welcomed three children into their fellowship sunday through the sacra ment of baptism performed by rev cecil tiller baptized were robert craig and colin anthony mucci sons of gerald and anne marie mucci 114 booth drive stouff ville and matthew alexander macdonald son of randall and kimberley macdonald 310 main street east stouffville do you remember what was the village of stouffville like twentyfive thirtyfive or fifty years ago what do you remember about the twp of whitchurch the twp of uxbridge the twp of pickering or markham township was there something unique about gorm- ley ballantrae claremont or goodwood if so the tribune would like to hear about it a brief account of the good old days as you remember them this week reg mackay of maytree avenue stouffville recalls the era of the goldfish supply com pany page a4 on albert street south stouffville his recollections may possibly bring back memories of other landmarks in the area the tribune would be pleased to hear about them and so would our readers cribbage tournament the silver jubilee club is holding a crib- bage tournament thursday afternoon april 19 beginning at 130 pm admis sion is fifty cents good friday service a good friday breakfast will be held at melville united church beginning at 830 am to be followed by holy communion melville church is located on kennedy road two miles south of the stouffville- gormley road s eightieth birthday congratulations to mr george francis 56 somerville street stouffville on the occasion of his eightieth birthday mon day april 16 piano recital thirty young people will participate in a piano recital sunday april 29 at the mar kham pentecostal church 16th avenue sponsored by the artc alumni time of the program is 3 pm holiday in mexico mr and mrs clare mcguckin and mr and mrs jim bartley of stouffville recently re turned from a twoweek vacation in puerto vallarto mexico friendship club the friendship club will meet thursday evening april 19 at 8 pm in the stouff ville legion hall all senior citizens of the community are welcome those requiring transportation are asked to call 6402443 daylight saving time youll lose an hours sleep sunday april 29 thats when daylight saving time comes into effect clocks and watches will be moved ahead one hour the switch back to standard time occurs oct 28 marks 95th birthday congratulations to mabel farley of stouffville on the occasion of her 95th birth day april 18 today mrs farley resides with her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs ross madill 135 burkholder street welcome new members nine new members were welcomed into the fellowship of stouffville united church all by profession of faith jeffrey carney i 120 maytree avenue stouffville craig and warren mucci 114 booth drive stouff ville joellen pollard 117 fairview ave nue stouffville geoffrey tiller 80 wil liam street stouffville june ferris 256 blair road stouffville kimberley and randall macdonald 310 main street east stouffville and gerald mucci 114 booth drive stouffville to honor couple david raymer and arlene diller will be honored at a shower may 1 in the fel lowship room of the stouffville missionary church a busy week this is a busy week for rev and mrs craig pitts of the stouffville pentecostal church on wednesday tonight mrs pitts is the guest speaker at the peterbor ough wm group on good friday even ing 7 30 pm mr and mrs pitts will bring the special music at heise hill brethern- inchrist church and on saturday rev pitts will cohost the telvision program presented by 100 huntley street on channel 47 legion hosts sunnybrook vets on sunday afternoon the stouffville legion and legion ladies auxiliary hosted more than 40 veterans from sun nybrook hospital toronto one of the good friday services stouffville good friday ser vices are planned in several stouffville and area churches at stouffville united worship time is 1030 am there will be readings and meditations on the seven last words from the cross at stouffville memorial christian church service time is 11 am special music will be provided by soloist jackie short mark middleton of emmanuel inter national will bring the message at the 8 am worship in bloomington christian gospel church with special music by bob mccord sam hamilton and john wesley white music by the clarke family will be featured at a 1030 am worship in bak er hill baptist church along with the baker hill orchestra and chorus and the stouffville missionary church vocal ensemble peter dyck will bring the message at wideman mennonite church a good friday service will be held at 10 30 am the worship will include the unity singersand the sacranientof holy communion followed by a fellowship dinner in the evening 7 pm the him j beyond a doubt will be shown rev murray barron will conduct good friday worship at 11 am in st james presbyterian church special music will be provided by the st james choir and soloist esther powell a different form of worship is planned good friday for the congregation of mccormack memorial church vivian at 1030 am a quiet walk through vi vian forest will be enjoyed with a mes sage to follow the lemonville and ballantrae con gregations will worship at 10 am in ballantrae united church at christ church anglican a good friday liturgy will be held at 10 am followed by a special event for young people entitled the way of the cross veneration of the cross and holy communion will be celebrated at 3pm in st marks catholic church on country calendar mary hopkins curator of the whitch- urchstouffville museum will be inter viewed on the cbc channel 5 television program country calendar sunday april 22 at 1 pm the interview will relate to the barnraising project at the museum site last fall daughter passes suddenly sympathy is expressed to mr and mrs ernie beaven lloyd avenue stouffville in the sudden passing of their daughter mary mrs gunter lauterbach friday evening she was only 40 surviving also besides her parents and husband are two children jessica and anneliese a sister susan winn and a brother john funeral service was held from the oneill chapel stouffville with interment goodwood cemetery one week til curtain time guests was 94yearold tom bonner a veteran of world war i welcoming him here are branch presidents ruth shep- pard and ivan goudie jim thomas lovely ceremony graham fretz and maureen kamps were married saturday in a lovely cere mony conducted by father james adams in st patricks catholic church stouffvil le maureens attendants weremary hunt maid of honor karen brown penny davis and sandra ward bridesmaids best man for the groom was bill mckean the pretty flowergirl and handsome ringbearer were laurie and jason otter the ushers were- steve chewins ed graham and roland ot ter on their return from a honeymoon in florida the happy couple will reside on stouffer street north stouffville home from hospital the many friends of les jarvis mcco- wan road markham will be pleased to know hes now home after several weeks in hospital pave parking lot the parking lot to the south of the stouff ville sales barn is being prepared for pav ing five of the seventeen acres will be hardtopped in june and the remainder in the years ahead the additional acreage was purchased recently from revenue properties limited company coowners norm faulkner and norm clements now have 37 acres at this location goodbye to stacey the stouffville figure skating club re gretfully says goodbye to anastasia stacey lintner one of its most enthusias tic members and finest skaters stacey will be attening wilfrid laurier university in waterloo this fall attend maple syrup festival mrs mary lintner of stouffville and paul lintner and friend of toronto attended the recent maple syrup festival at elmira while there they visited with mrs hass the former edna lintner of stouffville home from zambia rev brian and colleen rennick and daughters carrie and tiffany arrived saturday from zambia africa where they spent three years as missionaries on their way to canada they spent two weeks with colleens sister heather and husband stephen and family missionaries in bra zil brian and colleen and the children will be spending their furlough at the home of colleens parents rev and mrs stan grant glad park avenue stouffville editors mail memories dear mr thomas how touched we were with your roam ing around column of april 4 i came as a bride to brougham in 1952 but my husbands family had settled in picker ing township in 1843 and each and every one contributed to the town grant attended school there played ball with bob miller and swifty todd for twenty years coached the younger boys was a volunteer fireman served as an elder and was chairman of the building committee when we renovated the church i remember meetings in our home every sunday evening for three years while this was being done our children students at stouffville dist secondary school were born and raised in brougham this all came to an abrupt end with the airport expropriation in 1972 when friends were scattered far and wide you may not have seen much life and not a great deal of hope but the spirit of the community is still alive and strong in everyone who ever lived and worked there we appreciate the fact that someone else can see it with the love we feel and can share some of our memories sincerely norma johnston rr 3 stouffville one week from thursday april 26 the curtain will go up on music mania 84 at stouffville dist secondary school while time is running out there are still some good scats available two mem bers of the ticket committee are dot schcll left and sandra stronach show dates arc april 26 27 and 28 baker hill services baker hill special services are planned for baker hill baptist church good friday april 20 and easter sun day april 22 on good friday at 1030 am peter dych will bring the message with spe cial music by soloist shannon clarke the douglas clarke family the stouff ville missionary church vocal ensem ble and the baker hill orchestra and chorus on easter sunday jim amy will bring the message at the ii am worship with special music by soloist jim shantz and the baker hill orchestra events calendar artist is guest each week the tribune publishes a calendar of events related to activities within the community there is no charge for this service individuals wishing to utilize this space are asked to call 6402100 no later than 12 noon on the friday preceding publication wed april 18 childrens house nursery school fall program registration from 2 to 4 pm and 7 to 9 pm at 235 main st e stouffville for information call 6404573 bingo sponsored by the kinsmen at stouffville legion 9th line north at 7 pm over 45000 in prizes every week bingo at goodwood community hall at 730 pm thurs april 19 the friendship club will meet in the legion hall at 8 pm all senior citizens welcome those wishing a ride call 6402443 the silver jubhjee club is host- ing an afternoon of cribbage at 130 pm all seniors and their friends are invited euchre night at green river com munity centre at 8 pm refreshments will be served admission 100 i tues april 24 mother goose nursery school open house for junior kindergarten program from 7 to 9 pm children wel- come for information call 640-1137- durham region federation of agriculture meeting at theminis try of agriculture food board room uxbridge at 830 pm wed april 25 robert bateman renowned cana dian artist will appear at whitchurch highlands school at 8 pm claremont united church women spring luncheon a claremont united church at 1230 pm programs and door prizes for tickets call aldine evans 6492185 thurs april 26 music mania starts tonight at 815 pm at the high school and runs friday april 27 and saturday april28 at the same time fri april 27 melville united church choir is hosting a square dance at victoria square community hall frank bar- key formerly of altona will be the caller sat april 28 markham chapter 6es hard- times dance at masonic hall marf kham from 8 pm to 1 am prizes and refreshments tickets 750 each bren- da sanderson 6402539 the markham clothing cen tre will hold their spring nearly new sale from 10 am to 2 pm at st anmdrews united church 32 main sp n markham for information call 2284 or 2944915 i sun april 29 the executive of the whntfbp urch stouffvhjle girls hock4 ey association is holding an awards banquet in latcham hall at 630 pm piano recital for students of arct alumni at markham pente costal church at 3 pm gallery paintings gormley a family showing thats what pie menger is calling her display of oils and watercolors at the men ger gallery gormley the exhibition that extends from fri day april 27 through to sunday may 13 will include pies own works plus those of her two brothers colebrook and mitch keirstead a preview showing is set for thurs april 26 from 7 to 11 pm the gallerys location is the former gormley post office between woodbine avenue and hwy 404 regular gallery hours are tuesday to friday 1 to 9 pm saturday 10 am to 5 pm and sunday 1 pm to 5 pm the tele phone number is 8875795 enjoyable dear mr thomas when someone does a good job and that job is appreciated that person should be told im writing you to say how much my hus band and i enjoyed the farm section in the april 11 tribune each of the persons on the front page is known to me or my husband we appreci ated in particular the story on george tim bers hes everything your story said every once in awhile one sees stickers on car windows saying we love our dodge or we love our toyota wed like to place a similar sticker on our mailbox reading we love our tribune- sincerely marianne kirby rr 2 stonflville