wednesday april 18 1984 sa3 fire guts home blaze causes 90000 damage a fire of undetermined origin caused an esti mated 90000 damage to the home of robert zappacosta cherry street vivian last week volunteers from mt albert and stouffviue bat tled the stubborn blaze more than four hours before bringing it under control there was no one at the property when the fire started the owner has a second house in toronto jim thomas a parade of champions stouffville champion athletes past and present will be honored june 30 when whitchurchstouffville holds its weekend canada daybicentennial celebrations june 28 to july x the procession organized by the kins men club will begin from the a p plaza at westlawn crescent and proceed east on main street then south to the park invited guests will include individuals as well as teams its all part of the annual people parade time of the event is 10 am other finalized activities follow thurs june 28 miss whitchurchstouffville pageant 730 pm at the high school citizen of the year presentation 9 pm at the high school fri june 29 ballantrae jr tennis tournament 9 am rebekah lodge bake sale sports personality of the year 6 pm in the park official throwin to start slow- pitch tournament 6 pm street dance 8 prajs i sat june 30 ballantrae lions pancake breakfast 7 am slowpitch tournament 8 am senior tennis tournament at ballantrae 8 am biketrike decorating contest 830 am big wheel rodeo antique cars decorated cars wagons and beds people parade 10 am canada day pic nic in the park 12 30 pm cutting of the canada day cake band concert at port able bandstand in the park 1 pm pen ny dive at the pool 1 to 115 pm half- price bowling at town bowling centre 1 to 4 pm penny fair in the park 1 to 4 pm petting zooin the park lto4pm dunk tank in the park 1 to 4 pm pet show and contest in the park 2 pm lawn bowling club open house 2 to 4 pm penny dive at the pool 3 to 315 pm celebrity auction in latcham hall 730 pm street dance sunday july 1 progress club pancake breakfast 7 am slowpitch tournament 830 am dedication of portable bandstand and hymn sing 1030 am outdoor church service 11 am family picnic and cutting of bicentennial cake 12 noon sr citizens awards presentations 1230 pm church choir concert 1 to 2 pm strawberry social 2 pm fire works 9 pm order now dr allan kozlov bsc md mcfp is pleased to announce the opening of his office for the practice of family medicine at the markville shopping centre 5000 highway no 7 east at mccowan markham ontario u3r 4m9 tel 416 4753995 house calls evening appoinlments available m iho ohip plan grocery index information on weekly food specials from local su permarkets and food stores can be found on the fol lowing pages john vince b8 ap b12 dominion a14 knob hill farms b9 miracle food mart a12a13 sunkist fruit market a3 village box meats a2 stouffville the stouffviue lioness club is tak- ing orders for nursery stock red geraniums and red and white impati ence a potted gera nium is priced at one dollar impatience are available at five dol- larsforhalfaflat20 jconomiscsun the tribune before you shop the stores plants or ten dol lars for a full flat 40 plants the orders will be available for pick up may 26 re quests must be re ceived at least three weeks in advance all proceeds from this project will be donated to the mar- khamstouffville hospital building fund the number to call is 6404358 the lioness club hopes to make this venture an annual event ieuvery service we deliver watch for these flyer spe cials which are being deli vered this week by the areas finest carrier team mon april 16 canadian tiro mr grocer wed april 18 omniventure travel century 21 armour pascal hardware eatons shoppers drug mart dairy queen sears royal orchard fruit market sun april 22 kmart if you missed any of these please call markham 294- 8244 or stouffviue 640- 2100 fconomistsun the tribune we treat our customers as we would like to be treated fruit market fresh from the tropics premium quality goldenripe large size limit 5 lbs 64 kg fresh from new zealand and chile can extra fancy grade tart n crisp new crop granny smith appl yj ib 130 kg fresh from california canada no 1 grade crisp n tender broccoli m k bunch limit rii- s- rr fresh from california canada no 1 grade sweet n tastyi strawberries box limit 5 win a budgie and cage lucky draw april 27th84 entry form with every purchase the village pet plant shoppe 74 main st markham 2947498 fresh from calif washed trimmed packed in ont 10 oz284 g pkgs cello spinach 69 pkg limit 4 fresh from chile can no 1 grade tasty firm n sweet black red grapes lb 218 kg fresh from florida can no 1 grade large size green peppers 89 lb 196 kg york north federal progressive conservative association annual meeting notice is hereby given of the holding of the 1984 annual meeting of the association date time place may 7 1984 800 pm garnet a williams community center the arena 501 clark ave thornhill voting privileges will be accorded to members of record as at midnight april 21 1984 maintained by ronna cohen 8816670 mmmmmmsms88m m ont grown can no 1 grade seedless large english cucumbers w r each sh fresh from sunny california can no 1 grade crispn tender brussels sprouts 69 152 kg closed easter sunday sur business hours mon 8 am 9 pm i v v- k if we reserve the right to limit quantities prices in effect until april 2i84 tues wed thiii fri sat 1 sun 8 am- 9 pm 8 am 9 pmf 8 am 9 pm i 8 am 9 pm 8 am 9 pm 18 a jtk6 pm hwy o 3 stums se 2 o cc x 3c a cc 3 x ye 1 51971 7155 woodbine ave