celebration events take shape v stouffville the dual celebration of canada day and ontar ios bicentennial is already approaching the celebration stage after only two meetings the executive numbering eight per sons is now complete jim kidd past- president and now treasurer of the kins men club has accepted the position of vice- chairman and will work in close cooperation with chairman tom wood celebration dates are thurs june 28 through sun july 1 a feature of the weekends activities will be the unveiling and offi cial opening of a new portable stage the towns bicentennial project this is planned for sunday afternoon july 1 in the stouffville park events surround ing this ceremony will include an openair worship service a box social and a band con cert the weekends suc cess will depend on you and those you repre sent chairman wood told an organizational meeting at the legion hall thursday our goal is to create an excit- ing and memorable weekend for all our peo ple and visitors although dates and times of several events must still be finalized with program chairper son marlane mckee weatheril 6403768 some of the proposed activities follow the miss whitchurch- stouffville pageant will take place on thursday evening june 28 at the high school along with the citizen of the year presentation suggested events for the friday june 29 in clude slowpitch bau tournament a bake sale welcome rebekah lodge a street dance jr farmers a celebrity ball game sports personality of the year presentation and a jr tennis tournament at ballantrae the saturday prog ram june 30 will in clude a pancake break fast sr tennis tourna ment at ballantrae giant people parade petting zoo bicycle- tricycle decorating contest lawnbowling tournament big wheel grande prix crazy olympics giant side walk sale cutting of the canada day and bi- centennial cake horseshoe pitching tournament a street dance and a celebrity auction in latcham hall sundays events july 1 will conclude with a giant fireworks dis play in the stouffville park silver replating sale 6404646 24 main w stouffville 2944844 76 main n markham serving whitchurchstouffville vxbridge area flyers printed delivered one stop service quantities of 2000 and up call the experts in stouffville ux- bridse and area the tribune 6402100 vol 96 no 46 a metroland community newspaper wednesday march 28 1984 44 pages 40 cents rec centre cost worries ratepayers vandorf after a con tract price is received van- dorf area residents want a say concerning what type if any recreation complex is built in stouffville this message voiced re peatedly at a culture and recreation committee meeting here wednesday drew agreeable but not en thusiastic response from members of council in attendance the costof phase i an arena is esti mated at 27 million dollars or 3750 per year for 15 years on the average tax bill ruth warden suggested the people should be afforded an opportunity to express opinions on an ex pense of such magnitude betty vannostrand a for mer councillor agreed saying a forum for public discussion would be wel comed once the exact cost is known while no one rejected the recommendation wilf mor- ley made it clear the final decision should rest with council he spoke out in opposition to a plebiscite on the-issue- as did councillors jim rae and jim sanders mayor eldred king stres sed the importance of such a facility for the town he de scribed the present arena as unsafe we have to do something he said he questioned why whitchurchstouffville argument but- no apology vandorf a rural ratepayer demanded an apology from mayor eldred king here wednesday but didnt receive it kim rogers rr 3 newmarket was incensed over the mayors tone of voice when replying to questions raised by his wife its not what you said but how you said it ro gers stated angrily the accusations related to councils choice of a site for the proposed rec complex mrs rogers said land could have been acquired a short distance farther north at a much cheaper price mayor king said the property west of the high school had been recommended by a consultant hired to complete a culture and recreation master l plan on the basis of this no other sites had been priced he explained mrs rogers said she was stunned by the figure to which mayor king responded it hasnt cost the taxpayers one penny he explained the money had come from reserve funds provided by developers rural area given scraps town told vandorf you only throw a little scrap our way commented a rural resident attending a culture and recreation public meeting in the vandorf hall wednesday his reference was to the fact a 27 million dollar are na is planned for stouffville while the vandorf area lacks adequate facilities for tennis soccer and softball several in the audience criticized the town for fail ing to respond to commun ity recreational require ments including the van dorf tennis courts and the ball and soccer fields at whitchurchhighlands school one speaker said he was continually frustrated by not knowing who to con tact in order to get work done mrs kim rogers won dered at the delays when re quests seem so trivial i cant believe it she said ward 1 councillor margot marshall said holdups occur when council must deal with the board of education a vandorf area mother complained conditions were so bad at vandorf the kids were wallowing in the mud another described the situation as desparate councillor jim sanders the meetings chairman said improvements often take time the towns faci lities manager must think from one to five years ahead he explained mayor eldred king admitted to problems due to the fact the urban centre of population is located in one corner of the town we didnt shape the municipal ity he said darcy mckeough did he prom ised the people that as soon as conditions permit the ball diamonds and the ten nis courts would be put in useable shape should be so different from other municipalities of simi lar size as to location he said the site 459 acres across from the high school had been recommended by a consultant hired by the town to complete the cul ture and recreation master plan on the strength of this no other properties were considered he said mrs kim rogersrr 3 newmarket said she was stunned by the price quoted at 80000 an acre she said land a quarter mile to the north could have been purchased for 8000 an acre or 40 acres for 320000 councillor fran sains- bury pointed to the fact the proposed site is fully ser viced and convenient to the high school this is every bodys community centre she stated id like to see the whole town get behind it every year we procras tinate the cost goes up chairman sanders warned against tossing fi gures around if youre against it the complex you can make a case thatll scare the pants off anyone if your for it you can make a case in favor the saps running its spring at last spring has sprung all signs point to this on the property of ai and maureen irwin island lake rr 3 stouffville where the maple syrup operations in full swing ten-year- old tim irwin has grown up with the business and is a big help to his father jim thomas claremont area man wins jackpot prize stouffville glenn fretz rr 2 claremont was the grand prize winner in the lionssponsored eli mination draw held at cedar beach pavilion mus- selmans lake friday he chose the 1600 cash over a trip to ocho rios jamaica saying its too busy a time to get away glenn was on the dance floor when the announce ment came that only two tickets remained i wasnt really paying that much attention he said by the time i got there my ticket had been drawn often the last two in the running agree to split the prize this time however tom winters rr 3 stouff ville the runnerup was visiting his wife in hospital so no lastminute deal was possible his prize was 125 glenn said with seeding time approaching and ferti lizer to buy spending the 1600 wont be difficult other winners follow re gal restaurant stouffville 50 don and mary smith stouffville 50 george johnson stouffville 50 paul rohey stouffville 50 graham hudson stouffville 50 don lewis stouffville 50 gary hoy stouffville 75 participants in the draw includeddon and joyce caudle ivan harris don huxtable and lome boad- way the committee chair man was doug hackert there were 196 tickets sold teacher improved stouffville buoyed by support from all age groups within the com munity carole pridham is making a slow but steady recovery in torontos sun- nybrook hospital mrs pridham a teacher on the staff of summitview school was seriously in jured in a twovehicle colli sion near stayner while en route to a hockey tourna ment at collingwood hus band bruce and sons bran don ten and philip eight were also hurt mrs pridham underwent surgery march 19 at which time two steel rods were im planted in her back shes not expected back in class until september brandon and philip have since re turned to orchard park the people have been marvellous mr pridham told the tribune he said cards have been arriving in great numbers including one signed by members of the peewee and atom hock ey clubs mrs pridhams room is no 5538 wing d5 mr pridham praised the thoughtfulness of the hock ey mothers also the prin cipal teachers and children at summitview visitors are allowed and many of mrs pridhams pupils have cal led at the hospital since the accident to say hello and wish her well he said centre fund at 125000 host fashion show the ucw of stouffville united church is holding its annual spring fashion show monday april 2 at 730 pm eighteenyearold anne murphy main street west is one of the pretty models along with karen harris lisa weath- erill keri wynn lynn barry patti and christine hodgson beulah king linda giles kate gilderdale and lorraine steckley tickets 5 are available at the church office 6401163 dessert and coffee will be served jim thomas stouffville the rec centre fund has pas sed the 125000 mark and is heading for 200000 ged stonehouse a member of the coordination commit tee told the tribune this week well reach our target he stated im very pleased donations and pledges arc just beginning to come in from the corporate sec tor stonehouse said two of these are mcneil phar maceutical and cable tech co ltd each with 5000 one hundred and fifteen engraved bricks have been sold at 250 apiece amount ing to 2825000 the committee member said two big hockey weekends are coming up with proceeds going to the complex the first is satur day march 31 when the nhl oldtimers come to town and the second is april 7 and 8 a mens amateur tournament the whitchurch- stouffville recycling group is also aiding the cause with its garbage for gold campaign starvation kills swan ringwood a full- grown swan found last week at spring lakes golf and country club has died of starvation animal control offic er judy barrett told the tribune the bird weighing only ten pounds was too weak to move it was taken to the property of a wellknown swan breeder but all attempts to revive it failed domestic swans usually have their wings clipped judy said but this one had apparently flown away a staff em ployee at the golf course saw it first and called the town office j