wednesday march 21 1984 mc5 2942200 6402100 6492292 economistsun the tribune index accommodation wantad 184 accounting 8ookkepinq services 719 amusements and outs 25 anniversaries 651 announcements 616 arrbques art 310 apartments to rent urtfumisrd 172 apartments to rent furnished 176 arictes for safe 305 articles wanted 311 auctions 309 auto leasing 430 auto parts 410 auto rentals 435 auto repairs 415 births 635 boats suppges 245 busmess opportunities 136 business personal 621 business services 717 campers tr aifers 230 car d of thanks 660 carsfofsate 455 cars wanted- 456 careers 501 caterers 784 christmas trees 306 coming events 615 260 704 home improvements houses townhouses to rent 164 houses 6t townhouses wanted 161 745 610 351 landscaping legal notices livestock lots acreage for salewanted lostfound 124 630 743 650 525 miscellaneous services 728 mortgages 144 motorcycles for sale 440 market basket marriages medical help raes chalets forsale- 210 cottages chalets lor rent 215 cottages chalets wanted 220 daycare wanted 714 deaths 123 515 out of town property 108 personals 620 pets 350 photography 255 pools 4 supplies 250 saleshelp 520 shared accommodation 160 skilled help 510 domestic help wanted 540 domestic help available 541 dressmaking 772 employment wanted 565 engagements 645 factory industrial space for rent wanted 128 farms for sale rent or wanted 111 firewood 307 forthcoming marriages 646 garage space i 425 garage sales 304 gardening and supplies 744 general help 505 655 space available or wanted snowmobiles supplies 240 snow removal 763 stores to rent wanted 130 summer camps 270 residential property 104 resorts 265 rooms with board 177 rooms furnished 178 rooms unfurnished 179 tenders 609 transportation 622 tuittion 708 trucks for sale 445 tractors for sale 446 vacation properties for sale 205 womens column 619 residential property 104 private sale conservation area 4 bedrooms family room partially finished basement central air close to all amenities 129500 5349736 evenings farms for sale rent or wanted 111 land wanted for cash cropping good prices for good land call 6402843 country property 112 a young farmer and selfemployed renovator- contractor looking for farmhouse and building for machinery markham area reasonable rent long terms call 2940736 leave message office space for rent wanted 129 office warehouse space in new building at hwy 404 in gormley sq ft call j paxton 8881935 days 6405737 evenings m wade 6404882 also 13 acre industrial lots for sale business opportunities 136 for sale secondhand consignment shop located in mar- kham call for information 4715302 ask for patricia houses townhouses wanted 161 wanted to buy private bungalow or split level home on large lot west of hwy 48 4752504 houses to rent 164 executive home markham wootten way and hwy 7 4 bedrooms 2vi baths fireplace and family room 2 car garage full basement appliances and drapes s950 monthly 2945503 shortterm rental luxurious executive 4 bedroom home located in prestigious area available may 1st s1300mo 5349736 evenings two bedroom bungalow for rent in stouffville refer- ences required phone 6403926 after 5 pm ramers wood housing coop are you looking for a housing alternative in mr- kham are you looking for good quality affordable housing you may be interested in our new housing cooperative on mcco- wan road north of highway 7 near the markville shopping centre we have 1 and 2 bedroom apartments 3 4 bedroom townhouses stove and fridge included green space coop cen tre a family environment tentative occupancy summer 1984 applications now available call 6919040 apartments to rent unfurnished 172 bachelor apartment for rent in stouffville 6406606 furnished bachelor apartment adult building also 2 bedroom apt available immediately main st stouffvil le 6404585 one bedroom apartment suitablo for mature quiet nonsmoker fireplace broadloom patio and parking 425 4778099 one bedroom basement apartment partially furnished hwy 48 and 16th avo 350 available april 1st call 4711070 one bedroom apartment with large living room and kitchen private entrance in a country home shared bathroom own transportation nooded please call maria or leave message 2943067 or 4711808 one bedroom apartment for rent bloomington mcco- wanroad 400 month includes private entrance fridgo stove laundry facilities and other utilities 6405635 or 6401883 rooms furnished 178 cosy bright room in markham close to transportation stores amenities available will suit quiet non smoking business girl 2945062 furmsheo room for rent all amenities of home apply in person 23 joseph street markham mccowan hwy 7 off raymervitle furnished room with shared facilities in beautiful home with adults can 4715412 accommodation wanted 184 contractor with family seeks house effective june 1st marfchamstouffville area will do repair work in ex change for reasonable rent phone 4771738 ask for noel wanted young business lady seeks small house in country effective may 1st in markham stouffville area reasonable rent phone 6402100 days and ask for tern snowmobiles supplies resorts 240 1973 440 tnt ski doo for sale s550 or best offer call 6406999 hobbies 260 sewing beginners monday march 26th 7 pm in termediate wednesday march 28th 7 pm 5 weeks information 2943606 yarns on cones for machine hand knitting weaving leclerc looms lessons whrtevale craftworks 2941912 camps 270 big doe camp for boys estd 1946 located on big doe lake parry sourid district 23 miles north of huntsville swimming sailing windsurfing canoeing canoetripping archery riflery crafts tennis campcraft and riding july 1st to august 11th for information and brochure tele phone 2614111 or write to aubrey m rhamey ba b paed 95 toynbee trail scarborough ont m1e 1g4 o fraser lake camp bancroft area boys and girls juniors 812 years seniors 1315 t canoeing pony riding archery overnights fishing swimming crafts fraser lake camp s15 registration 40 shawford cres 135 weekly scarborough m16 1v8 includes transportation 4393104 accredited member of ontario camping association visit us at the sportsmen show wd 19 glenbr00k day camp markham member ont camping assoc jr division 59 sr divi sion 1012 farm animals and activities swimming crafts pony riding and more indoor rainy activities open until aug 31 4393104 travel 275 gateway to t rainbow country ifflzzy c j parry sound district tttvcmssociaiiai discover the beauty of georgian bay and the 30000 islands or the 1000 inland lakes created for holiday living accommodation for all budgets simply relax play tennis hike swim boat or fish write for free 40 page colour booklet parry sound resort association box 401 depl 64 parry sound onlsrio p2a 2x4 garage sales 304 basement sale 140 rncham ave markham 2949580 march 21 22 23 noon till 6 pm were moving out lots of useful items to sell articles for sale 305 argus steel buildings arch type straight or slant walls and portabins all sizes and colors low prices local dealer waymid enterprises stouffville 4164733648 apple clone 64k black white monitor full keyboard 2 disc drives power bar joystick and printer 2200 firm call 4441979 bikes 1 youths 30 1 ladies 3speed 60 1 mens 3 speed 60 excellent condition 2947081 3 office oak desks 1 gostetner 2 tv monitors venetian blind 9 1 and misc items call 2949611 contents sale refrigerator stove living room furni ture foldaway bed antique pot belly stove many more items 6405404 after 6 pm four seater braemore chesterfield and chair green bro cade asking 400 call 6404228 fridge and stove for sale good condition asking 450 for both please call 8527310 rndlay condor cookstovo 6495511 v hidden treasures consignment shop 6 jerman st markham ont 2 short blocks east of hwy 48 just north of hw 7 weve got a little bit of everything articles wanted too try it youll like it call patricia l 4715302 half pricel two pair custom sheeronsheer linen draperies with cornolli hem champagne color to fit 7 window call 6404612 after 6 pm ibm selectric typewriter 3 years old 600 2946773 kenmore washer and dryer toppan fridge sofa and 2 chairs misc pieces of furniture all in excellent condition bost offer call 6493138 looking for part time work babysitters tutors typists housemindcrs etc free listing in parents guide call 4869386 and leave message pianos apt siie superb throughout 139500 284- 8822 pool table a1 condition 48 x 97 950 colonial bod chesterfield 250 2941445 sofa chair and ottoman rust and brown colour 2 years old 450 sewing maching cabinet guaranteed 250 4715458 articles for sale 305 fertilizer sale saturday march 31st 1984 rain date april 7 1984 all purpose 777 450 20 kg bag weed feed 104 800 20 kg bag 2 bags 1500 help your lawn and the community by saying yes when we call at your door markham mattress king over 400 mattresses beds always- in stock mismatch from 119 up- top of the line beds 25 yr guaran tee 60 off selection of one of a kind chesterfields sofa beds etc tremendous sayings johns hideaway furniture hwy 7 opposite beer store 2941055 well take your old bed to the dump water purifier second to none over 85 of airlines use same removes cancer causing pollutants com pany over 25 years in business free demon- strati0n to clubs including senior citizen groups for further information write po box 992 adelaide st e toronto ontario m5c 4z9 or call 12394149 custom made drapes roman russian shades 4750538 home 4961282 lawn maintenance foreperson landscaping maintenance foreperson minimum 3 years experience high wages 6401323 pianos baby grand guaranteed 245000 2846835 save s4000 display cottage size 24x30 plus 244 sqft cedar deck and railing 7500 ratcliff lumber 8881588 gormley yard sofa and matching chair beige pattern good condition 100 phone 2945901 after 5 pm typewriters for sale or rent repairs to all makes and models call 2943206 telescope 4 reflector 4 lenses tripod phone 294- 2193 ultima panty hose buy in quantity sizes regular queen size superior quality control top 8 shades phone paradise sales 8527476 whiskey and rum barrels guaranteed the best delivery available call 6492069 auctions 309 auction sale herongate country auctions every tuesday evening at 700 pm located on altona road 4 miles east of markham off no 7 hwy 1 mile south of whitevale featuring every week good selection of antiques fine furniture glass china collectables etc so join us every tues and participate in one of ontarios most authentic old fashioned auctions with no buy backs or reserves the true auction preview from 2 pm tuesdays consignment and estate selling our special ity kahn auction service ph 2941 890bus or 9858161 res auction sale saturday march 24th 1100 am sharp for john needham rrj3 stouffville directions 1 mile north of ballantrae on highway 48 to 2526 sideroad st johns then east vi mile appliances 30 electric stove 2 refrigerators kenmore washer dryer vacuum cleaner office furniture double pedestal desk small desk wdirectional lamp secretarial chair 2 wooden office chairs four drawer filing cabinet metal stationary cabinet underwood typewriter portable gar den tools equipment 3 lawn mowers electric gas and manual hd whippersnapper elec buck saw swede saw tree pruner wheelbarrow sprayer shovels forks rakes gar den hoses sprinklers etc furniture large chesterfield sofa 2 maple end tables antique dining room bureau credenza bed asstd bed frames chest of drawers wooden cape chair unfinished stereo radiotape player wc 2 speak ers tiled coffee table leather arm chair lamps table hang ing and floor kitchen table lshaped open book case 5 door book case old assorted curtains and bedspreads bridge table cw four chairs kitchen utensilsglass assorted dishes cutlery pots pans glassware 9 pieces antique rose crystal miscellaneous pioneer chainsaw ladies golf dubs 8mm movie camera step ladder wooden 6 alum exl ladder 24 patio table umbrella redwood lawn chairs 2 chaise lounges electric fireplace 3 pr snowshoes 4 gas auger sump pump 2 ski racks skis bicycle coleman lanterns new fishing rodstackle propane barbeque hibachibarbe- que l shaped fireplace screen lambswool carriage coat old bird cage trumpet 3 attic sleeping bags engineers drafting supplies grizzly bear rug and high artic parka many other items too numerous to mention 1977 plymouth volari suit able for parts only terms cash or cheques with proper identification owner and auctioneer not responsible for acci dents or injury or loss ot property stan teggartauctioneer 6401662 saturday april 7th farm machinery- household 11am the property of mr j ted krainyk markham located on 9th line 1 vi miles north of hwy no 7 full line including ih 615 combine white 2105 4wd tractor 5 furrow plow cultivator disc haybine gehl baler nh harvestor 2 forage wagons blower etc for full list see april 4 edition or contact wf walker assoc ltd auctioneers 2944970 saturday march 31 11 am h0lsteins complete tell hotaein dispersal for karl bissig brechin onl selling at the wilson sales arena uxbridge 100 head reg aop tested listed class a young herd with beautiful udders 15 very good herd bca 145150 fancy young cows by tempo senator royalty styfct astronaut heifers are all by proven sires such as tempo warden otamatl sale managed sold by lloyd wilson auction uxbridge 4 1 8s2- 3524 auctions 309 saturday march 24th sale time 11 am farm equipment and furniture auction sale for am art desjardins ltd on scugog island- located at lot 7 8 cone 1 3 on scugog island or 7 miles north on county road 7 to the end of pavement then left v mile watch for signs a full line of machinery featuring a massey ferguson 135 with 1200 hours loader and scraper david brown 990 tractor with cab new idea haybine baler deep freeze leather chesterfield tools etc a very large sale farm sold lunch available auctioneers robert and murray jackson 14169852459 saturday march 24th sale time 10 am auction sale for the property of the brookun tool co ltd on hwy 7 4 miles east of brock road pickering one 20 ton hydraulic press track wheel dollie 24 car stands 2 engine cranes 1 4 motor stands 1 0 cases wd oil 8 pickup track step bumpers 105 gal gas cans 30 vises 50 bottle jacks from 5 tons to 30 tons 50 garage brooms 8 bench grinders 24 two ton cable pullers 14 kerosene heaters 6 drill presses 7 weld ing torch sets 100 assorted air tools 5 cases air hose 27 car mats 30 electronic instruments 27 spray paint guns 1 12 ton porta power one 10 ton porta power 4 sandblasters 14 track mirrors one compressor block one compressor tank 12 elec tric motors all sizes 10 aluminum ladders all new no re serves neil woodrow auctioneer 6448873 wednesday march 28 2 pm auction sale of tractors machinery to follow the greendeb holstein dispersal selling at the wilson sates arena ux bridge including 1972 ford 350 stake track with 7 x 12 platform with racks roof hotst loading chute divider certified good condition 1 owner 49000 ml ac 180 tractor knverlands chisel plow knverlands 4 fun 16 plow 1968 chevl ton pick up with 5th wheel adaptability have- lock 29 5th wheel trailer with beaver tail ramps tandem axles electric brakes pto mower 600 cement kecks mf 20 industrial tractor with loader mf 165 tractor little giant 38 elevator 2 10 ton wagons 2 tumco gravity boxes wagon bale thrower rack like new allied grain auger 6 x 4v brooster 21 flat goose neck trailer with tandem axle 5th wheel wagon gear 2 95 1 5 6 ply front tractor ores 1 84 x 30 rear tractor tire good sale managed sold by uoyd wilson auctions uxbridge 4168523524 thursday march 22 1230 pm auction sale of complete farm machinery for walter rea keeler woodville selling at the farm rr 1 woodville 1 mi south of woodville on hwy 46 8t 1 mi east on 15th line mf 245 diesel tractor with allied loader 409 hr zetor model 8 diesel tractor with cab 80 hp 1600 hr knverlands 4 fun plow- aut reset 163pt hitch kongskilde 13 cultivator with roll harrow mf 33 seed drill 17 run grain fert grass seed like new teagle 3 pt fert spreader nh 479 haybine mf 128 baler with thrower 2 bale thrower wagons with 8 ton gear wagon with flat rack grain auger on carriage- 7 x 45 pto 250 bu grain box on 6ton carriage int 10 disc holland transplanter 2 row on rubber with water tank new never used cockshutt 105 5 wheel hay rower power alternator kva 26 mounted on trailer with 225 amp fourneywelder danuser post hole auger 3 pt blade chain hanows hyd raulic dump trailer 48 hay elevator nh 354 mobil grinder mixer j b d field sprayer mf 82 self propelled 10 com bine mf468 4 row com planter int 130 pto manure spread er lunch available note this is an excellent line of farm machinery very well kept stored inside sale managed and sold by lloyd wilson auctions uxbridge 4158523524 wed april 4th 11am 100 h0lsteins complete dispersal for stewartgrove farms owned by harold and ross stewart listowel ont selling at the wilsons sales arena uxbridge 100 head 50 milk cows 20 bred heifers balance open heifers and calves registered and listed no young first calf heifers fresh with beautiful udders by a son of sheik completely home bred herd sale managed and sold by lloyd wilson auctions uxbridge 41 68523524 and ross clark harriston ont wed april 11th 1030 am wilsons spring sensation sale plus the sensa- tioncalf sale plus the parksvue dispersal selling at the wilson sales arena uxbridge this sale pre- sentsone of thegreatest opportunities we have to purchase spring stock of 4h calves or young cows with tremendous production sale man aged and sold by lloyd wilson auctions ux bridge 4168523524 auction sale sat march 24th 1 2 noon preview irom 930 am selling the property ol mrs gable ol 167 penn ave newmarket selling at the berczy street market 34 berczy st aurora east oil yonge onto wellington south off wellington onto berczy st 8 pc dining room suite colour television admiral washer and dryer cherrywood drop leal table cedar chest wicker love seat and chair regulator clock railway light washstand wardrobe china cabinet mahogany drum table chippendale drop ironl secretary depression glass china linens- household brica brae partial listing only a good clean sale worthy ot your attendance terms cash or cheque with identification snack bai and seating available for more information or consignment call 7273486 auctioneer scott p hall browns antique auction lions den downtown collingwood ont this sun day march 25 at 1 00 pm view from 1 200 coun try pine and victorian furnishings including glass top cupboards tables blanket boxes chests ol drawers wash stands servers chairs desks wardrobes china cabinets etc coloured windows mirrors china jvanebrownaucuoneer tijmki phone 15199862754 auto mart cars for sale 455 75 pontiac parisianne 350 auto ps pb 60000 miles on engine and trans best offer very clean certified or uncertified kenn 8526057 1979 pontiac lemans owner must sell leaving town small 8 cylinders automatic amfm radio low milage new car conditions 2946041 mon to fri 1974 pinto engine and transmission complete with star ter motor etc 150 or best offer cartop carrier 10 call 8881295 1980 amc spirit 4 speed deluxe certified 2850 evenings 2944734 1976 aspen sewagon v8 pwr reluctantly must sell new body paint tires certified 2050 call second owner 4715131 1980 chev monza v6 hatchback low mileage excellent condition asking 4200 8525587 1983 oldsmobile delta 88 royale brougham loaded asking 14500 call after 5 pm 8525212 motorcycles for sale 440 honda gord brittons atc corral for farming hunting or just plain old fun sales service parts accessories drop in look around hwy 47 stouffville next door to my dads used car lot lloyd brittons auto sales call gord at 6402212 78 chev malibu station wagon power steering and pow er brakes new automatic good body piston problem 1 200 or best offer 6403002 after 5 pm 1979 dodge aspen 6 cyl automatic 3295 4772451 1977 ford grenada 2 door certified a good driver 4 on the floor including overdrive 1950 ed lanigan 477- 8113 or 8527190 for sale 1970 cadillac de villa as is 250 phone 6404553 after 600 pm 1980 honda civic 4295 4772451 1982 honda accord lx 7295 4772451 1983 honda civic sedan 4 door 5 speed 18600 km amfm cassette stereo rustproofed original owner mint condition reason for selling now has a company car bargain 72501 call 4938462 1968 mgb perfect for restoration spare engine and trany oxtra parts 1200 as is call after 6 4775493 78 marquis v8 power steering 8i brakes amfm 8 track stereo 43000 miles lady driver excellent condi tion 3 300 or best offer 4773209 1977 mg midget very quick convertible br green call 2948068 1977 mercury monarch 302 v8 66000 miles uncertified 1500 or best offer 2944086 1981 mercury lynx wagon 4195 4772451 79 mustang ghia hatchback 302 v8 excellent condi tion sunroof amfm cassette phone gord 4772306 1981 omni 4 speed 4 door certified 90000 km 3800 2941159 trucks for sale 445 1976 ford f1 so vi ton truck automatic v8 pbps 72000 miles own owner good condition can bo certified call evenings 6401407 days 6402100 doreon 1980 oldsmnbile omega as is will tako best offer call gary at 64 31 between 9 am 5 pm 1974 volvo stationwagon a1 mechanical condition certified micholin tires radio interior groat shape 294- 4244 1980 ford f150 6 cyl pipb auto rear step bumper other extra excellent condition 64012s1 after6prnor saturday wanted scrap can trades we also blty scrap steel copper brass aluminum batteries also industrial container service used auto parts under new management stobffvfllcirontmtu 470oodood 8593002 6401644 a