spring clearance save hundreds of d0l1ars now 84 volkswagen rabbit 2 dr 5 speed diesel z3ebart rustffloorng wide tires hud flaps block heater rear wiper vent windows amfm radio diamond silver metallic paint 7500 km stock 1475 84 volkswagen rabbit 2 dr 5 speed turbo diesel zbartrustproohng wide tires mud flaps block heater floor mats amffm radio rear louvres bbge with sport stripes 11000 km stock 1400 84 volkswagen rabbit 4 dr 5 speed gas engine ziebartrustproorng wide tires mud flaps roormats am cassette stereo centurion grey 7800 km stock 1424 also a fine selection of audis sciroccos jettas and rabbit gtis several clean sharp northamerican trades as well as many used volkswagen products including seven 1978 rabbits from 219500 rytt tttt the wallpaper centre go all thewayatcedarbrae cedarbrae audivolkswagen 666 markharvi rd at lawrence scarborough 4381900 features a fabulous sale buy one get one ion a beautiful instock selection wallpaper three or four rooms for the price of one hours 9 am to 6 pm open thursday and friday nights until nine the wallpaper ceitri 4 levendale rd richmond hill 8830330 across the road from loblaws on levendale road fttttiiitt reupholstering by toromark the mark of quality since 1950 markham district upholsterers since 1950 let our craftsmen completely rebuild and recover your suite 5 year guarantee on workmanship you choose the fabric from our many samples 2 piece plain suite rebuilt and recovered only aanoo nylon or polypropolene in tweed or plaid 499 free armcaps pickup delivery 2400 up in smoke since 1979 stop the energy waste call the heatline today insulation is one of the best investments a homeowner can make if your home is not insulated properly and sealed against air leaks you may be spending a lot more than you should on heating this winter alone heat loss could amount to more than 700 for an average 140 m 1500 sq ft home heated with oil investing in insulation and draftproofing could save you up to 44 per cent of your healing cosis and leave you much more comfortable whatever your heating system whatever energy source you use insulate your attic to at least rsi 6 r 34 you have some insulation in your attic and it probably isnt enough have it checked and ask about airvapour barriers at the same time dont forget your basement you may find that a lot of heat is escaping through your basement and exposed foundation walls insulate them to rsi 2 1 r 12 and rsi 26 r is respectively those are the new standards and sure moneysavers check for drafts weatherstrip doors and windows caulk all cracks and air leaks inside your house you will find your home much more comfortable and you will be saving money too it is a minimum investment for a maximum return act now and be ready for the fall you can do some of the work yourself saving part of the expense of adding insulation to the attic insulating the basement walls and sealing air leaks in a 140 m 1500 sq ft home the cost is about 1850 after taking full advantage of a canadian home insulation program chip grant that means your investment is paid back fully in as little as three heating seasons apply for a chip grant and get up to s500 call the toll free heatline today ask for advice on insulation methods and materials and find out how to get a taxable chip grant chip is available lo homes built before september i 1977 get off oil save more energy dollars save even more money by switching to a more plentiful canadian heating source and the canada oil subsntution program cosp will give you up to 800 to help do it ask the heatline for more information call the heatline today toll free 18002679563 the government of canada has home energy programs and tips that make saving money on home heanng easy ask for our free pamphlets for free home estimate call 2942581 toromark furniture house ltd quality furniture reupholstering carpeting draperies sherwood plaza 4772055 2942581 hwy 7 just west hwy 48 markham 6 monthly payments at no interest municipal elections councillor ward 4 monday april 16th 1984 are you a resident of ward 4 1 enorgy mines and resources canada energy mines et rossources canada canada steeles avee is your name on the 1984 preliminary list of electors notice is hereby given that i have complied with section 25 of the municipal elections act 1980 as amended and that i did post in my office and in the following locations on tho 20th day of march 1984 markham centennial centre mccowan road east side of mccowan road north of highway 7 markham community branch public library wellington street east southeast corner of highway 7 and highway 48 tho list of all persons entitled to vote at the municipal election in tho town of m8rkham for tho offico of councillor ward 4 and that such list remains thoro for inspection and i hereby call upon all electors in ward 4 to examine such list and to tako immediate proceedings to correct any errors or omissions in or make dele tions from tho list in the prescribed forms which can be obtained from my offico in the municipal building 8911 woodbino avonuo buttonville how do you check its easy if you are 18 years old or will attain the ago of 18 years on or before april 16th 1984 a canadian citizen or other british subject and resided in the ward 4 at anytime between september 7th 1982 and february 14th 1984 check the list posted in tho markham public library or markham centennial centre or phone 4777000 or visit the clerks offico in the municipal building at 891 1 woodbino avenue buttonville applications for revision of the list may be filed in the clerks office during the following times weekdays commencing on thuesday march 20th and ending on wednes day march 28th 1984 from 830 am to 430 pm the last day for filing applications is wednesday march 28th 1984 gary f rosebtade town clerk and returning officer wednesday march 21 1984 sb7 editors mail good crowd attends meeting dear editor i attended the public meeting in the claremont community hall march 7 and heard much complaining about among other things the number of people pre sent take it from someone whos been around for awhile 34 people is a good crowd far better than ive seen at similar gatherings in larger centres when a problem effects individuals per sonally those individuals will turn out perhaps our current watersewerage prob lem effects no more than 34 people in closing i wish to congratulate al gra ham for the way he conducted the meeting mr graham appeared extremely know ledgeable on all issues introduced and re sponded in a way we laymen could under stand i only wish he had consented to be a member of the steering committee he would have given it direction and stability sincerely margaret browne claremont tribune coverage excellent dear jim i wish to thank you and your staff at the tribune for the excellent coverage provided warren lewis and skyhigh publishing on our very first record re lease the title of that song was the lonely side of town and being the wri ter im proud and pleased it climbed to the top of the charts however we both know its not that easy yet since its distribution to over 130 stations across canada the record has done very well to date im extremely satisfied with the interest the record and the article has generated for me as a songwriter i certainly intend to continue for you have given me the incentive to carry on in a very competetive business new and upcoming artists are showing an in terest in my song and thats a good feeling a short time later a young country singer by the name of clyde woodcock from lindsay contacted me about my songs and within two months he re corded and released honkytonk ladies and the biggest fool in town on a fortyfive he is enjoying good air play and good record sales in night clubs the record will be more exten sively distributed in 84 because we feel the canadian markets are beginning to expand and open up to canadian song writers and musicians we also feel the recording is strong enough to warrant further distribution in march of 83 we began working with a good friend and talented song writer from uxbridge by the name of al erikson als first release on the sky- high label was one of his own songs enti tled what can i say that recording was released to over 130 am and fm stations in canada the release came in june 83 and from latest reports is still being aired on stations as a new up-and- coming canadian artist however the best is yet to come for the one were all excited about is his next release entitled the magic mood this release will come this month so far all indications point to a hitbound sound robert hathaway skyhigh publishing uxbridge dog owner not pleased dear editor after many years as a cat owner i have recently become the proud owner of a dog being a conscientious pet owner i went about this whole matter in a business like manner by learning everything i could about his particular breed and making sure he received all of the necessary doggie shots and a licence i even went as far as to enroll this creature in dogobedience clas ses so he could be as much of a joy to my neighbors as he is to us i have a fenced yard where he can do the necessary and i can clean it up on a regular basis when i take my little fourfooted critter for a walk on a leash i find that i am reluctant to do so without my husband at my side because every time the critter and i set foot out the front door we seem to be surrounded by unfettered unlicenccd freespirited canines of various sizes and unknown dispositions for example one bright sunny day dur ing that spring thaw about two weeks ago the critter and i went out for a walk and were challenged on the 10th conces sion by a brighteyed 80odd pound alsa- tion after convincing it to go elsewhere for a friend we proceeded on through the cemetary and up cemetary lane toward main street suddenly we were pounced at by a ferretfaced weasel of a creature that started yapping and snapping at us as we walked by the tempation to kick the wee creature was strong but why punish an animal for its owners lack of discipline and training it wasnt really the fault of the dog that its owner didnt seem to care enough to take the time to train it to stay at home not only were we on public property no owner showed hisher face to call this four- footed creature home i question why it is that i feel that im in the minority there must be more re sponsible dog owners in town than there seem to be there are at least twelve in our dogtraining class why do so many unrestrained animals seem to show up when i take the critter for a walk frankly i resent the restriction this puts on my life can anything be done about it sincerely susan d vlick 62 stouffcr street south stouffville