sa4 wednesday march 14 1984 editors mail trying dear mr thomas i fully support the towns cul ture and recreation committee and its practice of taking meetings to the people in this way mem bers are placing the onus of respon sibility on residents of individual communities where the meetings are being held if they fail to re spond then at least the committee has done its part while id like to be positive in this regard i do not anticipate a stam pede most people arent inclined to attend evening gatherings of this kind unless they have complaints i would hope however that com- mittee members arent dis appointed by this and elect to call the whole thing off through perseverance and patience the policy may eventually reap di vidends at least the committee will have the satisfaction of know ing it tried sincerely david price rr 3 stouffville town council has approved a portable bandstand as a blcentenmial project obsession dear editor in reply to the letter from ja- queline boyd of stouffville under the heading female breasts an obsession i well remember a snow sculpture here of a nude male down to the very last detail the sculpture had to be destroyed due to the fact ladies were lined up on the street in their cars causing traffic jams they all wanted a peek youd almost think these women had never seen a nude male before i live only a short distance from the beach there the girls lay around watching the men in their tightfitting bathing trunks com ments concerning sexy legs etc are often overheard no jackie its not all onesided sincerely victor foote port perry websters definftlon pokimlethat which may be easily carried by hand or about the person twe mibome ontario community mssss james thomas editor the tribu ne established 1888 bruce annan publisher pat pappas advertising manager editorial dept jim holt audrey green display advertising dept terri bernhardt real estate classified advertising joan marshman circulation manager doreen deacon national sales representative metroland corporate sales 4931300 published every wednesday by metroland printing publishing distributing at 54 main st stouffville ont tel 6402100 single copies 40 subscriptions t650 per year in canada 4500 elsewhere member of canadian community newspapers association ontario weekly newspaper association ontario press coun cil and suburban newspaper of america second class mail registration number 0896 the stouffville tribune isone of thometroland group of suburban newspapers which includes the acton free press the aurora banner aj axpickering news advertiser the bolton enterprise the brampton guardian the burlington post the burlington weekend post the etobicoke advertiser guardian the georgetown independent markham economist sun the milton champion the mississauga news the newmarket era the north york mirror oakville beaver oakville friday beaver oshawa this week oshawa this weekend richmond hill liberal thornhill liberal the scarborough mirror the stouffville tribune and woodbridge liberal metroland printing publishing distributing is a division of harlequin enterprises limited 6402100 6402101 roaming around jy snowbirds fly south by jim thomasl editorials a benefit to town a proposal put forward by the fire fighters bethesda group to establish a satellite village between warden and woodbine avenues in whitchurch- stouffville should be welcomed by the town its a selfcontained community a veritable gift unlike anything offered here before lets grab it before the ap plicants change their minds to point out only the problems and not consider the benefits is wrong local planners should see it as a challenge and indicate a willingness to make it work lets assist rather than hinder its prog ress towards reality whitchurchstouffville in our opinion has everything to gain and nothing to a top priority we appreciate the fact the york re gion board of edcuation subcommittee on finance is attempting to cut costs it was for this purpose the committee was established however before members suggest removal of the summer school program theyd be wise to rethink their j priorities summer school in our opinion ranks close to the top we are not dealing only with single subjects here or two or three marks we are dealing with future careers yes even lives there are hundreds of young peo ple who if not been for this lastditch academic reprieve would not be where they are today many once over this hur dle and later enrolled in a course of their choosing have gone on to academic honors all together whitchurchstouffvilles canada day and bicentennial events will be cele brated on the same weekend the dual program has been placed under the umbrella of one organization the chairman is councillor tom wood this is a community event one that requires the participation and co operation of everyone in the weekslead- ing up to this giant celebration there will be many meetings if you have some thing positive to offer please lend your support your assistance will be appreciated lose the lone request from the owners is to keep the streets clear of snow no monumental task to be sure by saying no to a development of this kind planners are condemning the earlier creations of communities like gormley ballantrae and bloomington yet at the same time theyve allowed all of these to grow so how different is this far better we say for here is a hamlet planned for a purpose a hamlet maintained by the people who own it a hamlet that poses a financial risk to no one a hamlet that will do whitchurch- stouffville proud lets accept the challenge and make the rolling hills of gormley green a reality its sunday afternoon and stouffvilles all but deserted even more deserted than usually is the case on a sunday afternoon and its not because of near- zero visibility although that should be reason enough to keep most folks in doors its due to the fact half the popu lace has gone south you dont believe it then try calling people no answer talk to people theyre leaving the next day its march break time and the great migrations begun or well underway depending on how early the start what hurts most is the apparent ease of departure much like id talk about a trip to mongolia or dicksons hill no thing to it just pick up and go i wish for years now weve been dis cussing just such a holiday but so far as a family its advanced no further than the discussion stage yes its been another winter of panting puffing and plunging while neighbors all around are revelling in the sunsoaked scenery of warm sandy beaches and beauties in bikinis it doesnt seem fair but time waits for no man weary of me trying to make up my mind and scrape together sufficient shekels daughter cathy is living a teenage dream she and three of her friends yes all girls are soaking up the sun they left thursday and will return mon dayby car while thousands of moms and dads experience this sort of thing every win ter and think nothing of it its all very new to us and yes were worried i suppose we wouldnt be responsible pa rents if we didnt worry and im sure the parents of cathys three friends are wor ried too and will continue to worry until all are home safe and sound in discussions prior to her leaving cathy brushed aside our concerns with the casual comment ill be okay still after having seen the movie where the boys are and reading dozens of news stories about beach par ties and the like were keeping our fin gers crossed stouffvilles hardly com parable to miami and im just not talk ing about the weather to put our minds partially at ease each of the gals has agreed to take turns editors mail pleased mr thomas as a parent of a competitor attending the uxbridge invitational figure skating competition i wish to compliment your paper on the excellent coverage provided this event the newspaper in the town where i re side hardly ever recognizes competitions of this kind even in our own rink let alone in an arena in another community youll never know the thrill a boy or girl receives from seeing his or her name in the paper let alone an accompanying photo graph congratulations on a job well done sincerely proud mother calling home every evening the parent receiving the call then calls the other three so far everythings worked out well weve made other suggestions also like dont drive when youre tired dont pick up hitchhikers dont go out alonet night dont get too much sun dont carry too much money and so on a lengthy list of donts that we trust some one of nineteen will have the common- sense to follow and that j guess is the bottom line trust there comes a time when every son and daughter must spread his her wings and fly and every march break thousands of canadian snowbirds do just that spread their wings and fly south would i want to join them while id never tell my kids lying prostrate in the sun and sand isnt my idea of a holiday it all sounds pretty boring to me but shovelling snow is pretty boring too par ticularly when youve shovelled the ex act same spot only two hours before so until i receive a report firsthand ill rest my case but who knows maybe ill be so im pressed with what im told my next col umn will be datelined ft lauderdale or ill land a permanent position with the miami herald dream on jim dream on old man winter retains its icy grip whitchurchstouffvilles little niagara is attrac tive in any season even when its covered with ice a week before spring the property long an area land mark is located on the stouffville road near warden avenue the owner is michsci larkin rr 2 mar kham jim thomas sure signs of aging youre getting old when everything hurts and what doesnt hurt doesnt work the gleam in your eye is from the sun hitting your bifocals you feel like the morning after but you havent had the night be fore your little black book contains only names ending in md you get winded playing chess your children begin looking middleaged you join a health club but dont go you decide to procrastinate but never get around to it you know all the answers but no one asks you any questions you look forward to a dull evening your knees buckle but your belt wont you turn out the lights for econo mic rather than romantic reasons you sit in a rocking chair but cant get it rocking dialing long distance wears you out your pacemaker makes the gar age door go up when you see a pret ty girl go by the little grayhaired lady you help across the street is your wife you have too much room in the house but not enough room in the medicine chest you sink your teeth into a steak and they stay there