wednesday february 8 1984 ma13 ii 2nd big week of savings mm white swan facial tissue crisp crackers snackbread assorted varieties miss mew cat food 200 g pkg m 3r1 8 decaf bean coffee l a superb blend rich in brazilian coffees 8 oclock 369 eviscerated 2 to 4 lb average assorted flavours beverages750 ml btl canada plus n dry dep sw 26 49 rm 0 r save132kg60lb excellent for braising blade steaks save132kg60lb semiboneless blade or chuck short rib beef boasts 4 ib kg 675 g loaf jane parker sliced save 60 whole b wheat bread jane parker pkg of 8 1 29save 20 hot cross buns a jane parker a good source of natural fibre bran bread hunts tomato sauce hunts tomato paste 4 no1 grade liquid bee maid honey detergent sunlight liquid 55 i oz tins 500 g iar 1 litre plst bottle 199 m save 50 assorted varieties primo pastas 900 g pkg pure vegetable primo to oil w 3 litre plst ctn 39 cut from canadas finest grade a 8eef rib eye steak or roast cut from canada s finest grade a beef 1q21 j99 strip loin io kgoj ib steak or roast mi oldefashioned readvtoserve 31 schneiders hams 3 schneiders regular beef country maple q06139 m soo23 frozen 880 099 leg j ib fresh medium ground beef picnic shoulder or shoulder butt pork chops 3 picnic shouioer boneless shoulder butt 3061 9u9im boneless pork roast 21 back ribs u fresh canadian oueen sliced minced ham or variety pack ground pork 31 cooked meats zvuy rea0rt0serve shank or butt ht ives quarters u9hji99 lb town club sweet pickled 3sta cottage rolls 4 swift old mill swift premium breakfst sausages 3 sliced bologna l town club sliced swift side bacon 2 premium wieners vlpfd aunprhiimshnnrnianb boneless shoulder w c1 in nn leg hams reg or dark chocolate 300 g box smiles chuckles 999 turtles save 100 o black magic chocolates 454 g 449 readytoserve assorted varieties habitant soups r99 york extra smooth or extra crunch peanut butter all purpose robin hood flour jar jtf9 25 kg o qq bag mth buy5save46 beef boasts l tomato campbells soup 10floz tins frozen conc granny smith apple grapefruit orange or grape regular or diet savj pkf 028 oz tubs 59 imperial margarine assorted varietieslus 30 btl deposit pepsicola s capri assorted colours bathroom tissue ibs 119 super buy plain or printed white yellow hidri towels odoffloi celery hearts sun pac juices save h 125 fl tin 99 canada fresh no1 prod of florida canada no1 prod of chile bed plums each 218 kg 0 201b bag canaoa no1 all purpose pei potatoes prod of ontario or valentines day potted mums 6 prod of ontairo holland cut flowers 399 488 249 prod of california fkuu ol- calimjhnia air flfl brussel sprout z 99 prod of mexico nn cherry tomatotes m 99 canada ex fancy prod of bc delicious apples 1279 500 ml ctn silverwoodsave30 sour cream assorted flavours gay lea yogurt regular winterfresh or gelsave 100 150 ml tube 159 i o ao 125 g tubs colgate toothpaste st 179 save 50 flaked light bye the sea tuna ap stouffville 399 main st w open till 9 pm monday thru friday nights saturday till 6 pm ap 8190 bayview avenue thornhill