sb4 wednesday january 18 19s1 low budget may benefit taxpayers by francis king york region for the second year in a row it appears likely the york regional police department will underspend its multimillion dollar budget the forces 1983 operational esti mate called for ex penditures of 16892200 howev er chief bruce crawford in his yearend report to yorks police com mission said hes anticipating a sur plus of approx imately 185000 this could mean a slight savings for the regions tax payers thats not un usual explained markham mayor tony roman a member of the com mission theres always hope the police department wont spend every thing allocated to it last year the force underspent its 1982 budget of more than 15 mil lion by about 76000 convert to propane deputy police chief jack taylor couldnt give speci fic reasons for the surplus but noted i know we saved a lot of money on fuel we converted many of our cars to propane he added that gasoline price wars helped cut back on costs chairman resigns york region calling it one of the toughest decisions ive ever had to make bob forhan resigned as regional chairman thursday to become york re gions new chief administrative officer mr forhan who in addition to his duties as regional chairman has been acting cao since the june departure of jack ret- tie was offered the fulltime position in de- cember he was given a month to think over the proposition and finally made his decision known jan 12 it was an extremely hard decision to make said forhan i must have changed my mind at least 20 times and didnt finally make my decision until noon today mr forhans resignation is effective jan 26 at which time he will commence his new duties at the same time regional council will meet to elect a successor the caos position will be a real chal lenge forhan said it will be a chance to look at things from a much different pers pective ill still be a part of what is going on ill just be playing a different position on the team forhan said he had mixed feelings on accepting the offer especially in view of the widespread criticism that has fol lowed him around for the last month de spite accusations of political patronage forhan stated there is no moral problem its just a matter of cold facts said the new cao council offered me the position and told me to make a decision thats ex actly what ive done regional council members had little to say following mr forhans announce ment mayor dick illingworth of aurora a staunch opponent of the method used for the selection of the new cao said he accepted forhans resignation with re gret i plan to give you the same support as cao as i have as regional chairman said mayor illingworth to which regional clerk robert vernon quipped boy is he in trouble the motion to accept the resignation and install forhan as the new cao was made by markham mayor tony roman and seconded by richmond hill mayor al duffy following the meeting mr roman said he had a feeling mr forhan would accept the caos position due to previous discus sions with the regional chairman yes we discussed the matter said roman bob and i have been friends a long time but final decisions are always made by ourselves as individuals and i wasnt totally sure until he made his announcement mr forhan has been an excellent chairman mayor roman continued thats why 1 support his move to cao he has both the political and practical know ledge to handle the job im pleased he chose to accept weve gained a fine person to act as cao for the region of york employees fitness plan shaping up by charlotte cave an ounce of prevention is worth a bottle of medicine this coming from a company that makes its money on medicines may seem like a contradiction but mcneil phar maceutical says not mcneil sees its business as health care and better health care starts with fitness to set an example the company is en couraging its employees to get into the fit ness routine mcneil has hired stouffvillc fitness in structor gaylc davis to do just that gail conducts a series of workouts twice weekly to accommodate the needs of mcneil office plant and shift employees president les gagnon himself a fitness buff claims he feels better looks better and works better since hes started a routine mcneil management believes that by making fitness part of employees lives the company will reap productive gains too gaylc encourages employees to do at least one other activity each week the company plans to recognize regular em ployee participation in the program mcneil is also encouraging fitness in the community by supporting the proposed whitchurchstouffvillc fitness complex mr gagnon is a volunteer corporate can vasser in the bid for local donations another possible reason for the con- tinuing savings could be the per capita cost for police enforcement which stands at 6073 for residents of york region that compares to metro torontos 13278 and durham regions 7113 per resident but york region also has fewer policeman than neighboring areas on a per capita basis according to the report there is one police officer for every 795 residents of york region since 1982 this has translated into a force of 350 offic ers that ratio is- considerably higher than in metro toronto which has one officer for 404 people durham re gions ratio stands at 174 most satisfied i think most peo ple are satisfied with the level of ser vice we provide said mr taylor not to say things cant be improved wed like to have more people but the region which approves the police budget is attemp ting to abide by self- imposed res traints mr taylor noted the annual five per cent salary hikes for police and civilian personnel take up most of each years budget increase whats left is certainly not enough to hire more officers he ex- plained mayor roman agreed stating i dont think you can go ahead and hire people based on a couple surpluses an officer or two doesnt always make much differ ence museum collects articles vandorf the little oneroom schoolhousedo you remember how could you forget in an effort to re call that era the whitchurch- stouffville museum in cooperation with the public library and latcham gal lery is planning a display of pictures books trustee re cords maps desks and other items re lated to that period mary hopkins museum curator said the materials can be either loaned or donated she mentioned specifi cally the school sec tions of lemonville bogarttown pine orchard bethesda bloomington van- dorf ringwood gormley white rose vivian as well as stouffvillc the exhibit will be set up in latcham gallery everything will be carefully hand led and registered immediately as to loaner and doner the curator said we need every thing as soon as possible persons unable to deliver items to the museum are asked to cail mary hop kins at 7278954 or chief librarian george schlukbier at 6402395 while the prog ram hasnt been completely final ized its possible lessons will be taught from old books at old desks to former students children and grand children the cura tor said the display is being arranged in connection with ontarios bi centennial extended reach tb belt tout to lik wht yoo vanl nnt r4cra pr nmaaf whether vonrr bvrir n uiline you iinl heat our blended reach lor dependable delivery people in need know the can fount on quick renltt na natter what their foal deliver n da ol the 2942200 or 6402100 ithe insurers hnglr lit eel- in 4461 no 7 hwy unionville insurance for home life auto business 4775000 wanted 28 overweight people for exciting new weight loss- program that truly works call 4751448 4776562 all calls confidential zvbntibii union mills casuals all winter goods 2for1 sale at both locations buy 1 at regular price and take a second garment at the same or less value free see our southern wear gloria vanderbilt tshirts cotton knit sweaters rugger pants dress jeans spanner beautiful cotton and acrylic tops sale on at both locations dont forget our branch location at cullen country barns steeles ave e kennedy rd hours mon to sat 9 am 9 pm sundays 10 am 6 pm union mills casuals 190 main st unionville hours mon to sat 930 to 6 pm 4774961 wilson shoes january sale entire stock up to 50 off 7 main mv stounvil- 6402429 rentawrcck the practical alternative 4711040 ne corner of hwy 7 and laidlaw ai unionville library due to unforeseen cir cumstances the opening of the new unionville lib rary has been changed to tuesday january 24 930 am introducing the amazing new pony it isnt exactly new but it is amazing how can you call a car that has been rolling off the production line since 1975 new proven yes improved refined certainly the rest of the world however is thor oughly familiar with the pony it has scaled the andes moun tains of chile it has cruised the length and breadth of great britain it is the favorite car of its home coun try south korea now canada can meet the pony and come away amazed iony gives you a price break on fuel its engine takes regular leaded gasoline amazed by the features the pony l has fully reclining front bucket seats a rear window defroster full interior carpet ing from the tip of the drivers toe to the end of the cargo space it has michelin all- season steel belted radial tires childproof door locks even a cigarette lighter 5795 or less buys a pony l amazed by the choices you can get a more deluxe package in the pony gl for 6395 or less or go all the way and splurge for a pony gls for 6695 or less amazed by the thou fulness of the pon its engine uses regular gas which means you save pennies a litre before the pony leaves the factoiy it receives a thorough rust- proofing with tuff kote dinol a proven swedish formula when youve recovered from your amazement gather yourself up and head to a pony dealer for a test drive youll be astonished take a pony for a ride who in the world is hyundai fonuno magazines 1g83 ranking according to sales placet the hyundai corporation as the 41st largest business concern in the world outside the us it is the largest company in korea hyundai is an integrated car maker it does everything from pouring the steel to shipping the air to canadas shores among i lyundais other activities are construction and general contracting of major projects such as hydroelectric installations hotels and refineries they build ships of all sizes rail cars and a complete range of buses and trucks for more information send for the 1 lyundai story send to hyundai auto canada inc 96 steblcase road pr- west markham i i i bmhhff ontario l3r 2u8 hyundpii marinos fine cars 3166 lakeshbro blvd west toronic 2596381 tigor motor cars ltd div of northwest motors ltd 2321 koolo street toronto 2138500 limberts motors ltd 95 eagle street newmarket 8953222 downtown hyundai 95 1 queen street east toronto 4612323 maxcan motors 240 rexdalo blvd rexdalo 74271 80 p 6- a euro cars ltd 961 eqlinton avenue east unit 11f toronto 425 4488 rotom of canada ltd 1957 eglimon avenue east scarborough 7594458 auto trend 11 262 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