i sa4 wednesday october 5 1983 y sgisfej 4 i j editors mail tits unfair dear editor n ji thanksforthekickinthepants story on your page 1 of last weeks tribune re lack of support from stouff ville parents in the softball house league the news item and the accom panying editorial were needed many of us are viewers rather than doers im as much to blame as anyone the reason i didnt attend the leagues annual meeting is i dont want an official position un doubtedly others stayed away for the same reason i admit this is unfair i shouldnt expect others to babysit our daughter through tball novice and on up the ladder we all should lend a hand i hope the league continues several hundred boys and girls will be lost next summer without it rodger black stuart street stouffville no regrets dear editor this letter may sound hard hearted but i cant feel too sorry for the three recreation committee members who recently submitted their resignations they sound very much like three kids who walk off the diamond be cause no one will give them the ball surely theres a more adult way of solving problems that quitting quitting in my opinion never solved anything the three gentlemen in question may be valuable assets to the board however never let it be said that anyones so important that he cant be replaced i know of several who would be pleased to serve in this capacity my comments may sound harsh and impersonal but this is the approach i take to all matters of this kind bruce jordan rr 3 stouffville parks and recreation members resign the tribune sag- james thomas editor established 1863 bruce annan publisher joe anderson advertising manager v editorial deft jm holt audrey green display advertising dept bryan armstrong tern bernhardt real estate classified advertising joan marshman circulation manager doreen deacon national sales representative- metroland corporate sales 4931300 i published every wednesday at 34 ma n st stouffville onttel 6402100 single copies 35 subscrip- r uons 1500 per year in canada s45 00 elsewhere member of canadian community newspapers assocta tion ontario weekly newspapers association ontario press council and suburban newspaper of america second class mail registration number 0893 the stcuffvttte tnbune is one of the metrotand pnming publishing ltd groupof suburban newspapers which includes acton free press ajax whitby pickenng news advertiser aurora banner the bolton enterprise brampton guardian the burlington post the burtington weekend post the etohcoke advertiser guard an the georgetown independent the hamilton wentworth poscthe markhanvthomhirl economist and sun the milton champion the mississauga news the newmarket era the north york mirror oaville beaver oakville friday beaver oshawa this week oshawa this weekend the richmond hillthomhill bberal the scarborough mirror the woodbndge vaughan news 6402100 v 6402100 roaming around my cup foldeth over by jim thomas editorials a truly great fair what additional superlatives can be used to describe the 128th annual mar- kham fair that werent used last year and the year before that the truth is there are none when the weathers right as it was this year ii theres no country exhibition quite like it anywhere in ontario thats what know- fc ledgeable fairgoers tell us and we have no reason to doubt their testimony the executive working as a team have established a system whereby all r corners are covered the only thing jj beyond their control is the weather and f when it cooperates the rating soars to i excellent p cedar groves barry little headed up j this years successful event with his roots deeply embedded in markham soil barry brought to the fair a modest dignity that established the theme for p the entire show yes it was indeed the s place to be in 83 n it was back in 1977 seven years ago that the markham and east york agri- cultural society made the big switch to the new site remember the rumblings- the dire predictions markham fair is leaving markham some said it will never be the same in part they were right it hasnt been the same its been better better to the extent its now looked on as the best fall fair in the province thousands attended saturday and again sunday still with so much space the grounds and buildings never seemed uncomfortably crowded while this is truly markhams fair the very location so close to whitchurch- stouffville makes it feel like our fair also the geographical proximity has undoubtedly influenced more and more people here to participate we trust this newspapers involve ment has- played some small part too the tribune looks on it as our fair also its through this kind of close co operation that the end result spejls cer tain success congratulations board of directors and your hundreds of helpers on a job well done you have just cause to be proud of your accomplishments i dont even know you my very own sisterinlaw commented as i sat forlorn ly in the womens building at markham fair saturday i had been selected as a vi p in the celebrity cake decoratingcompetition and wishing to add a little flavor to the affair had dressed up as a lady complete with a long gown borrowed from my motherinlaw a reddish- brown wig on loan from my neighbor and a mammary system comprised of two dixie cups taken from the fair boards lunch counter when no one was looking dressing up for the occasion pre sented no problem jean my wife was there to lend a hand she zipped me up in short order even adjusted my cups so i wouldnt go on stage lopsided that was the easy part but getting out of the blasted thing was something else with no one to help i couldnt unzip the zipper far enough to take the pressure off my chest even with the falsies removed i was stuck with nothing to lose accept my dignity i stuck my head out through the door and asked a gal that i didnt even know if shed please rescue me from my predicament this she did although a trifle hesitant until realizing my pleas were truly sincere so much for the beginning and the end the inbetweentime was even worse to get from the committee change room to the reviewing stand it was necessary to walk through the general exhibits building across a section of the grounds and into the homemaking section this i did without incident un fortunately i arrived fifteen minutes early so had to sit in full view of hun dreds maybe thousands i could feel their eyes and hear their comments its a mannequin said one no its not shes breathing came the reply whats this world coming to those kind of people should never be allowed at a fair theyre a bad influence com mented another thats the big city for you answered his friend its getting closer al the time one kindly lady working with several others on an historical society quilt in- vitedme to sit in but i had to refuse explaining id forgotten my glasses and couldnt see to thread a needle the excuse as weak at it was plus the fact she spotted my hairy legs promp ted her to return from whence she came my assistant in this cakedecorating exercise was an extremely personable and obviously professional young lady by the name of joanne gibbons shes an accountant on the staff of markham hydro and one destined for the shock of her life for not only were her talents to be wasted on someone who knows ic ing only by its taste but also on someone whose only claim to kitchen fame is i burning the bottom out of a nearlynew porridge pot b regardless she proved herself a real ly good sport knowing from the start we were destined for the booby prize which speaking of boobies by the time the contest was about to begin my left dixie cup had collapsed giving me the lop sided look my wife had first feared joanne bless her attempted to correct the deformation with only minimal suc cess as for the competition our task was to decorate a truck and while we didnt win or even gain an honorable men tion i was more than pleased with the end result we in fact produced the fan ciest looking halfton youll see in whitchurchstouffville or markham for that matter even sidepanels co vered with orange rosebuds the judges said to be volunteers from the toronto humane society gave the nod to al wall and his creation of a brood sow and several pigs second was don bernards leghorn hen and third alma walkers hunk of cheese with mice run ning over the top our truckit didnt stand a chance however joanne was honest she sug gested we might have done better had wisps from my wig not become part of the sidemoulding you can fool some of the people some of the time kamps korner lost in the shuffle by bill kamps not a fulltime post while the mayor fiddles rome burns stated an unsigned letter re ceived by the tribune this week the writers reference was to mayor eldred king attending the international plow ing match near ottawa while the towns recreation hierarchy was or appeared to be falling apart at the seams other verbal comments along much the same line were heard on the street we consider these types of criticisms as cheap shots with two of his sons participating in international competi tion we would expect the mayor to be there in fact wed question his personal priorities if he wasnt further doesnt every elected official deserve a vacation like each of us managing this town isnt yet a fulltime job demanding a fulltime salary it just seems that way its a sad thing too if the operation of this municipalitys business must be solely dependent on one person that the mayor cant enjoy a few days away without the affairs of state collapsing in chaos a worthwhile mission stouffviiles anglican church de- serves full marks for its pantry shelf- program that collects packs and deliv- ers food and clothing for the destitute of downtown toronto 5 the need is urgent thats what those working in the field keep saying unfor- tunately donations arent constant folks must continually be reminded of others misfortunes then they respond to make the giving more convenient food containers have been placed in both the iga and a p your considera tion is requested christ church anglican is open mon- day through friday from 8 am to 6 pm and saturday mornings from nine considering the best ways to manage until eleven committee members in- their areas of responsibilities whether elude joyce nailer kathleen glazin its community centre the library or ursula oconnor and barb schell the arena most of them do it for no pay i hope my first column gave tribune readers a little chuckle it sure gave me one when i saw the accompanying photo scoop used i grew out of that jacket and that haircolor at least ten years ago now if scoop will just pay me for one of these epistles maybe i can afford a downpament on a new jacket and a bottle of grecian formula to regain my lost youth the subject of this weeks column however is far from humorous it deals with the recent resignations of john hutchinson cliff dunkeld and kim ro gers from the parks and recreation committee actually its amazing this kind of mass resignation hadnt happened be fore because the basic cause that finally drove these three men to quit in frustra tion is something thats plagued every volunteer committee in whitchurch- stouffville for years what is it a total lack of communica tion between all the committees and council and an almost total lack of fol lowup on the recommendations the committees make the people who serve on the towns six volunteer groups spend long hours whatsoever they pass their recom mendations on to council and what hap pens by and large they get lost in the shuffle delayed for countless reasons or not dealt with at all why because members of council havent the time to handle all the mate rial that comes their way because we only pay councillors a parttime salary we only warrant parttime councillors the problem is aggravated when council is considering he subject of re creation facilities probably because when you reach an age where you decide to seek a council seat recreation has taken on a meaning that doesnt include ice arenas and swimming pools the resignations of messrs hutch inson dunkeld and rogers doesnt sur prise me only saddens me because all three were outstanding committee members with a deep commitment to improving the towns recreation facili ties theres not a single wildeyed radical among them so one can be sure their actions stemmed from long standing problems however it does serve one vital purpose to point to the absolute need for a new town employee whose sole job it would be to keep track of committee recommendations know exactly which projects council has de cided to act upon and who is responsible for carrying them out how long these projects take and which ones arc still outstanding a regular report should then be given in open council with reasons why committed projects ha vent been completed dont get me wrong im not calling for a 50000ayear administrator to pad the bureaucratic ranks no i think a woman should take this on working maybe three days a week reverse chauvinism perhaps but women have a great track record in this town for getting things done for orga nizing projects and following them through lets face it women are stubborn if you doubt me look at the ladies operat ing the figure skating club the softball and soccer leagues etc and the battles theyve successfully fought over the years a woman could do this job very well she would serve as a permanent liaison between council and the volunteer com mittees with a strong mandate to see to it that things get done and recommenda tions are no longer swept under the broadloom i v whitchurchstouffville has lost the services of three good people lets make sure we dont lose more f