ttsyprjp f k-ir- h mc8 wednesday september 28 1983 artides for sale 305 auctions moving utussdlthestusyc4itaneeduiiehinoafakktnactsr irilchenware quafty lades clothing vw pickup phone for details kdden treasurers 6 jemian st martham 307 articles wanted 4715302 one kitchen wood stove 6 plates excellent condition 2944425 one5sheh drawer chest one triple dresser one steel left hand white bathtub with fittings sso 640x3430 pianos apt sue superb throughout 129500 284- pianos baby grand guaranteed 215000 2846335 pool winter cover and thermal blanket xg circular ex cellent condition 4715332 5 r picnic table custom built 6 feet long will dismantle stained grey 10000 phone 2945386 after 5pm stihl chain saw 14 inch with gas tank used twice new 258 sell 200 6406373 evenings solid oak secretarial office desk 70 2913385 even ings 2 single bed comforters 500 each bar stool black vinyl with chrome legs s1500 lantana tree 1500 hg leaf tree ss00 2949641 stove tappan gumey ideal for newtyweds like new 2 years old ivory self cleaning auto needs thermo- meter etc 600 2945058 evenings typewriters for sale of rent repairs to atl makes call 2943206 7526659 4383734 typevyrtter manual royal large carriage has just been serviced new ribbon s175 call 2940649 used piano and bench 800 antique desk and chair solid wood early american style 250 call 2944099 or 2945263 used piano and bench s80 antique desk and chair solid wood early american style 250 call 2944099 or 2945263 firewood 307 apple firewood now available cut your own on weekends or we cut and deliver anytime call 683589 and leave message firewood seasoned hardwood 55 face cord 16 delivered 150bush cord delivered david lewis 6406460 mixed seasoned hardwood 12 lengths delivery available on any order large quantities available 2943775 markham lions club firewood sale seasoned hardwood 5500 per face cord includes stacking and delivery markham union- jville area call 2941512 auction sale lisrongate country auctions every tuesday evening at 700 pmtoceted on allona load 4 miles east of ma off no 7 hwy 1 mfle south of whitevale featuring every week good selection of antiques fine furniture glass chma colectables etc so join us every tues and participate in one of ontarios most authentic old fashioned auctions with no buy bads or reserves the true auction preview from 1 pjn tuesdays consignment and estate sdbng our special ity kahh auction service ph 294189ctni 29s8161 resj friday 0a0ber7th 12 oclock auction sale of farm implements cars a large quantity of turkey and chicken feeders and water troughs large frame fxjik80x3u property of frank gaal rr 1 pefferlaw second con of georgina township 4 miles south of pefferlaw or 1v4 mjes north of udexa see posters for full details terms pay day of sale betty madntyre neil maceachem darts fraser and norm madntyre auctioneers woodvbe 7054392101 monday october 10th thanksgiving day auction sale of farm stock implements furniture the proper ty of harry brown goodwood north on the 3rd conces sion watch for signs 6 miles northeast of stouffville tn- duded will be 30 steer and heifer and charolais calves5cross bred cows 4 two year old charolais heifers bred charolais bull 8 sows bred and with suckers 30 pigs on hog 4 goats geese chickens 2500 bales hay 600 bales straw 1 5 ton grain jd grain box and wagon 4 furrow and 2 furrow plows 3 pth harrows hay elevator wagon feeder wagon ford loader double disc 2 grain elevators post hole digger scales drag compressorcultivator3pth made one way disc com picketcamper for v4 ton water trough 2 skidoos trailer wagon wheels saw grinder chain pile of manure 25 scrap cars piles of scrap large assortment of tools etc fridge railway stove many other items sale at 1 1 am thanksgiv ing day terms cash owner moving lunch available note for some real top calves and heifers home grown be sure to attend this sale norm and phil faulkner auctioneer 640- 5891 york downs garden centre for ah your landscaping garden needs ready now for fall planting trees rockery stone 1 shrubs sod soils etc firewood seasoned hardwood pick up or delivery save save save kennedy road 1 mile north of 16lh unlonviue prion 8875176 17th n 1 ave 1h o o a ave monday evening october 3rd 6pm- auction sale o furniture and antiques selling at the wilsons sales arena oxbridge ont tnduding antique bed and dres ser chest of drawers refrigerator umbrella stand seth tho mas mantle dock antique pictures several pieces of depress ion glass old cranberry sugar shaker old cranberry open salt several lamps yellow milk glass finger swirl opalescent 2 toothpick holders button and bows 2 open compotes pressed glass many other pieces of glass several pieces of silver pressed bock chairs antique tea wagon plus numerous other items sale managed and sold by lloyd wilson auc tions uxbridge418523524 monday october 3rd auction sale of horses registered grades to be held at stouffville sales bam special this week will be harness equipment for the estate of campbell anthony including democrat harness collars brass names bells horse ties dippers horse shoes neck yokes whipple trees hatters bits and many more hems sale at 630 pm norm faulkner auctioneer saturday october 8th auction sate of tools furniture and antiques the property of tom white bloomington vh miles north of stouffville on the 9th line including electric welder 225 floating pump air compressor 500 gal tank drill press pipe dies and threaders lawn mower snowmobile pool table antique bed fridge stove pine table washstand crocks iron kettle assortment of pipe fittings rakes shovels belting chickens no dishes terms cash owner moving sale at 1030 a jn norm and phil faulkner auctioneers ii saturday october 8th t130am v auction sale for the property of mr and mrs fred mof- fatt vi mile west of ballantrae on aurora sideroad house hold furniture collectables a number of tools more details next week terms cash auctioneer eart gauslin wednesday october 5 11am holsteins complete ornmac holstein dispersal owned by sharp bros stirling ont selling at the wilson sales arena uxbridge ont 70 head reg 10 n i p grades 30 cows 1 5 bred heifers 25 open heifers calves rop tested free listed last year this herd won the hastings county trophy for the most im proved 8ca this herd has been homebred for 75years good uddered cows several fresh due for fall many of the heifers by almerson triple talent et a son of triple threat a find opportunity to purchase cows with good potential consign ment sale will follow the dispersal sale managed and sold by lloyd wilson auction uxbridge 416-852-3524- automart auto repairs 415 tractors for sale glen byer automotive service ltd fall specials tune upss2895 brake jobs 2995 front or rear oil change 995 wheel balance 495 alignment 1995 safety inspection 2295 parts on above extra 10 discount on labour on other than specials for cash for appointment call i 6404011 149 tenth line s stouffville 446 john deere 1 10 tractor with mowor snowblower hood chains 2500 call 4773713 34 john deere one row corn harvester in a1 condition 25006402458 cars for sale 455 1976 austin mini 45000 miles good condition 1700 8841683 or 2945013 1969 boaumont custom convertible power steering power brakes new roof new brakes candy apple red motor end body in good condition 72000 miles asking 32002944516 76 bob cat coppered coloured automatic radio vory good condition low mileago ono owner 294997 1980 caprice wagon mint condition fully loaded am fm stereo air conditioning power windows pbps cruise control 7900 certified 8525287 anytime motorcycles for sale 440 canam 175 qualifier 1979 excellent condition 3500 miles must sell 500 or best offer call after 5 pm 471- 5179 honda atc all terrain cycle 19s4 models are now in stock even the big red with reverse ontario honda limited 1255 queen ste toronto 4610441 v65 magna excellent condition 8000 km 4200 win trader for car or truck ci 4752315 aftor 300 pm trucks for sale 445 1969 ford econoline 200 super van long box 240 cu io 6 cylinder standard with bade seat 400 evenings weekends 4774340 or 88941 1 2 tractors for sale 44 ford sn tractor veieer upright wood spttter both reasonable evenings 6402397 1983 chevetto automatic powor steering powor brakes low mileage call 2941822 aftor 6pm 1980 chov moriza v6 automatic hatchback power steering power brakes ccrtifiod a1 condition anvfm tape 7311366 or 8899499 1970 datsun 510 4 speed 4 door good condition 900 firm 6405316 after 6pm 1978ford stationwagon automatic ps pb air now tires shocks muffler 84000 highway miles certified 2500 call 14732140 evenings and weekends or 6403530 days 1978 ford ltd 4 door sedan power steering radio good condition will certify 4771 531 1979 grand lemans loaded excellent condition asking 4900 certified 2942732 f 1982 honda accord ix 4 door sedan automatic lady driven immaculately maintained 27000 miles 8900 firm 296609 1981 malibu classic 4 door 38000 km air conditioning power steering power brakes tilt anvfm stereo 7000 call 2944942 must ten 1969 gto convertible best offer call 888- 1935 or after 6pm 6405645 joanne 1977 toyota corrola a1 mechanical low mileage 2 new snow tires 1200 2943677 1970 vw karmann gm 2250 8527166 thursday 0ct0ber6th 1pm auction sale of farm stock and implements hay grain and some furniture 584 int tractor front end loader power buck et 711 hrwrs just to rw oxdrshutt 30 tractor ford 8n tractor tut sne of farm implements furniture sold first the property oirjcflfmn and ruby camfbrarj no reserve giving up fanning on arxourtoilheahh-terrns- pay day of sale betty machyte nej maceachem clerks fraser and norm madntyre auctioneers woodvbe flfl3 7064392101 25th annual fall beef feeder sale wednesday october 12th thursday october 27th both sales start at 11 am to be held at yvoo0vu1e community livestock auc- tknsauararw1rniles east ofwoodvoewestill have room for more cattle call 7054392101 thanksgiving day monday oct 10th 11am v auction sale for the property of miss veronica egan in the village of brechin household furniture nearly new ap pliances and a number of exceptionally good antiques 1950 chevrolet deluxe torpedo excellent running condition terms cash or cheque auctioneer eart gauslin 1976 volvo 244dl 4 cylinder halogen lights radial tires nvfrn radio certified 1500 or best offer cat 2944927 wednesday after 6pm thursday and friday after 9pm wednesday october 12th 12 pm auction sale of farm machinery 2 case tractors potato plant ing and harvesting equipment a large qu of new and used lumber 2 old bams to be dismantled posts rails bam boards bricks nocks tiles new and used tools piles of scrap iron no of old cars and trucks some furniture and antiques many more items the property of roy brilunger vt mile east of 404 highway at gormley no reserve terms cash frank bennett auctioneer wednesday september 28th 6 pm auction sale for the property of mrs grace risk 1153 kingston rd pickering west of sheridan mall antiques and collectables antique set of beam scales a sale you must attend eart gauslin auctioneer wednesday october 5th auction sale of antique furniture and farm machinery the property of forest tait lot 16 con 4 uxbridge twp 1a miles east of zephyr and vi miles south or 2i miles north of sandford furniture rndlay oval cook stove good ren frew cook stove franklin stove small coal stove air con ditioner moffat electric stove ge electric stove inglis washing machine antique sideboard antique china cabinet and bullet rounding glass door oak buffet 2 pc chesterfield wine colour with green chair 6 dining room chairs 1 rocking chair 2 easy chairs swivel rocker antique gramaphone and records old radio horn comer what not antique picture frames muzzle loader gun qu of new and good used quilts 1 log cabin qu of dishes pine baby cradle leather rocker and arm chair parts of toilet sets 1 floblue basin beautiful fruit jars milk bottles crocks many other artides machinery and miscellaneous brass mounted collar tops set of light harness and collars and bridles toro lawn mower chain saw chemistry aid treating machine for com roller bearing cutting box wagon and rack leu grinder rapid wasy 2 way plate grinder mccormick 17 tooth cultivator on rubber case side rake mh binder single plow turnip pulper potato grader nh 32 ft combintion elevator with under carriage and rnotorlgrxidlwppdenvise and beixa 10osmai cedar posts qu of slab wpod 1974 pdntiac catalina rarfcertified 1961 chev tton truck 1956 dodge truck for parts withplaji form and insulated box 1967 pontiac car as is 1354 ply mouth scrap 1963 pontiac for parts and much more terms cash or good cheque sale at 1 1 am lunch available reg and larry johnson auctioneers ph 7053573270 owners or au ctioneers will not be responsible for any accidents in connec tion with this sale wednesday october 5th 630 pm auction sale at lem0nv1lle community centre on 7th cone 2 miles north of stouffville road household furniture collectables dishes and antiques terms cash auctioneer eart gauslin auctioneers pollards wdatkinson auction services 6401494 sutton stouffville 7223112 frank bennett stan teggart 887-5570- rr3 donburd stouffvilleont 6402928 6401662 norm faulkner lloyd wilson stouffville 6405691 852-3524- reg johnston earl gauslin 7053573270 stouffville charlie dunn 6403079 oak ridges edgar herrell 7735952 6403077 danbarkey rr3 kahn auction services 6404112 2941890ibusl terrisurman 9858161iresl stouffville pilkey auction 6401652 service rossmcclean claremont oshawa 6492238 17s7550 or 6863291 fred pattenden auctions vand0rf 7274321 7275311 auction sale at the fitzpatrick auction centre on twinney cres just e ol leslie st olf davis dr turn at forhan in newmarket sat oct 112 noon preview fri sept 30 126 pm arid sat from 10 am a larqe sale ol antique and modern furniture in cluding 9 pc walnut dining suite table 4 chairs bullet china cabinet server large mahogany scolish chest several curio cabinets victorian sola jacques hayes settee old pine kitchen chairs 4 pine plank chairs 10 ladder back chairs oak hallsland english wardrobe small wanu desk several dressers mantle clocks down tilled chesterfield suites bed chesterfields complete set ol photographic developing equip 2 wet bars silver cross english pram mirrored sideboards tiffany style lamp royal worchesier cookware crystal glass and china 2 pc maple hutch maple bedroom suite cotfee and end tables old double brass bed antique tool and die makers chest with tools rocking chairs furniture for refimshing and many more fine items terms cash cheque visa mastercard no reserves advance bids may be placed before the sale lunch seating and delivery available fitzpatrick terry fitzpatrick auctions m auctioneer b 8958915 311 general help wanted secondhand mesh playpen please cad 234- 2646 after 6 pjn a- ii wanted urgent refrigerator stove washer dryer fan t plete household cotntnts 2941055 6495890 pets jjj cepora kennels offers professional grooming for cats dogs year round boarding complete line of food pet supplies phone 6406727 purebred german shophord puppies call robort lewis 6401297 purebred ooberman puppies for sate tails docked dew daws removed reds and blacks 1 2500 6492186 livestock 351 dead horses or and crippled cattle picked up promptly call woodville 7054392421 radio dispatched trucks for better service ed peconi sons woodvilto ont licence no 324c57 12 good laying hens call 6492626 heref0rds east central ontario hereford zone annual fall show sale saturday october 15 1383 at lindsay exhibition grounds show at 4 pjn sale at 7 pjn catalogues available from box 35 carrying place ont mclaughun cutter exceptional english allpurpose saddlo electric crano separator blacksmiths forge anti- quo butter churn a many more items 8875274 new luxury facilities 200x80 indoor arena boarding 8i english riding lessons by qualified instruc tress coaching at shows lectures and clinics 6401771 replace your present unloader with a new pau model 98b example 20 for as little as 429800 plus labour mel shiels and sons newmarket 4167756185 shavings large quantities dumped or blow in low summer prices immediate delivery also bagged white pine shavings large quantities picked up or delivered 4168573807 turnco wagon on implement tires good condition 6402192 7 yorkshire boar for sale 6 month old richard frisby 8875596 general help 505 notice to advertisers the ontario human rights code prohibits discrimination because of age sex marit al status race creed nationality ancestry or place of origin in compliance with this code this newspaper reserves the right to makethe necessary changes in advertising copy secretarybookkeeper qualified secretarybookkeeper required approx imately hours per week for markham office nearv48 7 flexible hours apply in writing to pobox 171 markham 3p 3j7 sales person part time for recreational vehldes com mission 4777251 mr john sewing machine operators experienced on serging or collarette machines good hourly rate plus incentive full time employment steeleswarden area call larry hamilton 4759190 staff required for day care dub for 6 12 year olds 730 am 830 am andor 330 pm 600pm unionville and markham areas please contact 4442612 or 4471450 full parttime waitresses waiters bus boysbus girls kitchen helpers apply in person at the stagecoach woodbine ave bloomington 7275329 cleaning and light cooking full time 7am330pm wg will train you send resume to po box 53 markham ontario l3p 3j5 dental assistant receptionist full time experienced only markham 2947071 due to increased business electrolux needs 6 part time and 4 full time sales persons with car earn 25000 or more per week bonuses win trips and prires also person to train as manager 18986732 distributor of industrial controls requires inside sales person for order desk inventory control etc basic know ledge of chemistry andor instrumentation re quired steels woodbine area 4758082 505 unionville ever thought of a career in real estate arid done nothing about h ill give you an hour of my time to answer your questions on government required ex- amination family trust training incentive and referral programs etc for a confidential interview call bob new man 4771270 manager horse farm full time helperneeded call 6406938 help wanted for cutting and tying cauliflowers phone 6401380 after 700 pm looking for part time work babysitters tutors typists house minders etc free listing in parents guide call 4869386 and leave message librarian or experienced graduate technician for sun day employment november 83 to may 84 in growing area of vaughan reference experience essential salary s1 140 per hour call mrs ragman 881282 licence office in unionville reliable person to work in a busy office typing essential call 4772559 molly maid requires hard working dependable bondawe people to work as part of a professional cleaning team hours 830am to 430pm monday to friday full time and part time transportation provided for an interview call 4776243 office clerk required for public accountants office duties include reception data entry onto mini computer etc please submit your resume to pobox 321 markham ont l3p 3j8 office work part time woodbine stcetes 4943652 telephone sales experienced person needed to do telephone soli citations for a communications company located in the hwy 7 and 404 area approximately 15 daytime hours a week flexible over monday to friday phone j murray or r jones at 7311300 telephone survey work i from our office woodbine and steeles areal monday to friday 10 a m 2 pm own trans- portation hourly wage commission f call mr rodgers 4753325 urgently needed volunteer registered nurses needed to staff blood pressure dmics as a public service for the kidney foundation of canada metro toronto chapter from september 19 to 24during carnival 83 at thornhill mall bayview and john streets for further information please contact the kidney foundation at 925- 5101 office help 515 dental receptionist dental experience required full timo 2944114 experienced waiterwaitress 4772715 experienced waitressvvaiter full time or part timo 6406400 girlboy friday required for busy small office to perform various tasks typing invoicing and general office proce dures must have minimum of 2 years office ex perience good englishfrench grammar loca tion woodbine stouffville road in a new office send resume to cardio med supplies goiimley post office gormley ont loh 1g0 y home workers interesting occupation working from home to assemble nursery pictures combined with commission hours to suit no cash outlay for details phone4774393 clerktypist small company steeles and warden area require clerktypist the person we are looking for will be a selfstarter with initiative and drive must be capable of working independently and taking charge of all administrative and clerical functions must be experienced on the dictaphone good typing and excellent telephone manners an asset if interested please call pf vermeer ltd 4751830 between 9am 5pm secretarial y opportunity geac computers international inc the largest canadian computer manufac turer has immediate opening for an intermediate secretary our personnel department requires the skills of an individual with 2 to 3 years experience an accurate typing speed of 60 wpm and a grade 12 education any prior exposure or in volvement in a personnel function would be desirable we offer a good starting salary excel lent benefits and the opportunity to join a rapidly growing company in terested and qualified candidates should call doreen isdale personnel department 416 4750525 ext 3216 geac computers international inc 350 steelcase road west markham ontario l3r 1b3 no agencies please computers international inc legal secretary experienced required part time for general prac tice at woodbinesteeles jd simmons qc 4740361 parttime secretary approx 1214 hours per week shorthand desirable please can aleta burgess heritage markham 4775354 or 4772248