mb6 wednesday september 28 1983 1 3 s v w sale preparation laura edwards 9 left and her help raise money for the ontario deaf friends tracey sherman and sarie lowe scholarship fund the rummage sale centre also 9 prepare for the satur- will be held from 10 am to 1 pm at 113 day oct 1 rummage sale which will wcstwood lane jilljanson richmond hill group enters dome derby by kevin sheehy richmond hill has entered the domed stadium competition last tuesday richmond hill representa tives made their presentation to the provin cial stadium study committee touting the former langstaff jail farm near hwys 1 1 yonge st anomlasthe ideal location for the proposed faciuty the towns proposal wasunveiled to the press last wednesday withdetailed ex planation of the advantages of the location by mayor al duffy mpp don cousens re gional chairman bob forhan town plan ning commissioner bill power and town consultant on the proposal architect joe bogdan the towns proposal centres on three points the jail farm is centrally located in the metro toronto area its already well served by public transit and highways and development of the remainder of the prop erty by the province could help pay for the facility mayor duffy summed up why the town thinks the sight is right noting were talk ing about it being on yonge street which is really main street ontario one of the keys to the towns submission is its strategy in the financing of the sta dium the town suggests that the province secure ownership of the property from the city of toronto the current owner a crown corporation could theridevelop the 500acresite which would help pay for the stadium the town proposal suggests the towns plans for the property call for a mixed use development of industry commerce and housing said mr bogdan this would permit a plan for financing of the stadium theres a total of five million square feet of developable land he said so the possiblities of financial tradeoffs are very excellent mr bogdan who devised the towns sub- mission said the stadium would use about 40 acres of the jail farm it would be im mediately served by 10000 parking spots with- an additional 11500 parking spots available at surrounding industries transportation to the stadium would be simple he said noting the property is adja cent to yonge street and hwy 7 while hwy 404 is a short distance away the new hwy 407 approved by the pro vince will run along the southern bound ary of the property mr bogdan pointed out mr bogdan said go transit plans to build a new commuter rail station on the jail farm which could have an enclosed pedestrian walkway which leads into the stadium as well yonge go buses service the jail farm he said it can also accommodate parking for 160 buses he said what tfiissite means is it would not be necessary to develop an expensive transit system to the stadium the site could have as many as eight access points from the surrounding road systems he said we believe this is a major asset in clearing the site after an event the jail farm is already served by the york durham sanitary sewer system which allows for development to start im mediately he said as well the water table is low on the property so it wont hamper any development of the property mr bog- dan said the best site we are absolutely convinced this is the best site in the metro area and in southern ontario he commented it could serve as a northern landmark of metro toronto mr power noted the site is centrally lo cated and is a short driving distance from scarborough north york and etobicokc in those three municipalities there are 15 million people right on our doorstep he said mayor al duffy said thcprovince should also consider adding sports training facili ties next to the domed stadium i think the one need for our amateur athletes is training facilities he said i think the province should build the stadium and there would certainly be the potential to add more facilities mr cousens called the site one of the major places for a domed stadium in ontario he pointed out that canadas wonder land in maple picked their site because of its centrality to a large population the same applies to this site mayor al duffy emphasized that while toronto owns the jail farm the city has no objection to richmond hill touting the property as a site for the stadium i think the province has many options in acquiring the land the mayor added they can buy it trade sites or whatever region makes report for economy hearing by dennis smith federal job funding is frequently not used by municipalities because program criteria are too narrow and approval de lays too long says york regional chair man bob forhan regional officials will suggest that these problems and others be rectified in a brief to the macdonald royal commission on the economy council agreed at last weeks meeting to have the brief drawn up brought before it and then sent to the commission mr forhan said concern over federal jobcreation programs is a major reason the submission is being made canadian municipalities have left 28 million uns pent for such projects he noted the bottom line is to create jobs said the chairman were saying dont nar row the projects so much because it leaves no flexibility to apply for funds for example federal money has been offered to municipalities recently to plant trcesand build washrooms however many local municipalities had already done so and couldntuse the funds said mr forhan hed like to sec federal job creation pro- jects broadened so local municipalities can use more of the funds offered mr forhan also feels the job programs move too slowly spring building projects often dont get final approval until the fall he noted the federal government should be deal ing morcdircctly with the municipalities he suggested mr forhan also cited uncontrollable spending increases such as in welfare pay ments as another major worry for the re gion hed also like to sec canada adopt a well- defined economic strategy and deal better with changes in technology and trade pat terns markham mayortony roman feels gov ernment deficits and overtaxation are two important problems the macdonald com mission should examine in markham we attempt to watch dol lars closely he said were not perfect yet but were paying more attention to coming up with real dollar savings he feels there may be better ways of pro- viding services in the country without raising taxesv yv mr roman would also like to see canada improve its productivity and become more aggressive in world trade join us at the j3 song music dancing celebrate in the true tradition september 19th to october 1st 1983 jramaivk enaissance 2035 kennedy road at 401 scarborough dinner reservations call 2991 500 sick room equipment loan service ymith veterans services hospital visiting safety services the red cross everywhere for everyone g friday night is mykes sports nightjb at the markham centennial ctr as the markham waxers hostliie objlliatravelways game time 800 pm admission ticket entitles you to a chance at special lucky draw prizes courtesy of mykes sports 176b main st unionville rear of queens hotel were having a christmas in fall sale everything in the store up to 20 30 40 50 pottery hand- vi oven textiles childrens wear and accessories st more gifts at great savings or christ- mas weddings or is reduced off regular prices any occasion sale starts sat sept 24th all pine store fixtures for sale were closing in unionville october 31st see us at our new location in the i trivia question 1 what can you buy for 30 i sti r answer about 10 minutes worth of coffee or a whole weeks worth of news sports entertainment and- shopping information about your community delivered to your door the economist and sun the tribune two great bargains of our time everything that matters to you in your community at an unbeatable price over the next few weeks our carriers will be taking part in a sales contest and will be out canvassing for new customers save yourself the time and trouble of buying the paper at the store when our carrier knocks on your door say yes you may also become a cgftfla homedelivery subscriber by calling sp5 vi our circulation department at the numbers below jconomistsun thettibune 2948244 6402100 cheaper than a cup of coffee and decaffeineated too w i w