f vr j tr m js pf5- spi 33 cv8f w- jf mjsr vs ma8 wednesday september 21 1983 computers a big hit for staff and students two yearsago in 1981 strobert offered its first com puter science cburs- e a course designed to familiarize stu dents with compu ters through prac tical experience this created quite a bit of excitement be- tween both pupils 1 and teachers of the science depart- ment now two years la ter the excitement has not faded the computer science classes are filled with enthusiastic young program mers and the school is finding more creativeand effi cient methods of use for our calculating comrades a perfect exam ple of the innovative use of the compu ters would be our school bookstore for years students have suffered through long lineups to get the books they need for their courses this year through the creative genius of the science department the book store is run by computers david moulds a 1 student of st robert designed a program at the re quest of his science teachers the prog ram is based on a list of codes one for each type of book when a code is pun ched into the ter- minal the computer automatically calculates the price of the book and then totals the books bought the student receives a receipt for hisher purch ase and the book store gets a com plete record of all sales the teachers say it has made the job twice as effi cient and much more reliable our timetables which require mas sive amounts of organization are also done by compu- ter the private firm hired by the board for this job is called cogito the employees of this company work in association with mr day our vice- principal to sche dule classes write course descriptions and so on if a student was to need further course outlines he could go to the library com- puterthisisacom- puter intended for student use its greatest advantage is its telidon a de vice- which enables it to tap into other computer systems pupils will be able to get guidance in formation news weather reports and more mrs darby our school libra rian hopes that both she and mrs chur chill our librarian aide will get to util- st robert report yrqjm masbal the new system on the staff has been great the effect on the students has been fantastic we have fortyfive com puters in our clas ses which are used ce courses in computer scien ce math and scien- ize the computer tu help keep the lib rary organized these lovely ladies werent the only ones with that idea in mind our main office has in troduced compu ters or more speci fically word proces sing as a new tool to help with the work load notices and letters can now be typed and corrected before they are even printed the compu ter may possibly be used to keep records in the future while the effect of i dr james n lott dr wayne d harding wish to announce the opening of bridle trail veterinary clinic in the bridle trail centre 33 the bridle trail unionville ont 4771190 is an exciting no concept in shoppins at harbour lronts 176bmns rear of queens hotel open mon in st umom fq 7 t7n fall sale h lt accessories toi everything in the store is reduced tt and accessores o gas s s eudings or y oson up to 20 30 40 50 educed tfwetfor sale sale starts sat rumon c nt at o c rm eats tcsx thi weeks specials j j brand battered haddock 5 lb box 1 137 11 227 lb rvy-syiw- grand prix strip steak 20125 g 9a55 20 fifrf-fr- w 103 each 1 cardinal v lb beef burger 404 oz 37 each j j brand red spring salmon steaks 5 lb box fg bradley new york strip 274 each w f r j sir 23 grand prix swiss style veal curette 16143 g 1495 93 each hardee slice carrots 5 lb bag 069 each fgbradley deluonico steaks 123 each t cardinal centre cut side ribs jyifflu offer good until sept 2783 or while quantities lasvjfvfc ivgtf qmiim sput fc available in steel stainless lock- steel 0 silicon bronze washers i is give us a call i or write canada bolt i h00kltd oatnol4cia5 8841131 416363-6050- buttioulllcfilujr12pjm12309j4frm jfhiluks incredible seiko sale off entire stock k now seiko savings are yours get the regular ob allan price i i investing for women investmentterms stocks blue chip growthspeculative bonds and debentures understanding an annual report portfolio planning rrspsrhosps and other tax deferral plans j daytime and evening classes available beginning the week oi september 26 downtown and central toronto mrssissauga and thomhill to register or obtain a brochure nancv thomson investing for wjmln loosheppatdaie w willowdate ontario m2n ims