sato wednesday september 21 1983 despite strong protests ion chooses assistant by dennis smith york region york region has finally chosen an executive assistant despite strong protests from a council member recently regional council agreed to hire michael mcdonald a lawyer who once served on the council as a member from georgina he will work for one year to helping a committee of department heads led by bob forhan handle the chief adminis trative officers duties on an interim basis this situation has irked aurora mayor dick ulingworth who has con tended that its undemocratic for a politician to perform administrative duties politicians should set policy and staff should carry it out he said at last weeks meeting mr uling worth questioned why council had no direct input into the hearing and what selection criteria were he also complained that councillors were only given a brief notice about the successful candidate in midsummer and that it has taken a long time to finalize the hiring mr forhan replied that last weeks regional councu meeting was the first since the candidate was selected as for the hiring process the chair man said that he and the personnel co ordinator made the decision after re ceiving 130 applications and interview ing five candidates its policy that only heads of region departments or branches are subject to council scrutiny said mr forhan adding that the executive assistants position isnt in cither category the jobs criteria were spelled out in the advertisement for the position he noted mr forhan previously stated that hes heading the committee to serve as its decision maker and noted that in many of yorks municipalities the mayor fulfills the caos role- l the regional chairman wont take the chief administrative officers sal- ary which is 76000 per year and he told regional council that theres no commitment to having an executive assistant beyond a year the committee and executive assis tant will handle the duties of jack ret- tie who resigned effective june 30 after serving as the cao since the regions inception in 1971 a consultant is reviewing the cao job and regional council will rule on whether it should be continued later this year at a recent ceremony lou hertle left received a service pin in recognition of his contribution to the stouf fville legion presenting the pin is rae mcfadden jim thomas opening soon muchof the merchandisoatlynnes new rents neediecraft store will bo priced lower than comparable products at other outlets the reason is simple reni imports many of the yarns directty and passes the savings on to the onsumer kjflmorkville shopping centre hwy 7 mccowan rd markham reprints reprints of your favorite economist and sun or tribune photos are available as handprinted 8x10 glossies both pub lished pictures and those taken but not used are available price including tax is s650for bw s1300 for color to order your re prints drop in to our markham or stouftville offices payment must be made when order is placed mastercard and visa accepted jconomist sun ythe tribune 2942200 you are invited to attend a special series of gospel meetings sundays 700 pm monday to friday 800 pm beginning oct 2 1983 evangelists walter gustafson pennsylvania us a albert hull nova scotia can unionville gospel hall 24 second st south unionville hwy 7 at kennedy rd bypass all welcome no collections j now at dominion 2volume matching free dictionary cleonor f white bs msc d announces the opening of her office for practice of chiropractic in ossociotion with or ujm s bond ond dr poul d white ot morhhom chiropractic centre 369 mom street north morkhom ontcno for gopomtmer ccl 26000 unionville craftgallery presents our 1st anniversary print the wedding cake house by canadian artist lee walsh prints will go on sale during fallfest sept 24th lee will be signing print in the gallery sept 27 8t 28 and during the markham fair in the central craft corral unionville craft gallery 176d main st unionville 4750069 centre back queens hotel entrance from back of building buying or selling turn to the classifieds for fa8t results a- terry haddock meet me at the billiard club 72 main st n markham 2940990 where go0o friends meet 7 professional billiard tables games room snack bar be creative this fall at the markham centre for the arts monday classes commence mon sept 26783 registration is now taking place at 98 church st fo more wonrunofl consul your filpirui ramtn guid p9 1215 or un 2947421 adult l swing f8egimn hommude bruds i ft dcconting wittrcokur quilting youth drawing ipaintaq willi dough art cirpemy tuesday adult bridge bartending youth parent tot 2 bmynl time 93011 mam mmimim 1303 30 pm 7309 30 pm 7309 30 pm 3m0opn umoopm 3mc0pm time 9 3011 30 m 7309 30 pm 10301130 fee fee wednesday adult dob stuffed annub crutivt sewing homemade soups calegrtphy threadpainting pottery smocking youth knitting crocheting thursday adult looking good 0j painting youth drawing painting 110hpjl time 9 301130 am 1303 30 pm 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