wednesday aug 31 1983 mc7 musical instruction talent v709 piano lessons i grade 10 students studying for ajictj offering piano tessons both pradicalandlheoiyreason- able rates caldavid u 8811421 singing- lessons call for free interview 2945101 russian academy of music piano accordian violin comprehensive musical education preparation for recitals festivals exams en rollment in university spe cial classes for 4 to 6 years old and unique program for adults russian method pro found knowledge profes sional skills 2266420 nursery schools daycare 712 chip dale daycare 5065 brock rdclaremont 2- 10 yrolds nutritious lunch excellent playground creative program ece qualified staff 6492315 daycare at its best programs for 26 yr olds including senior kinder garten introductory trench qualified experi enced staff nutritious meals snacks cheerful atmosphere beautiful playground government licenced unionvillo day care centre call 4774778 daycare available in my home mother of two near summitview please call 6403508 daycare available in my home 7th cone at siderj oad 28 altona rd 294- 0353 daycare available in my home close to orchard park school 2 years and up welcome call pat 640- 5548 daycare available in my home summitview area reasonable rates 640- 1076 daycare available in my home close to summit- view school full or pan days 6404242 loving daycare in my home experienced mom nurse ages3and up school aged children wol- come hwy 7mccowan rd 475-2961- mother of one will baby- sit in my home south of 7 before steeles mon day to friday 4715401 unionville mother will provide loving daycare to children 3 6 all or part days 4775073 york region approved home day care nutri tious lunch and snacks provided semi structured program with lots of fun and learning fee assist ance available 6405054 mothers helper 713 swedish girl seeks place as nanny available octo ber preferably old town of markham inquire 294- 0807 daycare wanted 714 babysitting profes sional couple requires babysitter for 4 month old baby in own home be ginning sept 2ve3 light housekeeping duties 7 am 6 pm monday through friday must supply own transportation ctnd references salary commensurate with ex perience and responsibili ties call 4774519 union- ville 8abysitter required monday to friday for 1 year old and 5 year old preferably in my home call after 7 pm 8881764 daycare wanted for 9 month old week days start ing in september in un ionvillo area references preferred 4776169 t mature person required to care for 4 month old in fant in our home 5 days a woek commencing octo ber 1st references ossen- tial call anytime 4771200 part time babysftter mature individual required for 2 year old 7 month old in my homo one day a week pleasant environ ment excellent hourly wage 2949820 reliable babysitting re- quired for y hour each morning before school for 3 children ages 11 9 7 within walking distanco to wm armstrong ps 294- 7081 teacher wants sitter and light househeoper for seven and nine year olds hours 12 noon to 530 p m salary negotiable woolen wayhighway 7 2947360 business services 717 optometrist- 0rfr black stounville medical centre eye examination by appointment onifri 9arri 6pm j 6403722 gentree planting pruning interlocking patios walks etc free estimates landscaping n i landscaping with distinction 294419 gail hunter v broker- general insurance 6402223 4732440 colleyb0rlan0 vale insurance brokers ltd 104 main stw slouffvote kusatzsharpley chartered accountants 28 main st east stouffvbe ontario resident partner s kusatzca 6401991 t0ps0il garden mixes a peat manure sa limestone screening base for interlocking pavement all topsoil mixes pulverized and screened for easy gardening large and small quantities delivered larkin construction 2945670 moving storage 744 complete accounting services for small businesses book keeping typing payroll financial statements will pick up deliver 6401727 signage one stop sign shop 6406821 electrical contractor quality work reasonable rates 25 years exp licensed call 2228559 or 4771937 accounting bookkeeping services licensed insured contact artage moving cartage 7829819 cil tn dirtteie 7m or evening dressmaking 772 seamstress dresses pants jackets bridal blouses suits slight alterations in my home reasonable rates call freda jordan 6493340 719 accounting bookkeeping income tax for individuals and small business estate and finan cial planning 294-7750- miscellaneous services 728 yes i do windows residential or commer cial inside or outside storms removed for free estimate call happy outlook window cleaning 6403239 market basket 743 beef freezer orders of grain fed beef s160 lb call ron may 6492510 gail brook custom dress maker 6492505 supplements ceramic lessons starting in september after noon and evening classes ceramic porcelain green- ware 4735110 registration forlstballantrae beav ers cubs will be held wednesday septem ber 7th at 7 pm at bal- lantrae community centre unless a scout leader can be found there will be no scout registration phone 6403664 4733563 market basket 743 this weeks specials at stouffville iga canada grade a young fresh turkeys under 13 lbs 990 lb martins apple juice reconstituted 48 oz 79j white swan paper towels 2 roll pack 89d pick your own plum tomatoes by the bushel field reopens frioaytsept 2nd beefsteak tomatoes ready for picking anytime pickling cucumbers- -eggplant- -zucchinis- green wax beans- vegetable marrow- romano beans fagbliromani fresh corn watermelon cantaloupe freezer corn now ready special 100 dozen markham gardens location va miles north of no 7 high way on tho west side of highway 48 mar- kham road across from ford tractor dealer look for big sign beans green wax or for picking information please call- 294-6397- ballantrae lawn garden services patio work timber work j planting pruning landscape design freeestimates jerome van vliet 6403036 competitive rates for snow plowing supplements ballet registration michele green instructor registration for childrens ballet agest 48 and jazz ages 812 will be held on satur day septloth 930 to 1130 am at christ church stouffville new and used dancewear will be sold for information call 6406451 whitchurchstouffville parks recreation fall programs keepfit when september 20th where latcham hall or summit- view public school daytime tues andor fri at 920am and 1030am evenings tues andor thur at 830pm cost s3000 for 201 hour classes s1800 for 101hour classes instructor 1 melody curtis f dancercise when september 19th where whitchurch centennial centre ballantrae daytime mon at 1000am andor wed at 130pm also where summitview public school or latcham hall evenings tues andor thur at 720pm cost 3000 for 201 hour classes 1800 for 101hour classes instructor melody curtis introduction to hatha yoga when september 19th where latcham hallvandorf community centre time mon andor thur 930am in stouffville and 1 30pm in vandorf cost 3000 for201hour classes 1800 for 101hour classes instructor dona williams babysitting available for all day time programs registration information recreation office 50 main st w stouffvil- le 6403768 starting september 79th and 12th15th between 9am and 400pm evening registrations are september 7th and 14th 7900pm at the recreation office also september 8th between 7 and 900pm at vandorf community centre and whitchurch centennial centre bal lantrae tenders written quotations are invited tor the installation of a parking lot by the town of markham parks and recreation department a list and specifications are avail- able at the parks and recreation department 891 1 woodbine ave nue between the hours of 830 am and 430 pm v quotations will be accepted in the the clerkup to 400 qfjn friday september 1983quota- tions received after this date and time will not be considered