mc6 wednesday august 17 1983 r als appliance service repairs o vi mjkes of lloyd baker 6 sons ltd building contractors additions alterations custom building call2940542 residential roorng competitive rates free estimates 6405310 north eastern exterior services aluminum siding cleaning eavestrough cleaning asphalt sealing pool maintenance lawn maintenance 4753617 free estimates interior renovator dry wk taping spray ttxtur carpentry cera mic til kitchans baih- rooou rec rms lanbursms contracting 2946440 farm service horses and cattle pcied d rxompit rc drtt tn cjii long rsunce and asv i v callw00ovilie 70s433242i ed peconi son ltd woodvifc ont licence no 324 c67 c0xw0rth construction additions renovations rec rooms sun decks kevin 293666 i ken smurthwaite heating lto air conditioning ouct wwk custom sheet metat stout tviiie 6401428 p hathaway bros painting paper hanging airless spray interior exterior pratt lambert commercial industrial 32 years in business 115 main st w stouffville 6403075 6404134 fttr rtouu dycks eavestroughing alum galv troughing roofing alum siding free estimates phone6401496 m n it- handyman comdlete household repass renovations plumbmg electrical additions diywaii floors tiling bathrooms kitchens a specialty cat ron b45477 stoves fridges- washers dryers air conditioners randys refrigeration and appliance service sales -parts- repairs 6404747 3621311 h arkham m aids cleans homes and apartments 2949871 ugh houseteepjrig whjy or dutch maids houses condominiums apartments daily weekly monthly fully insuredtbonded 2240770 4770162 sutherlands aluminum alcan building products 2944075 barker roofing and siding ltd 6404966 repairs reroofing siding soffits free estimates serving the community since 1955 paving a division of 440789 ontario inc industrial residential com- mercial we save all york region for many years we take the time todoitnghf written guarantee best prices in town 10 off for over 1000 s ft member of bbb7 free esvmates ask for mho toronto brampton 2446055 4512398 auto body work private shop custom collision reasonable rates 7311473 s computerized accounting bookkeeping for small business monthly financial state ments 2942850 bookkeeping v and accounting service for small businesses 8895683 painting ft wall covering aoteatseieeience quamyfr serve 8811005 poger pjvan king excavating complete excavating and grading service we supply sand gravel top soil limestone aged manure culvert pipe 18525485 rr 1 uxbridge handyman with truck spring cleanups reliable reasonable rates 7311473 for furnace oil oil burner service mhuuegvct matwuioftftls ummnrue an ins murray brown uesigneis buiidett custom aoodaoikfig alteidiion repaus 8875576 scott lane home improvements compteti reoovttoftj honrapn wnorvdodo fencing 6405948 8526766 roger heath carpentry basement spedaesl aekftions oarages renovations repairs free estimates call evenings 4773678 allan marks plumbing repairs alterations no job too small 4774330 9211341 gill window gleaning co specialists for residential homes guaranteed satisfaction please call 6406661 kavanagh roofing shingling specialists j 4772953 legemaate painting and wallpapering 8875470 ceramic tile new repairs complets bathroom renovations inuroess 294440 ga6e plumbing drain repons alterations basement washiooms new construction plugged drains 2946235 jm services landscaping general maintenance railway tie work unilock patio sidewalks sodding fertilizing tree pruning for free estimates caiuohn 8848628 goodwood masonry stonework brick block specializing in fireplaces chimneys repair 6401299 at speers tree service complete tree care total landscaping wood retaining walls interlocking stone work brian speers 2911749 8840777 cedar hill paving res industrial asphalt interlocking stone paving pressure treated ties y 8811827 bills painting f ftv iiimat lnteiid tvnof bill frnie 2945415 bronzbro appliance service specializing in all makes of refrigerators stoves r washers dryers freezers central air conditioners microwave ovens garbage compactors central vacuums after hour service at same rates call 4778409 free estimates town and country painting painting and wallpapering phone 6406937 randy hathaway sid landry excavating ponds grading septic systems basements road building limestone sand gravel topsoil land clearing culvert pipes all sizes 852731 1 or 6404561 evenings uxbridge con 4 concrete work waterproofing stone work interlocking brick r pagnello developments ltd since 1945 2944670 s0v lakealiy sjng alcan seamless building eaesifougn products nlpmvudoa1 free estimates j 3l rr no 2 larry yakeley 6405909 stouffvllle ppfptmhi ci r flooniriq w iw w carpet and vinyl i mjj sales and installation ml a 1 for vinyl nmhbl flooring by armstrong domco gaf mannington professionally installed call glenn jackson 6402284 robt slack 6404843 four season aluminum sales est 1961 replacement windows siding 8 fascia soffit doors windows al craig glenn b9 rrj stouffville fi eavcstroughs awnings b phone 6405603 holden n paint and wallpaper ltd 7washingtonstaeet h- markham ontario 2942235 insurance holman insurance brokers ltd personal service for home ownersautomobile retail stores light industry contact ruth perlmutter or frank holman 4985233 bm bang ay construction ltd residential industrial commercial 6405832 stouffville 6401495 renovations additions alterations carpentry a specialty custom building o mccrossan sons ltd 2946141 johnheaton pajnting contractor high quality decorating fully guaranteed airless spray completely insured 6404338 free estimates student power painters interior and exterior fully insured free estimates john procenkb 2941879 bus 2940473 res serving markham for 6 years painting decorating commercial realdanllal industrial phonepaul kerr 6406106 ttt ktiuatcs kenway electronics 4711295 191 welungton st e markham martin brown a painting wallpapering contractor 04389393 brivbmbu up to 700 qua feet vnll modify to suit tenants needs woodbine end steele 47s0444 diye only- shared k accommodation 10 kennedy hwy 7 re- sponsible non smoker to share large luxury home central air fireplace 9 ap pliances own bath ravine rivers3sa per month in clusive references 291- 9711 business 4751265 home steeles kennedy 3 bedroom house to share require professional female late twenties with references sepllst 439- 5702 houses to rent 164 unionville townhouses 3 or 4 bedrooms on ravine vh baths 5 ap- pliances fireplace broadloom walkout to garden separate din ing family room gar age 745 lease 4824246 24hrs luxury condominium for rem highway 7 unionvil- le 3 beds vh baths 4 ap pliances 790 per month nvoikiim ww 4772252 for rent ma rlham three bedroom de- tached house one year old vh bathrooms carpet throughout family room with fireplace 750 a month call 2942864 after 6 pin markham townhouse 3 bedrooms 1 r baths 5 ap pliances finished re croom clean available september 1 695 234- 7729 partially furnished new home in unionvilla 4 ap pliances largegarage yard close toshopplng transit october 1st 850 negotiable 4741797 uxbridge canadiana farmhouse 3 bedrooms barn and pond treed and field acreage references 2941054 apartments to rent unfurnished 172 bachelor apartment for rent fridge and stove also 400 square feet basement office for rent any busi ness days 10am to 4pm6980764 large luxury one bed room apartmont with fire place ceramic bath 1 mile to stouffville 400 phone 6401768 r large 2 bedroom base ment apartment in stouff- villo private entrance use of large fenced yard and parking available close to school and shopping fridge stovo and utilities included no pets refer ences required 375 month available sepmoth phono before 10 pm 6403415 one bedroom apartment unfurnished main st stouffville quiet person 1- 4767287 one bedroom apartmont ovoi store stouffville main st 38000 plus hydro no pots 6405791 rooms furnished 178 birchmountstoeles room in private home use of facilities available park- ing fomalo preferred 475- 5037 evenings furnished room for rent close to all convonloncos parking closo to bus call 4711851 8tor6pm for rent largo furnished room full use of kitchen utensils closo to plazas bus stop for a mature working person abstainor given preference 2941608 large rec room with separate bedroom suit able for one or two males private 4 piece bath fully broadloomed 2944930 aftoi 5 two rooms bodsitting kitchon suitable for singlo business girl non smoker only phono 2943466 accommodation wanted 184 family of four to ront house townhouso or apartmont in markham septambor to november preferably furnished 294- 2438 mature responsible mother with child seeking an apartmont will supply roferoncos call 6403923 or 6404528 room with parking in markhant wanted by quiet young man abstainer with pickup write frod rohnbschor 37 griffin rd collingwood ontario or call 705 4458329 after 6 pm responsible coupo 2 young children and dog sooklng 23 bedroom home s00550 will pay utilities oxtra call 294- 0083 v single working parson looking for a room to rent or ihara accommodation in the stouffvillo area call 6404936 9 am to 6 pm after 7 pm 6402655 ask for dave wanted room to rent markvhia area excellent references available please writ to box 1039 co economist and sun 72- 0 main stn markham ontl3plxs houses townteosts wanted ml axtwttforsjev 305 iv wanted- hometolrentpurchas sell for morein 841 savecommissions ill rent your home and sign a firm agreement to purchase and close in 1216 months when rm in funds if it needs work thafs oki s12s1s0xx markham area phbne9608234 vacation properties for sate 205 port orange oaytona beach florida 32 ft trailer with florida room fur nished 8600 canadian funds contact richard llewellyn 4164773801 9 to 5 cottages chalets for sale 210 rice lake two bedroom lakefront cottage alumi num siding new furnace plumbing arid wiring insu lated ideal retirement home cat weekends1- 3423299 hobbies 2e0 ceramics register now classes non structured by certified teacher commence week of september 6 beginners through advanced custom firing and supplies located on wootter way north call heather 2948443 yarns on cones for machine hand knitting weaving lederc looms les sons wmtevale craftworks 2941912 summer camps 270 canadiana riding camp markham still some openings for our west ern sessions in august boys and girls 715 full camp program 2m2913 for brochure garage sales garage sale sat aug20 9am 20sirbodwin markham garage sale sataug20th 8am to 1pm 82 wootten way north something for everyone garage sale sal aug20 900 to 200 53 sir constanone dr markham small furniture appliances fisher price toys garagemoving sale sat aug 20 9am 3pm 49 fomhill blvd unionville household effects and gar den tools community yard sale baker ave at hawthorn sat aug 20th small compressor centrical pumps xc ski boots costume jewellery hard back books various and sundry items galore rain date aug 27th yard sale musselmans lake rosehill drive saturday aug 20th 10 am everything must go low prices garage sale 8 ambrose crt markham sal aug 20 9 am furniture appliances knick- knacks garage sale sat aug 20 930 am to 400pm 58 squire bakers lane markham skates skis hockey equip ment etc yard sale saturday aug 20th 33 albeit sl north miscellaneous furniture bicycles stuffed toys golf balls books stereo pool hems garage sale sal aug20 sam 130 sherwood forest or markham household items blue mountain pottery some clo thing baby needs bicycles books garage sale sal aug 20 10am to 2pm vi77 cariton rd unionville garage sales 304 garage house overflow sale siegter hearth fireplace natural gas cast iron weider barbell set 200 plus tbs 9 ft aluminum duck boat chdrens doming 4-5- 6xcrnwsplayground quali ty coil spring mounted riding animals multitude of misc hems 61sirbodwinpl off parkway sal august 20 830am 403pm rain date sun aug 2k urge barn garage sale many collectibles aug 19 20 21 5th house south side of bloomington on east side of warden articles for sale 305 hidden 5 treasures let us sal the stuff you dorit need ttiatrlatte clothing jevrtlryj crafts tnid knacks house plants prints paintings khchenware s dmingware antiques fur nishings tools 6jermanst c 2 short blocks east of hwy 43 just north of hwy 7 47v5302- skates goal keeper azal states su- pertackssizes4i6excellem v condtion 2941850 homemade appetizers and desserts prepared in my home and delivered to yours 2946416 aladtn aladdin lamps parts old new at mac- leods antiques 266 main sl 2944732 autumn quality clothes sin 910 like new owner has discovered she is a summer call 640- 4593 barn board clean 75 year old hemlock 300 sq ft approx excellent 8 ft boards 4771833 most cars brake shoes 10 per set front brake pads 72s9t 2 calipers pads 50 complete exhaust system t wi 60 body plastic 1325gal sheet metal 22 gauge zrx 1450 ea 10w30 veedol motor oil 135litre karbin sales 55 denlson st markham 4772214 large beautiful sofa do wered velvet like new must be seen 2944s30 af ter 5 1980 lady rvenmore self cleaning stove for sale harvest gold cloan excel lent condition please call from thurs aug 18 on 2348488 mattress box spring and steel frame queen size 2 years old simmons orthopaedic 15000 643- 2543 evenings pianos apt size superb throughout 129500 2848822 pianos baby grand guaranteed 215000 284- 6835 patioistones18x1892 pieces all for 50 00 or 75c each 6402215 2 piece chosterfield chairgreen gold velvet good condition asking 300 2941535 typewriters for sale or rent repairs to all makes call 2943206 7526659 438- 3734 two matos beds with mattrosses s100 00 oach one rollaway bed with cover s85 00 phone 640- 2348 upright freezer white 2 years old still under war ranty excellent condition 250 4715179 washer hotpoint 4 program heavy duty ex cellent condition 27500 dryer inglis portable 7500 2945655 cullksanwater softener 100 general electric fridge ideal for beer 50 call 4732528 after 6 pm crib and mattress colo nial style walnut finish very good condition best offer 6401697 electrolux now and used ropairs supplies free shop at home service authorized doater t ben- ncn 4912564 3s1 ford motor with auto transmission 175 phone 7054322983 french horn for sale pro line conn 8d dbl f8 horn excellent condition asking 1750 call 284- 7913 sx french provincial dining room suite ivory and gold oval table buffet chairs covered in needlepoint beautiful condition 294- 4930 after s- freezer chest excellent condition vt cubic foot basket divider and tight white 200 4774666 grandfather clock 6 ft walnut triple westminster charms 600 fish tank 16 gal stand pump light mi ter gravel and accessories 7500 call 2347666 guitar odyssey solid body electric al 27500 2943242 homeute t100 trim mer- roconditioned 125 tiros 175 x 78 bias 1 ply truckrnotorhome tires liko new 35 each or best offer ptese call 2944530 washer viking deluxo heavy duty many extra fe atures perfect condition 280 4752961 auctions 30 auction sale herongate country auc tions every tuesday evening at 700 pm lo cated on altona road 4 miles east of markham off no 7 hwy 1 mile south of whltevale featuring sv- ery week good selection of antiques fine furniture glass china collectable etc so join us every tues and participate in one of ontarios most authentic old fashioned auctions with no buy backs or re serves the true auc tion preview from 2 pm- tuasdays consignment and estate selling our spe- dalrty kahn auction ser vice ph 23418901 bus or 9858161 res thursday august 18 6 pm auction sale thursday au gust 18 a good selection of furniture and antiques to be held at stouffville sales bam stouffville included will be a dining room suite press back chairs moffat fridge pantry cupboard pine cup board rocker three piece bedroom suite linen victo rian love seat chesterfield and chair washing machine clocks crocks and iron pots tools good assortment of dishes and china sale at 6 pm terms cash norm phil faulkner auctioneers auction sale to be held at the fiupatrick auction centre on twinnay ores just s ol leslie sl oil davis dr turn al forhan in newmarket sataug2012n00n preview fri aug 19 1 26 pm and sat from 10 am an interesting selection ol good solid lumiture many clocks and lots ol glass and china beautiful 9 pc duncan phyte mahogany dining suite complete with drop leal table 6 chairs bullet and china cabinet 3 pc mahogany bedroom suite oak mirrored sideboards moon curio cabinet small drop iron oak desk large and small wardrobes oak table and 4 chairs dropleal tables king site water- bed new yorker complete jusl add water- 12 drawer credenza students desk smalt ijquour cabinet at least 8 mantle clocks several dressers with mirrors 4 pc living room suite old pressed glass english china new royal worcester cook- ware evesham crystal decanters royal ooulton figurine stitch in time pewter ok bottles crocks oei and 0e2 coronation plates crocks portable toilet wicker hampers leaded glass windows prfn- ters trays some pieces for rennishing many more limes terms cash cheque visa mastercard no reserves advance bids may be placed belore sale lunch seating and delivery available terry filzpatrick auctioneer 8958915 ffnmimck auctions ih mm mmmmt