sa4 wednesday june 1 1983 qaegfvafae rjg jkaivfi editors mail action j dear mr thomas v l dont know daphne goldman personally but i appreciated her j comments re our hopedfor recrea- tion complex in short what shes telling towncouncil is get off the pot and do something- v with respect to councillor wilf morleys comment there are a lot of people out there who dont want it perhaps therein lies the reason so little of a visible nature is accom plished here dont our children and our childrens children count for anything im sure they will when theyre old enough to vote sincerely rodney bowles stouffer street stouffvlue day care dear editor through the tribune i wish to inform residents in the area of the region of york nonprofit private home daycare services persons wishing to provide day- care services in their own homes under the supervision of region of york daycare services are being sought this program serves subsi- dized children and children with special needs between birth and age ten fenced yards are necessary and proximity to public schools are preferred also parents requiring subsi- dized home daycare for children between birth and age ten should call 8812524 for additional informa- tion sincerely sandra bowles supervisor private home day care region of york ttte wune swtf- james thomas editor established 1888 bruce annan publisher joe anderson advertising manager editorial deft jim holt audrey gren display advertising deft bryan armstrong real estate classified advertising joan marihman circulation manager ooreen deacon national sales representative metroland corporate sales 4931300 published every wednesday at 54 mam st stouffvilieonttel ar2100 sngle copte 35c subscrip tions 15 00 per year in canada 45 00 elsewhere member of canadian community newspapers awoaa tion ontario weekly newspapers association ontario press council and suburban newspaper of america second class mail registration number 0896 the stouffville tnbune is one of the metroland printing publishing lid group of suburban newspapers which includes acton free press ajax whitby pickenng news advertiser aurora banner the bolton enterpme brampton guardan the burlington post the burlington weekend post the etobcoke advertiser guardian the georgetown independent the hamihon wentworth postthe markhamthornhiil economist and sun the mirton champion the misuuauga news the newmarket era the north york mirror oakvtlfe beaver oakville friday beavor oshawa this week oshawa this weekend the richmond hillthomhill liberal the scarborough mirror the woodbndge vaughan news viewpoint- once more into the byjimirvingj 6402100 editorials centre too complex for over a year now a vocal segment of our town with the support of this newspaper has been advocating a start on planned construction of a new re creation complex more importantly we have urged the setting up of a fund- raising campaign so that everyones financial energies can be focusscd in the same direction we have sensed a keen desire by a crosssection of townsfolk to get the show on the road in fact so keen is that desire were fearful something may soon take place without town author ization and this would be a mistake however we believe the time has come for council to level with not only the procomplex people but all the peo ple whether they be for or against this project without a doubt mayor king is under tremendous pressure this should not be for the decision to build or not to build is not his to make but a decision of the majority however we sense a sharp division within council ranks theres obviously more to this than meets the eye- at a recent meeting of the town re creation committee councillor wilf morley opposed the setting up of a fund- raising steering committee calling it premature while he didnt elaborate were confident councillor morley knows something we dont at a recent press meeting with the seniors will benefit santa claus in june they do it at gravenhurst santas village so why not in whitchurchstouffville its all supposed to happen this satur day and all for a good cause the occasion is santas birthday the celebration will take place at the stouff ville pool 1230 pm and later the are- naithe price of admission is one wrap- ped gift per child that next christmas will be presented to a senior citizen in the area chief organizer of this unique project is diane peak president of santas senior citizen fund committee mrs peak is no stranger to seniors in the com- munity however most of her work in- previous years was doncvbehindthe scenes now shes involving everyone so lets all get involved andlrcake di- anes novel idea a success mayor mr king admitted thered been no concrete proposal by council to build anything councillor jim sanders is calling for a longrange plan that will include two ice surfaces a swimming pool a commun ity hall a fitness centre ball fields soc cer pitches etc we would strongly suggest that our town fathers get their heads together and prepare some kind of statement that makes sense its either full speed ahead or back to square one weve had enough of this pic in the sky retoric lay your cards on the table ladies and gentlemen and let the chips fall where they may now thqt everyone has graduated from orchard park theres abig hole to fillon the editorial page once more and my task looms large as they say in the weaving business i was kind of hoping thered be at least one more class smiling out from the past before the month en- ded so i could sneak away without upsetting too much that faithful band who get a chance to unscram ble my ramblings each wedneday night when they pick up their weekly order of fish and chips at the nearest stand that is if there hasnt been too much vinegar seep through the box beforehand but i digress or is that regress both are wrong the book cites only progress what book you say well its whatever one they threw but at you when you first stood erect and tot tered on wobblylegs across the liv ing room rug toward doors whose knobs were a mile high before but which were now within hesitant reach and tightened your diapers another notch to help secure that un tried self for the unknown path beyond what a big world it led to all those vother boys and girls endless games oficops and robbers football on a vacant lot hockey outdoors at 30 be low the cold more biting than any errant stick across your shins then when you got home steam- ing platefuls of macaroni and cheese with baking powder biscuits popping from the oven so when you went to bed you recalled only the good times that day you lived on the greatest street in the world in the greatest city in the world and the best was still to come but that diaper hitch showed you knew you needed something beyond your im mediate self to help prop you up against the maelstrom ahead and without knowing it you hit at what is everyones lifetime goal security of self something that only comes from within something we often spend an eternity pursuing by eyeing the grass across the way then when we finally get it the grass beyond that a little bit of insecurity is good it keeps us alert it provides the shot some can find only at the end of a needle its also the malaise thatsome never recognize but which they con tinue to feed and feed on while it chains them to a lifetime of mediocrity as they cling to their tiny domain at the end they are still striving for a bigger and better coffin than tfie one that their old school chum was carried off in the month before why did i get off on this tangent maybe its because i find myself ab out to toddle i shall have left the paper by the time this comes out through that door again and i feel both a bit insecure and dont give a damn about it just what that combination will result in i dont know in my ration al moments it scares me but i dont regret it i have met a lot of good people here and to those whom i didnt get a chance to say goodbye to may i do so now i heave and forgive me if i sound too dramatic about it all because i feel its time because i think a need i had was served because i think there are other doors to be opened thanks for everything and goodbye graduating class at orchard park public school 196566 this year marks the 25th anniversary of trie opening of orchard park public school in stonffyllle to celebrate the occa sion a reunion of former teachers and students is planned for this fall pictured here is the graduating class of 196566 members are front row left to right charlene brown di- ane slater dorothy sanders louise uens tyrellann holden jill mcwhinnie elaine smith sally schell debbie sellers marcla wagg jane will middle row left to right win klngsley teacher andy val- ieau arlene yakeley christine mcconkey colleen hlles laurie norton cathy little russel stover glen blacklock glenn gibson wk sutherland principal j rear row left to right dave hoover charles lynde norm christie john hill rick ferguson rod schell michael brillinger randy lee rick neville and david melhuish