jmc4 wednesday june 1 19s3 for more classifieds saepage b4 garage sales- 304 yard sale fri june 3 9am dusk sat june 4 sam 1pm 5 elizabeth st markham off wales ave super yard sale antiques olympic stove range 1979 buick loaded books toys furniture birdhouses picnic tables many more misc items v low low prices northeast corner of r bethesda and hwy 48 sat sun june45 garage sale- i june45 10 am 4 pm 34 spmcewood or thomhilloff proctor ave between henderson bayview ave moving after 33 years ap pliances furniture tools lawn mower ladders bikes and much more garage sale sat june 4 10am 6prn west side 9th line v mile north of major mackenzie festival special garage sale sat june 4 900 am sun june 5- 12 noon office supplies furni ture books dishes drapes toys 3 pc crib set antiques ap- pliances patio set bar- gains for home cot tage 17 pomander road unionville 2943435 4773111 garage sale 3 families sat june 4 41 sir pellias terr markham childrens toys furniture mult1 family garage sale sat june 4 9 am 1 pm rain date sun june 5th 9 sir bedevere place off parkway multi family garage sale sat june 4 sam 12 noon 40 wales ave markham fiooi quality household goods i garage sale sat sun june 4 5 6 18 ravengloss dr thbrnhill 8810507 8814388 multi family garage sale satjune4 10 am 4 pm j 67 walkerton dr markham 60 gall aquarium patio table stools 24 moffat range childrens clothing toys sfficeequipment books many other interesting items rain date sunday june 6th lawn sale sat june 4 10am 5pm corner of 16th ave hwy 43 misaitems gamesdishes furniture etc garage sale satjune4 9 am 88 senator reasons dr markham bikes toys household yxxfajothing j yard sale t sat sun june45 10am4pm 355 kms east of rhvyv8 on jfwy72kmseastolocust mil free coffee t rain or shine garage sales 304 garage sale sat june 4 9am 4pm 32 gladiator rd markham household goods and much much more garage sale sat june 4 9am 4pm 10 sir 8edevere place markham something for everyone lawn sale s jun 4ck 00 in 40 pra wmmf pennttnel ewycmq bwt go lett ol good brgna 41 gog 5ttt garage sale sat june 4 9am 3pm 78 reginald st- martham furniture appliances toys itcv yard sale june 4th 5th aurora sideroad hwy 43 ballantrae flea market indoors ev ery saturday at harwood place mall afax just south of 401 on harwood ave for further information call 6833442 garage sale sat june 4 9 am 4 pm 152 sherwood forest dr markham articles for sale 305 vtshome baking cookies yy tw fkf muffins etc 2949947 afterspjn moving sale 107 main st unionville singer sewing machine with antique table wooden folding beds table lamps plus other articles 4773100 articles for sale 305 bunk beos 1000 sets ssass each cash and car ry mattresses extra harry 3368 yongest 4887911 buy dkect patio stones sidewalk slabs cobble stones exposed aggre gate driveway curbs etc vettese concrete 294- 1267 wood shavings kiln dried pine bulk delivered 4168573807 coleco vision plus 7 car tridges including turbo 600 or best offer 294- 2292 chesterfield chair several bikes pine dres sers love seat viking dryer hoover upright vac cleaner 2945237 1 used clothes dryer good condition 100 or bost offer call 6406392 after 7 pm appliance repair to fridges stoves washers dryers 4715066 days or evenings wanted appliances working or not moving sale dining room set con sisting of table 6 chairs and buffet breakfast set consisting of glass table and 4 chairs 6 pc bedroom set bunk beds pull out single bed childrens desk stereo music cabinet bookcases train set 4 pc chesterfield car pets lamps come and look it over 8817129 lumber 2x4x8 kd eco spruce vix4tgpine 15eper linear ft rustic pine 30tpersq ft 6x6hemlocks117 per ft 6x8 hemlock 152 per ft spruce const ut 2x4 2se istfperft 2xs 36e 28frper ft 2x8 52c 39fperft 2x10 7k railway tiess895 each complete building supplies available century mill building centre ran4 stouffville 6402350 2 drum type tamp tables matching shelf unit asking 198 complete pecan fin ish like new will sell separately 4 pair antique satin tie back drapes fully lined solid dk blue 95 long each pair approx 5 ft wide 2500 per pair 294- 6248 electrotux new and used repairs supplies free shop at home service authorized dealer t ben nett 4912584 electric guitar and amplifier almost new 300 phono 8875344 24 ft hughes sail boat sloops 4 excellent condi tion asking 10000 294- 7143 ovonings for sale upright piano and bench r gors kail- manberlin excellent con dition 550 2344469 family sized 2 room rent outside frame excellent condition 12500 air con ditioner 1 0000 btus sor- viced yearly 25000 tough 3 man inflatable boat with oars s2oo0 294- 5454 auctions fiisnyit gravely 10 hp commer cial grass cutter rototiller plow in excellent condi tion double wheols 8 years old full price 299500 4314050 or 294- 3536 guitar el degas lospaul copy 1 year old no scratches excellent condi tion sunburst hardshell case s27500 2944057 having a party orders taken for tartssaus age rolls squares rolls and pies peggy charlie booth 4774259 garage sales 304 3 family garage sale saturday sunday june45 900am 300 pm 65 sir bodwin place markham barrels tires dishwasher sliding shower doors wood lathe plastic pails and much much more giant yard sale sat june 4 sun june 5 10 am 4 pm many quality items including girls bicycle electromate wood carvings franklin fireplace lamps antiques plus much much more3 families involved village of balsam 3 miles east of claremont 1 mile west of durham 23 on regional rd5 garage sales jolyn court markham 10 families saturday june 4th 900 am southdale to bakerdale to jolyn court hand hairdryer electric carving knife electric hand mixer movie projector good condition 4775362 kenmore avocado range good condition s12500 walnut coffee and hox- agon tablos oxcellent con dition 2945096 pianos baby grand guaranteed 195000 284- 6835 pianos apt size superb throughout 119500 2848822 photocopier olympia international omega 303 dry copier multiple copier copies up to 8x 14 supplies include 8 rolls of paper 695 or best offer call mr wallaco or mrs palmer between 9 am and 5 pm at 2942200 saturday june 11 930 am urge auction sale of house hold furniture boats motors trucks cars ige qty of tools the property of karl cremer on scugog is land from port perry take hwy 7a east 1 mi to durham rd 7 then north to cone 10 turn east to 3rd farm on south side this is a very fine auction everything well cared for and in beauti ful condition 1970 ford eco- noline 200 camper truck fully equipped only 35000 mi excellent condition 1965 buick le sabre one owner family car 1973 dodge c600 truck with 16 van box 1979 lada car 1974 mazda car vehicles certi- d kawasaki 175 cc motorcycle honda 175 cc trail bike yamaha 50 cc motorcycle ford ferguson tractor with 3 pt hitch imple ment mower plow blade and fork dune buggy elgin 14 fibreglass boat with 35 hp electric and canopy sportstar 14 rbreglass boat with 4 cyt mercury electric canopy 12 wooden boat fibregtassed and 25 hp evinrude 10 aluminum boat 12 cedar strip boat sailboat boat trailers 6 out board motors 1 7 hp va- rious marine items 2 drill presses arc welder radial arm saw power saws join ter work bench stool air compressors spark plug tes ter numerous hand tools electric motors shop vacuum cleaner ige drill di amond 2 in intercom sys tem tool cabinets snow thrower air conditioners oak desk chair filing cabinets cb radio electric heaters water skiis snow skits boots shovels spades antique wagon wheels bar- beque portable washing machine portable dish washer dining room suite living room suie kitchen table chairs microwave oven upright freezer toaster oven dressers coffee tables pictures pool table ping pong table player piano electronic organ accordian trumpet guitar bicycles lawn mowers movie projec tor- slide projector numer ous other items note this is a large sale with quality many items not listed lunch available sale managed anb sold by uoyd wilson auc tions uxbridge 416-852- 3524 portable frig koolatron p34 1 ac powor supply ps2 as new used ono summor only cost 278 sell 150 phone 6403340 evenings stock items for sale alu minum replacement win dows storm doors old wood frame windows call 8881 94a839777 1 double stanley steel gar age door 16x7 can be usod as 2 single 8x7 doors asking 20000 also box traitor is whools asking 10000 6403204 after 6 pm 1 set antiquo ronforn weigh scalos 1 200 gallon oil tank 6401680 after 600 articles for sale the elliott house of antiques a fine selection of fully restored antiques victorian settees matching chairs nd much much more north east corner of hwy 47 hwy 48 open sunday 6403288 huge mattress sale new 39 box mattress 11900 new 54 box mattress 13900 new queen box mattress 16900 new 2pc chesterfield sale oqqoo several one of a kind reg39900 c3u 20 only new 2 and 4 pc chesterfield suites one of a kind at fantastic savings used good selection of used refrigerators stoves dryers washers oak 10pe dining suite 30000 cottage furniture used chesterfields etc at very low prices freezers in all sizes for immediate delivery johns hideaway furniture canadian tire plaza hwy 7 2941055 43 brock st w uxbridge 8525840 typewriters for sale or rent repairs to all makes call 2943206 7526659 438- 3734 viking coppertono fridge and stove 300 or bost offer please call 8875938 aftor 6 pm vacuum filter oueea a1 condition with guarantee s150 7439240 westinohouse stove with self cleaning oven areen 2949265 auctions 309 auction sale herongate country auc tions every tuesday evening at 700 pm lo cated on altona road 4 miles east of markham off no 7 hwy 1 mile south of whltevale featuring ev ery week good selection of antiques fine furniture glass china collectable etc so join us every tues and participate in one of ontarios most authentic old fashioned auctions whh no buy backs or re serves the true auc tion preview from 2 p m tuesdays consignment and estate selling our spe ciality kahn auction ser vice ph 29418901 but or 9854161 res wednesday june 8 11am h0lsteins sudden sale due to barn fire complete holstein dispersal for harmara farms brechin ont selling at the wilson sales arena uxbridge ont registered listed dhia tested including lodrycows due soon 25 bred open heifers sired by telmalt starlite senator rockman royalty etc 4 heifers from very good dams plan to support this sale additional consignments also being accepted for this sale please call uoyd wilson auctions uxbridge sale manager auctioneer 4168523524 saturday june 11 auction sale of household furniture ferguson tractor large quantity of tools etc the property of sam ken nedy lot 5 con 7 east gwo- kmbury twp 1 vi miles south of ml albert on hwy 48 and 1 rn3e west on the herald road 25 cu ft freezer coloured tv radio and record player com bined combination filing cabinet with safe and writing desk wardrobe and dresser antique chest of drawers antique hall mirror electric singer sewing machine cabinet wardrobe chester field and chair tredle sewing machine large old storage cupboard buffet chrome table and chairs and much more tools and miscel laneous ferguson tractor trailer ford mower 2 furrow plow cub 7 hp riding lawn mower approx 36 with snow blower and 2 wheel trailer tractor chains ait tight wood stove power lawn mower electric lawn mower hometrli chain saw master- craft welder 230 amp ariend rear tine tiller large sender grinder hornet electric fencer band saw air com pressor impact gun vi and hp motors meat grinder for motor 2 steel work ben ches tool bench on wheels vise 10 sheets of piste glass large ou of snow fence pig pen deviders scaffolding new roll of chain link fence 100 good water pails with handles chicken feeders waterers feed pails scales iron barbecue qu of new nails automatic chicken feeder less chains small guillotine hand operated car greaser 2 ball races 9 dia meter 3vb bore zw wide vacuum pump smll scale potato scale 2 culverts and much more terms cash or good cheque sale at 930 am lunch avail able reg and larry johnson auctioneers ph 705 357- 3270 owner or auctioneers will not be responsible for any accidents in connection with this sale june 2 thursday evening 7 pm machinery auction sale of machinery selling at the wilson sales arena 2 miles north of uxbridge including mf 410 combine ac 200 trac tor nh haybine 8 white 260 tractor 750 hours white 1370 tractorwith load er com dryer john deere corn planter ford corn plan ter nh 281 baler with thrower 1975 chev 3 ton truck with tippings 14 cattle box and loading shute new holland 281 baler with thrower double axle trailer ford3pthplownh717for- age harvester with one row corn head and pick up nh 354 grinder mixer nh 355 grinder mixer with loading auger pipe jbd 3 pth sprayer intntl 3 furrow 12 plow3pth hydraine 3 fur row 12 plow 3pth mf 38 front end loader 4 rotovator muller mortar mixer with air cooled enginesale man aged and sold by uoyd wil son auctions uxbridge 416- 8523524 monday evening june13th 6 pm auction sale of furniture and antiques for the property of mrs ola mdowe uxbridge selling at the wilsons sales arena 2 miles north of ux bridge including 9 pc oak dining room suite blue ches terfield and chair apartment size 9 x 12 blue broadloom rug 3 antique occasional chairsmagazine rack vacuum cleaner dishes cookware keivinator re frigerator and stove gold plus many other items also other cortsrgnments win be accepted for this sale please can uoyd vflson auctions uxbridge 4123524 the york region board of education auction sale surplus furnishings equipment saturday june 11 1983 at 11 00am sale to be held al the lloyd school building beth esda sideroad between leslie street and woodbine avenue asl ol lake wilcox students desks stoves refrigerators freezer sew ing machines hospital beds slacking chairs old maps pianos trampolines typewriters calculators adding machines duplicators radios tape re corders lilm projectors lockers auto shop equip mem 10 saw one i hon 1975 dodge van and other items loo numerous to list the description and quantities contained herein are a guide only there is no guarantee expressed or im plied ol quantity or quality the board employees and auctioneer nol respon sible lor accidents or loss in connection with this sale terms cash or cheque with identifications on oay ol sale x gord orr auctioneer michael neill chairman ra cressman director of education secretary treasurer saturday v june4th 11 am 15 gail court whitby highway 2 west of vvhiby to jeffrey follow signs- household effects from mrs grace turton at her former residence home sold choice selection of antique and modem fur nishings glassware china and collect- ables from this lovely home earl davis aucioneer oshawa 7284455 thursday june 9 6pm auction sale of kaufman furniture antiques to be held at stouffvbe sales bam stoufmhe for mr mrs c ledger phis others indusng csfing room suite bedroom suite walnut bookcases lib rary table stove round oak table mote details next week sate at 6 pm norm and phil faulkner au ctioneers thursday june 2nd 630 pm another good auction sale at berczy market auction hall aurora across from go sta tion maple hutch washer and dryer china cabinet wooden kitchen set china mirrorsglassware and much much more terms cash earl gauslin auctioneer auction sale wed june 8th 1 pm auction sale of farm machinery including ford tractor roto mower baler- wagons and some furniture including some antiques the property of isaac hughes at lot 27 cone 3 markham twp about 1 mile south of gormleystouffvihe rd on leslie st no reserve terms cash frank bennett auctioneer twiught auction thursday june 2nd 630 pm pollards auction bam 2vi mile east of keswick tools gravely garden tractor with lawn and garden attach ments qu of garden tools rotary lawn mower large stanley hd mitre box and saw as new pressure pumps rockwell small table band sender hd 220 volt electric heater ho electric meat grinder steel lockers hydraulic jacks kenmore 10000 btu window air conditioner 22 semi auto matic rifles 3m overhead projector and slide unit contents- ti include refrigerator and 30 rangeas newcorid bed room suite chests of draw ers wringer washer port able bw tv bed chester field pullout chesterfields coffee and end tables nigs good bedding large qu of kitchen effects treadle sew ing machine chrome suite occasional chairs pictures lamps etc being the proper ty of jack carlisle and inclu sions terms cash or known cheque with id 4763601 or 7223112 saturday june4th 930 am auction sale of machinery toots furniture and antiques for fred jackson of scu- gog bland from port perry take hwy 7a east to durham road 7 then north to akjred general store then east on cone 11 to first place on south side large quantity of antiques including flatback cupboard pine harvest table 2 board top antique bed room suite blanket box trunks 4 washtands toilet set antique buffet antique chairs and tables dressers coal oil lamps sewing machine antique sideboard refrigerator upright freezer hoover wvher antique drill press 200 lb anvil forge chain saw large quantity of antique tools and cupboards nuts and bolts etc box stove antique hand grinding stone 5 ton jack quarety of scrap int b275 fiesel tractor with loader cockshutt 3 fur row plow case cultivator 3 plh7 mower harrows un- coin welder plus many other items sale at 930 am lunch available sale man aged and sold by uoyd wil son auctions uxbridge 416- 8523524 auction antiques and unusual collectibles for dorothy and lou wamica 75 centre st west rrchmorid hjl sat june 4th 11 am settee and ottoman as new drop leaf double pedestal dun can phyfe table gate leg table blanket box hand made quilt from quebec never used plat form rocker 1900 sewing cupboard very ok wardrobe cedar lined square parlour table and other smal tables odd chairs setof4side chairs old finished with cane seat set of 6 bentwcod oak dining chairs 1895 need work pressed back rocker 2 sght fix tures 1 howjail 1 red tif fany crocks pictures bed ding spreads drapes lamps china 2 singer portables 400 day clock new lunch avail able terms cash swine production sale bramarod farms june 4 1983 130pjnat wilsons sales arena uxbridge offering approximately 35 bred gilts35 boars and 35 open gilts of duroc landrace york shire hampshire and crossbreds also selling lrttermates to the highest indexing duroc boar in march 1983 group at ontario rop test station this boar had 115mmbf at 145 days adg 102 feed conv 260 and sold to the ontario swine al for 175000 auctioneer steve uptay 4162632961 owner henry dewotfe 4156554076 antiques art 310 antique crafts col lectable dealers wanted for indooroutdoor market main street markham 2948172 articles wanted 311 i paycash for dishes glass ware toys books furniture baby goods etc call jane walker after 500 pm 4772440 wanted urgent refrigerator stove washer dryer complete household contents 2941055 6495890 pels 350 all breed grooming poodles a specialty pick up and delivery available call 2945758 2949109 baby budgies 20 all colours please let phone ring till answored 294- 0417 lhasa apsos purebred born april 1st 250 cash 2986088 7573302 siamese kltlons blue point malo fomale phono 2944974 aftor 500 pm or weekonds cepora kennels offers professional grooming for cats dogs year round boarding complete line of food pet supplies phone 6406727 llvesl tock- 351 horses boarded looacres miles of trails through adjacent reforestation daily turnout members lounge reasonable rates pineview farms 4961569 days mccowan aurora sideroad livestock 351 dead horses oram crfpled cattle picked up promptly caurvoodvtle 7054392421 rarso dispatched- trucks for better service edpecomsons woodvsvom licence no 324c67 elmar farm landrace boars gilts guaranteed health approved astoiiffer rr2woodville 7054392216 rabbits for sale rabbit depot opening 4a5lb 6404630 used haying equipment njt 479 haybine recondrtioned s4500 mf925 hay tender s4200 nr469 haybine 3700 nh68 baler 800 jd 14t baler 1200 nh 268 baler whh thrower 2400 a2nh 56 rake 1200 call mark bishop tractors equipment queensville 4784257 tack auction 25000 of new saddles bri dles pads clothing etc to sell by auction monday june 1 3th at 6 pm at stouff ville sales arena stouffville ont board wanted for smatl horse telephone 2993924 livestock i wanted use of bam or shed for storage for 24 weeks to store items being sold at garage sale to rabe money for markham- stouffville hospital build ing fundphona lynn pathko 948244 from 9 am 5 pun wish to contract for 1000 bales of first crap hay deli vered if possible must be good quality when avail able 2945174 evenings motorcycles for sale 440 1973 yamaha 650 cc low mileage on rebuilt engine excellont running condi tion fairing radio 1100 6492686 after 6 pm trucks for sale 445 1979 chev v4 ton 305 en gine 78000 km psrpb mags never winter driven price neg 860000 640- 6887 6405112 1982 ford courier long box pickup 23 litre 4 speed 40 mph 23000 miles zeebart wit certify asking s6500 8892496 af ter 500 tractors for sale 444 bulldozer 350b john deere 6 way blades very good condition reason able call 6403787 cars for sale 455 1980 citation xii v6 4 speed amfm cassette excellent condition 480000 or best offor certi fied after 4 pm 4778572 1977 dodge aspen wagon slant 6 new muffler brakestransmission and shocks certified 2500 6406623 after 6 pm 1981 dodge omni gas miser one ownor 4 door good condition 2943202 or 2940650 83datsun280zx2 2 2 months old loaded 20000 call 4776166 af ter 600 pm excellent quality hay for sale si 75 per bato640- 1317 good hay for sale 100 bale 6403427 horses and ponies wanted for loaso july and august reputablo stablo excellent care call irene 6403036 horse ba m 24 x 40 500 2940535 horses boarded box stalls daily turnout 1 5 mi nutes north of alax at greenwood call 6492694 must sell 4 year old bay thoroughbred mare very green excellent disposi tion and conformation call 6493057 new idea r cut farm pto mower late model 250 good adaptable to any tractor asking 44000 phone after 6 pm 294- 7447 opportunity mako your droam come truo rog yt horso marc eng huntor rog appaloosa mare wostorn v horse gelding wostern 640- 1534 palamino quarter horse for sale 6406619 after 4 pm 1973 ford montego302 engine only 18000 origin al miles hasnt been li cenced since 1977 excel lent condition 2400 cor- tifiod 2949735 1979 lada standard am fm radio uncertified 500 or best offer 294- 7909 after 600 pm 1981 mazdaglc amfm cassette 5 speed low mileage excellent condi- lio 4773271 1970 mercedes diesel auto al mechanically well maintained air noods some body work willie 1 6553611 1971 poritiae lemans 2 door 8 cyl noods some body work 58000 miles asking 400 2940305 79 pontiac parisienne ex cellent condition 4800 catl 4776166 alter 600 pm 1979 plymouth caravelle 4 door 360 engine pspb power seat tilt steering 93000 km clean 6401984 1975 rabbit 4 speed manual 86000 miles one owner needs brake work 500 as is or best offer call 2942702 1977 toyota sr5 irftback 5 speed a mfm cassette 57000 mi excellent condi tion 2500 2346181 after 5pm general help 505 assembly operators required for production of small electricalmechanic al assemblies good soldering skills familiarity with common hand tools and manual dexterity are necessary keele st and hwy 7 area reply to box 310 the liberal co p 0 box 390 richmond hill ontario l4c 4y6 stating experience and telephone number administrative assistant must be experienced in handling payroll bookkeeping to a balance sheetapply in person for afulf time position ask for man ager mcdonalds s225 hwy n7 markham competent riding instructor wanted to teach all levels of ridingmust be capable of teaching stable management excellent pay and conditions call after 6 pm 640-6623- intermediate secretary we require a well organized person to per- form secretarial duties in a busy sales marketing dept previous experience in a similar position is highly desirable excellent typing aptitude for figures and the ability to handle a large volume of work is essentiallnterested ap plicants please submit a resume to box1017 markham economist 72 b main st n markhaitfl3p1x5v g mii