f lit mm ti j xrfj p abused women i v wednesday may 25 1983 sa7 0vtimwj 1st by norah 5 stoner regional councillor ward 3 pickering recently- 1 took part in a panel dis cussion related to facilities for abused women in our com- munity im sure r youve all heard the horrible statistics that one in every ten canadian women involved in a livein malefemale rela- tionship is abused there is no facil ity in pickering but the emily stowe 1 shelter in scarbor ough provides tem- porary emergency accommodation for 26 assaulted women with or without chil- dren for up to six weeks the shelter meets the primary needs of food and shelter and provides counselling- legal medical and educa tional services also jrselfhelpi programs v to assist in regain- ing confidence assertiveness and selfsufficiency the emily stowe shelter has a 24- hour emergency phone line at 264- help in durham a similarshelter is tthe dream of the people in vol v d in project auberge the committee to establish a hostel for abused women is part of the social planning council of oshawawhitby auberge will offer long and short- term accommoda tion for abused women and their children including meals and emergen cy clothing the shelter will be lo cated in oshawa close to family coun selling social ser vices manpower legal aid the courts retraining centres and public transit there is a desper ate need for a facil ity of this kind in our area but a great deal needs to be done in publicizing and funding the pro ject speakers are available to visit clubs and organiza tions if you wish to be come involved in making the auberge shelter a reality call the social plan- ning council of oshawawhitby at 7254774 editors mail new hope dear mr thomas tannis toppings personal story in last weeks tribune touched my heart one can only imagine the anguish and frustration both she and her parents have gone through no wonder the joy today to you tannis your parents and brothers my respect and admiration youve given many a new sense of hope sincerely phyllis alexander rr 3 stouffville proceeds to the markham- stouffville hospital building fund sunday june 12 markville shopping centre parking lot bargains bargains hot dogs pop entertainment galore help build your hospital sponsored by economist and sunhe jtrtbune needed- i and diop on y jes clean op jfjuemstoheaot swecanse- furniture knu knacks books toys records any drop iw p haliburton hockey haven haliburton hockey haven boys and girls the place to be in 83 thats right our complete program now avail able to girls as well for 17 years haliburton hockey haven has been providing great onice and camping ex periences the tradition con tinues in 1983 our hockey programs the regular one- and twoweek hockey programs under the expert direction of new hockey director dave mcpovvallprosi vide upto 2j hours of profes-i- siorial ohice instructiondaily we have special prograrnsfor campers aged 79 and goalies our camp programs in addition to a complete hockey program haliburton hockey haven offers campers a variety of supervised camp water and field activities including cook outs hikes overnightsfield sports sailing kayaking canoeing swimming and more new in 83 special preseason conditioning camp for bantams to juniors an excellent way to prepare for the coming season with twice daily onice sessions with professional instruction conditioning hockey fitness and camp activities will pre pare you for a winning season- haliburton hockey haven box 214 islington ontario m9a 4x2 416 2362855 division tandy electbonicsiimiieo ifsijiw clearance pro48 scanner is a great buy ideal or home or car scans up to 10 channels including aircraft locks in on active channel needs uptolo crystals sold separately 2mk3 off t emmtrlilmtiims kiiaoi a a tfltct it km 41 snaei motf wm v w mix riun at a4cwoabvoriztdsmcwtoffitn cwatna net mtqatf mxt miniyttlmmmftimsfikk st wanotlmffyeogaiffori alnfnirrl nee art r poparty w itecf copoown lrct khr4l immad bfg a raournd vttr brrvlapt net gu0o0 mm 19 natacj consult the whit pagit forth radio shack nearest you