ma12 wednesday local brothers big brothers of yorkregion have elected their slate of officers for the next year and a local man tops the list the new big brothers president is peter grosskurth a local publisher and businessman he was chosen at a recent directors meeting held in oak ridges mr grosskurth president of cana dian business forms and pub lisher of markham- thornhill month was air active big brother in metro toronto for several years the past seven years he has been involved with numerous commit tees and has sat as an executive mem- ber of the board of directors of big brothers of york as the new chair man mr gross- kurths goal is the rejuvenation and strengthening of the big brother agency his fellow officers are dr david ruegg first vice- president jack hurst second vice- president paul berdette treasurer sergeant jim mennie secre tary and past presi dent jim wolfe famous for 1st rate job best price for quality sp s j limited time offer acrylic enamel vans 56900 pickups wagons 52900 full size cars 49900 midsize cars 44900 compact cars 39900 plus ontario sales tax all repairs guaranteed for 1 one year except rust body work extra fibre glass panels available for some makes minor repairs and spotins also done free estimates demons hairworks special call now sale ends may 31 1983 rental cars available 4771666 dennis nelson body shop mgr 4771666 unionville motors ltd 4630 hjghway 7 unionville ontario corner of kennedy hwy 7 ifflbz inwiiwi rbmffl ba aga hon william davis q c hon james snow p premier minister ol hon robert welch qc transportation and t minister of energy communications eneigy ontario ontario shampoo cut perm and style eaton reg 6500 now 4800 plus a bonus bonus includes two largesize bottles 225 ml one of shampoo and one of conditioner for homeusea900 value offer ends ma28 1983 call today for your appointment at eatons hairworks markham markville centre 416 4776390 loc 209 additional charge if your hair is shoul- derlength or longer and remember you can charge it on your eatons ac count ample free parking at our suburban stores eatons hnbhhh giant car pooling van pooling public transit the energy they save today is energy we can all use tomorrow further inrormation on all aspects of conservation is available from the ministry of energy 62 wellesleysl west toronto ontario m7a2b7 proceeds to the markhamstouffville hospital building fund sunday june 12 markville shopping centre parking lot unbelievable bargains hot dogs pop entertainment galore more more more plan to attend if i fm tx mmaaam mamammmm