wednesday january 26 1983 scs luncheon initiates town heart fund campaign last thursday saw the start of this years ontar io heart foundation appeal local organizers 1 to r gail richards campaign chairwoman sherry inksetter coordinator for york region and lovanna sanders met uith local chapter mem bers at lovannas home to discuss plans to top last years figure of 10000 iiiiiliiiiitiiiitiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitjiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiritieiititiiiiiiimiiitiiitiitiiiiitiiiiiitujmiitiiiiiiitliimjiitiititmiiirmimitiiiiiiriiiiiiniisiiiiiiiutiitiiiiiiirijiiiiiiiii around town iiiminummuiimiiuiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiimiiiimmiiiui open house the levi diller family is holding an open house in the friendship room of parkview home stouffville in honor of ada dillers 90th birthday the gathering of friends and relatives is planned for this sunday jan 30 from 2 to 5 pm hold danceathon the students council of stouffville dist secondary school is holding a danceathon this friday evening jan 28 in the gymna sium the event is for an worthwhile cause- support of the schools foster child to date about 40 students have signed upwith many more expected by dance time thirty dollars in pledges per couple is required with the hope that a minimum of 450 will be raised two students have already re ceived pledges of more than 100 each fefelnvestmentprogram s a seminar on investment activities will be held at the town library every wednes day evening during the month of february the registration fee for the four 2hour ses sions is 20 discussions will be led by a representative from the firm of pitfield mackay ross one of the leading firms in the investment field village crafts the markham guild of village crafts is holding an open house of students work feb 12 and 13 fromn 12 noon to4 pm at the guild office 140 mam street north registrations for spring classes will be accepted feb 15 from 2 to 4 pm and 7 to 9 pm at the same location change in time a buttonmaking program will be held at the town library sat feb 12 however theres a change in time instead of 3 pm its now 2 pm participants are asked to take note of the one hour difference adults and children are invited kindergarten kindergarten registration at summit- view school will be held on wed feb 2 from 1 to 4 and 7 to 830 pm to qualify a child must be five years old by dec 31 1983 proof of birth date and immunization re cords are essential to florida mr and mrs charles ratcliff rr 4 stouffville have departed for warmer climes in the sunny south oes holds dance the markham chapter order of the eastern star will hold its annual dance sat feb 19 beginning at 8 pm in the national bridal show83 presetting canadas largest showcase of exhibits offering all products and services for complete ved- ding planning national bridal 0er iso ciktxm show83 c t fashion show continuous duly intonnauve semuun covering all aspecub utdding preparation grind pntt draw duly door proa hours friday 500 pmifkdpm saturday 1000 jmiooopm svadiy 1000 a m 400 p m adroisuoo j5 00 queen elizabeth building exhibition place toronto jan 2830 1983 wedownruws start at the sawul bridal swob pkdacol fj by klunirfc he u4u0i masonic hall albert and joseph streets markham for tickets 750 each or15 per couple phone 2942544 refreshments will be served ski ramble with a little cooperation from the weath erman the public library will hold its annual crosscountry ski ramble on sun day jan 3p beginning at 1 p m from the library later when the participants re turn hot chocolate will be served out of hospital leanne sanders obrien avenue stouff ville is pleased to be home and back at school following treatment in york county hospital newmarket for a painful virus adult fellowship a pleasant evening is assured when the adult fellowship group of the stouffville missionary church will hold their annual banquet sat feb 12 at 630 p m in the victoria square community centre guest speaker will be rev wilson wiley pastor of a hew missionary church at newmar ket special music for the occasion will be provided by the wright singers for tick ets 10 the contact people arevana leonard and herb hoover buys new yorker les wilson motor sales of stouffville now an authorized dealer for chrysler cars as well as dodge trucks has sold its first chrysler new yorker ownerof this spaghetti dinner the grade 7 pa rents committee at orchard park school is holding a spaghetti dinner thursday evening feb 3 in the stouff ville legion hall with sittings at 530 and 7 pm the full- course meal in cludes dessert tea or coffee tickets are five dollars adults and students three dol lars for children ten years and under for additional in formation call 640- 3552 florida holiday joe and mary lewis winlane apartments stouff ville accompanied by their daughter and soninlaw john and helen cas- selman of scarbor ough left sunday for a twoweek holi- day in florida tf beautiful automobile issfred castle sun- set boulevard stouffville renovations major renovations are underway at the regal restaurant and ken may real estate on main street stouffville bob bruce construction has both contracts ters the computer age will be the sub ject of discussion at a summitvjew pub lic school parents meeting tues feb 15 in the gym nasium at 730 pm dynastar fabricators ltd w00dst0ves you saw it ontelevision now come see them in our showrooms the new ceramic tiles seefire woodstove genuine selfcleaning glass door you can always see the fire extremely efficient with a particle smoke count ol 3 on the bacharach scale which makes it more efficient than any other woodstove pre viously tested by crowfield associates ltd tested to ulc csa and ul standards by warnock hersey also approved as a fireplace insert visit our showroom at the factory 25 different stoves on display cook stoves cool stoves tiled stoves and mony more fcr0rt i store hours hon this a wid 9 im6 fm thiirs a fri 9 ijn9 pm saturday i im5 pm if you are heating with oil now you con get bock up to 50 off your totol investment from the government csw stovepipe plus insulated pipe also available come to these locations- dynastar fabricators ltd factory west side of hwy 10 north of no 7 bypass brampton 4168463983 factory outlet 17 70 albion rd just cast hwy 27 north side rexdale 4167490977 marshs stoves 3322 oundas st w east of rumyrntde rd toronlo 7624582 mftabhhhhhbmihhhbsmbhbmmbbb active at ninety i i i- congratulations are extended to agnes mccalium formerly of main street east stouffville on the occasion of her 100th birthday jan 22 mrs mccalium now liv ing at port hope villa a selfcare resi dence was honored at a gathering in the legion hall at grafton jack and barbara pollard and daughter joellen of stouffvil le were there along with a niece betty hawthorne of markham mrs mccalium is barbaras greataunt when we left saturday evening she was still up danc ing barbara said along with dozens of cards and messages of congratulations mrs mccalium received a letter from queen elizabeth enjoyable holiday mrs velma rawson hawthorne avenue stouffville has returned home following an enjoyable sixweek vacation with her daughter and soninlaw roberta and george broadbent and family of vancouv er mrs rawson accompanied by her granddaughter kristin joined mr and mrs broadbent for three weeks of warm weath er and sunshine in maui hawaii over the christmas season whltchumstouitmiehitroai 1 inlbtlceof hydro rate increase new monthly retail rates effective january 1st 1983 rev stanley paisley the death is reported of rev stanley paisley a united church pastor known to many in the whitchurchstouffville area rev paisley 85 passed away jan 16 at nattawa out service was held from the united church there rev paisley brother of mrs eugene baker rupert ave nue spent his boyhood years north of is land lake he held several ministerial charges including chatsworth sprucedale and thornbury mayorguest speaker mayor eldred king will be the guest speaker feb 8 when the whitchurch- stouffville chamber of commerce holds a dinner meeting at the regal restaurant main street commencing at 6 15 pm the cost is 14 per person for reservations call either bruce stapley 6402608 or chamber secretary sherry spencer 6405993 residential first 250 kwh balance minimum bill general service demand charge 050 kw 50500 kw energy charge first 250 kwh second 9750 kwh 1982 49perkwh 355perkwh 400 per month no charge 260 per kw 1983 i 52perkwh iffperkwh i 400permonth no charge 270perkw 49perkwh 52perkwh 1 395 per kwh 42perkwh next 198300 kwh per month 265 per kwh 1983 becomes 404000 285perkwh balance 145 per kwh 157perkwh intermediate user over 500 kw all kw general service rate 760 per kw 800 all kwh general service rate 145 per kwh 157perkwh minimum bill under 50 kw single phase 400 400 three phase 700 700 over 50 kw 300 per kw for all kw applicable to the maximum billing demand during the previous 11 months or the contracted amount whichever is the greater all rates are net accounts paid after the due date are subject to an additional charge of 5 for late payment k mayor e king chairman h peach commissioner g pegg commissioner f performance schedule wuru ptrmttc gmm am frvlvn hart ourrir pitmxte protfm and owing subftxi 10 chin wednesday evening thursday matinee thursday evening friday evening saturday matinee saturday evening sunday matinee feb 9 at 8 oo coppclid kamaugostyn gornssen jsjppclia rourvjefcofnjjen feb loatsoo copp61ia tenna ntschra mck patsa tas feb 11 at 800 coppelia jagosmtth grant feb 12at2o0 coppclta kainaugustyn patsa las feb 12at8o0 coppelia harwoodsmith grant feb 13 al 300 coppelia tenna ntschramek gornssen feb 16 at 800 giselle tenna rttsrnith harwood surmeyan feb i7at2o0 giselle jagoottmann schelhornvgornik feb 17 at 800 giselle kainaugustyn witkowsky gornssen feb 18 at 800 the dream kamnixon roxandergornik hcdda wit kowskytenna nt gornssen surmeyan kirby offenbach in the underworld jagosmith maybarduk surmeyan light heart schramek feb 19at2o0 the dream ichinopugh aiianpatsalas hcdda witkowskylucas gornssen surmeyankirby offenbach in the underworld atlemannnixon witkowsky boutiher light heartgornik feb 19at8o0 the dream tennantnixon roxandcrgorrissen hedda witkowskylucav gornssen surmeyankirby offenbach in the underworld jagosmith maybarduk surmeyanlucas schramek feb 20 at 300 the dream harwoodfonster pughgormk hedda witkowskytennant gornssen surmeyankirby offenbach in the underworld ajiemannnixon witkowsky boutilierlucas gormk feb 23 al 800 canciones tenna fit atlemann nuropugh quartet kainrandauo lavoicottmann hcdda witkowskylucas gornssen surmeyankirby offenbach in the underworld jagosmith maybarduk surmeyan light heart schramek feb 21 at 200 i he dream harwoodforister allan patsa las hedda witkowskylucas gornssen surmeyankifby offenbach in the underworld ailemannnixon witkowsky boutilier itgrtiheartgornik ftt 24 at 800 canciones tennantai lema nn nixon pugh quartet kainrandaho uvoicottmann hcdda witkowskytennant gornssen surmeyan kfrby offenbach in the underworld jagosmith maybarduk boutilierlucas schramek feb 25 at 8o0 giselle hanwood schramek schelhorn gornssen feb 26 at 2o0 giselle jagosmith scheihorngornik feb 26 at 800 giselle hartvaugustyn witkowsky surmeyan feb 27 at 300 giselfc kainnixon scheihorngornik fall in love with the national ballet of canadas exquisite ballets of the heart heres a romantic season filled with dizzying dances and lovers leaping to the strains of beautiful beautiful music lose your heart to coppelia the whimsical tale of a mysterious toymaker and his lovely lifesized dancing doll indulge in one of the most romantic of ballets giselle the story of a love so strong that it endures all even death and join us for ballextravaganza seven programs of breathtakingly varied mixed ballets a balletomanes delight just choose your favourites and enter a magical world of dance and love tickets oxafe centre hox office tickctron outlets and teleiron welcome vita mastercard and american express personal cheques are not accepted for mail orders make cheque or discounts students and senior citizens uill receive a 20 discount for thursday matinee performances available at o kecfe centre only group discounts on purchases of 2 5 tickets or more are availane call 365 9744 vv money order payable to okccfc centre ext 242 for complete information and mail together with choice of seats and performance plus 150 handling per order tooxccfecentre 1 frontst e m3eib2 enclose a stamped self- addressed envelope if you uould like your tickets mailed to you otherwise the w ill be held at the 0keefe centre box office section tkgri s ms hi p 2pm suijpm fronl orchestra si000 ji800 24 50 middle orchestra 800 sb 00 j1700 rear orchestra j 700 sum 11300 menvvne si000 1800 24 50 front balcony 800 j1150 1300 middle balcony 600 800 900 rear balcony j 500 500 600 plusellote tcirl prats do not name sk okerk centre surcharge feb 9 to 27 0keefe centre tickets available at 0keefe centre all tickctron outlets or call teletroo at 7663271 in toronto there it a si 00 per tkket service charge al all tickctron outlets and a 125 per ticket cfcargr when ordering by phone