bljc8 wednesdayjanuary 191983 cardsot thanks f 660 home improvements704 i wish to thank all of my mendsneibhbouraandra- latrves forth many cards dowers and acts of kind nesj thownto ma during t my recant stay in hosphal special thanks to rev i styles st andrews choir w for the flowers and fruit 2 and janet miller ail was appreciated freda butler j i wish to thank my family relatives and friends for j rnakingmybirthdaysucha happy occasion jessie p hib j iwishtothankmyrelatives j and friends for their i thoughtfulness and kind- 6 ness on my 100th birthday a their good wishes the lovely cards flowers and 9 gifts added to the enjoy ment of a memorable occasion god bless you all j ida m maxwell 9 i would like to thank all my family and friends for the retirement party for me and for the many gifts and well wishes from every- v one thank you all again fred l marshman the family of the late bob soundy would like to ex- j press our sincere thanks t and appreciation to friends aqd relatives for the j boautiful floral tributes cards words of sympathy e and the donations made in o memory of robert i soundy special thanks to j rev small for his comfort- ing message and rae a mcfadden for the legion service thank you to onoill funeral home for all thcirassistance bill and mildred willcocks and family s the family of the late jj fletcher s goudie with to 4 express their sincere i thanks and appreciation to all our relatives and friends y for their kindness shown during our recent bereave- rrient also for the many dcautiful floral tributes cards and visits to the funeral home and comfort- ing words of sympathy special thanks to rev clu- dine for his lovely service also the legion ladies au xiliary for providing the beautiful lunch reta ivan eleanor helen and don i v amber contracting company home renovations rec rooms bath- rooms kitchens sun decks porches gar- ages dry wall brick and block work for a free estimate call mario 4929429 tuition 70s dont wait unr its too late alt subjects at all levels for a free brochure call we care tutorial services inc 2212001 miscellaneous services v 728 1 calendar of events sewingmachne 1 vacuum repaifts by mechanic with 20 years experience free pick up and delivery free estimates 4771628 afterspjn plant maintenance experienced and bonded home or office problem free plant care 6406029 handymen 740 musical instruction talent 709 singing lessons breath control specialist 2945101 the family of the late annie empringham would like to express our thanks to relatives and friends for floral tributes donations to gideon bi bles cancer society di- abetic assoc cystic fibro sis cards of sympathy and prayers during mothers passing we thank you we would like to express pur sincere thanks and appreciation to our wonderful neighbours and friends during the loss of our husband and father special thanks to rov c tiller and the oneill funeral home the thor- rihill family in memoriam 665 ontario heart j foundation i- in memoriam i donations i donations to the ontario heart fund may be made through mrs prudence poly- zotis box 302 markham ont l3p 3m8 phone 294- 3834 or through dixon- garland funeral home 166 main st markham ont l3p 1y3 piano organ lessons children adults keyboard canada markville s c 4741858 handyman services exterior interior home or office call bob 4771772 or rick 8840450 market basket 743 drummerstudent 15 years old wishes to join or form rock band vocals lead guitar base guitar keyboards call todd 477- 6336 unionville nursery schools daycare 712 daycare at its best programs for 26 yr olds including senior kinder garten introductory trench qualifiod experi enced staff nutritious meals ei snacks cheerful atmosphere beautiful playground government subsidy available union ville daycaro centre call 4774778 loving honio care for children 15 years of satis fied parents to over 80 chil dren close to robinson ps and sl patricks ss first week half price try me youll like me call naomi 2942598 openings for 4 year olds as of february 1 st 2 open ings will bo available for 4 year old children at tho markham cooperative pre school for further in formation please contact mary kennedy registrar at 2947656 harpers fresh meats rrno1 goodwood 8527665 custom killing cutting and wrapping home curing freezer orderssides quar ters of beef pork all meats govt inspected also selling at stouff- ville sales barn satur day only 6404761 veach weekilthe tribune publishes a calendar of events related to activities within the community there is no charge for this service individuals or organiza- tions wishing to utilize this space are asked to call 6402100 no later than 12 noon on the friday preceding publication- wed jan 19 the new family life and sex education course will be discussed at a parents meeting at 730 pm in orchard park school all nature sings a unique prog ram will be featured at stouffville mis sionary church at 7 pm series euchre at goodwood com munity centre at 8 pm thurs jan 20 the friendship club will meet at 8 pm in the legion hall all senior citizens welcome those wishing a ride call 640- 2443 sat jan 22 12 hour danceathon at 830 pm in the markham community centre in aid of the markham stouffville hospital build ing fund sponsored dancers will be- admitted free with a 500 charge for spec tators dressmaking 772 snow removal 748 snow plowing removal commercial residential 2949697 6403859 snow plowing adams property maintenance salt st sand salt com mercial residential markham unionville area 6838589 francescas ladies alterations repairs 56 sherwood horest dr markham onl 2944933 service directory 790 our projects adefiniteplus hi ittn mfiiimf fnvtluilwliinc tin j muter iiirsitf ifift thinking 1 tvnhhtdhm iwmiithiinhmuuiin or mir hiiftltny mhhtnirtmm mniin ifoir its a moving world jennifer tower unionville 4773211 heather mchale markham 2949099 lynne walker milliken mills 4776080 maija van duynhoven thornhill 8890550 diannne darling stouffville 6403521 jt sun jan 23 stouffville baptist church is holding an evening of music and an inspir ational message at thechurchat650pra central baptist seminary students and faculty will be taking part mon jan 24 a drug awareness night spon sored by the goodwood lions club is being held in the community hall at 830 pm everyone welcome tues jan 25 stouffville family life cen tre is sponsoring a general meeting for the whitchurch stouffville youth club at the library at 8 pm this meeting is open to all whitchurch stouffville children age 1215 and their parents the purpose of this meeting is to choose an executive of students and parents and to plan future club activities wed jan 26 bingo at goodwood community centre at 730 pmsponsored by the goodwood lions club starting tonight end every other wednesday until june all proceeds ho to lions community work jackpot 200 the whitchurch stouffville horse owners association annual meeting at ballantrac community centre at 8 pm the award winning film a magic way of going will be shown all members and interested persons are in vited to attend fri jan 28 the goodwood chrisitan womens club morning coffee will be held at goodwood community centre at 930 am special feature creative colors with joyce spenseley guest speaker gladys harding nursery provided re servations call christine harding 640- 6296 or dorothy simpson 8527312 start your new year ina colorful way stouffville players will present a play for children adults too in latcham hall at 7 pm entitled itchy snitchy and boo it will also be shown jan 29 at 2 pm and 6 pm stouffville district secon dary school has adopted a foster child in order to support her the student council will be holding a dance a thon today please help the school by sponsor ing a student the silver jubilee club is holding an entertainment evening at 730 pm at the club house there will be a short membership business meeting to be fol lowed at 8pmby mr joscphnighswander administrator of iparkyiew home music arid ref reslp ments no charge seniors welcome i at- do you know someone who deserves a medal s if you know someone who has made ontario a better place to livethrough their selfless- ness humanity and kindness tellus an advisory council of ontario citizens whose honour- ary chairman is the lieutenant governor of ontario the honourablejohn aird selects 12 winners from nominations made by you each year we need your nominations by march 161983 nomination forms are available now by writing executive secretary advisory council ontario medal for good citizenship queens parktoronto ontario m7a1n3 the ontario medal for good citizenship 10th anniversary 19731983 ham in loving memory of a dear husband father and grandfather who- passed away january 22 1981 there is a gift in life you cannot buy that is very rare and truo its a gift of wonderful memories like tho ones wc have of you not a day do we forget you in our heart you are always near as we loved you so we miss you as it dawns another year lovingly remembered by wife evelyn daughters darlone carolyn and family spinney in loving mem ory of hartley spinney who passed away january 201980 itake a walk down mem- dry lane to look at the hap py times we all spent as a family as ono but now we hold the memories to trea sure and lovo as wo loved him whon he could be with us life is a little easier to ex cept now because we hold the memory of him in tho back of our minds at all times time is the healing of all pain and allows you to maybe understand why but im sure we still all ask ourselves this question sometimes no one can give us tho answers but its a blessing to know ho is always with us he lives in peace and happiness now and we shall all be togother as one again someday we all love you very much sadly missed by barabara di- anne lorraine small world country setting for children ages 2 6 daily full and half day pograms junior and senior kindergarten intro ductory french and music gym instructor call sheryt 6406611 government subsidy available professional business trades service directory daycare wanted 714 babysitter needed wednesday thursday ev ery other friday 9 am 5 pm for 4 month old in our home steelesbathurst references 8815031 babysitter needed in my home 2 days a week near summitview school phone 6403472 full time babysitter needed to to my home hwy 7 and 9th line markham village call 2946182 hathaway bros painting paper hanging airless spray interiors exterior pratt lambert commercial industrial 32 years in business 115 main st w stouffville 6403075 6404134 fter hours murray brown designers builders custom woodworking alterations repairs 8875576 urtonvihe bigm general contractors remodelling recreation rooms kitchens additions store fixtures general contracting free estimates cal hm310 government grants are available for purchase of siding fasciasoffit eavestroughs replacement windows etc for more information please call e al glenn phone 6405603 four season aluminum sales wanted babysitter for year old in my homo mon fri 8 a m 5 p m also to do light houso- work 6403429 after 6 p m business services 717 optometrist drfr black stouffville medical centre eye examination by appointment mon fri 9am 6pm 6403722 john heaton painting contractor high qualify decorating fully guaranteed airless spray completely insured 6404338 free estimates lloyd baker sons ltd building contractors additions alterations cusiom building call 294 0542 als appliance service repairs to all nwos of washen dryers fridges stoves eic 6402637 home improvemonts704 custom- interiors kitchens baths base ment finishishirig and renovations for free estimate and quality work call 4774315 jeff born carpentry roger heath carpentry basement specialist additions garages re- novations repairs decks door windows free estimates call evenings 2915707 kusatzsharpley chartered accountants 28 main st east stouffville ontario resident parmer s kusatz ca 6401991 free estimates town and country painting painting and wallpapering phone 6406937 randy hathaway farm service dead m horses or i and crippled cattle picved up promptly for direct line call long distance and ask for callw00dville 7054392421 ed pec0ni son ltd woodville ont licence no 324c67 c0xw0rth construction additions renovations rec rooms sun decks no job too small kevin 2943666 cover your assets iem sutherlands aluminum 2944075 franks furniture refinishing 20 years experience all furniture hand stripped specializing in pianos for free estimate call now 6403288 you design furniture wall units colics tables rec rooms bars custom items free estimates call brad 2349319 alter 6pm e e simmonds cabinetmaker veneering s inlaying repairs s refimshing restorations of antiques repioductions custom wood wking 4773100 carpentry recreation room specialist custom cabinets quality work guaranteed fin 7813140 south lake aluminum siding alcan seamless building eavostrough products insulation aiithoiiddlr free estimates rr no 2 larry yakeley 6405909 stouffville the word factory youi local mud processing mic fast lurn around and low ptices for fee schedule arid kinds of seruce call us 2936117 for furnace oil oil burner service 24 hour emergency maynard fuels unionville 477 174s typewrite business services typing dicta phone trans criptions letters resumes financial reports etc mail forwarding pickup and delivery avail- able call 2949612 xi painting decorating commercial residential industrial phone paul kerr 6406106 face estimates accounting bookkeeping services 719 bookkeeping incometax services i 4778127 painting ft wall covering 30 years experience quality service htt asonutes 8811005 roger pavan legemaate painting and wallpapering t 8875470 professional service for your personal tax returrs and business accounting caljavanufcn 2345851 renovations additions alterations- carpentry a specialty custom building 0 mccrossan sons ltd 2946141 handyman complete household repairs er renovalions plumbing electrical additions citywall hoots tiling bathrooms kitchens a specialty call ron 6405477 accounting services peter barker ca 4773500 qualified accountant accounting book keeping and taxation services reasonable t 2842617 ken smurthwaite heating ltd air conditioning duct work custom sheet metal sioullville 6401428 appliance repair to fridges stoves washers dryers 2941554 diys or evenings iwanted appliances working or not j wayne tyson electrical construction new construction repairs renovations electrical heating phone 6402345 after 6 pm or 6404275 for emergency service bookkeeping 8t typing services in your office or home and will pick up and deliver 8847203 drywall taping plaster repairs spray texture ceramic tile exterior stucco carpentry rec rooms kitchens 2946440 bookkeeping and accounting service for small businesses 8895683 gage plumbing drain t repairs alterations basement washrooms new construct ion plugged drains 2946235 uusf tv service ltd i 4449219 enelon or aspeers tree seruice tree pinning tree removal low winter rates brian speers 2911749 8860997 custom carpet installations repairs httlimtiti cail8iu 2942244 es well drilling goorkwoi onl 6404618 allan marks plumbing repairs alterations no job too small 4774330 ontario energy resources government certified home insulation 500 chip grant available if your home was built before 1971 call collect 416 6834199 t i i jjj2 1 t r v t iw