vs- mc4 wednesday january 19 1983 word great value 64900 lot 66 x 165 front and rear sun rooms fridge and stove are features of this quaint bungalow located in the hamlet of box grove a su perb investment property don leyland 4771270 2949218 just listed 89900 quality 3 bedroom brick bunga low features 2 fireplaces huge recroom extra large garage workshop fenced yard pioneer pool goodwood anne powell 6402082 unionville delight 118900 nicely decorated home with hardwood floors professional ly finished basement with wet bar franklin fireplace on large lot financing at lovvo mavis smylie 4771270 4772497 southern exposure unionville 50 x 167 charming open airy 4 bed rooms 3 bath home with lovely sunken living room with fire place walkout to privacy fruit trees s144900 mavis smylie 4771270 4772497 unionville suit retired couple 72500 sparkling townhome with fire place and air conditioning 3 pc ensuite with large walkin closet 7 rooms 3 bedrooms and 3 washrooms good financ ing don leyland 4771270 294- 9218 3 acre executive estate with 22x34 coach house and tennis court professionally decorated and totally upgraded 3 bedrooms master ensuite jacuzzi panel led family room with airtight stove and walkout to deck beautiful recroom with wet bar 399000 bill ward 477- 1270 21 radford crescent nicole dewsbury 2941372 just listed immaculate 3 bedroom sidespit located on mature treed lot spacious living dining room eatin kitchen finished re croom with fireplace plus su per mortgage rodeen antro- bus 2941372 102 ramona blvd rose tomassini nicole wsbury 2941372 calling all gardeners 2 acres looking for extra elbow room this 3 bedroom home has main floor office 4 car garage with heated studio great for family business malcolm knight 294- 1372 189900 care free brick bungalow newly deco rated new broadloom throughout rear yard has patio wood deck gas lamp b8q private paved drive fenced yard 94000 lloyd coxworth 2941372 or 2943666 sherwood north semi walk to shopping bus from this lovely 3 bedroom semi with finished recroom fenced yard for privacy on patio entrance to garage from basement 84500 lloyd cox worth 2941372 tara staircase magnificent 5 bedroom home prime unionville area superb centre hall plan sunken living room main floor den and fami ly room 219000 betty webber 2941372 first time buyersi detached 2 bedroom bungalow in mature area with new floor ing eatin kitchen new bath room 5 appliances basement with recroom fireplace 3rd bedroom or den 92900 linda killackey 2941372 separate dining room spacious 3bedroom backsplit in established area close to ten- fliscourts schools features large warm family room family kitchen large bright living room good sized lot 1 12900 linda killackey mint condition affordable and completely finished bungalow new ing- round pool gas bar fireplace air cleaner are just a few of the extras 116900 laura gray 2941372 2vc35 prime location townhome has large bright kitchen main floor laundry for mal dining area overlooks liv ing room sliding glass walkout to private patio laura gray 294- 1372 just listed 85900 lovely 3 bedroom executive semi features main floor family room fireplace bright kitchen 3 baths plus super financing rodeen antrobus 2941372 1 iyjciavte exclusive executive estates this spectacular hillside community offers breathtaking views of the toronto skyline and surrounding countryside fastidious construc tion techniques persue value youll appreciate for years from 3500 sqft these 1 acre estates start at 375000 rose tomassini or mal colm knight 2941372 better than new 11 vt financing until 1985 fenced and landscaped neutral tones throughout 4 large bed rooms curved staircase quiet crescent 139500 betty web ber 2941372 acre lot 102900 solid built 3 bedroom bunga- low in mature area with hard wood floors spacious kitchen basement finished with re- croom 4th bedroom 2 baths long term 9 mortgage linda killackey 2941372 skv prestigious bridletrail lovely 4 bedroom victoria model with spacious master bedroom with closets galore greenhouse kitchen sunken liv ing voomelegant spiral staircase 164900 linda killackey 2941372 building lots 1 acre each lot serviced with gas underground hydro fantastic hillside views of toronto or the country we have a builder or use yours rose tomassini or malcolm knight 2941372 kiss the landlord goodbye invest in your own home smart 3 bedroom townhome in parklike surroundings finished recroom all appliances bright and spaciousi only 59900 betty webber 2941 372 bring an offer 109900 on this superb 3 bedroom 2 storey main floor family room fireplace country style kitch en parquet floors plus super 10v4 mortgage til 1985 ro deen or larry 2941372 new on the market park 2 super amber glen home backs onto conservation feaures main floor family room with fireplace walkouts from living room kitchen central vacuum system nicole dewsbury 294- 1372 we want to sell 81900 make us an offer on this cute 3 bedroom 3 bathroom home with cozy fireplace 10vi mortgage to view call gabriele poschar 2941372 or 2941744 hard to find impossible to forget upgraded broadloom up graded kitchen cupboards family room with fireplace and walkout separate living and dining room 3 large bedrooms master has 4 pc ensuite only 108900 leslie cavender markham 2941372 unionville 4771270 th0rnhill 8898770 st0uffville 6402082 over 70 of our 600 representatives serve your area glenn raymerv i have 2 purchasers who want to lo cate in stouffville but have been unable to find a home that meets their needs 1 a family who live in con mills need a split or 2 storey home that would be suitable for a separate apartment where inlaws could live they could pay cash but do not wish to pay over 90000 2 a family who have a condominium in scarborough and would like a 2 bedroombungalow preferably in a quiet area they have 25000 to pay down on a home in the 60000 range if you have property that would be of interest to either of these families please call glenn raymer 6403131 gerry meharg ltd realtor pjchmondhiu excefera vmi cdndornhums land 2 bedrooms from 40200 whhehai ready ud 83m123 model siita88w22n shared accommodation 10 share accommodation in 3 room home birchmount steeles 250 4772404 and 7522653 business opportunities 136 business franchise we are looking for people who want to make money up to s100000 a year and be your own boss we are a company that handes 14000 products from all over the work you can sell to stores businesses or the public and you get a protected area small investment required we do not sen soap or clothes easy shop dotriuting limited attention bio johnstone 219 osborne street beaverton ontario lok 1a0 7054267386 houses to rent 164 in stouffville houso or ront 3 bedrooms ivft baths available fobruary 1st 6400751 large 4 bedroom homo stoufivllles west end animalsallowed refer ences serious inquiries only families preferred 6401500 james luxury homes for rent 3000 sqft air and vacuumone in unionvilla and on in markham j year term call dan labarr 2948844 residence 477- 4721 remax village of markham houses to rent 164 for rent markham large spacious executive 2 storey home 13 rooms plus vh baths includes finished basement 6 appliances double garage central air ultra plush carpeting many many extras too numerous to mention must be seen to be appreciated references required available immediately 1250 monthly or 13000 a year in advance agents welcome 4751556 anytime markham 3 bedroom townhouso 3 applisncos garago fully carpoted ront 695 availablo im mediately call 4773997 or 2945752 old town of markham- small 3 bedroom house available immediately 275 plus utilities refer ences call 7054583860 stouffville 800 perl month plus utilities 2 storey 4 bedrooms vi baths garago finished rec room franuin stove ex cellent condition 1 block from main street dose to schools shopping and go station phone 2944042 or 2943319 stouffville 4 bedroom asking 625 call ken may 6402223 23 bedroom garago finishod basement 765 utilities included go shopping 2944344 houses to rent 164 97 acre ranch 25 miles north of mar kham 2 houses one 5 bedroom 2 washrooms 3500 sqft one 3 bedroom 1 washroom fireplace laundry room 1000 sq ft both houses have ac cess to 4 acre pond swimming also 8 horse stalls call ted 4916716 apartments to rent unfurnished 172 basement apartmont partially furnished bir- chmountstoeles 300 4772404 and 7522653 one bedroom apartment in converted barn oxclu- sivo rural setting near dag- mar ski area 6493145 rooms furnished 178 furnished room for rent bright light cooking closo to transportation uso of all amenitios suit singlo busi ness woman 2945062 free room and board in roturn for evening babysit ling nonsmokor call 6632959 days 4773557 ovenings furnished room for ront separate entrance non- smoker 2942002 room to rent for construc tion workor monday fri days in stouffvillo aroa 6406873 richmond hill yongo and woldrick aroa room and kitchen suit working girl call 8840163 or 889- 7496 accommodation wanted 184 responsible mothor and two children aged 12 and 14 seek house or apartment to rent at reasonable rates will con- aider sharing with some- one simitar marithanvun- onvilta area 4776647 af- tar 7 pm accommodation wanted 184 country homo has room for rent sharo rost of houso 8 miles east of claromont 190 monthly 16554035 male 33 nonsmokor socks quiot self contained apartment in country homo within 1 5 milo radius of town of markham call rick 18268129 evenings or 2949080 ext 59 days snowmobiles supplies resorts 240 1979 artie cat 350 miles spoodomotor covor ox- tras 1700 call 2944938 aftir 7 pm hobble 240 yarns on cones for machine hand knitting weaving lederc looms les sons whitevale craftwotks 2941912 articles for sale 305 envmolet toilet system and vent new home hardware cat 761 sell 400 cell jim 6402398 fridge aide by side freei- or fridge white 450 good condition 2949684 mooel 319 gestatner sys- tern 99 including plate maker and processor purchased august 1980 call a darby 5794400 or 6839430 articles for sale 305 the squirrels nest 131 main st north 2943848 january clearance 20 to 50 off nikon fe black body plus vrvitar 28 mm lens 128 filters s275 8831804 pianos baby grand guaranteod195000284- piancs apt sizo suporb throughout 119500 2848822 piano heintzman 1894 fully refinished and recon- ditlonedevenings 445- 0239 17 panels fully lined cus tom made overdrapes butterfly pleats wood rose antique aatln and rose sheers v4 price blue gray cut and loop carpet 100 nylon vt price can 731- 1292 bulk sawdust not dusty ideal for horses pigs delivered 2940013 after 6 pm lumber for sale kiln dried oak cherry and basswood air dried pine rough or dressed colonial mouldings socd wood panelling custom milling century mill building centre 4 miles west of stoufmie 6402350 pioneer furniture farm gallery visit our showroom and workshop pine dressers framed prints etc reflnishing byhiand expert framing and res toring free pickup and delivery in markhamstouff- villeuxbridge 6493145 phone for more in formation weekends only wood shavings kiln dried pine bulk delivered 4168573807 6 planerjoiner motor stand pionoor- chain 14 to 20 1700 16 bars 2500 6405209 panasonic dimension 3 microwaveconfection ovonmodol no 9900c hardly used like new 900 4711100 scuba diving equipment- complete- many extras- best offer over 60000 ex- cellent condition 473- 3402 typewriters for sale or rent repairs to all makes call 2943206 7526659 438- 3734 most cars brake shoes 10 per set front brake pads s675set complete exhaust systesm 60 body plastic- 1285gal sheet metal 22 gauge 3 x 8- 1450 ea karbin sales 134 doncaster ave unit 6 thomhill 7 fa i j ml mm