wmm wmm wmmm otpw sa8 wednesday january 12 1983 vfcsfefrt fletcher goudie longtime stouffville resident passed away thurs jan 6 at the j d ruddy hospital whitby where hed been a patient three weeks fletcher was born at maryborough ont in 1895 the son of rev samuel and eliza goudie with his father a minister they lived at different mennonite charges before moving to stouffville in 1906 to make this town their home until moving to whitby fletcher was predeceased by his only sister pearl in 1910 and a brother allen in june 1982 fletcher was well- known as a tinsmith in f ernie buttons hard- ware store for many years later he was employed as a steam- fitter in the toronto area along with his two sons ivan and don fletcher was prede ceased by his first wife na mertens in 1966 he is survived by his wife reta paisley barnes he was the dear father of ivan stouffville eleanor bunker minden helen davis georgetown and don of mississauga also a stepson gwynne barnes 15 grandchil dren and 15 great grandchildren service was held june 10 from the wc town funeral chapel whitby with inter- the pastors touch a new 120000 addition to st james presbyterian church stouffville is nearing completion a special service of dedication is planned for sunday jan 30at 3 pm here the congregations minister rev ted creen displays the masters touch at the end of a paintroller jim thomas smith niles selby chartered accountants suite 450 151 bloorst west toronto ontario m5s is4 telephone 416 9615022 welcomed by karen maries claremont clarcmont has had several new families v in over the last few months the gil- lespies peter sue wendy and aj are in their new home on barber street along side newcomers keith and diana nelson and children tammy 12 and todd 14 earn and don ross who are ex- pec ting- 1 heirfirst child reside on cen tral david and susan herrington and chil dren april peter karina and david now reside in the village and raise arabian horses roger and halyna worth reside on central as do mark and cathy christoff don and suzanne van- derlip live on welling ton welcome to the community congratulations to dr mark miller and wife kim on the birth of their first child holly the womens insti tute meeting will be held in the home of san dra carson jan 19 at 1 30 pm there will be a demonstration by jean rose getwell wishes to clara carson ill with the flu also to cord taylor in hospital in orillia claremont public school parent advis ory meeting will be held jan 13 at 7 pm in the school library on feb 2 the enrich ment class grades 678 will be seeing romeo and juliet and the railroad story at young peo ples theatre grades 5 and g will visit the royal ontario museum and mclaughlin planetar ium on feb 22 grades 28 have begun their programs of friday afternoon electives for januaryand febru- ary the programs in clude skiing crafts lancing bowling and much more to help the kids beat the winter blahs a wedding shower 3030 was held at the home of marean ward on jan 5 for lee and cheryl woolhead euchre winners from jan a were aldine evans verna smith rita parrott ed cammack mary borland and diane ex- ley lucky draw win ners maude ander son gladys burgin and evans benson im always in terested in obtaining news items from around the village if you have something that might be of in terest to others please give me a call at 649- message by elsie boland goodwood there was a good attendance at the un ited church sunday morning with rev rev edith ann mac- maniman speaking on on the subject of god where is he what is he where is the silver lining does he walk beside us all the time or just when we need him an interesting subject winners at the wednesday night euchre in goodwood hall mildred quantz mary barton mildred thompson harry brammcr jean recsor and ed smith door prize winners elva kydd louie hammond rita par- ratt bessie acton gord smith elsie bo land peggy hood and erla brammer will see you again jan 19 the ucw meeting was held at mary mitchells last wednesday with elva symes in the chair new programs were made up and several projects looked into the program was a verse scramble with rev macmaniman the winner united church choir practice will be held at kccs kostcrs this wednesday the youth group will meet friday even- ing in the united church at 7 pm outstanding jr farmer- 1982 dwight guthrie rr 2 whitby has been named outstanding jrfarmer1982in the district of durham west he was pre sented with an engraved plaque by agricultural representative ivan bell at an awards banquet in sunderland saturday night jim thomas impeneller an informal place to meet for lunch with a delightful european flavour iflpenfeller a fun place from 4 to 6 pm for the alpenkeller hour with a chance to sample delicious seafood hors deeuvres jpeiirkuer a unique place for light diningin a warmand friendly atmosphere jbqpenellei a great place to discover for an evening of dancing and listening to live entertainment kamaq enaissance torn loronro a wharton 1 iotel 2035 kennedy rtud jl 401 scarborough 4lo 2991500 gftwondjlws parlour 10720 y0nge st ateljn afeum hijul qqr n no q r rrn o r- o o qqqij 0 0 d d d 0 0 d 0 0 d o 0 0 0 0 0 nujteajctetem free ross frst5ddobes free mmssoafjee parictng fri jan2isatjan22asunjanz3j v doors open ki6 m a proceeds- o to charity te4ig 8848066 merit stouffville charles goudie milton cemetery palk halpenny gwynne bearers wereharold barnes and jerry lewis- bob lewis mckay jailed fifisftr v vlose weightvnow itvm lbs per montr v v safely and naturally balanced nutritional program maintains energy level and suppresses appetite natur ally mt albert a 50yearold mount albert man was hand ed a jail sentence fol lowing his conviction in newmarket court on charges of theft and breach of probation harry douglas pel- ley was arrested after he allegedly took a quantity of cash from the mount albert senior citizens found- ation on royal oak road when arrested he was found in posses sion of the stolen prop erty judge fd white sentenced pelley to 20 days in jail on the theft charge plus four months for breaching probation lccnsto olmnc lounge old country inn businessmens luncheon tuesday through sal 1 2 noon to 1 1 pm sun 12 10 pm dhrig from 530 10 pm closed monday most credrt cards accepted 198 main st fullylcensed phone unionville dining lounge 4772715 keep fit classes january 4 march 8 registration still available tuesday 7 pm 8 pm call hilda rose 2655749 after 6 pm shape up the fun way exercise to music svullftcnt famous lor design quality and service in necdlecraf i announces the addition of handknitting yarns to the showroom the newest in fashion and novelty yarns current fashion patterns expert advice opening special dm u- 0 discount on all yarns accessories needlepoint canvases featuring sablna bellini showroom hours monet mousse irish down 830430 monsat yarns irom southern cross 821 albion rd present ttaad lor j2 oo bonusuvng on your purchase rexdale ont one coupon per customer veto only during sale swucaaft stults ave w j dont get caught with your battery down last 4 days koff superpowered diehard our most powerful battery has extra power to start your car when most bat teries wont maintenance free construc tion shouldnt require extra water get yours today charged and ready to go at sears auto centres and retail stores 28ro1o60oser othersizes available at similar savings personal shopping only please upper canada man newmarket hillcrest mall richmond hill markham piaco don mjls s stecles open monday to friday 930 a m to 930 pm and saturday 930 a m lo 600 p m simpsonsscars limited reg or was refer to sears prices prices in ellccl while quanitcs last until 600 p m i sat jan 15lh copyright canada 1983 sears your moneyss worthand more