ii2 mttrlbvwdayocmbnt381 4 editors mail deaf sir- i oneoftheimportantissuesoftheup- coining municipal election is whether a person who does not live in ward 6 should represent the residents of ward 6 the function of a councillor is to listen understand and bring forward the con- cents of the people to council concerns which may be irrele vent to people outside the ward if the councillor does not truly represent the views of the residents the- people are out of luck i fi i do not want to be out of luck i want a resident of ward 6 to represent me v v i question the decision of ged stone- house to run in ward 6 rather than the ward in which he resides r sincerely john gibbins victoria street stouffville real hazard dear editor joan sutton of hawthorne avenue introduced an important point recently with respect to the crossing of main street in the east end of stouffville a definite hazard exists a hazard that should be eliminated one solution could be a pedestrian- operated traffic light at the intersection of main and stouffer streets thesum- mitview school crosswalk could be moved to this area similar to whats pro vided at the ninth line and main west i for one appreciate mrs suttonscon- cern it should be the concern of us all sincerely wanda jacks north street stouffville hello im bill kamps your ward quality care dear sir we have been sending our two-year- old son david to the small world day care centre since september because we are so pleased with the staff and the facilities there we felt we should pass oh our compliments publicly- we feeldavid is receiving top quality care and instruction at very reasonable rates we highly recommend this tocal nursery school to all parents who may be considering such for their children sincerely john and barbara arthurs stouffer street ijy j- v stouffville vq- hisv t vi yj v m fvcvsf- andrew p cook advertising manager a established 1888 james thomas barry w wallace editoflncliiel publisher editorial dept jim holt jim irving display advertising 0ept rod spicer byan armstrong classified advertisingcirculation joan marshman office manager doreen deacon business office eileen glover national sales representative metroland corporate sales 4931300 i published every wednesday at 54 main st stouffville ont tel 64t2101 single copies 25c subscriptions 13 00 per year in canada 35 00 elsewhere member of canadian community newspapers associaion ontario weekly newspapers assocation ontario press councl and suburban newspaper of america second class mail registration number 0896 the stouffville tribune is one of the metroland printing publishing ltdgroup of suburban newspapers j which includes ajaxwhitbypickering news advertiser aurora bannernewmarket era the bolton enterpise brampton guardian the burlington post the burlington weekend post the etobicoke advertiser guardian the georgetown indpendentacton free press markham thornhill economist milton champion the mississauga news the mississauga news weekend edition the north york mirror oakville beaver oakville friday beaver oshawa this week oshawa this weekend the richmond hillthornhill liberal the scarborough mirror the woodbridge vaughan news ndbroaaaing around vi- i v0f r our house an 6402100 leaves a rich legacy this town lost one of its few remaining histo rians in the death friday of clarence wesley brillfnger mr brillinger wes to his many friendspassedaway in york county hospital arnewmarkethe would have been 75 yesterday t brillinger displayed a deep pride in his own family heritage however his interest in things historical extended far beyond this in tense feeling for his immediate kin the muni cipality rural whitchurch in particular was his love and his life while the past was important he alsodis- played a keen interest in the present and in deed the future whitchurchhighlands school as an example stands as a personal memorial to years that lie ahead the town museum first at bogarttown and now at vandorf is a personal monument to years now past he promoted these projects with a ferver that de fies description he served as chairman of both the area board of education and the historical society wes brillinger leaves a legacy that will live on through many generations that was his wish his gift may his accomplishments never be forgotten im the hotblooded individual around our house i keep the thermostat at an even 80 de grees much to the disgust of my wife she prefers things on the cool side especially when shes oyercome by periodic flashes that send her scurrying to the basement and some times outside even when temperatures are well below freezing its not uncommon for the doors and windows to be wide open ive seen icycles hanging from the dogs nose and sheh be fan ning herself with an apron in the car she peals down to the bare essen- tials even though the heaters only on medium the kids are much the same oh dad its so hot they complain even before weve gone a block i guess its me at least im outnumbered seventoone but i hate being cold theres nothingworse i can go a day without eating skip morning coffee breaks and work 20 hours without sleep but shivering and shakings for the birds its the same at the office the gals can al ways tell monday morning if ive worked late sunday night its like walking into a blast fur nace they wilt like parched prunes whilei soak it up like adaytona beach sunbather this is a main reason why i love summer and i detest winter cooling off is simply finding a shady tree but warming up where do you go thats what i hate about todayjs modern home theres no place frvit to warm up when youre chilled to the bone how different from the old farm findlay that could sizzle your toes at ten paces it seems however that as my bones grow older and my blood grows thinner i must re adjust my physical thermostat to meet chang ing times i hesitatingly admit to this after receiving my first oil bill of the 198283 season would you believe 22878 it was only mid- october and the tankwasht even empty i hadnt realized the fuel man had paid us a call until ichecked my bank book thursday holy smoke i said what cost 22878 when my wife seemed slow to reply i snapped surely to goodness youd remember a cheque that size thats when she handed me a pink slip that read 74 litres at 316 cents equals 22878 i was flabbergasted there has to be some mistake i objected it cant be this much it isnt even winter yet since a refill on the average only lasts ab out three weeks some quick figuring placed our househeating cost at over 2700 twenty- seven hundred dollars x while i ranted and raved my wife pointed to by jim thomas- the fact others are in exactly thesame boat she noted tootfiat many are on fixed incomes- even unemployed at least theresmoncyjh the bank topay it she ventured others arent so lucky she was right but her- reasoning was little solace to our depleted savings what about the next month and the next i asked its a- long time tillspring it was then and there she revealed her plan it all sounded very simple you keep the thermostat at 65 and ill keep the doors and windows closed she suggested well alldress a littlewarmerclothes are cheaper than oil and thats what were doing with few nega tive results so far mind you i dont like it the bedroom floors freezing on the barefeetmost mornings and im finding it difficult wrapping my mitt hand around a mug of hot 0 valtine but ill survive and so will the kids as for my wife she loves our newi en- vironment so much im now convinced she should have married an eskimo and the hot flashes are a blessingin disguise a builtin element that switches on and off automatic cally however one irritant has aroused her ire my new pair of thick red woollies they ve got to go auction happen window on wildlife- leaves have many uses iby art briggsjude thebenefit auction saturday was a co operative community effort many people pitched in and helped thus lightening the load on the faithful few at this point in time the end result isnt available the volunteer clerks are still adding up regardless of amount the pro ceeds will help subsidize costs related to the current landfill appeal why thats what town road department employees and westend stouffville residents are asking themselves after twentytwo sign posts were either pushed over or broken off early sunday morning wii xi vthe replacement cost excluding man hours has been estimated at 500- r what possible enjoyment could anyone while unfair to single out individuals who volunteered their time a word of appreciation must go to area auctioneers who gave gener ously of their professional skills throughout the day without this assistance the event could not have happened to these gentlemen whitchurchstouffville saysthanksyour cooperation is what community is all about vandalism gain fromsuch a stunt secohdguessers feel the culprit was likely ticketed by police for failing to stop at a particular intersection and decided to take out his frustrations oh town property- whatever the excuse it makes no sense the only- expression of appreciation heard in connection with the offensewas the speed with which the damage was repaired roadmen take a bow it is often said that while spring is the season of expectation autumn is the season of bounti ful beauty you see it in the golden harvest of the grain fields and the pyramids of orange pumpkins at the roadside stands you smell it in the hampers of freshpicked apples and you hear it in the honking of the migrant geese but of all the attractions autumn has to offer none can compare with the artistic transformation of therural landscape and while an unhurried drive through the countryside at this season gives you almost breathtaking views of this majestic panorama a walk in the woods will bring you right into the picture t ione morning this past week i took a short stroll down an old logging road the sky was clear its soft blue broken sparcely by a few whispsof fleecy white a light breeze gently fluttered the foliage on the more exposed trees the trail led from an unused grtavel pit through a stand of second growth slashing and along between the splashes of vivid color time was all but forgotten little wonder than that in the midst of such surroundings a persons mind becomes caught up in the spell of the scenery i looked at the golden poplars their gray trunks standing straight and tall and at the multihucd maple whose traditional sap would soon be sinking into the deep roots for the freezeup i gazed at the mighty red oaks spreading their tawny limbs wherever the forest openings would allow i noticed how the ash trees merged their mauve into the golds and scarlets without a clash of colors and al ways in the foreground were the brilliant red sumacs and often in the background were the deep dark greens of the pines and hemlocks soon i thought all but the evergreens will stand bare and naked and the leaves those artists daubings that now mantle each branch in splendor what about the leaves i then be gan to think of all the things leaves do besides contribute to our wonderful autumn scenery i kicked my foot gently into the soft forest floor turning up the black humus of a hundred such seasons nature doesnt pile and burn leaves i t mused she uses them for future regeneration the trail took a sharp turn to the left and even the light breezewas suddenly still leaves on trees sure help break the wind i thought and similarly ha ve a percolating effect on heavy summer rains their canopy pro- vides cover for wildlife and their shade keeps i the soil beneath them moist for fragile plant growth- at a small stream crossing i sat for a time on an old fallen log that water is cooler too because of the leaves on the trees i reasoned and for trout water temperature is critical to their survival- yes those leaves do ha ve many i functions besides being beautiful they range from purifying the air to muffling harsh sounds and not the least of which is the transpiration into the atmosphere of water vapor a single maple leaf floated down coming to rest near myfeet its brilliant red smudged with gold alone it was a pretty thing but when set in the midst of the blazing autumn woods it was spectacular fc3sfe93fc an nwri iran m i