a4 the tribune wednesday september 15 ufa editors mail fcdrfeam dear editor michael neik- chairman of york regionboard of education may have convinced him self that the 38 per cent allowance hike was not meant for current trustees but he hasnt convinced me is mr neil suggest ing the eleven mem bers voted in favor of the increase know ing they would not be seeking re election in novem ber i think nol with that kind of stipend i would suggest that all will be seeking reelection and as for the likelihood of the new board reducing this figure thats just a pipe dream a fig ment of someones imagination con trary to the law of gravity salaries that go up seldom if ever come down sincerely roger holmgrin rri cedarvauey bad move dear sir the youth of this community are being denied an im portant part of their future welfare the decision to hold the dump hearings in markham means that many public and high school students will be unable to take part in the decisions which may deter mine whether the drinkingwater in this community will be safe teii years from now this problem stems from the deci sion to hold the hear ings into the closure of the whitchurch- stouffville dump miles away from- where young people and older ones too can listen to the evi dence and draw their own conclusions surely the mayor and council could ex- ert their influence with the appeal board of the minis try of the environ ment to reverse its decision and bring the problem back to stouffville in broad daylight sincerely i charles godfrey rr 1 goodwood editors note it was at the request of the mayor with the sup port of council that the appeal board agreed to switch the hearing location from whitchurch- stouffville to mar kham a decision we endorse wht wtihunt ssi- established 1888 andrew p cook advertising manager 1 1 nafflroaming around- james thomas barry w wallace edilorln cruet publisher editorial dept jim holt jim irving display advertising dept rod spicer bryan armstrong classified advertisingcirculation joan marsnman office manager ooreen deacon business office eileen glover national sales representative metroland corporate sales 4931300 published every wednesday at 54 main st stouffville ont tel 64c101 single copies 25c subscriptions 1300 per year in canada s3500 elsewhere member of canadian community newspapers associaion ontario weekly newspapers assocation ontario press councl and suburban newspaper of america second class mail registration number 0896 the stouffville tribune is one of the metrotand printing publishing ltd group of suburban newspapers which includes ajawwhitbypickering news advertiser aurora bannernewmarket era the bolton enterpise brampton guardian the burlington post the burlington weekend post the etobicoke advertiser guardian the georgetown indpendentacton free press markham thornhill economist milton champion t mississauga news the mississauga news weekend edition the north york mirror oakville beaver oakvillo friday beaver oshawathis week oshawa this weekend the richmond hillthornhill liberal the scarborough mirror the woodbridge vaughan news 6402100 j benefit of site exchange st marks catholic parish turned the first sod sunday in preparation for a start this month on construction of a new 400seat church the ceremony was indeed a proud occasion for the congregation particularly the building committee that has worked so diligently to wards this goal however theres more here than meets the i eye the location has been changed from the original site west of edward street to proper ty in close proximity to st marks schoolan excellent exchange for all concerned for not only will it provide the parish with a school and has served region well gary herrema chairman of durham re gion is seeking reelection for a threeyear term before turning himself out to pasture at his agricultural emporium in uxbridge township chairman herrema has earned the right to retain his present position hes managed the office well the fact he hails from the sticks the rural area of the region tends to antagonize several wouldbe urban adversaries not yet to the point where theyve issued a formal challenge but merely to the stage of sniffing the political winds to seethe direction they blow mr herrema not unlike yorks bob forhan is not partisan to one section of the region or the other- he endeavors to be fair to all no easy task in an area so diverse in its makeup what wc like about gary herrema most is his approachability never once have we con tacted him on any issue that he hasnt replied in an honest straightforward manner rater- payers we trust have found him the same way not that the reply was always what we expected to hear the regional chairman doesnt play games chaos in the kitchen church only a short distance apart but it hope fully will give the town access to lands across from the high school for a future community centre undoubtedly in the weeks ahead this news paper will discover how all this came about right now we can only assume that much of the spade work was completed by mayor king in close cooperation with the parish per sonnel whatever the means by which this transac tion was finalized we commend the parties concerned for a job well done markham fair is only two weeksaway the big show opens the evening of sept 29 and ex tends through oct 3 i dont know about your house but at ours the event spells bedlam not so much during the fair itself by that time the damage has been done but the days prior to are terrible- total confusion and fun we wouldnt miss it for the world as much as we try and plan our participa tion even a year in advance it always ends up being a lastminute deal the interior of our kitchen looks like a flour factory trouble is so my wife says there are cer tain things that cant be completed until the night before some goodies tend to go as hard as rocks she claims not only would they hot be worthy of any kind of prize but wed prob ably be sued by the judge for fractured de ntures such chances we cant afford to take so the lateevening chaos continues actually i have no cause to complain my only concern is collecting all the big potato entries in the country seeing theyre properly labelled and getting them to the fair on time trouble is on time is a tuesday sept 28 between 7 and 10 pm the same hours im supposed to be at the printing plant putting out a newspaper in previous years i had the help of marion norton from goodwood she assumed respon- f v- sibility for everything even to the weighing of each spud as well as arranging the display but not this year shell be missed certainly by me back on the home front neil and marylyn are the two most actively involved in what im not sure they sent in their entry forms last friday listing the various classes that in terested them most if it takes them as long to complete the finished product as it did to make up their minds on what to enter theyll be mix ing and stirring cooking and baking until this time next year as overseeing parents we lay down only one rule they cant compete against each other we dont want them ending up in a lemon pie fight in the centre of the general exhibits building with 10000 people watching from the sidelines besides there are plently of categor ies available without stepping on each others toes- the excitement involved is indescribable and so is the mess its worth ones life just to venture inside the front door the only one who really gains apart from the experience is susie the family pooch she samples all the failures plus gleanings from the floor if she had wings shed be climb ing the walls that privilege is reserved for father in additon to domestic science the pet by jim thomas shows also top priority it has to be one of the best in ontario withas many as fifty entries neil and marylyn have done quite well here also despite tough competition this year theyre pinning their hopes on a couple of rab- bits salt and pepper by name problem is theyre not showtrained making them ex- tremely hard to handle personally i think theres no place like home for a couple of frisky cottontails hope i can convince the kids not to take the chance otherwise we could spend the entire fair weekend searching up and down the cornrows at lewis bros across the road while many whitchurchstouffville folk ha- vent yet contracted markham fair fevor the events always been important to me i can recall down on the farm everything stop ped on the saturday afternoon regardless of what we were doing it was far more impor tant and still is than the cne unlike my family i was never much of a participant only once did my brother don and i enter it was the junior farmers grain crop competition some kind of catastrophe to this day tm not sure what happened but our entry contained more weed seeds than oats much to the disgust of the judges obviously one of us selected the wrong bag that first exhibit was my last however another generation has since taken up the chal lenge enjoying far greater success viewpoint- duped by politicians by jim irving another attribute worthy of praise is his ability to deal with the little guy despite the importance of his post he can bring himself down to grass roots level and does on many occasion y we trust hell be returned to his present posi tion we would hope toothat at the end of three more years in office hell not retire but go on to higher things politics needs people of her- remas vision and ability busstop on wednesday morning we witnessed a flagrant disregard for the stationary school bus la w on hwy 48 at ballantrae the driver of a northbound van made no attempt to halt his vehicle such motorists are warned that asof sept 1 fines upon conviction of such offenses range from 100 to 500 subsequent offenders face fines from 250 to 1000 andor six months in jail in addition drivers now lose six demerit points instead of fourminimal penalties 1 where childrens lives are involved a couple of weeks ago when the editor of this enlightened journal was hiding out from the staff for a few days and i was opening his mail i came across something that is so typical of the kind of waste one enounters regularly from our areas of governmentand for which we the abundantly rich taxpayers are eventually held accountable it came in the form of three separate news releases from the ontario arts council oac two of them in english and one in french and all sent the same day one of them dealt with a number 17 of per forming artists in ontario none of whom lived remotely near here who had received grants a total of 161000 to assist them oyer their high cs and through other artistic voyages the remaining two carried the same message only in different languages something to do with the availability of a catalogue for fran- coontarien artists- or franco-ontarian- artists this was the english version depend ing on which paragraph you were you were trying to decipher at the time they could have all been stuffed into the same envelope the ones they came in were large enough to contain a globe of the world- plus a pointer to indicate remote spots and other areas still not annexed by the ussr but they were all sent separately at 30 cents apiece there are about 350 weekly newspapers in ontario so at 90 cents a crack that works out to 1050 for what should have been a single mailing and as these things come as regular ly as rain on the weekend you can see how they add up and im only talking about the weeklies the dailies have to practically have a separate wing to contain all these indulgences yet the government the school boards and other elected officials continue to harp about the necessity of going easy obviously they all wear suspenders be cause they dont seem to have any rules as to how far their own bellies can hang out over their pants a crude analogy certainly but so is the thinking of these same people crude they do one thing and then employ euphemisms to try to justify their actions wc didnt raise our salaries says an incredu lous york regional school board chairman michael neill in a letter to the tribune fol lowing- announcement of the boards 38 per cent pay raise for next term this increase is for the incoming board well how could we have been so blind as to not see the altruism so evident in this gesture a wonderfully unselfish move by the outgoing board extending this healthy carrot to others who might have held back because they couldnt otherwise afford to get involved that most of the board members will no doubt be running again and will reap these benefits if elected has nothing to do with it lets not be so coy a raise by any other name would smell as much there is nothing in the election code to give the impression that when one runs for office of any kind one is to be guaranteed a job for life with a healthy salary to make sure one will stick around no the only guarantee that one has is the job one docs and that isnt always enough so far too there has been nothing to indicate that good money has necessarily attracted good people or that big budgets seemingly the boards sole criterion for success have pro duced outstanding students remind your representatives about that the next time your child ends three sentences in a row with eh or just before those same rep resentatives go into salary negotiations with the teachers remind them to tell the teachers they have to tighten their belts pull up their socks stretch their wallets draw the line dig into their mattresses tote that barge lift that bail v i in other words follow the same shining ex- ample set by their own trustees just before them i irrirrimiitiiaitaifc tfmi imnaiifltfi mem mm