kjn v hd ses v extrusion lead hand l uvr experienced in rigid jvc set tips rapid advancementforrigttt person apply in writing to co the markham economist i and sun j u 72b main st n v4 i v c markham 0hcl3p 1x5 rn v pattimeevenngs rnor pattime nights nurses aides- days but able to work shifts 8897072 lit receptionist vvtypist type50wpm one years working experi ence markham area call maryjane 43760 staffplus houseof knivesr iyvjr requires mature part and fulltime help experience necessary prjiy in person at mafyille shopping secretary bookkeeper thonmarea mrimum 1 year experience immedbieopening cal mary jane 4453760 staffplus we will pay you 3000 forevery hundred en velopes you stuff and re turn to us as per instruc tions send a self addres sed stamped no 9 en velope to purple martin holdings box 8580 sta- tion f calgary alberta t2j 2v6 skilled help l t 510 sewing machineoperators experienced on serging machines prefer red good incentive rates full time employ ment v- steeleswarden area call larry hamilton 4753190 office help 51s person friday woodbinesteeles area i full time person with bookkeeping experi ence one rite system typingessential salary to commensurate with experience secretaryreceptionist required for caf leasing company you must have very good typing skills pleasant tele phone manner and be willing to learn yonge and steeles location t contact karen depass foss national leasing 8862522 vs secretarytypist parttime i for locust hillgreen river area please call 2945414 sales help 52c telephone sales from your own home for 40yearold well estab lished home improvements company training provided good commission cardinal insula- t10ninc- ask for mike morden 4933441 legal notices 610 domestic help wanted 54c cleaning lady wanted on day a week buttonvil- le own transportation re ferences please 4776453 evenings cleaning ady wednes day weekly own trans- portatlon nonsmoker high standards ofiwork- manshlp references essential 2940642 s domestic hep a available av 541 cuanvm lady available experienced excellent re ferences can 2945821 domestic helpavail- able reliable cleaning lady available own trans portation and re 294-fi24- experienced cleaning lady seeks days work cat 6sms66 notice to creditors and others in the estate of margaret ursulah roberts deceased all claims against the estate of margaret usulah roberts late of the tomti of markham in the regional municipality of york widow deceased who died on or ab out the 10th day of may 1982 must be filed with the undersigned personal repre sentative of the estate on or before the 16th day of au gust 1982 thereafter the undersigned executor will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims then filed dated at markham ontario this 16th day of jury 1982 pau8rabverosmth eucutor l bynsiolcjttn cattanachmnoson sutton j hau simahstrmtn mouiwvonuria up1xs womens column 619 mcneia etectrolysis medically apprrved 30weffingtonste -markham- 2944223 days d 8386604 evenings personals 620 v rn ear piercing 24 ktsurgical stainless studs done at my home gift certificates available 1500 call for appoint- tnenlr ia 2942489 i ithinktirst j fj nlrtni tit s55r- thew0rl0j isyoursffs youknowjhe righjieepfih wwvwyoijrao m welcome wagon hostess e aft oeson is netp you find c a sour ntw pjanneoarung 6403521 business personals 421 m6si iguls i rrs oaoted for iticitmt mtak iv cem- imerciais this summer on llocatiwmtudio direction laies 414 years parents only all 4817235 lost found v 630 lost female irish setter red named sasha re ward call mr rowe 832- 1645 jor 4491710 lost 2 steers black with white face 700 lbs 18th ave and leslie sl area 294156 births 635 maschke ardon and ann nee greenfield are pleased to announco the arrival of their son andrew frederick 5 lbs 3 01 on july 19 1332 at port perry memorial hospital a brother for esther reid doug and joanne are pleased to announce the arrival of jeremy alex ander on july 26 1982 weighing 9 lbs 15 02 at scarborough centenary hospital proud grand- mothers are winnifred reid and lille greer of markham tuffioh asjk3 71 pmusic instruction graduatesof royal conservatory c4 music 12yevsexpe7iefke pianotheory vocal coadmciascaf and contemporary eaf training spectaity all ages beginners to advanced lessons given in markhamarea for further ihfcniatibfl jui j 48561hu nursery scnoob daycare rfs 712 daycare at if s best programs for 26 yr olds including senior kinder garten q exper stafl nutrickxa meals st snacks cheerful atmos- phere beautiful play ground unlonville day care centre call 2974778 daycare in my home british trained nanny 6 years experience desires child new bom 2 years for full time care salary negotiable excellent refer ences 8814327 daycare wanted 714 before and after school care for grade 1 girl dose to parkview public school also care for pd days and school holidays 2974923 after 6 pm mature babysittor needed in my home for 5 year old boy from 1130 am to 430 pm and 8 year old boy for lunch 3 days a week starting september 2949167 reliable mature woman 10 efficiently care for child in my home september references available 294- 6747 wmm i 743 3 currants atchepaqcfarms v ilnavkham f avx fcboth in good supply j great savings at appromaterys180 s quart v- also coury crafts in our barn call for pickjng times and directions a v r gardening supplies 744 couisltry grown gedarsc- for hedging 2 to 15 ft picked up delivered or planted 16554448 shredded top soil mixed blend manure sand delivered larkin construction 2945670 shop engagements 45 mr- and mrs carl ste ward of markham aro pleased to announce the engagement of theio daughter nancy to jim hamm son of mr and mrs lloyd hamm of stouffville the wedding will take place on october the 9th 1982 at stouffville united church home improvements704 thinking backyard sundeck solarium fence landscape or pool for free estimate and quality work call 2974315 jeff born- carpentry general carpentry additions renova tions repairs base ments decks windows doors new home framing trim free estimatescall roger- 2947181 dave m42882 landscape r design- call carey 2972329 ordan- 2944613 th0rnhill student painters quality workmanship 7 years exoeriencefor free estimates- 883j393l- or 8831889 additions thinking about ex- panding innovative additions renovations and greenhouses so lar designs available free estimates mikehaines carpentry 2947682 decks patios cad dan 2944613 or carey 2972329 tuition 701 jsuinmbttljtorwo it subjects c i tw mvtfs r for 1 frw brochure wicsft tueofw r scrvtcmkc 7zmu 2212001 make if your cause hiiatintpns disease a genetic time bomb huntingtons disease is a hereditary brain- disorder which passes from generation to generation causing slow physical and mental deteriora tion 7 there is no known cure yet there is no reliable diagnosis no effective treatment and no known cure yethuntingtons disease affects 1 in 1000 canadians and is related to similar diseases of the brain and central nervous system that affect two million people across the country the huntingtph society of canada is dedicatedtoifinding a cure andpro- viding care and counselling to patients and their families of this inherited and fatal disorder that takes such a dreadful physical arid emotional toll basic research is already under way but thereis a long road ahead pleasehelp us solve the mystery of huntingtons disease for more infor- mation or td send a donation see the coupon below r i i i huntington society oi canada 13 water street n suite 3 j box333 cambridge ontario n1r 5t8 telephone 519 6221002 v yes 1 would like to make huntingtons disease my cause v please find a cheque enclosedor please process paymentthroughmastercard visa dcheque dvisa- dmastercard- card amounl exp hate signatures i please send me more information about hd d i wish to be a volunteer for the society name address city prov i i i charit4brequfetmuriubr04cr40u15 postal code jhonec riife ftvirws ab j wibjjns wednesday august 4 1988 b5 r v soccer guests and hosts exchange gifts wolfgang brandtstedt vicepresident of the- bochum soccer club shares a private joke with mayor eldred king during an exchange of mementoes at the reception for the visiting soc cer team held at latcham hall last thursday the team returns home this weekendjim holt conservation area dear sir an editorial in the tribune issue of june 16has been brought to my atten tion and hopefully the following in- formation will pro vide you with ah understanding of the operation of the claremontcon- servation area in december 19 the aut adopted a water shed plan to provide a direction for the authority over the next 20 years this plan was approved by member munici palities and filed with the province of ontario included inthis program was a de signation of elands- owned by the au thority to provide a variety ofdevelop merit programs and recreational oppor tunities the sensi tivity of the lands the use patterns by the general public and thefunding con straints were evalu ated in the decision to classify the claremont site as a forest and wildlife area jjnder thisde- signation the area would still be avail- able to the users that appreciated the natural surround- ings and eliminate the conflict of inten sive recreation in a natural setting the forest and wildlife designation would provide for increased planting programs to en hance the area for a resource manage ment operation large areas were reforesterd with coniferous trees and will in the near fu- ture be com plimented by shrub row plantings and additional de- ciduous plantings to providea varied habitat that will attract wildlife to the location this program was under taken in 1981 and the areas that are not cut at the present time are those that have been planted with reforestation trees a public accesses still provided to a- small picnic area and the first parking lot to provide fora- minimum of vehicu lar traffic and a re duction of the total users in order to allow the develop ment of trees and protection ofahe- sensitivity of the- area particularly the valley system adjacent to the river v group picnics- group camping for scouts and guides and dayuse educa tional programs have been relocated and easily accommodated within the green wood conservation area to the south over the last three years a programn has been under taken to enhance the fishing opportuni ties of duffins jdreek andjjrpvide natural habitatand spawningareas for the trout population in your editorial you identified the reductioribf water fowl on the small pond at the entrance way the edges of the pond have been allowed to develop with a significant grass verge and to provide additional protection for the- duckpopulation that it will naturally support the pond edge will be receiv- ing plantingsto further enhance the i nesting sites and it is my understand ing thatthepond size should only sup- port one pair of nest- ing ducks in previous years the areas superin tendenf fedthe waterfowl in forder to attract them 4 the location he has since decided heis no longer in a posi- tion to continue this program and has allowed the pond to provide its natural function and sup port a natural population during this tran sition period from an intensive use park toa forest and wudlife area it would appear that the authority js not interested inimain- taining the proper ty however when the trees and shrubs become visible and higher than the grassed areas the appearance of site willpro vide manvhours ofen- joyrnenffor that segment of our population who are interested in the quiet passive use of authority lands visitor surveys have consistently identified trie- majority of usersw thb claremont area to be those who pre- fer this level of activity to add to this forest and wild life areas provide free access to the visitor since the level of facility de- velopment is minimal there fore the authority does not require a high level of re venue from users or a high tax burden on the municipality in orderjtqmajntain- se this open spacefor public use sincerely administrator conservation land management divi- sionv metro itororito and region conservation au thority- the markham fair board is again host ing a country and western vocal con- test it will be held at 2 pm sunday aug- 15 at the fair grounds 18th ave- nue and mccowan road persons 16 years- and over are wel- come but previous 1st place finishers arenoteligible prizes follow firstan appear- ance on themar- kham fairs coun- tryand western- show oct 1 featur- ing johnny burke and east wind seconda trophy and guest pass to the fair thirda tro phy and guest pass to the fair- all participants will receive ribbons and guestfair passes for entry forms and information contact-kcn5snow- ball main street markham or phone 2941016 after 5 pjn- jlvv l editors mail dear sir regarding the latest episode in the cedar valley codp saga- tribune issue of july 28 page a6 and bowden mcleans statement there weretanks of anhyd rous ammonia but therehave been no complaints perhaps mr mcleans problem is better analysed in the heading on page a- 5 language bar rier- since this appears to be what this surfeit of solicitors are suffering from there have been many instances where the hydrous and anhydrous tanks have been discussed and documented and either mr mclean is purpose ly misleading council or he has a very poor retentative recall or maybe he docs not read his-ownborrespohd- ence where he replied to mr mingay the towns solicitor on oct 31 1979 relating to a specific report by bruce arrowsmith and stated some fertiliz er applicator units have been stored on the premises cedar val ley site while being serviced for later use plans are already underway to have them removed from that location surely the council has some recourse on the continuous misrep resentation distortion and legalistic gymnas- tics as displayed by mr hindson and in this in- stance mr mclean mr jl cheval fcr- tilizer operations man- ager crops division is on record as commit ting the coop to only drybagged fertilizer on the site and this was in mr hindsons and other council mem bers presence it would therefore seem appropriate if just this once this group of tox- ic chemical advocates would put their act together in ah honest and consistent manner sincerely t tom marshall v- r rr 1 cedar valley contest degradang dear editor the photo on page bl of last weeks tri bune tells me that you too attended the miss bikini contest near brougham july 24 j- i too was there out of curiosity id never seen a competition like that before and i never want to see one like it again if was the most degrading thing ive ever witnessed while the girls be haved normally the males naturally in the audience did not they crowded up to the plat form like a bunch of wolves eyeing a flock of sheep whats a contest like that supposed to prove it would seem that the only measure of an entrys ability is the size of her breasts as i stood there i kept asking myself- would i want my daughter to be part of such a show the answer is a terse no in my opinion such exhibitions shouldnt be allowed sincerely jennifer kayes rr 2 claremont