toe tribune wednesday march it lttt as dear mr thomas i am writing in regards to the proposed site of an 80unit apartment building on albert street south after reading various letters and articles en this matter in your paper the last two weeks i feel i must voice my opinion i am close to this situation of apartment shortages as i am the superintendent of testa villa apart ments beside the proposed site sure there are problems with this project isnt there with all proposals however if you look at all the ad vantages they far outweigh the disadvantages i can assure council that this proposed building would be rented in a single day here at testa villa there are more than 80 names on the waiting list of these 80 there must be 70 from town this is how desperate the situation is let us look at the disadvantages first the excuse about it not being convenient to shopping i have to say its an excuse here the majority of tenants are senior citizens a large number of them manage the short walk to local shops and most enjoy the exercise surely if our seniors can do this the councillors cannot use it as a factor against the project also theres the question of additional traffic on albert street and sunset boulevard as a mother of two small children i would prefer a quiet street but this fact alone cannot stop progress we as parents must accept the responsibility of our childrens safety its true albert street is narrow however the reason for this is because motorists park on both sides if parking was limited to one side only it would help i know many will agree with me that richard and ken sandiford and don anderson are responsible people capable of doing a good job these men are the kind of upstanding citizens who have proved time and again they have the towns best interests at heart in closing id like to make one last point with the expected increase in population due to the dulverton development arid other proposed sub divisions we will be in even greater need for apartments when the young people of these families grow up and leave the nest where are we going to put theni lets do something about it now mrs j bender albert street south stnuffville mess up together dear jim having been closely connected with the concerned citizens group and the dump problems i find it very distressing that so much is being said by people who dont know what theyre talking about i have consulted with fran sainsbury and elaine fritz on many occasions they have a deeper insight into the problems pertaining to the dump because of research and time committed to this project having fought through k two hearings with fran sainsbury it seems incredible that she should be dismissed by a group for whom she has worked so hard with regard to claims by the en vironment ministry i have in my possession water tests that show wells in our area far beyond acceptable limits these wells are close to the con troversial dump site i appeal to citizens of whitchurch- stouffville to get behind fran sainsbury and the rest of us who want to get this mess cleaned up sincerely keith hutchinson rr2stouffville get too soon dear editor how soon they forget the concerned citizen is fran sains bury it was eight years ago that she displayed her concern she has spent hundreds of hours and hundreds of dollars in an effort to halt ex pansion of the dump mrs sainsbury was given very little assistance by the citizens of this town shes truly a wonder woman who holds a responsible position and has met her quota in sales this is not a clean war but a garbage war every time you nail something down with evidence the civil servants are changed and you must start again mrs sainsbury doesnt need this kind of hassle i wouldnt blame her if she quit cold however this is an election year in whit- churchstouffville and theres undoubtedly some jockeying going on in the camp i say this is the time for the present council to appoint mrs sains bury our official pollution probe representative with a full staff of responsible town people my personal thanks to mrs sainsbury for all the good work shes done sincerely dennis m crittenden rr 2 stouffville no fran sainsbury seniors can do this the councillors stnuffville tpevt ij busing of students never 8 u accepted practise dear editor i read in the tribune recently that attendance at stouff ville dist secondary school could drop to less than 800 by september also i noted that education costs in york v region could increase by over 19 per centor about 21000000 since busing ap pears to be an accepted practise today it makes sense to me that instead of building more and more schools where the students are these young people should be transported to areas like whitchurch- stoiiffville where the students arent to be able to cope with such problems is one of the benefits of a regional board trustees should be able to look at the situation on an area basis rather than whats best for individual subdivisions such stands may go against the grain of a lot of parents but economically its the only way to go i sincerely jennifer wood rr 2stouffviile dear editor we were upset to see the headline committee sacks vocal members in the march 10 issue of the tribune we do not know mrs fritz so cannot comment on her ac complishments we do however know mrs sainsbury while she is only one of thousands of concerned citizens we do not know of anyone who has spent more time and energy in a futile attempt to have the dump closed mrs sainsbury has no doubt crusaded for the cause the longest of anyone concerned the disappointments and frustrations regarding this case have discouraged many of us and we have given up- mrs sainsburys knowledge of the dump and the possible dangers to future generations is astounding the hours she has spent working on our behalf have not been for personal gain but must have been a sacrifice for both she and her family the question why the editor had no comments in the article from the sacked members remains unanswered we- also ask what business it is of anyone who the sains burys have for a house guest many people may conclude from this humiliating page 1 article that it would be better not to get in volved in community problems ted and marion barry v rr2 stouffville fdear sir v i could hotv believe the pagev heading of the tribunes march 10 issue committee sacks vocal members i canturjderstanl how youean pack someone whos never been hired fran sainsbury has unselfishly given many years of hard work to benefit whitchurchstouffviue as stated in the paper- she is very dedicated- i wonder how many of these concerned citizens will be fighting the dump eight years from now as mrs sainsbury has done spokesperson fran sutton should worry about the groups credibility as far as im concerned the problem was very poorly handled and all should be ashamed mrs sainsbury is not a quitter im sure that on her own she can ac- complish as much as the whole group of concerned citizens put together sincerely susan myers albert street north stouffville credibility in jeopardy dear mr thomas this is only one of many letters youll probably be receiving on the same subject so ill be brief its unbelievable that so much time and effort put in by the concerned citizens committee could be flushed down the drain by petty bickering and juvenile behavior this organization in my opinion has served as a watchdog for the town in connection with the dump issue now it appears all is lost the en- vironment ministry must- be laughing i sincerely hope members- dif ferences can be solved certainly as things stand now the credibility of the group is in jeopardy sincerely calvin grainger i w rr 2 stouf fvjlle 3 weve moved in honour of the opening of markville toufftttllrsnunb mum wear markville shopping centre lower cost per square foot 2 instore service on all lines we sell 3 personalized service 4 home delivery 5 no fancy frills just the best vajue in stereo video 6 years in business in the stouffville markham area 7 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