famous liberty quality swivel caster dinette at real savings four bucketseat type chairs with padded arms strapped backs thickly foam pad ded camel beige and pecan vinyl pecan inlay formica table top hexagon shaped 36 x 48 opens to 60 inches double ped estal base twotoned 7 pce dinette attractive beige and brown vinyl chairs with hibacks and thick foam padding large 36 x 48 table opens to rfnnr 72 florence oak patterned arbonte top yhh 5 pce colonial dining room give your meals a warm welcom ing setting with this five piece dining suite in a maple finish 36 x 48 table opens up to 60 four match ing mates chairs 23 93 sleek ultramodern dinettes imagine the sophisticated ef fect of gleaming chrome against misty smoked glass specially priced 5 pee dinette with rich nylon velvet chairs in deep brown with bucketseat comfort 42 inch round glass table with spacesaving ped estal base pictured on left 02 superb quality 5 pce suite with the look of wrought iron innovative double pedestal table 42 x 42 opens to 60 florence oak top permabond chocolate frames swivel- caster chairs with solid oak trim all around dakar pa- lamino covers pictured on right 597 00